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Everything posted by goinbroke2

  1. Cell-ulose... Wouldn't that be chelulose? Speaking of random off topic stuff related to cells...I took my dogs to the vet for their annual shots 2 weeks ago, one never got any because, well, he's 16 and well beyond his "expiry date". The other got a shot and long story short..got celulitus. What is that you ask? Well after 2 days my 6 year old wouldn't eat/drink/move! After a x-ray and lots of antibiotics they figured it was a reaction to the rabies shot...I said uh, no, it's caused by puncture wounds or...wait for it...a DIRTY NEEDLE!!! Since it's a variation of flesh eating disease, my dog has lost the skin off her front right leg and a gaping hole in her side. 2 going on 3 weeks now and so far they've said they'll credit me the x-ray ($224) and all diagnosis fee's but I must pay for the treatment. I'm just over $500 into it now and will be walking in when she's healed with my bills to say either pay up or we go to court. Healthy dog...got needle...30 hours later she has an underskin disease caused by puncture wounds. Incubation for celulitus is 24-48hr's. Wife spent a week at the cottage because she couldn't stand the smell or seeing the dog like that. Yeah, lawsuit written all over it...
  2. Ed, how do you build a cello? What do you use for material?
  3. I've been thinking about building a guitar. I converted a 6 string to a 3 string with an open G tune so I could learn slide guitar. (It all started last Christmas when I had spare time and wanted to see all the words to the theme song of "Justified") Started following a lot of 3 string cigar box guitars on you tube. (a guy called rooster is a freaking awesome player) Saw he was using a repeater or whatever it's called, went to buy one, $200 used!!! Got an electric pick up for the acoustic 3 string and called it a day. Like the idea of building a resonator guitar too, they look cool, kinda "steampunk" if you will. (and sometimes you just gotta hear that "blang,blang,blang" metallic sound.) LOL! OP=original poster? AHHH, well that makes more sense...Your certainly welcome Sully, I look at it like it was something I was supposed to do, I'm 3rd generation military, I thought EVERYBODY joins the military when your old enough...don't they? As time went on I realised my error but either due to their spirit of adventure or perhaps me as a role model, but both of my boys have said they will join when they are old enough. My oldest wants to be a medic (to an end, eventually a doctor but we'll see) and the youngest wants to be a tank mechanic like me. I even tried to push them towards spec trades in the airforce but nope, they got their own idea's. I am very opinionated when it comes to personal freedoms/communism/capitalism and the right to protect yourself as well as others. Either due to being in the military or my upbringing...course if I was this opinionated and not in the military..whew...that'd be bad LOL!
  4. OP? Sorry, that's not a familiar accronim to me. Ontario Police? Outlandish Partiers? Orthodox politicians? Oglish Pummalgrey? (ok I just made that up...)
  5. Since the place seems to be dead.....I thought I'd throw out there a question that's getting more and more on my mind lately. As of 24th of Aug 2014 I've got 30years in the Army and it's starting to really show, body is getting really busted up and it's getting harder to get out of bed in the mornings. All I do is give orders and drive a desk, but now I'm thinking, I love turning wrenches but haven't had a toolbox (at work) for 15-18 years now. So, the wife is pushing to "sell it all, liquidate and head south". Pretty damn convincing arguments too. Last weekend I took Friday and Monday off and one kid and I took the dragster to the track. Cruising there and back (5hr's each way) in the motorhome was extremely enjoyable.."I could do this" I was thinking. What do I want to do... 1) I have the business plan in place for a micro distillery, that's one idea I'm leaning towards..... 2) I am constantly having racecars etc show up looking for work, could keep doing that..... 3) Head to southern US or Mexico where it's cheaper to live and just race year round........ Who else is in my situation, or has idea's???
