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Obamacare-Because this needs it's own thread

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I thought he studied the Constitution? I don't think he learned much considering his actions. He could be anything he wants, who's to say he was any good at it?


In reality you don't need a history of anything, all you need to do know the Constitution.


Well, so you say. Constitutional law is more than the Constitution. I can understand that you want to dumb it down, but how many years of Supreme Court decisions would you think is important to study and interpret?

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So, Obama has his "staff" sign him up for a Bronze plan. And they did it in person, because Obama's personal information is too delicate to do so online, because it's exempt from most databases that you and I have our data stored on.


Doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy feeling about where you stand beneath the feet of your King?


If his info is at risk on government computers, yours is as well.


Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.

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And the paranoia returns again. You don't face the same threats that our presidents do and there's no reason to compare yourself to them.

And the president is no greater than I in the face of the constitution. Unless you consider him a king.



Prudence. I agree he has reason to be concerned. That is NOT the point. But, if he is permitted that level of security, then I have an equal right to use the same protections.


You just keep making the same wrong assumptions regarding my stance. Obama is no more superior to other Americans than I.


"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Is that your view of America?

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And the president is no greater than I in the face of the constitution. Unless you consider him a king.



Prudence. I agree he has reason to be concerned. That is NOT the point. But, if he is permitted that level of security, then I have an equal right to use the same protections.


You just keep making the same wrong assumptions regarding my stance. Obama is no more superior to other Americans than I.


"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Is that your view of America?



If it was then i would just be emulating the founding fathers of our country would I not. Luckily for you, I'm not suggesting that you count 3/5 for representation but are not given the rights of a citizen.


The difference between you and him, is not in your rights, but within your job title. That is the point. You and He have equal rights under the Constitution, but the Office of the President comes with protection befitting a head of state, due to the nature of the job and the potential for violence against him.


My theory is...


All Animals are equal. Some just have way more awesome jobs with different demands and dangers associated with them. You don't have one of them, so it sucks to be YOU!


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Logged in??? LOL


Let us know how many actually signed up and received cheaper and better health care coverage.

Better yet, lets just find out how many actually paid and how many signed up for free medicaid. King O and his regime will try anyway possible to spin this but the numbers are not going to work out in the end. I spent all day yesterday on Amazon browsing but I doubt Amazon counted that as a sale.

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You can rant and rail to your hearts content on the shortcomings of "RomneyCare" or the Affordable HealthCare Act. If it fails, its because the President and the Dems watered down the expanded National HealthCare Program to a complicated so called Free Marketplace Plan administered by Private "For Profit" Insurance Companies. Had they gone the "Socialist" route and done Single Payer like MediCare and like all other Industrialized Nations have ae: Canada-Europe, there would have been less problems. Would it be as good as say whats afforded Congress and all Federal Employees who can choose from dozens of Cadillac Plans, no! When people get sick, and everyone eventually will, just like dying, who will pay for the uninjured and under-injured? MediCaid, paid for essentially by the Federal Government and (your) tax dollars. There is no Free Lunch! What good is having a cheaper and more affordable Health Plan if and when you finally need it, it pays for practically nothing. Time too admit it Haters, its has more to do with your contempt of "King O" then if Mitt was sitting on the Throne with Queen Ann by his side. There would hardly be a discussion had its name been kept "RomneyCare" under Mitts Administration. It was Gov Romney`s HealthCare Plan he launched in Massachusetts and like it or not, he (still) Owns It! Case Closed!

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You can rant and rail to your hearts content on the shortcomings of "RomneyCare" or the Affordable HealthCare Act. If it fails, its because the President and the Dems watered down the expanded National HealthCare Program to a complicated so called Free Marketplace Plan administered by Private "For Profit" Insurance Companies. Had they gone the "Socialist" route and done Single Payer like MediCare and like all other Industrialized Nations have ae: Canada-Europe, there would have been less problems. Would it be as good as say whats afforded Congress and all Federal Employees who can choose from dozens of Cadillac Plans, no! When people get sick, and everyone eventually will, just like dying, who will pay for the uninjured and under-injured? MediCaid, paid for essentially by the Federal Government and (your) tax dollars. There is no Free Lunch! What good is having a cheaper and more affordable Health Plan if and when you finally need it, it pays for practically nothing. Time too admit it Haters, its has more to do with your contempt of "King O" then if Mitt was sitting on the Throne with Queen Ann by his side. There would hardly be a discussion had its name been kept "RomneyCare" under Mitts Administration. It was Gov Romney`s HealthCare Plan he launched in Massachusetts and like it or not, he (still) Owns It! Case Closed!

