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Equality of Sacrifice


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Considering everything we gave up to help the company get back on it's feet.....which was supposed to be given back when the company became profitable again.....which has magically become the norm....which our union refuses to represent us in the reversal of the initially temporary changes in our contract....and the apparently obvious snails pace of the supposed neutral 3rd party which is investigating the in-equality of sacrifice....I would say they will throw us $100(before taxes) and call it even just to say it went through the proper procedure with the desicion of a neutral 3rd party.....then give salary some unearned bonuses and mullaly another $50 mil bonus because of his god like decisions that are really common sense actions that other upper level management types are afraid to make. Sorry for the sarcastic post, but this subject is just begging for it.

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If I'm mistaken and I'm very sure one of you are going to nix me if I am, but wasn't it noted some months back that there was an attempt to find the public record of this Equality of Sacrifice and none could be found? The Union knows this, because they have not published a copy of any document to prove that there was a procedure put in motion. Everytime it is brought up, the excuse seems to be the same. Please find something to prove I'm wrong. My thought is that there is so many employees moving throughout the system and the country, that people will tire of this discussion and will eventually forget about it, and low and behold, we will be involved with the next contract and more serious negotiations, perhaps about health care or having our pensions frozen.

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Please help out a brother with a bad memory... :lastyear:

Written closing arguments were due to be submitted by June 25th, the IUAW expected this have a ruling made no less than 30 days from that date and no more than 90 days. So expect the next update once the arbitrator makes a ruling(around August or September).

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With all do respect, spine, I'm not referring to the explanation that we have be hearing for quite sometime. . . I'm looking for a public record of this legal procedure. . . Many of us have heard of an arbitrator and its ruling before. . . Wasn't there to be a ruling some time ago and now another ruling in August or September? . . . I guess I should have just never mentioned this, since the reply is what we have been listening to for a while. . . No need to reply. . . I'll just move on and wait for another explanation . . . I'm surely not holding my breath for the reversal of the temporary changes to our contract. . . Hope I'm wrong!!! . . . Maybe we misunderstood that it was temporary changes to the contract. . . Perhaps the word temporary has a different meaning in Ford/UAW language. . . I know that when Bob King was my comitteeman, (walked with him on the picket line in the cold, wet rain) that he promised a lot of good things. Then a few years back I had to remind him, when he came to the DTP to ask for the give backs, that he was attempting to give the rest of what we fought for away. . . I told him he is cheating our younger workers out of what we fought for . . . I suppose those things were temporary also. . . I degress . . . I'll just move on like I said earlier. . . . . . .

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be prepared to get not shit!!!!---and alot of you people bitching about the EOS are the same buttholes who voted yes on the last contract!

Exactly...all those that were scared by international and voted for the "contract" now must live with it. If I'm Ford, I tell the arbitrator why must I pay this grievance when the workers voted to accept it as permanent last contract...we will get nothing and now the members that voted it in aren't happy!
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The "Temporary" changes were for the life of the contract in force at that time. When we signed a new contract last fall, those temporary changes became permenant. They are not coming back. The IUAW scared everyone into voting for a garbage contract that Bob King wanted so he could get more 2nd tier employees hired, giving the Union more members. Let us be real, the UAW could not have survived for too very long with what we were paying in, they would have had to cut staff along with pay and benefits for themselves. We all know thats never going to happen. We have far too many reps in the IAUW and when we cut members, they were supposed to do the same, but never did.


Our International Union has forgotten who they are supposed to represent....The Membership. They only seem to represent themselves anymore.

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the iuaw executive board runs the whole show how they want----we are just minnions building there pyramids till we die while they sit back and watch----we need them to be accountable for their actions but yet we still vote in these buttholes---nick k---kanitz---goodard---keatts---they fuck us over plant level then most of them get to go to international to double tap that ass {us}

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be prepared to get not shit!!!!---and alot of you people bitching about the EOS are the same buttholes who voted yes on the last contract!


OK dipstick.....keep your vulgar insults inside that pea brain of yours unless u know what you are talking about. I voted NO on last contract. I agreed that some of thier negotiating was good overall for all hourly people....trades and production, and disagreed on other aspects of the contract. I voted NO, hoping others would also......then barganing commitee could go back to the table and re-negotiate the harsher aspects of the contract that the membership didn't like. That is how ALL NEGOTIATIONS are done. You don't take the first offer/counteroffer. But the union negotiators did exactly that. They didn't bargain at all. They were told what they would get, then folded and agreed instead of making a counter offer on behalf of the membership. I would think that ALL contract negotiations would get run by the membership to find out what the majority does not like, then go back to the table for re-negotiating at least 2 or 3 times.

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This was asked at a recent union meeting at my local. In fact, a motion was made to try to get a copy of the transcripts to use them as a learning tool. We were told that there was a confidentiality agreement signed by both sides on this matter.

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I'll bet it was a CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT!!! I'm not interested in the agreement. . . We all know there was an agreement. . . I want to see the PUBLIC RECORD of the procedures and filings that suppose to have been made of OUR behalf. . . Most of these comments in this thread sure sound like reps who have been told to double talk us and perhaps we are stupid enough not to ask anymore. . . Oh, I know, You'll get back to us. . . Please, just admit that there is no arbitrator or legal procedures going on. . . MPT'er quoted it correctly . . . Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it

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SU-FI, being curious is healthy, but please consider that IF the membership had never learned of Salary receiving Bonuses, Raises and the Scholarship money, etc., there would not be this discussion going on. . . What would be gained to lie about this arbitration?. . . They gain time until the next contract. . . There will be some SLICK wording in negotiations that will give us the impression that we will receive a few extra bucks (signing bonus) for this issue to be resolved. WE WERE NOT TO FIND OUT WHAT THE UAW AND THE COMPANY had agreed upon. . . I'll say this again, I hope I'm wrong. . .


QUESTION; Before a 3rd party (arbitrator) was decided on, wasn't there PRE-HEARING DISPUTES OR QUESTIONS that were public? Isn't this why they choose to go to Arbitration, so as it will be private?

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this arbitration took place before our last contract, it doesnt make sense to me to lie and make up a big story about an arbitration and make it public knowledge on both sides that its taking place. If you're saying they are doing this because we found out that salary got some raises etc. then since when does the company give a shit what we think? the company can tell us to go fuck ourselves like they did with the last contract and we'll run with our tail between our legs in fear of a strike.

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Written closing arguments were due to be submitted by June 25th, the IUAW expected this have a ruling made no less than 30 days from that date and no more than 90 days. So expect the next update once the arbitrator makes a ruling(around August or September).


This is a good lead, maybe. I'm not sure where the brother got the info.


I'm not a lawyer, and I've never even played one on TV! :shades: However, it seems that we, the UAW membership, 'represented' by the IUAW, are a party to the alleged arbitration, and at the very least should be informed as to the who/where/when of the thing. :redcard:


I'm not expecting a windfall or even an equitable agreement. I do, however naive I still am, expect the International, Regional, and Local representatives to know something/anything about OUR business. :beatdeadhorse:

I'm thinking that Mr. Kanitz, the mighty leader who got his plant sold and then started work at the IUAW on Monday (What a weekend that was, eh?) should be our point man contact dude on this one...


:bag: please don't have me killed. I was just kidding. I'm sure you don't have an e mail address there. Reading it, another story. :whew:


Thanks all for your first week of comments. Keep 'em coming...

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