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Everything posted by Raws41900

  1. no no no, management as usual knows everyfuckingthing right? they're never wrong, just ask them. go fuck off and choke on a slug.
  2. wonder if they scare people into voting yes, they'll get a big ol' raise or bonus like they did last time. good luck running quality vehicles in assembly plants full of temps, not to mention no one to fix anything that goes down. they'd lose more money then if they just gave in some.
  3. please leave rawsonville, nobody wants you.. we were lucky enough to get rid of your brother.
  4. they'll prepare, doesnt mean we're going to. settles and king have already said if it gets turned down they'll go back to the table first. At rawsonville a few years back we were readied for a wildcat strike.. we never went strike.
  5. did your dumb ass tell your inbred family that you gave up 30k already?
  6. I work with College educated people on the line that are voting NO. just because your wife went to college doesn't make her the smartest person in the room. If it doesnt pass the yes voters will be more pissed? they would be the MINORITY. the ones that will be the most pissed are the ones that are living check to check.
  7. sorry you cant live on 200 bucks for a bit so you voted yes.
  8. It wont matter if we are, you'd still vote yes along with these other guys to anything the company wants
  9. Sorry suck ass, i don't hate ford, always liked ford even before i worked here, but i'm not going to blindly follow them and believe everything they say or you for that matter. and why exactly would i have been fired a long time ago? I go to work and do my job to the best of my ability and NEVER have missed a day that wasnt scheduled or have been late in my time here. Why have a fucking union? just settle for whatever the company gives you.
  10. Oh i see the government said WE'RE overpaid, hmmph.. well if they say we are, we must be.. i mean the government who writes checks their ass cant cash and have caused a recession, must be right telling automakers they spend too much.. News Flash it doesnt fucking matter what we do short of making minimum wage, the general public will think we're over paid and dont deserve shit. You sound like you're in management with your scare tactics like get COLA and get ILO bullshit, it's not going to happen because NEWS FLASH, our wages arent the problem with the company, or the country.
  11. Ford Low-balled us with the belief that the magic carrot (the "settlement"bonus) would be enough to get yes votes and get this passed. I'm sure Ford has a plan B that includes what else they could've given back but why show those cards if the workers are too dumb to ever want more and stick to their guns? it's like going to a car dealer and excepting the first number they give you.. the dealer like ford will laugh as you sign the paper on that first offer knowing they got one over on you, or in fords case MANY over on us.
  12. I'm as prepared as i can be, although i dont think there will be a strike even if this is voted down. their are too many living check to check that see that "10k before the end of the year" and will vote yes. i think Ford has a contingency plan on what they'd offer up if this didnt pass.. and they'll laugh when this is passed because they didnt have to go that well.
  13. I think everyone above this thread including the OP is the same account..
  14. Yes assclown, we do reap the benefits of our fathers/grandfathers work, and my family that was at Ford before me must be rolling over in their fucking grave when we give it back, then act like the $IUAW$ is really doing us a favor by getting us a fraction of what we gave up. $FORD$ and the $IUAW$ are in bed together and do what is best to make them money, not the workers.
  15. hey dummy, it's always been "very easy" for the company to invest somewhere else, you think the big bad UAW could stop them? no. you think the work going to AAI is because of the UAW? fuck no it isnt, Ford needs more production for the US to build fusions, they already run the plant in mexico on 3 shifts, they need somewhere to build another shift worth of cars.. where the fuck are they going to do it? build another plant in mexico or china to ship cars to the US? what fucking sense would that make when they have a plant that can produce them in flat rock. your fucking dilusional if you think the $IUAW$ twisted $Fords$ arm into doing it. it makes sense.
  16. drive ford into bankruptcy lol, hey $IUAW$ slappy, go tell Mullaly that when he took his big ass paycheck.. OH WAIT, HE'S FINE WHERE HE'S AT!
  17. wow they did SO MUCH for us. hey retard, how much have we given up since '05? much more then 10k. go back under the desk and come back up when you got a better deal.
  18. Nice scare tactic, how's that $IUAW$ job working out for ya? sure you'll get a nice raise or bonus again when this is passed wont ya?
  19. I think retarded is anyone who thinks the company was "forced" to do this by the union and didnt already have the idea of doing all or atleast most of this anyway. Also, if we voted no, do you really think all this "new" work is just going to be taken off the table? fuck no it isnt. follow $IUAW$ and $FORD$ blindly all you want, their in bed together to get the best deal for them, NOT YOU.
  20. job security, whats that? theres no such thing. they can promise all the work they want, get us to sign the contract then not do it. anyone at or from rawsonville knows how that goes, we signed a local agreement after goddard said we had thousands of jobs coming in.. well guess what, that didnt happen.
  21. my bad, i thought this thread was about rawsonville not DTP.
  22. Hey dipshit, dont bump the post then say let the thread die. That's "asinine"
  23. That's not a benefit, it's a bonus.. Which retiree shouldn't be getting if they are. Do they get profit sharing or other bonuses?
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