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Proved: There is no climate crisis

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how about your belief that global warming isn't real? is it unshakable?


I don't have any beliefs. I don't see any evidence of man-made global warming, but I do see evidence of man-made brainwashing. I think that I am correct, but I am willing to be swayed if I see enough proof. It is up to the proponents of this idea to prove it. You can't just pull something out of thin air in a very suspicious manner and expect everybody to believe it. Soon we would be back to the tribal superstitions of thousands of years ago if we did that.

Edited by Trimdingman
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Okay, you're in Canada, right? In the United States, the federal government has had the right to collect income tax since 1913. I cannot remember a time when I was not aware of income tax.


By the way, I support the Fair Tax with no cap. But, I prefer a lower rate. I think 15% sounds better.



We have had income tax for as long as you have, I think. When I was a kid, I never heard of it because where I lived, there wasn't much work, and it was mostly cash.


I think that there needs to be a limit on income tax because the government should not have the right to know your business. I would like to see most of government eliminated. It is sucking the prosperity out of the country in order to maintain power over the people. We have enough resourses to-day in America for everybody to be wealthy. The only thing holding us back is the government. No American citizen should have to work at manual labor. Let the Chinese do these jobs, but we would still own them. They are the Communists, not us. Let them slave if they want to. Each person would be a mini-corporation. He could contract out his job to a Communist slave if he wanted to. We would lease them from their government for a few dollars a day each. I don't want to be a slave of any government, myself. Right now, I am.

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While you guys are here on BON trying to debunk ACC, (the debate was over a long time ago, you lost) the rest of the developed world is moving forward.The signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is, as far as I can recall, by far the biggest victoryby an American President in his first month in office. Environmentally, the bill is the most important piece of legislative support for clean energy ever adopted. Its provisions include $80 billion for a wide variety of environmental programs. The President, before he signed it in Denver, visited a solar-energy manufacturing facility.


In addition to directly funded investments, the bill also contains important, if little commented on, incentives to industry, states, and local government to go even further. Some of the second-year funding for energy efficiency, for example, is contingent on states following California's lead in giving their public utilities as much incentive to save energy as to increase electricity generation.


EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, in a letter to the Sierra Club, made it clear that the administration will move forward to comply with the Supreme Court ruling that carbon dioxide is a pollutant that EPA must regulate under the Clean Air Act. And only days earlier, the administration also set in motion the process to grant California its clean-car waiver, which will enable at least fifteen other states to join California in reducing CO2 emissions from motor vehicles by almost twice what Congress mandated in the fall of 2007. Combined with the federal role in restructuring the auto industry, the U.S. is now on a pathway to decarbonize personal transportation -- a goal the Sierra Club has pursued for thirty long, lonely years since Congress first mandated fuel-efficiency standards for Detroit.


The decisions to grant the California waiver and to begin the process of regulating carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act represent quick victories for half of the Sierra Club's suggested "Clean Slate" agenda for the Obama administration. Two other Clean Slate goals -- protection of streams and communities from mountain removal mining and ambitious short-term goals for an economy-wide climate bill -- remain to be accomplished as the administration and Congress move forward.


, the Sierra Club rolled up major state and local victories in its campaign to stop new coal-fired power plants. Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm announced a statewide moratorium on new coal-fired plants, an enormous step forward since Michigan was the proposed site of more new coal plants than any other state -- eight plants.


By the end of this month, the Sierra Club's three-year-old campaign against new coal plants will have stopped 93 plants -- almost two-thirds of the way to our goal.


The Sierra Club can come suck the side pipes on my Mustang. :P They aren't anti-pollution. They are anti-civilization.

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We have had income tax for as long as you have, I think. When I was a kid, I never heard of it because where I lived, there wasn't much work, and it was mostly cash.


I think that there needs to be a limit on income tax because the government should not have the right to know your business. I would like to see most of government eliminated. It is sucking the prosperity out of the country in order to maintain power over the people. We have enough resourses to-day in America for everybody to be wealthy. The only thing holding us back is the government. No American citizen should have to work at manual labor. Let the Chinese do these jobs, but we would still own them. They are the Communists, not us. Let them slave if they want to. Each person would be a mini-corporation. He could contract out his job to a Communist slave if he wanted to. We would lease them from their government for a few dollars a day each. I don't want to be a slave of any government, myself. Right now, I am.

can the Canadian citizens work manual labor? they are after all kind of communist with their nationalized health care.

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can the Canadian citizens work manual labor? they are after all kind of communist with their nationalized health care.



