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Everything posted by cal50

  1. Obama is the only US president in history to never have a single year (1) of 3% GDP. He killed the US economy but did deliver pallets of cash to Iran and stimulated their economy so they likely miss the guy, for good reason. Bush did far less damage to the US economy than Obama.
  2. There was a good reason Jack Nasser was let go............
  3. Math. Try it sometime. (The USA has collected more than 63 billion thus far)
  4. The Chinese government has its hands in most Chinese business. ANY foreign company manufacturing in China also releases intellectual property to China. Besides dirt cheap labor no one will ever compete with , no EPA, OSHA , China can also devalue its currency to make goods even cheaper. Tariffs are designed to compensate for these conditions or even the costs at which point some of the product will move here , brought back here or purchased from another country other than China. I hope president Trump crashes the Chinese economy and no more US dollars building their economy putting US manufacturing at a bigger disadvantage. The "cash for clunkers" was another government program bust that aided out competition. Most of the taxpayer money put in when to Asian car companies and not the "Big three"
  5. Guess where tariff money goes.............. "Tariffs typically get paid by licensed importers. And they get collected by the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection. That money goes to the U.S. Treasury and becomes part of the general budget." The auto bailout was TAXPAYER funds , not tariff money. Want to keep guessing or buy a vowel ?
  6. Politicians are swinging by for a photo op along with some IUAW people to "walk the line" photo op. Obama and his supporters bailed out GM (our competition) and it cost taxpayers around 11 billion in loss. Only an idiot can try to spin an 11 billion loss as a success.
  7. $28 a month for opting out? When forced membership is the only way to get new members or retain existing ones it says a lot about your organization. I am sure the indictment , arrests and conviction list will do wonders for "organizing"................lol
  8. If you can totally drop out and not get dinged for a hefty "agency fee" it would send a message when the play money is cut off. A blind guy can see the UAW is self serving at this point.
  9. When they tally all the money ( if possible) the IUAW people blew on themselves good luck seeing it returned from personal assets of those involved........
  10. If one or two people can funnel off a million plus and no one notice they are : A) Inept and clueless. B) Part of the scam. C) Inept , clueless AND part of the scam. The people at the top have done more to damage the unions image than all the working members paying dues. I doubt its an isolated case of fraud and theft.
  11. "Let them eat cake" https://www.autonews.com/manufacturing/uaw-president-jones-predecessor-implicated-accusations-misuse-funds-reports-say
  12. Wonder if during FBI questioning any of the IUAW staff asked "would you be interested in organizing?"
  13. If they are paying union dues you already know the answer.........
  14. Trying to save an extra dedicated part and use one module for multi tasking. My new F150 sat at the dealer for weeks because of module issues and programming. I drove to work one morning when it was 16 degrees F with the windows down because I had no heater , defroster , radio, back up camera , etc.. blamed on the module.
  15. When you fail to get back what you once HAD you are not moving forward. (That's with the company making money) It will pass by the magical 51%
  16. Ceasing planned production of most cars and dropping about a billion dollars in a train station up north is not helping the bottom line either. You do not cut your way to prosperity.
  17. You must be OK with the UAW and Ford selecting 10% of the workforce NOT based on merit of ability. What could go wrong...................lol
  18. There is no direct accountability or ramifications for doing a great job or a crappy job, they get paid and several more than 40 hours. ALL union dues should be spent ONLY on the membership, not to ANY politicians or endless paid vacations "organizing".......... what a concept.
  19. When I worked at a Ford parts plant a production union rep was fired for getting paid for working shutdown but was in another state and never stepped foot in the plant. Labor fired him and somehow he got his job back with back pay AND transfer to another plant. If you think Mason's get a sweetheart deal union reps take it to the next level. Ford and the UAW have an agreement between themselves to allow 10% staffing of friends and family. Its better than Verizon's friends and family plan............. It came out in a federal lawsuit for a Ford salary employee that was wrongfully fired and won a nice settlement. Settlement
  20. It matters 0% across the board.
  21. When the union did away with equal pay for equal work they screwed themselves and the membership for head count and dues ( self serving Vs looking long term at whats best for the WORKERS). Paying off union officials helps seal the deal.
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