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Everything posted by 4d4evr-1

  1. I truly believe some choose to do a good job for their constituents...
  2. this is what happens when the goal is to keep the job vs doing a good job for the company
  3. we love ours, it is perfect for this retired couple with grand kids local and we are averaging better than 50 mpg;s since purchase
  4. Ted Nugent said that if Obama won in 2012 he was going to shoot him, was that unAmerican?
  5. there have been a lot of recalls, evidently wasn't prepared for US as was Focus and Escape when EU versions were brought over...
  6. 2013 here and we love ours during this weather where no air or heat is needed we are getting in the 60's
  7. I would not disagree with that statement. All of process improvement is around process simplification and standardization...
  8. no one knows today when fully autonomous cars will arrive. I'm sure it will be a slow process taking maybe decades but to just say never is not very bright IMH uneducated Opinion...
  9. if you review the post I quoted he said pilots in cockpits at all times on planes so you do not qualify to fly my drone since you did not read...
  10. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/07/donald-trumps-spiritual-advisor-sells-eternal-life-for-1144-by-stealing-from-harry-potter/
  11. I concede MT 'may' not have been the author which matters little from my POV, but as with most of your arguments relevance and context are ???, I have a little interest in who was 1st to say it but much more interest in what was said. In this case what was said fits lots of arguments made on BON. I simply try to keep an open mind about issues.. have fun in your cocoon...
  12. http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/22595-it-s-not-what-you-don-t-know-that-kills-you-it-s this is the site I got it from.... here is another from 2013 https://www.facebook.com/SRLministries/posts/500263226691260 and many more... https://www.google.com/search?q=%E2%80%9CIt%27s+not+what+you+don%27t+know+that+kills+you,+it%27s+what+you+know+for+sure+that+ain%27t+true.%E2%80%9D&tbm=isch&imgil=9izG-9zeAZnskM%253A%253BqCK1nYFSx71aUM%253Bhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.pinterest.com%25252Fpin%25252F175851560428367411%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=9izG-9zeAZnskM%253A%252CqCK1nYFSx71aUM%252C_&usg=__UGPUrTa1ipBK85Gz21Z38U7s6po%3D&biw=1360&bih=667&dpr=1&ved=0ahUKEwih36i_iuXOAhVJXB4KHWZ6AvIQyjcIOA&ei=TVvDV-GEGsm4eeb0iZAP#imgrc=9izG-9zeAZnskM%3A
  13. in '69 after HS grad a few boys took 2 wheels and tires plus 12 beauty rings from Mustang GT but the kids did leave the back axle on blocks so it would be easy to replace the wheels...
  14. I have seen it called the arrogance of ignorance Mark Twain said it this way: “It's not what you don't know that kills you, it's what you know for sure that ain't true.”
  15. I believe it will begin just as Uber and Ford have in mind. In a 'controlled' area there will be a site where you can request a vehicle to arrive at a certain time for your appointment. The service will respond with confirmation and pick you up at designated time and place and will deliver you to your destination at desired time and you get out. The car then proceeds to its next appointment for next delivery. Since every car can be used virtually 24/7 except for refueling and maintenance many fewer cars will be needed and virtually no parking used. This is how it begins and works like taxis with no drivers needed. Testing will be at slow city speeds and with drivers in other cars, There will be problems just like with every human interaction in life. To think we are just staying where we are is not very intelligent to me. Can I make this work, no, but I have issues just typing this post.
  16. man was not meant to fly, if he was God would have given him wings.....
  17. the world needs dreamers too there was a time in the history of everything that now works, that it did not.....
  18. lets elect more folk who want to eliminate regulation.. Free market will find out, eventually, but will it be in time to save the company and the world?
  19. easy business and F seems to be pumping the $$$$ to be sure all infrastructure is in place... it takes money to make money and F seems to be very intelligent is what and how they do it
  20. How soon before Lincoln China outsells Lincoln USA?
  21. Not saying any program is perfect, just saying no driver is perfect is either. This is a work in progress and will continue whether any or all of the neanderthals of the world agree or not.
  22. cars are inanimate objects subject to control by humans whether by direct manipulation by steering wheel and brakes or computers that communicate with each other. As NASA has been able to control space flight cars will be controlled by computers as soon as tech is developed. there was a time when everything that does now work, that it did not.... please waste some more time
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