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Everything posted by 4rd4life

  1. Your sub is based on your net pay not your gross, so if you have payroll deduct for loans this is taken off the top and is not figured as net pay giving you a lower sub. You can find the explanation to this in Volume III of the contract, page 21 Article II Section 1. The definition for "Weekly After-Tax Pay" can be found in the same book page 64 Article IX Number (38) Hope this helps.
  2. I heard two different rumors last week 1 Is that DTP's quality is way down, their JPH is down, and their paint is terrible, and Ford was moving the Platinum and all units that are to be painted black to KC. 2 The Escape was to be discontinued and replaced with the Kuga which was to be built at LAP but now Ford is not going to call it the Kuga it will be the redesigned Escape and it is rumored that it will stay in KC because of the issue of being able to follow your product and being they would be moving 100% production by contract that means 100% could follow their work. The name thing happened because the flop of the Taurus / 500 / Taurus and they don't want to make the same mistake twice, when you have an established name and it's selling you roll with it. Now like I said these are rumors I heard, but I do know that we were off last week and were off next week ( The Truck Side ) and all other down weeks have been canceled, and the last week we worked we were building a whole lot more, maybe twice as many crew and super cabs with moon roofs in the body shop, so it could be true DTP is losing some of their high end trucks. All I got to say is Good Luck to everybody.
  3. I agree that allot of the new movies are using foreign cars even allot of TV shows and music videos as well, I had read a article a while back explaining this and the reason was DVR not as many people watch TV in real time anymore because they can DVR it, and skip through the commercials, and their doing this with allot of products, even stores have got into this kick. I can remember years back you could watch a movie or a sit-com and these products were blurred out or had a similar look but a different name, my how times have changed before they didn't want anything to with TV now they out bid one another to have their product used on there.
  4. 3 of these are bond movies what do you expect from a Brit and the rest do not empress as well, and the U.S. legal Porsche what a over priced joke, and none of these really affect market share because the common man cant afford these but where's your list of rice burners all you have here is mostly kraut and pasta burners.
  5. Maybe thats why the big 3 never gave you a job, because there are so many people out with your mindset and that puts U.S. jobs in jeopardy. Hirohito who was the Emperor of Japan from 1926 to 1989 said he would rule the United States one day and there would never be a shot fired thanks to dumb ass's like you his word is coming true. http://www.madeinusaforever.com/index.html
  6. Do you always see the negativity in everything, or is that the way your life is, negative. I think we all know that Ford has not and is planing not to take any government money if it can keep from it and it's pretty obvious thats why Ford is getting this order, although it's not a life changing order it's still a order which may lead to more from others, and if Ford is starting to turn around I don't see them putting that in jeopardy just to be greedy when they have already said with the current concessions they are in line with transplants and can survive without a bailout.
  7. Chrysler has received a further setback in its struggle for survival after one of its biggest private-sector customer placed a sizeable order for new cars from Ford Motor, Chrysler’s healthier Detroit-based rival. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/266a6274-3038-11...amp;segid=03058 It's bad for Chrysler good for us, with news like this it makes you feel a little better about Fords future I know were far from being out of the woods, but if Ford comes back and tries to get more concessions maybe we will have a little bargaining power.
  8. Heard they announced at yesterdays union meeting the weeks of May 4th and 11th down, and everything else has been canceled.
  9. You can find the explanation to this in Volume III of the contract, page 21 Article II Section 1. The definition for "Weekly After-Tax Pay" can be found in the same book page 64 Article IX Number (38)
  10. Your sub is based on your net pay not your gross, so if you have payroll deduct for loans this is taken off the top and is not figured as net pay giving you a lower sub.
  11. I knew PETA was full of hypocrites, look at Pamela Anderson she belongs to PETA and shes been shaving her beaver for years and they haven't kicked her out.
  12. Wagoner was asked to step down, forced out or what ever anybody wants to call it, I bet their ain't a single person out there at his age and years of service that would not take a forced retirement package like he got. http://www.clickondetroit.com/mostpopular/...460/detail.html
  13. You talk about learning reading comprehension have you ever used a dictionary here is a link for the word version maybe it will help you comprehend the meaning. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/version Here's some help on your geography as well.
  14. I see what your saying it's kind of a 50/50 wording, I read it as a version being similar in size but not the same it's like they needed something to compare it to, I don't know only time will tell.
  15. If you read it, maybe I'm wrong but they say a version of Ford Motor Co.’s new Transit Connect light-duty vehicle, it does not say that they were using the Transit Connect and if you look at the picture of vehicle their going to build it does not look like the Transit or the Connect.
