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This union keeps it real quiet and then only gets their friends and family in. Watch and see. If you ain't connected, in the secret club, the motorcycle club or whatever you aint getting no body in. Nepostism or whatever you'd be surprised as hell if you knew who was related and kin to who.


I wouldn't be to sure about that this time around. I've been hearing on the floor since last week if anyone knows anyone interested in part time work to give your supervisor their name and number to be called to test. A guy I work with turned in seven names Friday and they were called Monday. I worked with this guy for years and know he's not connected to anyone at Ford.

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Furious, I'm glad you know sarcasm when you see it. Some people don't have a clue...

I think their so serious because the parties on this thread have a vested interest, although as I pointed out earlier where not running an election now! Stop kicking each other in the shin, we have a contract to take care of that affects everyone! I have no intention on taking a significant pay cut, and I'm not whiling to sacrifice what I've worked so hard to get at the expense of you guys bickering! There is a time for it and it's not now. I hope you guys are with me! Even the worst of enemy's can benefit from an alliance of necessity! I'm begging you guys please curb your animosity! You guys can rip each other to shreds at election time! Does anyone know the status of Freds grievance?

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So sorry to disappoint you here... but you aren't getting the last word.


First of all, the official notes were transcribed and turned in. I am perfectly within my rights to keep my handwritten notes. I am NOT required to turn those in. Now, if you know me at all, you know that I always have a notebook. I just happen to keep all my notebooks. Shame on anyone who doesn't keep a personal copy of any of their own work. How can you refer back to something? That's a simple matter of covering your own back. But then you don't seem to be the brightest bulb here, do you.


I do notice that no one is denying what I said took place. That's a smart move. It can all be proved true anyway.


Yes, let's talk about Baire and Pena contacting the International Union. They were supposed to be representing the membership of Unit 2. The unit would be down temporarily for a short period of time. They contacted the International only because they were concerned about their own hides rather than the well being of the membership they were sworn to protect. Some things never change, do they? Try to twist things all you want, it won't change what REALLY happened.


Furthermore, will you please try and come up with some new material? My children were never in this plant during working hours. But then neither was Baire. YOU are the one trying to live in the past and for that I feel sorry for you. Don't try and create something that doesn't YOU are the one who is being ridiculous. Furthermore, any time you want to sit down and hash this out over a cup of coffee, name the time and the place. Hell, I'll buy. Unlike you, I don't have to hide in shadows behind a false name. I make no secret of who I am and where I am. I have always put the interests of the membership first. I purposely was not posting on this forum because of the fact that the structure was in negotiations. But YOU accused me of changing the notes from negotiations and I simply answered those false charges. I have not said anything about this structure while they are in negotiations. This is NOT the time. However, when YOU make false accusations against me and my family for the sake of entertaining yourself I will answer those accusations. I know I have the truth on my side. I believe the membership is aware of that as well.


Just remember something, those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Think about it.


Come on Mary, let's be fair about all of this. To categorize Ed Baire with Freddie Pena is not fair. I think over time Freddie has proven to many of us just how shady he has been all along, but that should not tarnish the reputation of Eddie. In the years I have known him, Ed Baire has been one of the most consistent union people I have known. Being on the floor or in the plant for that matter, has nothing to do with that. I think we all know of union officials over the years that we have seen every day or night that weren't worth a hill of beans when it came to getting things done. Eddie Baire has always gotten things accomplished for me and many others that I know, provided the issues had merit. He deserves to be given credit for this, because he does not cut hogs, and that is a quality that is of utmost importance for our membership and few get to enjoy this claim. Many of us have sat back over the years and watched as many a union official made different decisions over and over for the same issues, and each time, somebody got screwed. Ed Baire, regardless of your personal feelings for him, has a great deal of integrity and we need more like him within our structure. If you have it coming to you under the agreements within our contract, Eddie will fight to the very end to make sure that you get it. He deserves better than the slander he gets on forums like this. We all know, you included, that these are thankless positions, and the only thing we can really hope for is consitency in the decisions made pertaining to contractual issues. While there are times that the final outcome is an unpopular one, if it is the right one under our agreement then that is what Eddie will strive to get for the member. I have seen him do this since the day I started there, and am grateful for the fact that he has integrity that he is not willing to compromise. As we go forward, I am certain that you understand, we need more than anything union officials that posess this quality (integrity), or we are in trouble as a unit. You might not like Eddie on a personal level, but that has nothing to do with what is really going on in our plant or the negotiations. Like it or not, he does in fact have experience negotiating a contract and there is no doubt in my mind that he would be a benefit to the negotiations that are taking place now. This is a tough business, and there is no doubt that these negotiations are much tougher than any this local has seen in the past. In cases like this there is no substitute for experience, and Eddie has that, like it or not. He is good at what he does, and cares greatly for this membership. How many others do you think can truly state that? Give him a break. He's earned it by serving this membership for the past 15 years. If he didn't have a passion for unionism, why on earth would he continue to put up with this kind of stuff? This union, whether you agree or not, is lucky to have the likes of Ed Baire within it's structure. You know what they say, there is no substitute for experience, and he certainly has that. Don't you think that may have come in handy against a group of seasoned Ford negotiators? We both already know the answer to that! I can tell you this. Whatever the bargaining team comes out of these negotiations with, Ed Baire will support it 100%, because it's the right thing to do. It's the loyal thing to do!

