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OHAP Plant Problems


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Are you serious? Do you really not understand the point of my post?
Which cry babies are you talking about? If this was directed at former 425 members shame on you!

If this was directed at 2000 members double shame on you!! It seems to me a lot of folks on here are doing their best to divide the membership into two factions. That sir/madam/ miss is wrong. Two things a union person should believe in is senority and UNITY. I can see where your loyalities lie. Thank you.

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Back to actual plant problems.....



I asked Labor Relations today if the rumors were true that they would be staggering the buyouts. I was told that this was true, they could not release everyone at once. I also heard while I was up there that they were bringing back some of the TLO's. I know they brought back one man who had a tremendous amount of time and he was confused as to why they were bringing him back. I also heard that they were going to available work. This was directly from a Bargaining Rep. Labor Relations told me that there would be a bulletin coming out tomorrow. As soon as I get home I will post it on here.

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My point is that everything on this board (at least 99% of it) is bitching at people or negativity. Life goes on after Ford. RELAX!

If I offended you I'm sorry. I agree 99% written on this forum is balderdash, mostly written by people who have a legitimate complaint and no way of addressing it to the proper channels. Sorry again. Now back to sleep. :boring:

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Let's get back to what this topic is about. OHAP plant problems. What are the problems that we're experiencing right now? Well, on Friday a person was pinned to the van in Pretrim. This is because maintenance has not been able to install the stop mats on the platform. Many of the Andon cords don't work properly and there aren't enough hard stops where we need them to be. But in order to provide "quality of work/life balance" Bill Ford and his henchmen have seen fit to black out Sundays on maintenance so they are not able to get the work done. This is with us working Saturdays. BIG health and safety issue. We need grating over on the sidewinder - a grated panel with a tray under it inserted into the floor to allow for easier cleanup and more efficient changeover when a rear window breaks. We need barrels for the operations that require spraying soapy water so that parts can be sprayed to make them pliable without them getting soapy water all over the floor thereby creating a slipping hazard. Pretrim and Trim are a mess and we really need to get all the issues sorted, prioritized and resolved. Not having the CIWG meetings certainly doesn't help. The employees could prioritize what they feel are the most important issues for their group and find ways to get them resolved. The problem is the plant manager and upper management doesn't have a clue. But then this is a plant manager that supposedly has said that she closes plants. Must be because Ford is aware of her lack of ability and doesn't trust her to operate a plant that is going to be staying open.





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Do you WANT OHAP to close? OHAP is not one of the plants slated for closure - at this time. I'm sorry, but I don't understand this defeatist attitude! As long as we're open, we have a chance. As for our fearless plant manager - look for her to be leaving us.

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Spring: I read between the lines of the bulletin we received yesterday about the packages. It said therer was a release date 'as yet to be determined' I hope that means that there are more packages that will be distributed, but I'm not exactly sure that's what it means. I applied for the educational one, but I'm so confused right now. When they presented those packages to us in GEN they made it sound like anyone who applied for one would definitely get one. That's why a lot of people took the tlo. We were told, "Take the TLO and wait for your package to come through," NOT " Take the TLO and pray there is one for you to have". The guy even went as far as to 'threaten' us with , " And if you take the TLO and do NOT take a package, you WILL be put on available work in the WORST area on the WORST job." We all laughed. We figured with our low seniority that was where we were headed, anyway!! But like I said, they never presented the packages as an 'if' it was a certainty that if you applied and were eligible according to the criteria, you were getting one. I just figured I would work all the hours now, seeing as to how I was leaving, I'd have a nice financial cushion in my pocket. And as far as the educational opportunity: the program I WANT to take is offered every two years in a cycle. This is really screwing me up. What good is going for further education if you don't even know when to apply for admission?!! If people are going for fall semester they need to be finishing up the application process NOW!! I just thank God I didn't waste the fifty bucks to apply for admission and then really be steaming right about now. Sheesh. You have to have 1978 seniority?!! Un-freakin-believable!! :blink:


Please, allow me to make myself perfectly clear so as to not continue to confuse you. If I was in fact flexible enough to bend over so far that I could insert my head into my anus, I can promise you, I would be much too busy doing something else to even attempt the feat that you speak of! I'll keep it in mind though. As for the rest of your comments, what is your point? I don't think anybody will forget the letters that the former Lorain structure put out in desperation, and yes, I have a few of the letters as a matter of fact. It's good that you aren't wallowing in the demise of 425, cause it would cause you alot of undue stress and that can cause a guy like yourself to get all bound up, have sleepless nights etc. It's like any other curveball that may be thrown at you in the game of life, you make the best of it and try and hit a homerun. Nick has done a respectable job of making this thing go smoothly. The tasks that this situation (plant and local consolidation) brings about with it are somewhat insurrmountable, and he has hung in there and fought the entire time. I think you might agree that this is not a common job assignment or responsibility of most union chairmen. Given that, I think it is far premature to judge his handling of all this unlesss it is in the context of saying that he has done a good job of keeping as many woking as possible, and has worked hard to make sure that job bids have gone up as promised. The rest of this will take alot of time to settle. People need to give him that time. If more people looked out for themselves and the interests of their fellow workers, however, that would make things much easier. The union can't handle everything for us. Take note of people like Mary Springowski, she is on top of everything in her area, and does not wait for answers to questions or concerns that require immediate attention. If something has to happen, she makes sure it does. We are the ones out there doing these jobs. We need to take more ownership for what happens on the plant floor. As for outsourced jobs, let's give it some time. I think it is a bit premature to assume that we have lost any jobs permanantly at this point. And remember, we have a very critical contract negotiation coming up in a little over a year. Call me crazy, but I believe that much of our future as a plant relies on our handling of this consolidation from office to floor, we must all remember that. Enjoy your day!


slapshot: I neva, evah, evah (!!) thought I'd be saying this but I CONCUR!! Yes, I agree. Under the overwhelming circumstances, Nick is doing alright. Things are gradually straightening out. As far as pressing issues go, I think a crucial focus (at least in trim) should be installing some emergency stops. I STILL don't know how to stop the line if someone is hurt, caught in a chain, etc. Sure it may stop at the next station, but what good is that if you're stuck in the path of a moving vehicle?!! I pulled a muscle in my shoulder last night and went to medical for the infamous biofreeze massage and back off pills and guess what?!! There is STILL just one nurse on duty per shift. That's ludicrous. I I believe Ed said the standard was one nurse per 300 people. Hmm. So how many should be there? Definitely more than one. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm sure.

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Let's get back to what this topic is about. OHAP plant problems. The problem is the plant manager and upper management doesn't have a clue. But then this is a plant manager that supposedly has said that she closes plants. Must be because Ford is aware of her lack of ability and doesn't trust her to operate a plant that is going to be staying open.


Would that be Mona???

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Take a look at the by-laws. Tim can't run. He hasn't been a member in good standing for one year. When our people transferred to LAP years ago, they couldn't run. And by-laws cannot be set aside. And don't be stupid, of course I'm going to support Michael. But it's not because he's my younger brother. I think he's ready to take on the challenge of BC. I believe that he's the best person for the job. Anyone who knows anything about me can tell you that if Michael does something I don't agree with I have no problem saying so. You might find this hard to believe but I can be objective about my brothers. I've always said that the only persons that I cannot be objective about are my husband and children and I make no excuses for that. And there's no "Poor Mary" here. I am my own person. My father and brothers get on rather well with Tim Rowe but I don't like him or the way he conducts business and that is my right just as it is yours to like him. But Tim wasn't willing to make hard decisions that were necessary to keep LAP viable. Granted, he wasn't given much to work with after Bill Allen left but I don't think he put much effort into trying to keep it going and Jack was just a disaster. Hey, we've had our share of buffoons here as well.... I'd just like us to look at who is going to help us stay open. As for 2012 being the end, we don't need any more defeatist attitudes here. We have an outstanding workforce and have the ability to secure a bright future if we do what we need to. If you don't want to step up to the line and help, get the hell out! I don't know about you but I need my job and will do whatever I feel is necessary in order to keep it.


I won't speak for Schnur but I will tell you that my father would say that he only helped you get the opportunity to get a job at Ford. He would say that YOU have been responsible for getting and keeping your job so you should pat yourself on the back. These are not easy jobs. Many people cannot and will not do them. It takes a certain type of person to hang in there, you're one of those people.



Poor Mary I hope you dont bet all your money on who gets to run or not because you would lose you house,The international took care of your silly bylaw for the 425 crew and all can run for what ever they want too--See ya at the polls LOL

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Like a root canal, but when someone is right, they're right. Now I'm wondering if someone else posted under his username...!!! B)


You really should do all you can to protect yourself from my twisted way of thinking. Sorry if I have rubbed off on you coconut. I'll do my level best to piss you off again in the very near future! Welcome for now to the very small, and elite group that are my friends. Right now membership stands at you and Peeps! Glad to have you!


