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Everything posted by Ididntdoit

  1. if you don't feel you're worth more then 60k early retirement then you deserve this union. I'm still pist I have to wait another week for GM to vote NO.
  2. GM doesn't have the amount of legacy Ford does, if Ford already met their needs we wouldn't be hearing the words restructuring. 60k isn't a reasonable offer, it's cheap and offensive. Toss in a pension buyout then maybe. Maybe you don't feel you're worth more but I do. Besides it's make room for CAP to hire and train more hi-lo drivers to scrap all those cars paint keeps screwing up. But still a freaking week to vote? COME ON!!!!! it's not like anyone of them are working they could all be voting this weekend and see the "NO" result on monday cause without Lordstown they wasted a 32 day strike in my book.
  3. ford is not GM blah blah blah, my 6th contract and I just figured that out. 60k for an early retirement with any of the big 3 is a joke. on strike for 32 days and they need another week to vote? wtf else they got to do that they need another week to ratify?
  4. 60k early retirement isn't enough, hopefully Ford has a better offer
  5. Topic is where is the IUAW? ya'll looking up the wrong backsides
  6. might need a lot of whiskey to swallow this pill
  7. Just remember at the end of the day no one really cares which idiot you vote for, no decent person wants to be a politician. How can you sit here and debate which idiot is better for office when they all suck? FBI with their current track record investigating a corrupt IUAW....no matter how it turns out members get screwed. This strike is getting to be some BS, they should of went with Ford first.
  8. They could send the best of the best management and it's not going to help, maybe putting an end to the nepotism and not allowing the chairman to get 200 of his cousins hired in from the halfway house will help with the cancer. Majority of those with seniority to transfer are transfers from other plants as it is. I can only think of a hand full of reason to keep CAP running with the current vehicles, but I can write a book on reason to eliminate CAP completely after spending 15 of my 24 years there.
  9. another one of those I'm drunk on UAW koolaid. only way I made 95k was with overtime weekly at legacy hourly rate. And I mean every damn week, working during shutdown in july and every holiday they run. This year I'll be lucky to hit 75k due to a month off for retooling and short work weeks since until just recently. I'm pulling that overtime again now thank god, get it while it's hot. Cause I don't think CAP will survive the failed launch with it's bad reputation. Even if majority of the legacy get a early retirement offer and take it they still have about 2000 workers too many especially if they move the failed launch vehicles to a new plant. Not pushing rumors or fear mongering just being realistic, expect the worst and you won't be let down kinda thing. As far as what I would expect for a signing bonus anything more then 5k would be surprising. But an immediate early retirement package with a reasonable pension buyout and I won't care about a signing bonus.
  10. they take any longer we can reorganize a new union and negotiate a separate contract for Ford workers and kick the UAW out. Our local 551 is pretty useless anyhow we wouldn't miss much. Make it a union that is focused solely on autoworkers and not every job that begins with an "A". A union that isn't recruiting graduate students in Cali that advocate clear air laws that has a negative effect on the auto industry and the autoworkers they represent. I'm all for clean air and pollution control, but these liberal nut jobs are out of control and they are also UAW. At the same time we auto workers need to realize the auto industry is evolving, we'll have to adept with the company. At this point I trust Ford to do right for it's workers more then I trust the UAW to bargain a decent contract.
  11. legacy has been doing for lower tier and temps for a decade with only a 3% raise, best thing legacy can do for those lower tier and temps now is take an early retirement. I feel part of the reason for the delay is once there's ratified contracts the restructuring of our IUAW begins, I think they are stalling long enough to get a game plan for what comes next.
  12. imagine if they based our pay on job performance, a lot workers at CAP would be lucky to make min wage. I would take one for the team and take an early retirement with a pension buyout to give the company more wiggle room to advance the next generation. This week would be a great time for them to finally give us something to vote on, anyone else that didn't meet deadlines would of been fired already. I bet if those GM bargaining sub committees were living on strike funds they would move faster.
  13. looks like a good weekend to vote on a contract........IF WE HAD ONE TO VOTE ON!!!!!
  14. what's left of IUAW bargaining credibility fades little by little everyday they fail to bring us a contract to vote on.
  15. reading comprehension is another major issue to be concerned about with members voting on contracts.
  16. with the current UAW elected leadership no UAW member has credibility to criticize any president. We elect corruption and blame politicians not a good combo. Let's get the "Give me a contract" chant going and start picketing the union halls.
  17. I've been holding my breathe so long for this contract, I'm starting to feel dizzy I think I need to go to medical and FMLA out
  18. they need to hurry up before we start picketing the union halls with our "made in china" strike shirts
  19. I know this game Only an idiot would pay dues to a corrupt union and then give them the power to strike. it's ok, I'm an idiot too. Help us not be idiots and ratify a contract with a nice separation package and pension buy out please. Today looks like a good day to produce a tentative agreement, take the gamble Gamble.
  20. We all should be making "Strike T-Shirts" and selling them 25$ a pop, make some extra pocket money off the picketers. Solidarity Chicago style. Sometimes going to work is like going to a mini market with all the side hustlin' entrepreneurs.
  21. Can't we just fire them and sue for a refund of dues before Trump appoints someone to mediate.
  22. GM needed to make a cut in labor cost, they just cut a weeks labor cost without having to pay anyones vacation time on the UAW's dime. IUAW needed to be relevant to it's members and find away to spend some strike fund money to continue at the higher dues rate. The longer they take to stall the inevitable the more creative the rumors sound.
  23. it's ok, they're taking the weekend off while everyone bask in solidarity. By monday picketers will be eligible and enough strike fund will have been spent so they won't have to lower dues anytime soon. Ford might see something by Oct 4th? hopefully
  24. you must be new, yes we pay 7-10% of our wage in dues after you add dues from bonuses. Don't say I'm wrong and not give the right answer. you're actually proving my point about workers not comprehending very well. Speaking of dues, once strike fund reaches 850 mill our dues were to be lowered. We were reaching the 800 mill mark before this strike, in order for them to continue getting the higher dues they needed to strike and spend some of that strike fund. https://uaw.org/dues-faq/
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