Hope all is well with you!

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Come on Mary, let's be fair about all of this. To categorize Ed Baire with Freddie Pena is not fair. I think over time Freddie has proven to many of us just how shady he has been all along, but that should not tarnish the reputation of Eddie. In the years I have known him, Ed Baire has been one of the most consistent union people I have known. Being on the floor or in the plant for that matter, has nothing to do with that. I think we all know of union officials over the years that we have seen every day or night that weren't worth a hill of beans when it came to getting things done. Eddie Baire has always gotten things accomplished for me and many others that I know, provided the issues had merit. He deserves to be given credit for this, because he does not cut hogs, and that is a quality that is of utmost importance for our membership and few get to enjoy this claim. Many of us have sat back over the years and watched as many a union official made different decisions over and over for the same issues, and each time, somebody got screwed. Ed Baire, regardless of your personal feelings for him, has a great deal of integrity and we need more like him within our structure. If you have it coming to you under the agreements within our contract, Eddie will fight to the very end to make sure that you get it. He deserves better than the slander he gets on forums like this. We all know, you included, that these are thankless positions, and the only thing we can really hope for is consitency in the decisions made pertaining to contractual issues. While there are times that the final outcome is an unpopular one, if it is the right one under our agreement then that is what Eddie will strive to get for the member. I have seen him do this since the day I started there, and am grateful for the fact that he has integrity that he is not willing to compromise. As we go forward, I am certain that you understand, we need more than anything union officials that posess this quality (integrity), or we are in trouble as a unit. You might not like Eddie on a personal level, but that has nothing to do with what is really going on in our plant or the negotiations. Like it or not, he does in fact have experience negotiating a contract and there is no doubt in my mind that he would be a benefit to the negotiations that are taking place now. This is a tough business, and there is no doubt that these negotiations are much tougher than any this local has seen in the past. In cases like this there is no substitute for experience, and Eddie has that, like it or not. He is good at what he does, and cares greatly for this membership. How many others do you think can truly state that? Give him a break. He's earned it by serving this membership for the past 15 years. If he didn't have a passion for unionism, why on earth would he continue to put up with this kind of stuff? This union, whether you agree or not, is lucky to have the likes of Ed Baire within it's structure. You know what they say, there is no substitute for experience, and he certainly has that. Don't you think that may have come in handy against a group of seasoned Ford negotiators? We both already know the answer to that! I can tell you this. Whatever the bargaining team comes out of these negotiations with, Ed Baire will support it 100%, because it's the right thing to do. It's the loyal thing to do!

Hope all is well with you!


Slap, great to hear from you. I think we must be talking about two different people here! I'm talking about W. Ed Baire who was a committeeman and then a BC and then a committeeman again. The Ed Baire I'm talking about is currently representing the metal line. You are so wrong about me. Unfortunately, I DO like Baire as a person outside the union, away from the plant. He just refuses to live up to what he could be. As a union rep however, he doesn't even know how to spell integrity. But knowing you and myself, we'd probably do better to discuss this privately. I'm sorry to say, this is going to be one of those subjects that we will not agree on. You're going to be pissed at me but I am going to remind you that you often times defended Fred as well. Do you want time to tell on this one as well? I've seen whereby Baire has had the opportunity to really run with the ball and all he's done is dropped it and waited for someone else to pick it up and then try to take credit for it. He did have potential at one time but unfortunately he squandered his chance. We cannot afford to wait for him to get his act together nor can we afford to wait and see if he will live up to being what we need him to be. He's had that chance, too many times in my opinion. Essentially, he's failed every time.

