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  1. I don't notice a lag when I drive in Normal mode. Conserve mode might have restrictions on immediate wide open throttle for, well, conservation of fuel. My Aviator did have a lag from 1st to 2nd gear when I first got it, and they corrected it with a software upgrade to the drive train controller. I've been driving my Audi Q7 a lot lately and when I got into my Aviator last night, the difference in acceleration is very noticeable. The Lincoln is a rocket......
  2. Just ordered a paint protection film for the back deck. I’ve used one on my 2008 Audi for years. Holds up well and protects. Invisiblemask.com
  3. There have been cases of leaks in the front which were problematic for people. I had a leak in the back pass side near seat buttons. It turned out to be a pinched sunroof drain tube. Hope yours is a simple to fix.
  4. Thule finally is offering fit kits for the 2020 Aviator. I’ll be ordering soon, as I miss my Thule roof case. http://www.thule.com
  5. It’s just me, but I would never accept that my brand new car would need a full engine replacement right after I purchased it. They should take the car back and give you a new one, If you are planning to go the new engine route, make sure they give you a platinum service plan and a extended warranty.
  6. Nope. Unless the price is insanely low and they give you a 5-10yr warranty.
  7. I've always used one and never had issues. I've realized that it's not the touch of the wheel that triggers the sensor - it's resistance on the steering. I've been able to keep my knee on the wheel, with slight back and forth movements that kept the alert from going off for many miles.
  8. Yes, that seems to be a lot of condensation. I see a little bit when I was the car, but your pic shows a lot more than I’ve experienced.
  9. I've always ordered the bare wire power cord and wired it into the fuse panel. You can use a voltage tester to see which open fuse ports in the panel are "Switched" depending on ignition. The best bet is to use one of these (link below) Just crimp the positive wire to it, and ground the remaining wire. https://www.amazon.com/Uriveusa-Circuit-Adapter-Holder-Upgraded/dp/B01LFXA5YQ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2KB8YYF6GHS3B&keywords=fuse+adapter+for+car&qid=1578327730&sprefix=fuse+adapter%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFQNEoyQzQ0Wkk0Q1QmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAzODgwODFZVFgyODlJUUdRWjQmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDMyMDczOTMzTE5aUlNMQUNOMjQmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
  10. I haven’t noticed, but will check mine for you.
  11. I haven't noticed anything on my AWD model. Will analyze that speed next time i'm driving...
  12. I had a Aviator loaner that them. They were pretty nice. They were more rubbery than the plasticy weatherTech ones that I have for my Audi. I’ll probably get them for my Aviator.
  13. As someone who was quoted in the article - they are not taking our concerns seriously enough. My climate issue was a problem the first time i reported it and they shrugged me off. I was back today at the dealership to deal with this a second time -- this time with documented temperature readings (116 degree console). Four men were sitting in the car with digital thermometers today. I was the one pointing out the temp sensors in the headliner that are probably showing (no reading) for the climate system - pushing the HVAC to crank the flow and temps to max all the time. This of course was because of a pinched sunroof drain tube (in production) that caused a leak into the cabin and probably fried the cabin temp sensors. How long was rain flowing into this car in the 3.5 months it sat in lots in Chicago and Detroit before it was delivered? Not sure. But Lincoln as a company needs to step the hell up and snap to the owners who are voicing concerns about the issues with this car. I want to state that there are people with worse problems with this car than I have, but no matter the issue, the most annoying thing is that i got shrugged off with my complaints. I was back today - pissed off and told them If i can do more scientific testing of the issue with no technical understanding of the car - they better exceed my rudimentary tests to figure out the problem.
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