  6. Me thinks something might of hit too close to home perhaps?
  7. Mythbusters is full of crap on so many things. Personally I've done back to back testing over periods of weeks with various trucks I've owned over the years. Basically it depends on speed and hp avail. My 93 7.3 4 door with 8ft box, made no difference up or down. My 81 f-350 8ft box with a 300/4spd went from 21 to 25mpg with tailgate down. repeated this many times. 81 f-100 with 300/3spd went from 19 to 21mpg with down. 85 f-250 supercab with 6.9/4spd made no difference up or down. Another note, when towing my mustang on a car dolly,(and a cap on the truck) there was a 3 mpg difference towing it backwards as opposed to towing it forwards. With the slide in camper it went to 5mpg difference. Since trucks are my daily drivers and I'm annal about things like that I've done the testing over and over, not a one time test with one vehicle on one day in one weather situation. Mythbusters are so full of shit if they are talking about something you know. If you have no idea what they're talking about it makes great "entertainment". One quick example is how they "proved" you can't jump a car and then drive away....then after "busting" a 100ft jump, (which they let the car stuff in nose first because they didn't balance it) they show the world record holder who jumped 300ft and then drove off the course! Veh can't jump 30-50ft huh? Ever see stadium racing?? It's entertainment, not real proof of anything. They blew a moonshine still up by plugging the output, having a spark available and basically setting the stage to prove that a moonshine still will blow up and kill people....even though they couldn't do it until they made assumptions they anybody running a still must be stupid/backwoods/wears bib overalls and would "probably do this and this" Yeah whatever, idiots. Bottom line, NO TRUCK IS THE EXACT SAME so test it yourself and see if it works. Don't drive 20miles to grandma's house and then 20miles home and say "yup it was better going there with the tailgate up"(or down) Do your own test on your own truck where YOU drive and how YOU drive. Then come tell us what you found.
  8. Kinda went on a tangent guys. 1) free pot to low income 2) legalising pot As far as (1) I call bull$%^& the same as free needles or free likker for alcoholic's etc. (2) Should of legalised it years and years ago.....and I have nothing to do with it, just an opinion.
  9. Phil, how many years did you serve? Or was it a single tour of duty? Your "I'm a vet and your not" attitude reminds me of a lot of the reserve guys I meet. The ones with the camo jacket/boots/truck, all the "look at me I'm tough" when in fact they're weekend warriors. I'm not going to belittle your service to your country and Viet-Nam was a jug-%^&* due to the leadership which was especially hard on the guys that went. That said, arrogance is arrogance and your not better than anybody else just because you spent a year in a jungle. (in my 30 years served I've got almost 11 years of combat duty time oversea's, that and a buck will get me a drink at McDonalds, if you get my drift) Point is, everybody is entitled to their opinion, even uninformed or misguided people, hell the news is full of them, armchair quarterbacks all of them. You don't want to discuss the draft or anything else, fine, just don't get all high and mighty, looking down your nose at everyone, ok?
  10. All I know, is that when required for immediate use, 74% of all statistic's are made up on the spot. (I just made that up...)LOL!
  11. Oh, and as far as who joins...I see a lot of Maritimers join the military because the unemployment is high here and the recruiters allow more from high unemployment area's. But for us, the biggest factor is 1) minority, 2) female 3) bilingual. All three do not represent the country as a whole and therefore are heavily pandered to when it comes to recruiting. I know that sounds backwards compared to the American way of thinking but ours is a voluntary military as well but much smaller per capita and is seen as a good paying job. In truth, most poor join, spend 3-5 years in the military getting a trade, then get out and go to work on civy street. The gov uses it as another "job creation" program. I might be a bit bitter about it but no way in hell would I want someone here that "had" to be here because the gov said and not because they wanted to. I've worked with many people in many country's who do have a draft or required serving dates (germany the last) and the difference is night and day to the work ethic and everything else.
  12. WHOA,WHOA,WHOA!!! Oh no, your not sending anymore of your left wing draft dodging population north, we're STILL dealing with the repurcussions from the last one! My cousin married a guy who ran from the draft in '73 or '74, he's never had a job claiming something or other and been on welfare since he got here. He had 3 brats who are all on welfare as well. All are hard left "nannystate loving" hippies. You ever seen a 3rd generation hippie? Umm...it's 2014, the "beads and roman sandles" really don't fit anymore and nobody says "stick it to the man" when they mean government. I should mention he had 2 girls and one boy, one girl and the boy both have kids as well...who are on welfare as well. The girl was knocked up at 15. So...no, we don't want anymore of your draft dodgers up here thank you very much! LOL!