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Slap, great to hear from you. I think we must be talking about two different people here! I'm talking about W. Ed Baire who was a committeeman and then a BC and then a committeeman again. The Ed Baire I'm talking about is currently representing the metal line. You are so wrong about me. Unfortunately, I DO like Baire as a person outside the union, away from the plant. He just refuses to live up to what he could be. As a union rep however, he doesn't even know how to spell integrity. But knowing you and myself, we'd probably do better to discuss this privately. I'm sorry to say, this is going to be one of those subjects that we will not agree on. You're going to be pissed at me but I am going to remind you that you often times defended Fred as well. Do you want time to tell on this one as well? I've seen whereby Baire has had the opportunity to really run with the ball and all he's done is dropped it and waited for someone else to pick it up and then try to take credit for it. He did have potential at one time but unfortunately he squandered his chance. We cannot afford to wait for him to get his act together nor can we afford to wait and see if he will live up to being what we need him to be. He's had that chance, too many times in my opinion. Essentially, he's failed every time.

Holy Toledo! I defended Freddy? Mary, I haven't had a drop to drink in over 3 years, I can hardly remember a time that I would have done that, but I must admit, even I did not think he to be capable of the things he did at the end. That was shocking, but I refuse to wrap Ed Baire up in that mess. It's not fair to him, or anyone else for that matter. He is a great guy, and this union and it's members mean the world to him. That can not be overlooked. We all know that we are not always going to agree on issues, but to brand somebody as not worthy for things that were perceived in the past is terribly wrong, and the last thing we need to do. We have not the stability as a plant to become too judgemental on these issues. We need good, experienced, union people in there now, or this company will make our local non existant. I think Ed Baire has the experience that we need going forward. I hardly care about what happened 5 years ago, or 10 for that matter, but I do care about right now. The past has never mattered less. We need people right now that are experienced with dealing with the company at all levels, and there is no denying that Ed Baire has that experience Mary. I think you should give him a break and stop speaking negatively about him. If there is something you disagree with about him, tell him, but this is not the right arena to do it. This forum amounts to little more than slander and I think it's wrong. Ed Baire is a good person and has helped many people in this local. I see no mention of any of this, only the perceived negatives. One thing is for certain, we have certain committee people on right now that people took a chance on that had no prior expereince, and they are getting eaten alive. They accomplish nothing, no matter where they get moved to. We need good people from the past, people with experience, and Ed Baire fits that mold, like it or not.


On another note, how's the family? Please give Tom my best as always!

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Holy Toledo! I defended Freddy? Mary, I haven't had a drop to drink in over 3 years, I can hardly remember a time that I would have done that, but I must admit, even I did not think he to be capable of the things he did at the end. That was shocking, but I refuse to wrap Ed Baire up in that mess. It's not fair to him, or anyone else for that matter. He is a great guy, and this union and it's members mean the world to him. That can not be overlooked. We all know that we are not always going to agree on issues, but to brand somebody as not worthy for things that were perceived in the past is terribly wrong, and the last thing we need to do. We have not the stability as a plant to become too judgemental on these issues. We need good, experienced, union people in there now, or this company will make our local non existant. I think Ed Baire has the experience that we need going forward. I hardly care about what happened 5 years ago, or 10 for that matter, but I do care about right now. The past has never mattered less. We need people right now that are experienced with dealing with the company at all levels, and there is no denying that Ed Baire has that experience Mary. I think you should give him a break and stop speaking negatively about him. If there is something you disagree with about him, tell him, but this is not the right arena to do it. This forum amounts to little more than slander and I think it's wrong. Ed Baire is a good person and has helped many people in this local. I see no mention of any of this, only the perceived negatives. One thing is for certain, we have certain committee people on right now that people took a chance on that had no prior expereince, and they are getting eaten alive. They accomplish nothing, no matter where they get moved to. We need good people from the past, people with experience, and Ed Baire fits that mold, like it or not.


On another note, how's the family? Please give Tom my best as always!

Slapshot, we're going to have to disagree on this one. I think we're going to both be standing our ground on this one. I do agree that it's not going to be resolved on this forum.


