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Everything posted by lquidspine

  1. Written closing arguments were due to be submitted by June 25th, the IUAW expected this have a ruling made no less than 30 days from that date and no more than 90 days. So expect the next update once the arbitrator makes a ruling(around August or September).
  2. Good post Decker, I just wanted to clear up one mis leading fact. 8 hours (10 for places on a AWS) are the most that can be scheduled the day preceeding, the Thanksgiving Holiday, Christmas Holiday period, Easter Holiday and Vacation Shutdown.Those are the "protected holidays" this rule does not apply to the rest of the negotiated holidays.
  3. I can not speak on your specific plant/local agreement, however there is a 1966 arbitration ruling dealing with this issue. Trade worker on shift 3 got more OT than trade worker on shift 2, the final ruling was basically that OT spread 40 hours or greater that the employees would temporarly be placed on other shifts to allow for OT opotunities. This was done because the company claimed the reason for the OT imbalance was because OT was more available on the other shift than what the aggrieved worked on.
  4. Usually people get their checks on Fridays or Saturdays on normal weeks, however when the check gets lost in the mail it can be a big pain in the ass (delays) to get your money. If you dont like your bank I suggest try a credit union, but droping direct deposit is a bad move in my humble opinion.
  5. So they work on line 240 downstairs but go upstairs on overtime unloading the Shulers or TR press lines? (I can not imagine they do roofs on the AP's)
  6. A few questions; Is the employee you are talking about on personal or occupational restrictions? Has the Gate 4 medical doctor medically placed said employee on the job you are talking about? There really is not much that the union can do if this person was medically placed on the job, furthermore if said employee is working against their restrictions while on overtime; they are subjecting themselves to discipline action if they get hurt further working outside their restrictions. In the Stamping agreement restricted employees are allowed to work scheduled overtime in their department(rememeber the assembly lines are all one department...if I remember correctly), If they are truely working OT outside their department continue bringing it up through the channels of the union. Are they not doing the supplimentary overtime list in stamping yet ?
  7. I know of one that took the buy down, no clue how many system wide though.
  8. I know Unique Concepts had their PDR guy there recently, I am sure Grover will help out alot if the damaged units are fixable.
  9. The pay adjustment is what we were shorted from the December Quality bonus, it is the difference that did not include overtime which was owed to us. After the Re-calculation the adjusment on this weeks check is what you were shorted had that bonus been calculated correctly the time it was paid out.
  10. You all realize contractually the company is only obligated to allow one person off per supervisor(Article IX section 25 c ), going one per team is actually a win of sorts? Im speaking production of course am not replying to the trades on this post. Doing a vacation survey is also contractual, maybe read your contract Article IX section 25 might be in order.
  11. Trust me even if this or the other 50 threads on this topic fall off the front page, you can rest assured everyone from local appointed rep positions on up hears about this grievance daily. Regardless if people know shop floor reps have no involvment in the process at this stage. You can also place wagers that it will be a tight race as to who the members hear the results from first, their local leadership or the paper. Seeing as how they meet on April 5th, safe bet is Jimmy will give an update after the Easter Holidays.
  12. The union does not have a choice in the matter.
  13. This is why only 1 week of shutdown, people keep asking me why we would only do one week. When sales have continued to climb every month for the last year or more.
  14. You are correct, you would be the first to be so nice. Most people I know use much more direct names when refering to pie.
  15. You partially stole my saying wtf
  16. How very little you truely know Chuckie. HR has overruled management 5 times since July 18th on job bids in body. The door line jobs are under the dispute matrix (meaning no write ups) and will be re evaluated after the rebalance period is over. I could go on but why, you are not even in DTP anymore and have not been for years since you left for Saline (maybe your back now who knows).
  17. All correct except that right now its a TLO and the ILO's start in september
  18. Hard to understand why they have Dearborn Stamping posted, they currently have TLO's going on and will be on ILO for about 70 people this coming September.
  19. The current fact is though they make more per hour than pfa or pft classifications, not following the bid process only opens the door to favortism. There is a removal process in both Final/paint unit and Body shop unit. The sad truth is most people bitch about the team leaders on the line and with co-workers but when it comes down to putting it on paper most people that bitch end up withdrawing or dont want to put it on record the issues they have with their team leaders. I will not try and say there are not alot of shity team leaders, but without people willing to stand up the union and company can not do anything about those that do more damage to their teams than good. However another fact even if Team leaders were to go down to a none promotional job bid, only seniority would matter in those cases there is language on both. Deviate from the language and there is greater chance at favortism. My suggestion would be if people have a legit problem with their team leaders follow the process within the contract, and dont back down if the claims are real.
  20. Is the team leader position a promotional bid or not ? Not a far reach just the facts, sorry if you do not see it that way. So what should we only use the promotional bid procedure for all jobs except the one that pays the most in every US Plant? At DTP MP&L -- $28.39 PFA's are at $28.48 PFT's - $28.59 Team Leaders are payed over $29 How is that not considered a promotional bid? I guess I am just missing what your argument is here.I will repeat, if we still had untility positions there would be no issue, but since the Team Leaders are now a combined classification with unility duties of years past. Easy sollution reinstate the use of both Team Leaders and Utility persons and I then could fully support elections for team leaders if they get paid the same as line workers, until that happens (not holding my breath) its a damn promotional bid job plain and simple.
  21. Like when we had Utility people ? It would be different if we still had both Utility and Team Leaders, but we do not anymore. So should we vote on all promotional bids? is that really what you are suggesting?
  22. The only termination I have been part in was won and the member brought back within less than a month for a bogus termination, that was handled by Local 600 after useing my filed grievance for said member. So to say wrongfull terminations get sweept under the rugt at local 600 is comepletely false, at least in my 7 months experience. The ones that take more time are the ones were someone really fucked up or has been terminated multiple times, those people should expect to wait longer in my opinion. *edit* sorry Ijcdad i quoted the wrong person
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