LOL!! actually, Slappy isn't so bad...he tends to grow on ya (like a fungus, I suppose :P )





Do you think coconut is falling for me Peeps?


Spring: I read between the lines of the bulletin we received yesterday about the packages. It said therer was a release date 'as yet to be determined' I hope that means that there are more packages that will be distributed, but I'm not exactly sure that's what it means. I applied for the educational one, but I'm so confused right now. When they presented those packages to us in GEN they made it sound like anyone who applied for one would definitely get one. That's why a lot of people took the tlo. We were told, "Take the TLO and wait for your package to come through," NOT " Take the TLO and pray there is one for you to have". The guy even went as far as to 'threaten' us with , " And if you take the TLO and do NOT take a package, you WILL be put on available work in the WORST area on the WORST job." We all laughed. We figured with our low seniority that was where we were headed, anyway!! But like I said, they never presented the packages as an 'if' it was a certainty that if you applied and were eligible according to the criteria, you were getting one. I just figured I would work all the hours now, seeing as to how I was leaving, I'd have a nice financial cushion in my pocket. And as far as the educational opportunity: the program I WANT to take is offered every two years in a cycle. This is really screwing me up. What good is going for further education if you don't even know when to apply for admission?!! If people are going for fall semester they need to be finishing up the application process NOW!! I just thank God I didn't waste the fifty bucks to apply for admission and then really be steaming right about now. Sheesh. You have to have 1978 seniority?!! Un-freakin-believable!! :blink:

slapshot: I neva, evah, evah (!!) thought I'd be saying this but I CONCUR!! Yes, I agree. Under the overwhelming circumstances, Nick is doing alright. Things are gradually straightening out. As far as pressing issues go, I think a crucial focus (at least in trim) should be installing some emergency stops. I STILL don't know how to stop the line if someone is hurt, caught in a chain, etc. Sure it may stop at the next station, but what good is that if you're stuck in the path of a moving vehicle?!! I pulled a muscle in my shoulder last night and went to medical for the infamous biofreeze massage and back off pills and guess what?!! There is STILL just one nurse on duty per shift. That's ludicrous. I I believe Ed said the standard was one nurse per 300 people. Hmm. So how many should be there? Definitely more than one. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm sure.



Look for some changes to happen pretty quickly after what happened in Pre-trim last Friday. I agree with you. You should all demand to know where stops are on and around your operation. As for the nurse situation, I was not aware of this. Seems there has always been just one nurse in there in all of my time on night shift. Hope the shoulder feels better!

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Slapshot2: thanks for the concern. Went to a 'real' doctor this afternoon. I figured something was amiss this morning when A. I couldn't comb my own hair and B. I had to brush my teeth with my left hand. And then to get in the car and have to shift with my LEFT hand. Yes, that was quite awkward.


Anyway, drumroll pleeeze! She thinks it's my rotator cuff. :o Dammit. I already ruined the other one on the Villager. How many bodily 'souvenirs' is this job gonna give me?! Now I'm off to the field trip for xrays and MRI. Sheesh. This is ridiculous. :angry: I don't know if I'm madder at my own stupidity/carelessness/disrespect for my body or the panel I was trying to bang in at the time. :angry:

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Slapshot2: thanks for the concern. Went to a 'real' doctor this afternoon. I figured something was amiss this morning when A. I couldn't comb my own hair and B. I had to brush my teeth with my left hand. And then to get in the car and have to shift with my LEFT hand. Yes, that was quite awkward.


Anyway, drumroll pleeeze! She thinks it's my rotator cuff. :o Dammit. I already ruined the other one on the Villager. How many bodily 'souvenirs' is this job gonna give me?! Now I'm off to the field trip for xrays and MRI. Sheesh. This is ridiculous. :angry: I don't know if I'm madder at my own stupidity/carelessness/disrespect for my body or the panel I was trying to bang in at the time. :angry:


You sound like you need to find your limitations, and then stick with them. This place is not worth ruining your life over, and some of these injuries can effedctively ruin a great deal of the things one likes to do in life. Hope it all works out for you. Rotator cuffs are not pretty. Take care!