On the other note, family is doing well. Getting little kids ready for school. Youngest daughter starts at EC this week. Tom is devastated that his darling baby girl is growing up. You know about daddies and their little girls. Big girls getting ready to go back to university. Time goes by far too quickly. How's your family doing? I will definitely tell Tom you said hello. One of these days I might actually show him how to get on this site himself. LOL

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Slap, great to hear from you. I think we must be talking about two different people here! I'm talking about W. Ed Baire who was a committeeman and then a BC and then a committeeman again. The Ed Baire I'm talking about is currently representing the metal line. You are so wrong about me. Unfortunately, I DO like Baire as a person outside the union, away from the plant. He just refuses to live up to what he could be. As a union rep however, he doesn't even know how to spell integrity. But knowing you and myself, we'd probably do better to discuss this privately. I'm sorry to say, this is going to be one of those subjects that we will not agree on. You're going to be pissed at me but I am going to remind you that you often times defended Fred as well. Do you want time to tell on this one as well? I've seen whereby Baire has had the opportunity to really run with the ball and all he's done is dropped it and waited for someone else to pick it up and then try to take credit for it. He did have potential at one time but unfortunately he squandered his chance. We cannot afford to wait for him to get his act together nor can we afford to wait and see if he will live up to being what we need him to be. He's had that chance, too many times in my opinion. Essentially, he's failed every time.






There is alot of people who had there chance and half of them are related to you. The only reason you never got a chance to squander it is because of your BIG FAT MOUTH. Baire by FAR is the most qualified to help this UNION. Deep down inside you believe that, you just don't want to admit that you was wrong about him. Your dad stuck it to him for years because he was intimidated by him. You say he drops the ball and then when someone picks it up he still takes credit for, that kinda sounds like your brother who goes to Baire all the time for advice and then takes credit for Baires answer. It would prolly be better to stop putting Baire down and stand behind him, but i know you can't stand behind anybody that is not in the JERRY CLAN.

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There is alot of people who had there chance and half of them are related to you. The only reason you never got a chance to squander it is because of your BIG FAT MOUTH. Baire by FAR is the most qualified to help this UNION. Deep down inside you believe that, you just don't want to admit that you was wrong about him. Your dad stuck it to him for years because he was intimidated by him. You say he drops the ball and then when someone picks it up he still takes credit for, that kinda sounds like your brother who goes to Baire all the time for advice and then takes credit for Baires answer. It would prolly be better to stop putting Baire down and stand behind him, but i know you can't stand behind anybody that is not in the JERRY CLAN.



Puhleeze! Come back to earth. Ignore the many voices in your head. If you truly believe any of the garbage you're writing then YOU are part of the problem with the union. It's people like you supporting people like him that get the union into trouble in the first place. As for my brother, Michael does NOT go to Baire for anything. Jerry was never intimidated by him and in fact tried to help him but Baire was too set on his own agenda which did not include representing the membership. Obviously, I intimidate YOU. That's pretty funny. I guess the real proof in the pudding is at the ballot box, isn't it. I think the Constitutional Convention election was a bit of an eye opener, wasn't it? Baire can do less damage to the membership as a District rather than a Bargaining Rep.


When people are electing candidates to represent them, if the candidate has served before then the people can only go based on their past service (or lack of service), if the candidate has never served before then they're taking a leap of faith. It can be a real crap shoot. I think the membership is starting to see people for who they really are. Regardless of what anyone else says, it is the majority vote of the membership that has the final say.

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There is alot of people who had there chance and half of them are related to you. The only reason you never got a chance to squander it is because of your BIG FAT MOUTH. Baire by FAR is the most qualified to help this UNION. Deep down inside you believe that, you just don't want to admit that you was wrong about him. Your dad stuck it to him for years because he was intimidated by him. You say he drops the ball and then when someone picks it up he still takes credit for, that kinda sounds like your brother who goes to Baire all the time for advice and then takes credit for Baires answer. It would prolly be better to stop putting Baire down and stand behind him, but i know you can't stand behind anybody that is not in the JERRY CLAN.




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First let me say, I just transferred to OHAP in March from Sandusky. Most of my experiences have been positive thus far and the majority of the people have been positive toward us transfers. That said, I totally don't get the politics of this place. You've already got people campaigning for an election that isn't until March/April (?) of next year. That blows my mind.


What in the hell are Unit 1 and Unit 2? Are there two different areas for Local 2000? I'm in trim, so which one am I in? I'm sorry but my three hr. orientation wasn't particularly informative. Those of us that transferred likely came from much smaller facilities. It would have been nice for your/my union to give me more information on the structure of the union at OHAP.