  13. I'll just add my 2 cents (as a "career lifer" with 30 years in on the 24th of Aug) The draft is the worst possible thing, it brings in good but also the bad and very bad in people. I'd rather have 10 guys that believe in the cause and want to be there than 25 who drag their feet and poison the work place. Phil, I'm Canadian but had two uncles in Viet Nam, one died there, I can't express how much your posts turn my stomach. I don't care where we went or left or anything else, we did what we were told/trained to do. The gov (and it is their decision to make) pulled us out of places when they decided or the public decided. Your bitter and I understand that, it's too bad it changed your outlook so much. Or were you a pacifist draftee then too who went because they had too and didn't believe in any of it in the first place? (see my comments on why the draft is bad???) That said, I was quite the "anti-war" or "anti-stupid shit, I can't believe what one human will do to another" when I came back from my very first over-sea's deployment. However, for me it turned to apathy for the human race I guess, and reinforced the idea that when we go to places and have to do things, it's with the best intentions and I do my part. It's not a job to me or a temporary thing it's been a career and I'm proud of what I've done. (the good and "bad") You know the most dangerous enemy on the battlefield isn't the opposing army, but the children with weapons or the drunks that have no clear leadership. I've had to return fire at both and while disgusting on the surface, when your buddy is sniped beside you, it doesn't matter how old or what sex pulled the trigger, you just engage that spot, later you find out it was whatever. I think most don't understand the role of the military and think they go around conquoring places for the countries best interest. This is completely false. The military is but ONE tool in the massive toolbox the gov has and is used as a "last resort". Strong letter, blockades, embargoes, tactical airstikes and worst case scenario, ground invasion. (the "boots on the ground" wording the media likes to say) A strong military however has proven repeatedly to be a deterrent to attack. With obama squandering the reputation the US has built over the years "don't mess with them they got this or that" to the point that it's "haha, they got all this crap but their too scared/indecisive and they even deal with kidnappers, haha" Neville Chamberlane proved you can't continually placate people who won't stop...ever...
  14. Wow....what a stupid thread...How about this, if your close enough to maxing out a truck that a few hundred pounds either way will make or break it, your a moron and should have a bigger truck!!!! This is about the same as "I have 397hp" "oh yeah, I got 400!" Yay I won...yeah whatever, 3 hp will make a HUGE difference huh? Or the 0-60 in 5.1 oh yeah, mine is 0-60 in 5.0, OBVIOUSLY it's quicker...um, yeah, no.
  15. EXACTLY! And that is my point, people follow drivers, I could care less who is behind the wheel, i want to see a ford take the checkered. But as my neighbor did, she was driving a chev and was a tony stewart fan. Tony switched to toyota and she bought a (she called red, looked orangish to me) toyota. Tony switched back and the following year her lease was due so she bought a chev again. Anyway, love to see ford compete but wherever they feel it's got roi is what I support. (even if I do cringe when i see ford skating and ford tennis etc)
  16. I think it would be a shock/couple days of gnashing of teeth in the media and then....all would be forgotten. the "new" nascar would move on without ford. I love to see fords competing, but they're just sticker cars now anyway so I guess who cares. Damn shame from what it used to be in the heyday though....
  17. The first time i took my wife to my cousins, about a mile from the driveway i said, don't be suprised if somebody's rebuilding a carb on the kitchen table. She just looked at me funny. We got there and one of my cousins had a starter all tore apart on the table. LOL! He had rags under it though so it was all good. Listen to the song "our house, in the middle of the street" and that was my growing up with my cousins. 4 girls and 16 boys between 12 and 19, all into dunebuggies/4x4's fast cars etc. "your whole house should be concrete" hmmm....well they have concrete counter tops now....Concrete house means you could just scrub the floor with broom/pressure washer and then squeegee it out the patio door....hmmm....LOL
  18. LOL! I have lots of kids/teenager's in here that I mentor at the track as well as at my shop. I always find as soon as you paint something, somebody runs into it! LOL! Drive for a year with a cracked windshield, the day you get it fixed you meet a dumptruck and.... Basically the question should be divided between a workshop and a parking garage though. This guy likes tile; http://imageshack.us/a/img405/5157/648uplr.jpg But I can't imagine two kids dragging in a pile of angle iron and some broken bikes and welding up a motorized bike there. Horizontal bandsaw dropping pieces of steel, welding/using torches near the floor, etc. That place would be destroyed, and you can't just say "no" or "don't do that" as they got to learn. There was a "take you kid to work" day a couple years ago and I brought my kid. When they went to the welding shop and got a demonstration and were asked to try, my 13yo kid laid down a mig bead as good as any of the welders there and asked to try the tig. After 5 minutes he was running excellent beads....not as good as the old man of course (cough, cough) but really good LOL. I taught my youngest to grind 5 angle valve jobs when he was 11, got him into replacing valve guides/porting and yeah there were a few holes in the gyprock and things got dropped/broke, but it's all part of learning. Maybe someday I'll build a "show garage" to park stuff in..if I ever have anything worth "showing" !