Poor Mary I hope you dont bet all your money on who gets to run or not because you would lose you house,The international took care of your silly bylaw for the 425 crew and all can run for what ever they want too--See ya at the polls LOL



Like that matters. The stupid bet here would be anyone from 425 that buys election shirts, or whatever kind of garbage trinket they may try to pass out. They'll be the real losers here. Nobody from that local has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the BC race, and you know it as well as I do. See you at the polls!

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You sound like you need to find your limitations, and then stick with them. This place is not worth ruining your life over, and some of these injuries can effedctively ruin a great deal of the things one likes to do in life. Hope it all works out for you. Rotator cuffs are not pretty. Take care!

Like that matters. The stupid bet here would be anyone from 425 that buys election shirts, or whatever kind of garbage trinket they may try to pass out. They'll be the real losers here. Nobody from that local has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the BC race, and you know it as well as I do. See you at the polls!

what do you and mary think that only good union rep's are from OHAP only ? and that only the people from OHAP are the best people for any of the union job's wake up this the real world there are good and bad people in both plants it dose'nt matter who run for the BC job if its a person that once worked at lorain or one that always worked at OHAP what matters is that people elect the best person for our membership here at local 2000 mary or how she calls herself spring ! keeps saying that anyone from lorain can't run for a year shows how much she really knows. everyone from lorain came here as a member in good standing and the international even said it in the union meeting when pete kitts ask that same Question, so the world will soon see that mary talks a lot of bull shit, her dad was a had union job at local 2000 he use to work at lorain so is he no dam good because he can from lorain ? the answer is no so don't play bull shit games we are all one now and we need to vote for the best interest of our plant, be smart !

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One "Honest" Worker,

First of all, I never said that there weren't any good people at LAP. I've met a lot of the workforce that has come over and have repeatedly said that there's a lot of wonderful people that came from LAP. Every day I meet more and more of them and you couldn't ask for nicer, more decent people. That being said, the by-laws stand. It's time to stop playing these political games and go by the book when it comes to the union. We have enough problems with an International that defines the word incompetent. As for union reps from LAP, my father in law was the Powerhouse Rep at LAP before he retired and he's one of the finest men I've ever met in my life. But the By-Law stands. The International cannot just set aside or suspend By-Laws for political expediency. If that's the case, then why even have them in the first place? The same with the Constitution. The rules are in place to govern how we operate. The way this bunch (the International) is running things it's like playing Monopoly with a four year old and they also want to be the banker. Making up rules as they go along. We cannot continue to function as a serious and viable organization under these conditions. You want to go by something that Nick Parente said at a union meeting? How many times has someone from the Region or National Ford said something at a meeting and had to come back and admit that they gave us bad information? Do we really want to continue with business as usual and the divisive political factions that have destroyed our locals in the past? We need to get over this Red Team vs. the Blue Team and Soldarity vs. Ohio Truck, etc. God, this is getting as bad as the Democrats vs. the Republicans and about as stupid. And no one suffers except the regular folks.

Edited by Spring
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One "Honest" Worker,

First of all, I never said that there weren't any good people at LAP. I've met a lot of the workforce that has come over and have repeatedly said that there's a lot of wonderful people that came from LAP. Every day I meet more and more of them and you couldn't ask for nicer, more decent people. That being said, the by-laws stand. It's time to stop playing these political games and go by the book when it comes to the union. We have enough problems with an International that defines the word incompetent. As for union reps from LAP, my father in law was the Powerhouse Rep at LAP before he retired and he's one of the finest men I've ever met in my life. But the By-Law stands. The International cannot just set aside or suspend By-Laws for political expediency. If that's the case, then why even have them in the first place? The same with the Constitution. The rules are in place to govern how we operate. The way this bunch (the International) is running things it's like playing Monopoly with a four year old and they also want to be the banker. Making up rules as they go along. We cannot continue to function as a serious and viable organization under these conditions. You want to go by something that Nick Parente said at a union meeting? How many times has someone from the Region or National Ford said something at a meeting and had to come back and admit that they gave us bad information? Do we really want to continue with business as usual and the divisive political factions that have destroyed our locals in the past? We need to get over this Red Team vs. the Blue Team and Soldarity vs. Ohio Truck, etc. God, this is getting as bad as the Democrats vs. the Republicans and about as stupid. And no one suffers except the regular folks.

it upsets me to hear lorain people or OHAP people we do agree on one thing no more blue or red team just one team local union 2000 we must unite or else we will be next to close our own plant :blink:

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it upsets me to hear lorain people or OHAP people we do agree on one thing no more blue or red team just one team local union 2000 we must unite or else we will be next to close our own plant :blink:



So let's stick to the issue of the topic OHAP Plant Problems. There's a lot of issues out there and we need to make sure that they're getting addressed. If people are successful in resolving issues, let others know how you did it. If you're having a problem with getting issues resolved, bring them up here and maybe others can help. But you're absolutely correct, there's no us and them, we need to be one.