Lastly, and this is my biggest issue about OHAP. I hear a lot of bitching about about "hog cutting". It would seem to me that if you posted a sheet of who was awarded plant wide bids, including seniority dates, that a lot of the hog cutting wouldn't be possible. When I inquired about this to my committeeman I was told that Nick did want a "transfer sheet" posted. Like I said I don't know the politics, but if this is true, why does this administration have an issue providing information that ALL of the people I talked to would like to have? JMO, based on my observations, but it seems to me they have something to hide. And since I don't know the politics or the people involved, I likely won't get a bid because I don't know who's cutting the hogs!!


I don't expect the answers here. There are obviously two political factions actively participating in this forum. I'll show up every day, do my job, and hope I don't need representation too badly because as far as I can tell, according to all of you, no one representing me is worth a damn. My best bet would be to support the first committee person having a hog roast to raise money for his/her campaign!!

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First let me say, I just transferred to OHAP in March from Sandusky. Most of my experiences have been positive thus far and the majority of the people have been positive toward us transfers. That said, I totally don't get the politics of this place. You've already got people campaigning for an election that isn't until March/April (?) of next year. That blows my mind.


What in the hell are Unit 1 and Unit 2? Are there two different areas for Local 2000? I'm in trim, so which one am I in? I'm sorry but my three hr. orientation wasn't particularly informative. Those of us that transferred likely came from much smaller facilities. It would have been nice for your/my union to give me more information on the structure of the union at OHAP.

There use to be two products in Avon, the Econoline and the Escape/Mairiner and unit 1/2 where the two bargaining units one for each product. Their still fighting internally over a unit that was disbanded over two years ago! Some still see a need for two bargaining committees. Even though we have over 500 less people and one less product!

Lastly, and this is my biggest issue about OHAP. I hear a lot of bitching about about "hog cutting". It would seem to me that if you posted a sheet of who was awarded plant wide bids, including seniority dates, that a lot of the hog cutting wouldn't be possible. When I inquired about this to my committeeman I was told that Nick did want a "transfer sheet" posted. Like I said I don't know the politics, but if this is true, why does this administration have an issue providing information that ALL of the people I talked to would like to have? JMO, based on my observations, but it seems to me they have something to hide. And since I don't know the politics or the people involved, I likely won't get a bid because I don't know who's cutting the hogs!!

Here's one for you, when I first came to OHAP they initially where posting job openings within Dept's so we at least knew what lateral moves we could make! Then one day my committee guy came around stating that the company nor the union could no longer post this information sighting that someone had complained to the NLRB and they advised the union and the company to end the practice! The funny thing was that everything is a matter of public record and when I called the NLRB to verify weather or not a complaint had been filed over such an instance they had no record of it! They certainly didn't instruct the union, and or company to change their job posting procedures! Then when the COA vote came they gave us back what we had before they took it! The NLRB did have 5 complaints from members with the union for failure to file grievances and meet time constraints on the grievance procedure! Call to verify they will talk to you about any complaints filed, they just will not share the names of the complainant on pending cases! NLRB Cleveland 216-522-3715 NLRB National 866-667-6572

I don't expect the answers here. There are obviously two political factions actively participating in this forum. I'll show up every day, do my job, and hope I don't need representation too badly because as far as I can tell, according to all of you, no one representing me is worth a damn. My best bet would be to support the first committee person having a hog roast to raise money for his/her campaign!!

Always vote for the new guy! I would never vote for people who have served in any capacity unless I personally knew their character! when I get in the booth If I don't know who to choose I'll go with the guy new to representation, or leave it unpunched! Edited by Furious1Auto
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it has been a year since i have been on this forum. and it hasnt changed a bit.all u people do as union members is tear each other down.GROW UP. you think up north isnt reading this and laughing at us.all u guys do is slander ed baire and fred pena. the last time i checked there wasnt a perfect person in that place.there has never been a union rep that has done a perfect job.AND THERE NEVER WILL BE. u cant please everybody. AND AS 4 ED BAIRE I C HIM EVERYDAY PASS THROUGH FLAT TOP AT LEAST 5 TIMES A DAY WE HAVE NOT EVER SEEN ANY OF OUR REPS IN THE LAST 2 YEARS THAT MUCH. THERE ALWAYS BEEN FAVORITISM IN THAT PLANT AND THERE ALWAYS WILL BE

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Dude, Ed Baire is my committee man now and he does a fine job. If we need him for anything we call him and GUESS WHAT??? He comes down and talks to us!! I see him more thanI did my other committeeman. If he's not your committeman now, maybe you really don't know how he is.