You don't read much...do you?

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You can rant and rail to your hearts content on the shortcomings of "RomneyCare" or the Affordable HealthCare Act. If it fails, its because the President and the Dems watered down the expanded National HealthCare Program to a complicated so called Free Marketplace Plan administered by Private "For Profit" Insurance Companies. Had they gone the "Socialist" route and done Single Payer like MediCare and like all other Industrialized Nations have ae: Canada-Europe, there would have been less problems. Would it be as good as say whats afforded Congress and all Federal Employees who can choose from dozens of Cadillac Plans, no! When people get sick, and everyone eventually will, just like dying, who will pay for the uninjured and under-injured? MediCaid, paid for essentially by the Federal Government and (your) tax dollars. There is no Free Lunch! What good is having a cheaper and more affordable Health Plan if and when you finally need it, it pays for practically nothing. Time too admit it Haters, its has more to do with your contempt of "King O" then if Mitt was sitting on the Throne with Queen Ann by his side. There would hardly be a discussion had its name been kept "RomneyCare" under Mitts Administration. It was Gov Romney`s HealthCare Plan he launched in Massachusetts and like it or not, he (still) Owns It! Case Closed!

As a state program, I couldn't care less about Romneycare. It would have been contained to the state and Romney would be held to account for it. As it is now a national program, I am addressing my concerns with the administration responsible for it's implementation/modification/exemptions/fiat exclusions/failed start-up.

You cantry to beat up Romney all you want. It was you and your party that owns this debacle. You kept Romney from facing your wrath in office.


Have fun with YOUR guy and his policies. See you at the polls in November.

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The number being thrown around is 1.8 million private enrollments.




Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some




New Numbers: 4.2M Americans Dropped From Health Plans




Last Thursday, HHS Secy Kathleen Sebelius decreed that if you were one of the 4-5 million Americans who lost their individual insurance policy due to Obamacare’s tighter restrictions, and have not found a suitable replacement for your insurance, then the December 23 deadline no longer applies.


LangDad, while I agree that the U.S. needs a better ( preferably not for profit ) health care coverage this is not it.




Edited by Ron W.
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As a state program, I couldn't care less about Romneycare. It would have been contained to the state and Romney would be held to account for it. As it is now a national program, I am addressing my concerns with the administration responsible for it's implementation/modification/exemptions/fiat exclusions/failed start-up.

You cantry to beat up Romney all you want. It was you and your party that owns this debacle. You kept Romney from facing your wrath in office.


Have fun with YOUR guy and his policies. See you at the polls in November.

I personally can`t wait! Hope the Republicans Primary put up your (previous) Winners like Joe Walsh, Alan West, Sharon Angle, Todd Akin, Richard Mourdoch, Joe Walsh. See if Michelle Bachmann can Win again. Barely did so in 2012 by a handful of Votes. In Red Districts like Georgia, Dr Paul Broun (might) win his Congressional seat back on the "Creationist" Ticket and of course in Texas, Intellectuals like Louie Goehmert is an easy Win, but elsewhere, not so much. Even Tea Bagger darling`s Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have been awfully quite lately?

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Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some




New Numbers: 4.2M Americans Dropped From Health Plans




Last Thursday, HHS Secy Kathleen Sebelius decreed that if you were one of the 4-5 million Americans who lost their individual insurance policy due to Obamacare’s tighter restrictions, and have not found a suitable replacement for your insurance, then the December 23 deadline no longer applies.


LangDad, while I agree that the U.S. needs a better ( preferably not for profit ) health care coverage this is not it.









Millions of Americans are finding out they will lose their current health plan due to Obamacare. Contrary to the statements made by some




New Numbers: 4.2M Americans Dropped From Health Plans




Last Thursday, HHS Secy Kathleen Sebelius decreed that if you were one of the 4-5 million Americans who lost their individual insurance policy due to Obamacare’s tighter restrictions, and have not found a suitable replacement for your insurance, then the December 23 deadline no longer applies.