Okay, that above being said, there's a very interesting website that someone told me about the other day. www.unionfacts.com

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You really should do all you can to protect yourself from my twisted way of thinking. Sorry if I have rubbed off on you coconut. I'll do my level best to piss you off again in the very near future! Welcome for now to the very small, and elite group that are my friends. Right now membership stands at you and Peeps! Glad to have you!


Do you think coconut is falling for me Peeps?



I'm pretty certain that you can include Spring in our elite group, Slapster! :wub:


As for Coconut falling for you...well, what woman in her right mind wouldn't fall for you?? :shrug:



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Do you WANT OHAP to close? OHAP is not one of the plants slated for closure - at this time. I'm sorry, but I don't understand this defeatist attitude! As long as we're open, we have a chance. As for our fearless plant manager - look for her to be leaving us.

No I do not but workers in Atlanta and st.louis wixon did not want this either but there's Hope and there is REALITY. Stop looking at Ford from the inside in and look fron the outside in.

When the avg. person reads this stuff in the paper or on here about Ford workers crying over work rules or workers making $6000 a month crying about having to pay a little portion of their healthcare people turn away from the big 3 and buy Toyota and KIA'S. Trust me this is true my neighbors told me, they are teachers and RN's and they pay alot more then we do for healthcare and they bought foreign cars and trucks. The avg. family income is what $38-42,000 a year and when they read about a retire making $36,000 a year and fighting healthcare copays this magnifies the perception problem!

Make no mistake Ford owes the retires and I feel that as a 15 year employee ford and the UAW should allow us the workers to decide which pension they want.A defined benefit or a defined contribution pension like Apple and IBM and alot other companies have. Since the union backs the dem party and all they talk about in prochoice, well I want my choice also.

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(Quote) Avon got the Villager because they saw the reality of the situation and people like Schnur and Donavan got things done. And I was referring to your brother Michael Donavon.

And tell your father and Don Schnur thanks for helping me get my job at Avon in 92.



Yea and Schnur and Donavan both gave away the farm to get the Villager asshole. Where is the Villager and Mariner now??????? :happy feet:

Here, Here we finally agree on the something.



Your right lets FIGHT FORD like the steel unions did and lets not change and build cars more efficiently.

Who cares if Toyota builds factories in the U.S. and takes away our market share as long the senior employees get easy jobs. WAKE UP it's not 1970 any more. The steel workers have half their pensions and NO health care but they fought back. Great idea lets fight change and bankrupt Ford and make them file bankruptcy, then noone will have to worry about paying more for healthcare because we won't have NONE AT ALL, and everyone retired can get maybe half their pension.


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Your right lets FIGHT FORD like the steel unions did and lets not change and build cars more efficiently.

Who cares if Toyota builds factories in the U.S. and takes away our market share as long the senior employees get easy jobs. WAKE UP it's not 1970 any more. The steel workers have half their pensions and NO health care but they fought back. Great idea lets fight change and bankrupt Ford and make them file bankruptcy, then noone will have to worry about paying more for healthcare because we won't have NONE AT ALL, and everyone retired can get maybe half their pension.




That is the most intelligent thing, not written by myself, that I have read on this board, I think ever! Nicely done CSMJ! I fail to understand some of the old way of thinking. I understand that it is tough to change a persons way of thinking, but the reality of the happenings within the company should be glaringly obvious to EVERYONE. I have said it before and I'll say it again, if many, many, things don't change we will be lucky to even get half of a pension. That all depends on the debt liabilities that a company has going into bankruptcy. Since it is money not contributed by the employees, there is no guarantee that you will get anything. Yet still, there are many old timers that refuse to change or take part in anything that may possibly help the company in it's turnaround objectives and provide long term security to younger workers and their families. That, is disgraceful! Funny thing is, these are usually the ones that have limited contributory savings. Go figure.


I'm pretty certain that you can include Spring in our elite group, Slapster! :wub:


As for Coconut falling for you...well, what woman in her right mind wouldn't fall for you?? :shrug:




Do you think Mary would consider herself a member? Could you ask her for me. I'm a little shy :unsure:

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