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First let me say, I just transferred to OHAP in March from Sandusky. Most of my experiences have been positive thus far and the majority of the people have been positive toward us transfers. That said, I totally don't get the politics of this place. You've already got people campaigning for an election that isn't until March/April (?) of next year. That blows my mind.

I don't expect the answers here. There are obviously two political factions actively participating in this forum. I'll show up every day, do my job, and hope I don't need representation too badly because as far as I can tell, according to all of you, no one representing me is worth a damn. My best bet would be to support the first committee person having a hog roast to raise money for his/her campaign!!

And I signed up for the Cleveland zone ?? Well at least that list expires Sept 1st......

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Lets shed a little light on some of the bigger hogs that have been cut at the plant and lets find out who is responsible for them...


How did some very low seniority people get put out driving off the end of the line or roll testing? Who was their connection? Were people told that they were temporary and only being borrowed? Why were seniority people never offered these jobs? Why are they still there?


How about a certain person who was borrowed into material handling, never worked on the line and finally got into MH on a legitimate bid (after about a year of being "borrowed") and since he got bumped nites he got his classification busted BUT he didn't go back to his department he got placed on the metal line! And who is the committeeman on the metal line? ED BAIRE!


What about guys being borrowed from production every day to MH? WHy not post these jobs?


What about the group leader jobs that aren't being filled so that they slip their buddies into them?


All you gotta do is walk through the plant and you can see it all around you. Its in every area, every department. Seniority means NOTHING to these guys and the blame has to go to the head of it all - the little fat man who sits on his ass all day doing nothing - the chairman.


So say what you want it don't matter because I'm gonna keep letting everyone know about all the hogs that are being cut everyday and I'm gonna keep reminding everyone until the election so that no one forgets. Or until its put right but I don't count on that.

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And the information bulletin on this was where? Once again, the membership is the last to know. Everyone must be so pleased with the administration of this local union. :shades:



I've seen the info sheet posted on this in different areas of the plant all this week.

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I've seen the info sheet posted on this in different areas of the plant all this week.

I'm sorry but that's not going to cut it! Where the hell are the committeemen, this is probably the most important contract that the UAW has seen since initially being formed! A bulletin should have been in the hands of the membership on Monday 8/20/07 delivered by our rep's That would have given them an entire week to tell the membership what the vote was about! I found out by reading Springs link to the The Plain Dealer WTF! We had members thinking that we where voting to strike without a contract! Not voting to give the international "Authority" to strike if talks failed! I would call it dereliction of duty, if our membership votes it down from lack of understanding then it be on their heads! Also if the international sits at the negotiating table after being castrated, then we all will hand the company back everything! I'm not just speaking for myself, This is the general consensus in my area! They better get their sh-t together before we have a contract vote, and before they cost us everything! I'll remember this sh-t at election time, the UAW works for me not the other way around!

Edited by Furious1Auto
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I'm sorry but that's not going to cut it! Where the hell are the committeemen, this is probably the most important contract that the UAW has seen since initially being formed! A bulletin should have been in the hands of the membership on Monday 8/20/07 delivered by our rep's That would have given them an entire week to tell the membership what the vote was about! I found out by reading Springs link to the The Plain Dealer WTF! We had members thinking that we where voting to strike without a contract! Not voting to give the international "Authority" to strike if talks failed! I would call it dereliction of duty, if our membership votes it down from lack of understanding then it be on their heads! Also if the international sits at the negotiating table after being castrated, then we all will hand the company back everything! I'm not just speaking for myself, This is the general consensus in my area! They better get their sh-t together before we have a contract vote, and before they cost us everything! I'll remember this sh-t at election time, the UAW works for me not the other way around!
I talked to some people who said that even the election committee had to read about the strike vote in the newspaper.Do'nt blame the committeemen they can only pass out what is given to them.Talking to a couple of committeemen they found out the same way we did in the newspaper.With the shifts running so close to-gether we get an opportunity to talk to the other shift .Seems like both shifts are pissed off at most of the union especially the leadership.Everybody say they want change.Wont be long to we see who all are running.I see Gonzalez campaigning on nites.
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I talked to some people who said that even the election committee had to read about the strike vote in the newspaper.Do'nt blame the committeemen they can only pass out what is given to them.Talking to a couple of committeemen they found out the same way we did in the newspaper.With the shifts running so close to-gether we get an opportunity to talk to the other shift .Seems like both shifts are pissed off at most of the union especially the leadership.Everybody say they want change.Wont be long to we see who all are running.I see Gonzalez campaigning on nites.

