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Everything posted by 4d4evr-1

  1. I think you make a lot of sense and I agree. Too bad we can't go back with 20/20 hindsight. 4D4EVR
  2. Thanks for playing. (NOT) Yes, Ford needs to fear Dr. Truelove and his understanding of the truck customers that are leaving Chevy for Ford. If GM is so smart why did they go BK and loooooose sooooo much. Trust Ford One and Trust One Ford. 4D4EVR
  3. Well stated. Mulally has a plan to succeed. 4D4EVR
  4. I've got two friends who are conservative who complain about Obama but still bought Chevy, one Camaro and one Silverado and when I challenged them about buying Gov Motors they had nothing to say. Without Obama style BK they probably would not have made it for them to buy. HAHAHA 4D4EVR
  5. http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100813/BUSINESS01/8130319/1210/BUSINESS01/Ford-results-twice-GMs-1.3B-quarter&template=fullarticle What is GM's retirement debt?
  6. I bought F @ <$2.00 and sold @ >$12 making >600% Still have 4000 shares waiting for $20 4D4EVR
  7. I've got several friends who are very conservative that bought GM and I've given them h3ll calling them Obama supporters and both just about cried. HAHAHAHA 4D4EVR
  8. Thanks for the info. Most folks just want to talk about the lawyers because they are an easy target without givg the facts, a common tactic on a certain cable network.
  9. I read that the SOP for coffee @ the time for McDonalds was to be served @ 180F for taste and @ 180 a person could be burned pretty badly. Not saying the amount was justified but McDonalds in my opinion was not wise to serve a liquid so hot to someone in a moving vehicle. Don't mean to hijack the thread but trying to tell the truth as I have read it. 4D4evr
  10. I think this is great. Another "Better Idea" from Ford. I have wondered though if Ford could get in trouble if there are any unintended consequences from this. Not exactly like sync, if it fails no injuries. I don't want to be a glass half empty, just curious what others think. 4D4EVR
  11. Maybe most important quote from Ford the comapny: •By the end of 2011, Ford expects to move from an Automotive net debt position to a net cash position Wow.. The company is now in position to do anything they want in the market Bill started the company on the way stressing quality improvements and then he hired Mulally to drive home the results/
  12. What was the comment about releasing an electric before the GM Volt?
  13. With a limited (my description) # of Lincoln dealerships should Ford combine Lincoln with Ford when Mercury goes away?
  14. Ford is #1 in hybrids and did not use toyta and never will use toyota 4d4evr
  15. There is a problem with the economics classes I've taken, they are based on the concept of "perfect competition" and we all know that is not possible for many reasons including greed. I'm not saying I do not believe in FREE TRADE because I do, I just believe we need to understand that economics is more a theory and not just science.
  16. http://www.detnews.com/article/20090824/AU...+for+window+bug
  17. Sounded like the Dr. himself, of course I'm speaking of the Dr. Deming. If only more leaders of companies would have listened, learned and applied.
  18. http://www.cnbc.com/id/31686907/site/14081545 It just keeps getting better................. 4D4EVR
  19. To exchange equity for debt means Ford sells stock diluting the value of the stock, but at the same time reducing the debt of the company increasing the value of the stock. If they can do as they did the last time with the VEBA reduction; selling stock for $4.75 and swaping for $2.22 debt they come out as well as all stockholders. Seems they need to do more of this. 4d4evr
  20. I don't think this will affect truck buyers very much. Actually it will have the reverse by folks who are offended by the upitty PBS crowd.
  21. Yes it goes to the VEBA but it was still raised on the open market meaning the market sees the worth in the stock and the value of the stock that was agreed by the UAW to be paid to VEBA @ stated ar 2.00 to 2.20 which is a lot less than the average stock price of 4.75. I hope Ford can trade 2.20 for 4.75 some more. Just reduces the debt and adds value to my stock.
  22. I don't see where you can come to that conclusion. Ford just raised 1.6B on the open market. Why do you think they would go to the gov? 4d4evr
  23. Just think, the money raised in the stock offering is more than the market cap of GM and certainly Chrysler with them in Bankruptcy. Sorry, I meant 1.4 billion I do not know how to edit topic header. WWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW :happy feet:
  24. According to FREEP GM revenue was 22 B while Ford reported over 24 B for 1st Quarter.... http://www.freep.com/article/20090507/BUSI...st-quarter+loss 4d4evr
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