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Democrat excuses, Violent reactions to losing.

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I was just wondering, since the Democrat party is still in complete denial that they have lost the 2012 Presidential Election, what kind of lies and excuses do you expect them to tell when the results come out? Furthermore, how much financial damage will incur, and how many people will die when the psychotic fringe (>1% of the D party) resort to riotting and domestic terrorism?

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Honestly. Either way the results go, which side do you foresee erupting into violence and/or rioting including damaging private property and assault?


Tea Party members or Obama's Base?


I see possible rioting from the same group...win or lose. Look what happens when the home team WINS in sports!!!!!!!


Kentucky 2012


Lakers NBA win 2010


MLB Giants win World Series


Here is a comparison of Tea Party ( supporters of a constitutional government) vs. Occupy Wall Street (darlings of the left)


And in general, which group is more likely to be as obsessed with sports?


How many reports of violence, larceny, attacks and other destructive behavior have we seen at conservative gatherings vs. liberal? Think back to the National Conventions from the 60's and 70's. 1968 DNC,


Can you honestly demonstrate that, sans agent provocateurs, republicans, conservative or Tea Party minded citizens are likely to riot, even if they did lose this election?

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I was just wondering, since the Democrat party is still in complete denial that they have lost the 2012 Presidential Election, what kind of lies and excuses do you expect them to tell when the results come out? Furthermore, how much financial damage will incur, and how many people will die when the psychotic fringe (>1% of the D party) resort to riotting and domestic terrorism?


A wake up call for your happy ass.



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That's so funny.


You and your ilk are adamant that they have the edge, are likely to win, are ahead in the polls, that Gallup is an outlier.


So, I suppose you are saying Romney is Truman?


Your reading comprehension sucks. It should be obvious what i'm saying but your trying to be purposely stupid I guess.


Me? I haven't made a prediction like you and your ilk here did.


the Democrat party is still in complete denial that they have lost the 2012 Presidential Election


Your projecting his lack of logic on me.

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Your reading comprehension sucks. It should be obvious what i'm saying but your trying to be purposely stupid I guess.


Me? I haven't made a prediction like you and your ilk here did.




Your projecting his lack of logic on me.


Oh, my reading comprehension is quite good. I think there are at least a few others on this board who understood the point. You? Not so much.

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I'm still laughing that you don't realize the significance of the picture.


Harry Truman the incumbent Democrat, who many believed had already lost the election is holding up a paper with the headline that he lost after he beat the Republican challenger who was supposed to win. We could even go into the Trib's conservative history and slant.


Do you understand why I posted that in reply to his comment? Or are you out there in LaLa land talking about what someone somewhere that I am not discussing is saying? Yes, i'm aware that it's from Chicago and to you that means some sort of something.

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I'm still laughing that you don't realize the significance of the picture.


Harry Truman the incumbent Democrat, who many believed had already lost the election is holding up a paper with the headline that he lost after he beat the Republican challenger who was supposed to win. We could even go into the Trib's conservative history and slant. Yes! That is what I knew about the photo. Polls have generally shown Obama in the lead and his supporters refused to accept the Gallup poll showing Romney's gains. Your comment with the photo did not specify who you were attributing Truman's equivalent was. I took the opportunity to point out that the photo could be used to show Obama as Dewey.


Do you understand why I posted that in reply to his comment? Or are you out there in LaLa land talking about what someone somewhere that I am not discussing is saying? Yes, i'm aware that it's from Chicago and to you that means some sort of something.


Versa-Tech, on 19 October 2012 - 04:49 PM, said:


I was just wondering, since the Democrat party is still in complete denial that they have lost the 2012 Presidential Election, what kind of lies and excuses do you expect them to tell when the results come out? Furthermore, how much financial damage will incur, and how many people will die when the psychotic fringe (>1% of the D party) resort to riotting and domestic terrorism?


Versa-Tech remarked on the Democrat party's denial that they had lost the election. You post the photo to claim democrats were Truman, thereby confirming Versa-Tech, and in doing so confirming his assertion. I saw the irony that Romney was Truman due to the democrat party's denial.




Let's try Algebra.



Harry Truman the incumbent Democrat, Mitt Romney, who many believed had already lost the election is holding up a paper with the headline that he lost after he beat the Republican challenger the incumbent Democrat who was supposed to win. We could even go into the Trib's conservative history and slant.

Edited by FiredMotorCompany
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Versa-Tech remarked on the Democrat party's denial that they had lost the election. You post the photo to claim democrats were Truman, thereby confirming Versa-Tech, and in doing so confirming his assertion. I saw the irony that Romney was Truman due to the democrat party's denial.




Obama is Truman, Versa-tech is the Tribune and Romney is Dewey in this situation. It's pretty simple. A Conservative proudly declaring ahead of time that the Democrat lost to the republican Challenger. It's really quite simple, no need for silly attempts at word math.



Let's try Algebra.


Harry Truman the incumbent Democrat, Mitt Romney, who many believed had already lost the election is holding up a paper with the headline that he lost after he beat the Republican challenger the incumbent Democrat who was supposed to win. We could even go into the Trib's conservative history and slant.


Hmmm, that's algebra? Looks more like semantics. Now when Parts comes along and says that Romney has already lost feel free to use the picture, but in the context of this discussion your entirely wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The silence from the left is deafening. Evidently they are embarrassed by their "Base" voters. Working at a "Base" level.


I'm sorry. It took a while for me to respond once I realized that you were serious, because I was actually rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.


All 15 people on twitter are going to start a riot? :chairshot:

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I'm sorry. It took a while for me to respond once I realized that you were serious, because I was actually rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.


All 15 people on twitter are going to start a riot? :chairshot:


Win or lose, the violence will come. Individual incidents aside, I expect it WILL be riots in the streets. Cars burned, storefronts crashed, bystanders assaulted. Buildings set afire.


This is what they do when their Basketball team wins or Halloween!!!???


It won't be Tea Party or Republicans. And I dare say it will be some faction of the left rather than any faction of the right.



I'd rather be proved wrong than right. But your laughing at the possibility seems like a veiled attempt to defend your fellow liberals.

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It will happen. Detroit hasn't had a good riot for a couple of years now. Chicago and Los Angles with the restrictive liberal gun laws, another good place to riot. They do have a little common sense. Don't want to get your @ss blown away by your neighbors where they can protect their property.

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