You know what I'm not even concerned about the elections now! They need to get us through this contract negotiations first! There is no excuse good enough to explain why our current executive board is not keeping the membership informed! Even if the international dropped the ball and didn't inform our local to hold a vote till late, our local still hasn't acted on it! My committeeman found out Wed. at the very latest we should have been handed a bulletin Thur. They didn't waste any time passing out that bulletin letting us know they where demanding tax abatements from the state with a potential promise to add work at OHAP, and to lobby congress against CAFE! Now which do you think is more important?

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I'm sorry but that's not going to cut it! Where the hell are the committeemen, this is probably the most important contract that the UAW has seen since initially being formed! A bulletin should have been in the hands of the membership on Monday 8/20/07 delivered by our rep's That would have given them an entire week to tell the membership what the vote was about! I found out by reading Springs link to the The Plain Dealer WTF! We had members thinking that we where voting to strike without a contract! Not voting to give the international "Authority" to strike if talks failed! I would call it dereliction of duty, if our membership votes it down from lack of understanding then it be on their heads! Also if the international sits at the negotiating table after being castrated, then we all will hand the company back everything! I'm not just speaking for myself, This is the general consensus in my area! They better get their sh-t together before we have a contract vote, and before they cost us everything! I'll remember this sh-t at election time, the UAW works for me not the other way around!

Fact is : The Recording Secretary is charged with putting these postings throughout the plant to inform the membership of such votes. The position pays 3 days per month to perform these duties. One would like to lead the membership to believe that the Chair or the Bargaining structure is negligent in this regard. IT IS NOT their job to post this information. One of Springs' fellow Donovanites Laura Jones has this job (currently). I understand she put up 20 posters for the Strike Vote. Pretty good gig, eh? If your going to tell the story, Spring, tell the whole fuckin story. Telling the whole story is not really a trait of the Donovan clan, though, is it?

On another point, the hog cutting referred to ny "shadow". The BC's involved in placing the metal finishing stock driver on the dayshift were none other than Yates and the M. Donovan's shadow (Triplett). Rebuttals are welcome :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

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Always vote for the new guy! I would never vote for people who have served in any capacity unless I personally knew their character! when I get in the booth If I don't know who to choose I'll go with the guy new to representation, or leave it unpunched!

This is just fucking brilliant !!! :hysterical: Is there anything between your fucking ears ? I would guess not much. Anyone who has over 1900 fucking posts here in just over 4 months. That's just insane. :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

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Fact is : The Recording Secretary is charged with putting these postings throughout the plant to inform the membership of such votes. The position pays 3 days per month to perform these duties. One would like to lead the membership to believe that the Chair or the Bargaining structure is negligent in this regard. IT IS NOT their job to post this information. One of Springs' fellow Donovanites Laura Jones has this job (currently). I understand she put up 20 posters for the Strike Vote. Pretty good gig, eh? If your going to tell the story, Spring, tell the whole fuckin story. Telling the whole story is not really a trait of the Donovan clan, though, is it?

On another point, the hog cutting referred to ny "shadow". The BC's involved in placing the metal finishing stock driver on the dayshift were none other than Yates and the M. Donovan's shadow (Triplett). Rebuttals are welcome :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:


That's funny when we all know that the best gig in the plant is being a appointed rep because then you really don't have to do anything. Well you might have to sell candy bars or collect donations or plan a poker run for the chairman. You know real meaningful stuff to the folks out on the floor. Lets start telling the WHOLE story. Lets start telling what people aren't doing! And we know the motto of the Pena clan is why tell the truth when a good lie will do?


As to the hog on Metal Line - bottom line - its Baire's area and it looks like he's another one that can't or won't do his job. Easy to turn around and point the finger at someone else. That's what he's done for 15 years. He can't handle what's going down in his area? Oh thats right, he'd have to be there and be doing something to find out in the first place.


If you all think that the people on the floor don't know whats going on then your fooling yourself. I guess you'll find out in the spring in the election.

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