  16. This song pretty much sums it up Not to get off subject, but Pulse that was kind of an uncalled for attack on DetroitFanz just because David Allen Coe has some racist songs does not mean everybody that listens to his music listens to them and he does have some good songs like, The Ride and You Don't Have To Call Me Darling. As for my self I'm stuck in a whole other era from about 1969 to about 1987 I just wish I still had the hair that matched the era, if I let grow now I would end up with a BALLET instead of a MULLET bald up front and party in the back not to hip.
  17. I think what he meant was, on the Simpson's you-tube clip it shows a car and when they stamp it with "Made In The USA" it fell apart kinda degrading for a U.S. autoworker, after all in their eyes only the D3 are killing the planet with the truck's and suv's they forget we have Hy-birds as well.
  18. General, Not the media, it was those lovely Republican Senators from the south the ones that say were lazy overpaid screw shooters, just like the one from Kentucky.
  19. AHH! Never mind I'm not going there, makes you go Hmmm!
  20. 1. Is your 120 day letter up if so this would be considered an engineering change and if that is the case they should take off an equal amount of work, that they have added. 2. Do you have the MODAP on your job to know what your work load percentage is. 3. Do not shut the line off work in the hole be in everyones way and let others shut the line off. 4. If it is so important that this is added to your job let other elements go but be sure the repairman knows what has been shipped. cover your ass on all bases jobs are not that hard to fight if your smart about it, don't yell, scream, and act pissed about it, just smile at them and say I'll give it an honest try, in my 17+ years with Ford I have never taken on any work on the jobs I have been on, it doesn't do any good to tell them, you have to show them. Good Luck!
  21. Captain, It was old man Bush that screwed us on that one, it was already agreed on when Clinton took office he just got to be the sucker that signed it. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trilateral trade bloc in North America created by the governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It superseded the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement between the US and Canada. Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 between the three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas on December 17, 1992 to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H.W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexico's President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed it. The agreement needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch before it could actually become law. In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" the signing prior to the end of his second term, ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and "signing into law" to incoming president Bill Clinton. Prior to sending it to the House of Representatives, Clinton introduced clauses intended to protect American workers and allay the concerns of many House representatives. It also required U.S. partners to adhere to environmental practices and regulations similar to its own. The ability to enforce these clauses, especially with Mexico, was considered questionable, and with much consternation and emotional discussion the House of Representatives approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, by a vote of 234 to 200. Remarkably, the agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and only 102 Democrats. That unusual combination reflected the challenges President Clinton faced in convincing Congress that the controversial piece of legislation would truly benefit all Americans. The agreement was signed into law in the U.S. on December 8, 1993 by President Bill Clinton and went into effect on January 1, 1994. http://www.nyulawglobal.org/globalex/NAFTA...TA_Research.htm
  22. You are nothing but a loud mouth blowhard, you shoot your mouth off like your some kind of a bad ass and everyone should shake in their boots at the sight of you, prime example you tell some guy if he didn't shut his mouth he would be going on a "no tolerance bye bye trip". you talk about going head to head with your supervisor but in the end your the guy that takes on the extra work so they can eliminate jobs, I see your type everyday, in the 17+ years Ive been with Ford I have never taken on any extra work on the jobs I have been on, and I don't yell, scream, or cry nor do I run to medical, I fight my own fight I just look them in the eye smile and break it off in their ass. I am a firm believer in the contract thats why we have one and the right to grievance's and I write plenty as do my coworkers around me I don't care if a supervisor puts a missing clip on or picks up a empty box I will wright them up it is not their job they know it, they know their job is being overpaid time keepers. As far as a pathetic life, my life is good I'm not over extended like some folks that live paycheck to paycheck, and I'm not saying I'm happy about losing my lump sum or Christmas bonus but it's not going to put me in the poor house, but like I said before you can't control how people vote all you can do is give them the facts and they will vote the way they fell is best for them what's so hard to understand about that, it's over, done, move on, and like Vito said run for something if you want to change how things are being run, make your life and your fight worth while instead of having a pathetic life mad at the world because they don't agree with you, as far as a following that starts with your coworkers if they have faith in you and believe in your cause they will vote for you, but if you come off like you you do on here calling people pussies and tell them they have a pole smoker attitude and pea brain mindset you will go nowhere.
  23. Man get over it, quit being a big cry baby you just joined this month, thats 14 days if you joined on the 1st and you have 45 post's and 95% of them are waaa, waaa, waaa they voted yes, whether you like it or dislike it, it's done time to move on I might not have liked it but I'm not going to cry about it, actually I haven't liked the last 2 contracts or the COA's pitting locals against locals but people are entitled to do what they fell is best for them and their family, if you don't like it there's other options,QUIT. So have a nice day!
  24. I wouldn't tell you what to do, but if you are waiting for Ford to stabilize and return to profitability you may be waiting along time, not saying Ford won't return to profits here shortly but they will cook the books just enough going into the next contract that International will not gain anything back, and don't be surprised if we don't see a extended length contract of 5 years.
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