LangDad, while I agree that the U.S. needs a better ( preferably not for profit ) health care coverage this is not it.




Ain`t it a shame? Millions of Americans who lost their cheap inexpensive make believe Health Insurance are having (difficulty) finding a suitable/affordable replacement. Better to know in advance that your present Health Insurance coverage (sucks) and covers basically no major Medical Protection then paying Premiums on a worthless Policy that covers nothing and won`t even pay for an ER Visit no less Major Surgery or Hospitalization. You Pay you get, you don`t pay, You (don`t) get. The only answer is expand MediCare to (everyone) regardless of age and let them purchase an in-expensive Supplement Policy to cover the remaining 20%. Those over 65 seem pretty happy with (their) Socialized Medicine. They (all) Senile?

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Those that are in Favor of allowing People, Freedom of Choice to purchase fraudulent Health Insurance, that Cost little and Pay out even less, do you yourself have such a Plan? Does having a Health Insurance Card in your Wallet give you a warm-fuzzy feeling and the false sense of security that should you need to be rushed to a Hospital for a Life saving procedure that your "el-cheapo" Plan will cover the majority of your expenses? Same premise of purchasing cheap "swill" for Whiskey or Beer and expect it to be a reasonable substitute for a fine Craft/Micro-Brewed Malt Beverage or 30 Year Aged Single Malt Scotch. Just because cheap booze will eventually get you "drunk" no differently then consuming "Top-Shelf" product is quite different when it comes to Health Insurance. Most of the (experts) that Post their comments on HealthCare matters are obvious Bud Light, Keystone Light, Coors Light, Miller Light, connoisseurs. There is only one HealthCare worse then a Canadian style system of single payer Socialized Medicine. Being either uninsured or underinsured and leaving (your) unpaid Medical Expenses to be paid for by Taxpayer Funds through MediCaid re-inbursement.

Edited by phil1336
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Those that are in Favor of allowing People, Freedom of Choice to purchase fraudulent Health Insurance, that Cost little and Pay out even less, do you yourself have such a Plan? Does having a Health Insurance Card in your Wallet give you a warm-fuzzy feeling and the false sense of security that should you need to be rushed to a Hospital for a Life saving procedure that your "el-cheapo" Plan will cover the majority of your expenses? Same premise of purchasing cheap "swill" for Whiskey or Beer and expect it to be a reasonable substitute for a fine Craft/Micro-Brewed Malt Beverage or 30 Year Aged Single Malt Scotch. Just because cheap booze will eventually get you "drunk" no differently then consuming "Top-Shelf" product is quite different when it comes to Health Insurance. Most of the (experts) that Post their comments on HealthCare matters are obvious Bud Light, Keystone Light, Coors Light, Miller Light, connoisseurs. There is only one HealthCare worse then a Canadian style system of single payer Socialized Medicine. Being either uninsured or underinsured and leaving (your) unpaid Medical Expenses to be paid for by Taxpayer Funds through MediCaid re-inbursement.


This is a fine example of the kind of intellectual rigor that led to the Affordable Healthcare Act, and without which, Healtcare.Gov could never have been built. You sir, are a credit to the Democrat party.

Edited by xr7g428
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Those that are in Favor of allowing People, Freedom of Choice to purchase fraudulent Health Insurance, that Cost little and Pay out even less, do you yourself have such a Plan? Does having a Health Insurance Card in your Wallet give you a warm-fuzzy feeling and the false sense of security that should you need to be rushed to a Hospital for a Life saving procedure that your "el-cheapo" Plan will cover the majority of your expenses? Same premise of purchasing cheap "swill" for Whiskey or Beer and expect it to be a reasonable substitute for a fine Craft/Micro-Brewed Malt Beverage or 30 Year Aged Single Malt Scotch. Just because cheap booze will eventually get you "drunk" no differently then consuming "Top-Shelf" product is quite different when it comes to Health Insurance. Most of the (experts) that Post their comments on HealthCare matters are obvious Bud Light, Keystone Light, Coors Light, Miller Light, connoisseurs. There is only one HealthCare worse then a Canadian style system of single payer Socialized Medicine. Being either uninsured or underinsured and leaving (your) unpaid Medical Expenses to be paid for by Taxpayer Funds through MediCaid re-inbursement.

Where does the $2500.00 saving fit into your rant...you know, the one barry promised?

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