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Everything posted by 94bronco

  1. I just sent mine into the Treasury? Something about a new government fund that will be evenly distributed every week citizen by citizen?
  2. I wonder how many sheep will actually admit they voted for Obama in a few years? This is going to be a disaster! 2012 cannot come soon enough Jindal/Steele 2012
  3. Looks good just needs a little grille work but the rest looks great.
  4. So how much is this going to cost rougly you guys think? I really would love to get one a few years out of college as it is such an incredible package from the factory.
  5. Global Warming is a fraud to the highest degree, It is just a theory put in place by the Dems and Libs to get us to pay taxes and money on a false hood they all want us to believe. Everyone is dumb enough to fall for it too, In 10 years once this theory is put out to pasture we will have another doom and gloom money making scenario from the Dems that we will all fall for once again. I am sure Obama will waste plenty of our money trying to solve something that does not exist and we will all sit back and soak it up like a bunch of well trained robots.
  6. Well you see we can have just certain people's lives getting ruined, We need to redistribute the emotional anguish of this election. Also Effective January 21st all hard working American's will be required to wire their money directly to the treasury so we can do some wealth redistribution, Thank You the Socialist party of America
  7. All that stuff is on the way, Ford had to build something for people who actually see cars as more than appliances and a vehicle like this will actually keep people interested in the company who probably would lose interest if Ford were to turn into another Toyota or Honda.
  8. If someone feels it needs to be improved they can make that decision for themselves and go buy a Hybrid, However by putting regulations in place it limits the amount of vehicles that may fit my criteria in the future which is a bunch of crap. The government needs to get their noses out of this shit and just let us the people make our own decision regarding what we want to drive.
  9. I say Ford and GM just boycott CAFE ratings and tell the government to fuck off and let the people decide what they want.
  10. Just had to bring up the only thing that is pissing me off, It appears as if the 6.2 is being called the "premium" V8? Thats a little annoying as instead of " Yea this things got the BOSS that destroys all other V8's" it will be " Yea this thing has the um premium V8"
  11. Im there with you, This is truly going to fucking suck
  12. Truck is absolutely amazing, It's soooooooo nice to finally see a pulse from this company as far as exciting stuff goes. And the 6.2 has finally risen from the ashes to appear !!!!!!!!!!
  13. Dare I say it but after looking at everyone else's sales this was actually not that bad a month for Ford considering the circumstances! The F series blew by the Silverado also which was nice to see.
  14. The Edge needs some improvements ASAP, It is already looking rather boring and dull and could use some help in the interior.
  15. Until I see other sales reports I have no idea as to wether 30% is good or average, The Flex got outsold by the MKS which I find rather surprising. Also it is pretty clear that the only thing the Flex has done is steal some sales away from the Taurus X and probably not much else. Not a bad month overall for the F series though with November and December hopefully being better months for the F series also.
  16. Here's what the next Bronco needs to be: I would buy one the second I could
  17. I could definently see a Supercab and Crewcab Version, The SVT Focus had the three and five door versions availible. I also don't believe the supercab version increased by 6 inches for 09 but only the Crew did but I could be wrong.
  18. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till they drive this thing up Toyota's ass, Let's hope for the BOSS putting out over 400 HP :burnout:
  19. Hopefully we don't see this in the trucks, I don't know if it was a poor example but the Malibu I drove with it had an absolutely horrible feel of the road.
  20. I think most of these are driver induced crashes after they realized what a POS jap trap they are driving and decided they wanted to dispose off the rolling dumpster ( aka Tundra) and step into a real truck!
  21. Used Excursions are very attractively priced and I wouldn't mind picking up a diesel version afer I get out of school. I would like to see a Flex do this!
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