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Everything posted by jonas1022

  1. Maybe, look at the Flex...something like that? EEEEEWWWW!!!!! Nice car, not so much nice truck!
  2. Cab forward design is dead. Your Maxxcab uses cab forward, so that thing is entirely dated or dead already. Maybe at best they are using it as a vehicle to carry some other ideas for consumer group feedback. Article also says that they shorted the bed like Ford and GM. So they copied FoMoCo and GM, who's copying them? I think not!
  3. I like that car! Too bad it doesn't come as a sedan, with the Hybrid optional. And don't try to sell me on it being the Fusion or Taurus sedan either. I am thinking a sit up and see the world around you sedan! I am thinking that the wood is a Limited thing. But maybe the satin silver is the Limited appointment. Base car is probably a black textured fake leather thing... By the way, faux = French. French = not a good thing Martha!
  4. Continually regurgitated Asian cars are without color, or impression.
  5. IMHO that is simply GREAT! It seems the market it headed that way, and your latest chop is the best yet of any that I have seen! Good job!
  6. Thanks, I don't know if that's too bad or not. I was just getting used to the access door look on the non-"standard" cabs. Imho, the pickups look better without the longer cab. An actual standard cab was one of the things that I liked about the GM twins standard/not stretched cabs. It's probably irrelivant as I am still driving my 94 XL with everything...It just won't die!
  7. It looks like it's smiling at me. Maybe needs something more verticle in the front? I do like the sides, allot! Seems more elegant than than cars of the past. Did you consider the current 60's grill knock off that is on the MKX? What if anything would that do for the design?
  8. You bought an Hyundai? You have my condolences. I pray you or your wife are not involved in an accident. And yes, they are better than before. Four year car, so your good for three more years... :reading:
  9. You are a Dear birther?
  10. And just going along with your train of thought here, how much do you suppose these super Volvos would sell for? It would have to be some tremendous amount to get people into the dealership to begin with, right?
  11. Somewhat true, however I think that they still made money with the two seaters. They are niche cars, not quantity for profit cars. The two seaters probably just didn't make as much money per unit as the four seaters by any measure. I am sure that they made money for Mother Ford. If they didn't why would anyone in Ford make a business case to build a new model? A new T-bird is GREAT! news.
  12. Hybrid fleet sales are going to the cab companies right? I'm thinking that they only have so many that they can choose from. And Honda isn't amoung the choices. Seems like the folks at Honda are making some boneheaded decisions, what with discontinueing the Accord Hybrid, one engine offering for the CR-V thingy... No, Honda was the strategy leader for years of automotive marketing. But the market has changed. Honda is remaining intrangent to the conditions. If they stay that way, the market will leave them. Just like the market it starting to move away from Toyota.
  13. Funny thing happened a few years ago. A fellow conducted an exhaustive survey and wrote a book. About Millionaires, what they did to get there and what they had in common with each other and the general population. Can you guess what the number one thing they had in common was? Well, it's not Ford pickups. But F-150 Ford pickups were higher up the commonality rankings than any other motor vehicle. It was number 8 if I recall correctly. May have been 6th, but don't want to overstate my case. He recently did an interview on one of the talk shows, and said something to the effect that Millionaires still drive F-150 pickups more than any other vehicle by a margin of ten to one. So, I guess when Bubba Gump gets on the TV and tells everyone that the first thing he's going to buy when he gets his winnings is a new pickup. He's in great company!
  14. They are idleing Princeton. All large truck production will move to San Antonio. The 3/4 ton and 1 ton variants may get shelved as well. I maybe wrong, but I think that in less than five years Toyota will be selling about as many Tundras as Nissan is selling Titans now. Avalon was knocking on the door of the dead with the last restyle. And the other SUV's were all made larger than the last generation SUV. RAV4, Highlander, Sasquatch...whatever. Wrong way Goldfarb! What's really nuts, is that they are advertising it, as if they have just saved the world! They have more SUV models than any other manufacturer in the US market! My, My! How things have changed!
  15. Is it April 1st again already? Ford could buy and sell VW if you look at what each one equity is in total. And what they said above, the two are not mergable. Whoever wrote that article is into some heavy drugs...
  16. "I like the building the temple" mentality better. Nasser and all his chronies will hopefully be gone. And the old frame of mind that was a part of Toyota America will dominate at Ford. If so, they will own the market. If not, well then maybe Ford should form a merger with GM before they both go down the tubes...
  17. The same would apply to the Crown Vic if they advertised that car. But they don't advertise it or any other large sedan. I have yet to see a Taurus ad, or very many Fusion ads. Pathetic. I see a dozen Honda Accord sedans, and not one Taurus ad. Or for that matter, many Fusion ads. If they ran ads like Honda does for it's Accord, Ford would be running two plants for the Crown Vic, or Taurus, or Fusion. At least that's what I beleive... I know, preaching to the choir again!
  18. How do you know there will not be an acess door? Maybe a dumb question to you, and if so accept my apology. I just would like to know.
  19. The Camaro would need a 3.0L four banger to move that heavy pig! As if the 2.5L Iron Duke was enough... We haven't seen anything yet. Just my $.02.
  20. Chinese are selling cheap in massive amounts of product to anyone and everyone. USA is just one customer. Nobody will be starving in the streets.
  21. I don't know how GM can sell Caddys and Corvettes in Europe. Or Chrysler minivans. But they do, so Lincoln is kind of a no brainer, imho.
  22. Good? Only if you are feeling nostalgic towards a bad action prime time drama that used to star the Hoff. It is a trip to fantasy land, and escape reality. I suppose a person can not suspend reality for too long or it becomes suspect. Or boring, or both. Too bad, there were and are some nice photos of the KR500, Mustang GT, and whatever the CG Knight Ridder car is supposed to be. KITT. I think they will run all of the first batch of programs that they order. Heck, people watched Jerico didn't they?
  23. They could have named it STE 8000. I had an STE 6000 back in 83. It was cool. It was hip! It was and unreliable POS! Gone in 60 days...
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