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Everything posted by Oac98

  1. Thanks for fixing the headline of my post. I hope Ford knows what they’re doing. Hope they got some great upcoming products because you’re getting rid of the fusion now potentially Edge and Nautilus. Those are all decent sellers. Hope this Fusion active crossover and whatever they bring are good products
  2. It’s gonna be interesting to see what the end result of this is. Hope it turns out to be good. Buffalo used to stamp for Ford St Thomas Assembly, now they’re gone so Oakville is the main customer. The bargaining up here is like this, we will move to flat rock if you don’t agree. We have other plants blah blah blah. Same crap different pile. I seen GM pull out of Oshawa gradually they went from 23000 to now some minimal stamping and mask making operation of just over 300 ppl. My point is if Ford wants to be here they will. Unifor cannot come with any hardline stance. They tried that crap and GM skipped town. GM CAMI in Ingersol Ontario went on strike for a month and they threatened to leave. They got nowhere!! I highly doubt our union wants to try and go the hardball route. It will fail miserably!
  3. Is Oakville on 1 shift?? NO, i don’t think we’re in jeopardy just yet. If ford wants to screw us they will. Plain and simple.
  4. Agreed, it is most likely posturing. Lol our union don’t have much leverage. What hard bargain??? We don’t have 8 assembly plants to back us and all the other plants like the UAW. We’re the big little Canadian plant. We know we don’t have the leverage you UAW brothers have. We get slammed with covid in a contract year. I’LL be surprised is Ford gives us half the deal you guys got!
  5. I’m not surprised that all of a sudden they’re talking about getting rid of the edge and nautilus after 2023. It’s contract time, let the Sabre rattling begin. So now all of a sudden Oakville Assembly a 2 shift operation is in jeopardy??? I guess Buffalo Stamping Plant is too! I’ve worked at Oakville for over 20 years I’ve seen it all so I can’t say I’m surprised by this.
  6. https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2020/06/ford-edge-lincoln-nautilus-in-danger/
  7. I agree with your post. I know there are people who feel like the Ford is making the right moves eliminating cars I’m not one of them. I get it CUVS and SUVS are all the rage but I agree they could’ve thrown the fusion focus some Lincoln’s all in one plant in Mexico. I say Mexico since they’re always talking about costs instead of just cede the market to the foreign makers. You guys can’t tell me an all new focus and fusion wouldn’t be enough to run a plant on two shifts. Where are the entry level products?! Why should I be forced to be a escape edge or explorer If I don’t want to?? The plan changing is the next thing, what’s going in flat rock or Oakville going forward?? What’s fords capacity utilization at?? They have more products coming according to them. Don’t these plants need new products?? Every other plant got new product.
  8. Thanks, we will see how it plays out. I just don’t feel like there will be any gains. I feel like Ford had leverage before this year and now they have even more.
  9. Funny you mentioned that Mexican plant getting cancelled. I work at Oakville and I said if they build that SAN Luis plant we’re done. I was relieved when they stopped the project. With all this covid crap I see uncertainty. UAW plants are secure, we’re not. Time will tell, I’m not gonna lose any sleep can’t control what FOMOCO does in the future. Unifor contract coming up, we were already in a questionable bargaining position now ford has even greater leverage to screw us over now that this covid crap happened! Worst possible year for contract negotiations!
  10. I read an article today on fordauthority saying ranger sales have caught up to the Colorado so I believe MAP will be just fine plus upcoming Bronco like you said. We at OAC were told May 25 A SHIFT goes in for days. Then the following week June 1 B shift comes in for nights. Then both shifts will return to our regular daily rotation. For the first two weeks only one shift will be coming in at a time.
  11. Pick ups are the profit machine so that’s understandable. You guys have churn en out!
  12. You’re absolutely right, that’s the way it’s gonna be for the foreseeable future.
  13. Looks like FOMOCO has all their safety protocols and guidelines in place for us to get back to work in some capacity.
  14. Up here in Oakville Canada, the word is May 25th. Rotating one shift. Like two weeks on two weeks off. That’s the rumor.
  15. Yes it is very sad, my condolences to those fellow workers who have died. Stay safe brothers. Ford has announced that there is no definitive date of return as a result of this tragedy
  16. We up here at Oakville Assembly Complex are down til April 20th at the earliest. Hearing that we may only be working days when we return. So many damn rumors. Our downtime was told to us by Unifor local 707 our local so I guess it’s fact. This Covid situation is just unreal!
  17. Yup it’s a contract year, we don’t have much leverage up here lol. Hope unifor can do something so we can get a decent contract. Hope things pick up by then. These are unforeseen circumstances
  18. I hope all this Covid crap can die down sooner than later. It’s an awful situation affecting many. Shutting down the plants was the right thing to do. I hope all of you stay safe. This is a bad year for this to happen in terms of being a contract year up here in Canada. I feel like we’re gonna get screwed over. No chance we get what you UAW guys get, not with all this uncertainty going on. Maybe I’m wrong. This covid situation is just unreal!
  19. You can send them up here to Oakville when we get a new product lol. I’m sure ford doesn’t want another explorer launch. The Bronco will have you guys working 10s! Two shifts
  20. Thanks Fuzzy, I hope MAP executes a far better launch than Chicago
  21. I’m sure December can’t come soon enough for you guys at MAP. I’m sure your launch will be a success. Ford can’t afford another bad launch. I’ve seen them here at Oakville in the past and the recent Chicago mess. They better get it right man.
  22. The Bronco looks awesome so far. Can’t wait to see the official introduction and additional variants. When is job one slated for at MAP???
  23. I would imagine crossovers are already part of their trucks and utilities analysis. I hope Ford presents some low cost offerings sooner than later. It’s needed in their line up. Being the puma here and finish off the eco sport as well. Puma looks way better.
  24. I read on Automotive news that 80 percent of the sales in the market will be light trucks and suvs so you’re right about the buying trends.
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