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Sharp Shooter

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Everything posted by Sharp Shooter

  1. When you take your emotions out of it and start to think about it, it makes sense to pass this contract.
  2. This is good for all of us--especially those who needed the new work at every plant including the Rouge. DTP got it right.
  3. We not only will lose at least $1000 a week in pay. Add onto that the benefits we will lose with a strike or lockout.
  4. And I had some no voters claim how much more Mulally and Ford would give us. They really don't have a clue as to what Ford is planning to do to us. Strike or lockout, take your pick, either way we lose. Only YES votes will give us job security.
  5. Similar numbers will be around for every one of our plants if we are on strike or locked out.
  6. You forgot to mention how the no voter will be blaming everyone else for their dumb decisions.
  7. Thanks for the info and link. Too bad we have dumb asses no voters who think this is funny and a game. This is our jobs, our homes and our communities at stake here.
  8. It is a good agreement. We will love it when we are locked out or on the picket line. Then it will be too late.
  9. Everything favors the company if we vote no. Everything.
  10. I think the no voters have been telling that lie in every plant.
  11. I think we know from working in plants that the company has a certain timeline to build a vehicle from beginning to end. They won't let a no vote, strike or lockout keep them from building products whether it is the USA, Canada, Mexico or China. Either we will build it or it will be built somewhere else.
  12. This agreement brings in a lot of product to plants that need it and the ones that we voted to get it in 2007 who are doing extremely well because of our sacrifices are telling us to get screwed. That's not solidarity, that's stupidity.
  13. The company has nothing to lose and everything to gain. We are the ones who will lose with a strike or lockout.
  14. Then these same no voters will vote Republican and put us into a deeper recession or depression.
  15. Divide and conquer my friend. Sure, the company is laughing because these rightwing tools who are greedy for money keep pushing a no vote. They will be shocked when the company kicks their asses out, too.
  16. Add onto that the rightwing Republican TeaTards! Those Fox news morons will be on this all day and all night.
  17. We are screwed everywhere if this is voted down. Hello picket line, goodbye job!
  18. There have been a lot of dumb posts on this site, but this one by far is The dumbest post on this site ever!
  19. I hope not, but it seems we are moving in that direction.
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