  19. Vinyl cuts/rips when you drop a head on it...now this was in the kitchen mind you, but tripped over the dog and the 460 head put a 2-3" divot in the floor. Another time we got a new pedistle table to replace the four legged one, set a 302 head on it and the damn thing flipped, just caught the head in time. Now I got to work in the basement when it's too cold outside to fire up the stove, wait an hour etc,etc. Best I've seen to take abuse is either hardwood planks or concrete with a sealer. One other problem I've seen with vinyl now that I think of it, was tearing/shearing when in a car trailer. Buddy cut the wheels back and forth and tore up the new vinyl tiles he just put down the week before. For a parking garage I've seen some type of epoxy that was like rino bedliner. Really thick and rough textured, no idea what it was called.
  20. Porcelain or ceramic to me would be broke too quickly, I'd think something more cushioning or durable. It looks awesome in a pro shop as they wheel their spotless aluminum parts carts etc around, but in a personal garage? I'm thinking the first time the chain slipped and a tailstock hit the floor or something heavy fell off a bench, smash! At work we use sealed concrete and when something tears it up (one of the young guys was using a torch the other day and overheated the floor he was cutting on and it popped a 2"X3" 1"deep hole, CE will be in to fix it later but poo happens) Oh, CE=Construction Engineers. Parking garages I think it would be fine, roll your mint mustang in and place the lights to shine on it etc, great...working garage..meh not convinced.
  21. When I go camping it's usually with a couple hundred guys and we wear green..... I'm not a fan of tents though, luckily I have my own "rv" that has a 50cal mounted.LOL!
  22. Paint Paint Paint off topic Paint off topic talking about off topic Paint off topic off topic off topic It's bad enough when someone goes on a tangent, but it is kept there by talking about the tangent. So, ultimately, they got what they wanted which was take a neutral topic and throw a left wing barb in there to get a reaction....and now the thread is officially derailed... Let's try to put it back on topic by only talking paint and ignore the off topic comments. I haven't painted my floor and don't plan on it for aforementioned reasons....
  23. Meh, I told her when we first got together I lost my last girlfriend to her demands of "it's me or the racecar" so I said "buh bye". I said I dragrace and I'm not stopping, period. See that old grey haired guy in a Isky cam t-shirt who must be in his 70's at the track still racing? Eventually that will be me! She was heavily involved in dragracing when we first got together, I even built her a 302 bobcat. Then the kids came along and she wanted nothing to do with it. Kid running a junior dragster only brings her out a couple times a year but i picked up a converted bus (motorhome/car hauler) that's quite nice so she said she'll try more this year. Don't get me wrong, it's still a battle a lot of the time, but I got two boys...and they back me. LOL!!! Married in 92 and still going..not strong per se...and not without help...but still...life is too short not to race!
  24. If everybody ignores it, it didn't happen..like a tree falling in the woods! LOL!
  25. um....you guys can SEE your garage floor?? Between the mustang, dragster, tube bender, welders, torches, metal brakes, engines/tranny's, various projects....I'm not sure if it's concrete or hard packed dirt! LOL! Mine is not a "parking" garage, it's a "work" garage. And no, the wife is not allowed in! Once in the last 22 years and 9 houses I let her park her couger inside for the winter, the next spring the paint peeled because of the salt/etc and I said "that was your one chance". That was 12 years ago. I'm thinking maybe build a parking garage for her, but that's a lot of effort that could be spent better on the racecar, mud truck, etc.
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