That's what I am saying. This communist health care that we have is just as bad as the health insurance that you have. We need to go back to paying directly as individuals. That is what I had when I was a kid and we didn't have much money. What is the problem now? We made out just fine. When someone else is paying through a collectivist system, the charges will still rise to the ability and willingness to pay. When it is someone else's health care, you can't limit it out of conscience. You will pay what ever they ask, and they will ask for the upper limit that they can get away with. We are probably paying ten-fold too much.

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The Sierra Club can come suck the side pipes on my Mustang. :P They aren't anti-pollution. They are anti-civilization.

On the contrary Nick, you guys are the ones who are anti-civilization, all you care about is the now, with no thought of future generations. Keep driving that gas guzzling mustang, it's a fun car to drive, and I am sure that is the only reason you bought it, you just want to have fun. I am sure it has nothing to do with you being insecure and trying to impress people with your wealth and the bad boy image you want to project.


But yeah keep that head of yours in the sand Nick, right next to Ford Mo. Co. Ford has been losing market share for 20+ years with no thought to the environment. In the end they will get what they deserve. When Ford Falls Nick you might want to look into being the impartial moderator that you at Hanity.com , until then, keep up that gluttonous consumption of yours and go buy some cheap plastic Chinese crap from wall mart so you can impress your neighbors.

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On the contrary Nick, you guys are the ones who are anti-civilization, all you care about is the now, with no thought of future generations. Keep driving that gas guzzling mustang, it's a fun car to drive, and I am sure that is the only reason you bought it, you just want to have fun. I am sure it has nothing to do with you being insecure and trying to impress people with your wealth and the bad boy image you want to project.


I could care less what anyone thinks of me in my Mustang. I bought it because it's fun. I enjoy the car. I enjoy the culture surrounding the Mustang. And wealth?? Seriously?? It's an 11 year old Mustang. Who the hell would get the impression of wealth from me driving that around? :lol: If I wanted to impress people with my wealth, I'd go buy some flavor-of-the-week yuppiemobile. Get your head out of your ass.


You're the one trying to impress people by trying to impart some sort of freaky I-love-the-planet mentality on others in the name of "saving the planet". Thank you for your courageous acts of environmentalism!! Now be even more courageous and turn off your computer forever to save electricity. I mean really. If you want to live a good environmentalist life, that's fine. But why bother coming here to parade your stream of bullshit to those of us who don't really care what you have to say? It's for the exact same reasons you accused me of buying the Mustang: You want attention.


But yeah keep that head of yours in the sand Nick, right next to Ford Mo. Co. Ford has been losing market share for 20+ years with no thought to the environment. In the end they will get what they deserve. When Ford Falls Nick you might want to look into being the impartial moderator that you at Hanity.com , until then, keep up that gluttonous consumption of yours and go buy some cheap plastic Chinese crap from wall mart so you can impress your neighbors.


Ford has been increasing their market share for several months in a row, and they have one of the most fuel-efficient vehicle lineups available in the U.S. Again, get your head out of your ass. Go do some reading. This isn't the same Ford as it was in 1999. Of course, it doesn't fit your agenda to stand behind Ford, let alone any corporate entity in America, so all you can do is find fault in their pasts.


Move on. Nobody here is interested in your religion.

Edited by NickF1011
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I could care less what anyone thinks of me in my Mustang. I bought it because it's fun. I enjoy the car. I enjoy the culture surrounding the Mustang. And wealth?? Seriously?? It's an 11 year old Mustang. Who the hell would get the impression of wealth from me driving that around? :lol: If I wanted to impress people with my wealth, I'd go buy some flavor-of-the-week yuppiemobile. Get your head out of your ass.


You're the one trying to impress people by trying to impart some sort of freaky I-love-the-planet mentality on others in the name of "saving the planet". Thank you for your courageous acts of environmentalism!! Now be even more courageous and turn off your computer forever to save electricity. I mean really. If you want to live a good environmentalist life, that's fine. But why bother coming here to parade your stream of bullshit to those of us who don't really care what you have to say? It's for the exact same reasons you accused me of buying the Mustang: You want attention.




Ford has been increasing their market share for several months in a row, and they have one of the most fuel-efficient vehicle lineups available in the U.S. Again, get your head out of your ass. Go do some reading. This isn't the same Ford as it was in 1999. Of course, it doesn't fit your agenda to stand behind Ford, let alone any corporate entity in America, so all you can do is find fault in their pasts.


Move on. Nobody here is interested in your religion.


No I won't move on just because you say so, and please tell me when were you elected to to be speaker for everybody here at BON. There are actually quite a few people here at BON who agree with me. If you don't like what I have tyo say then you leave.

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Don't for getfolks, this guy runs in the same pack as those who drive spikes into trees so that loggers out trying to support their families cut off their arms OR WORSE when the saw hits em and bounces back. No different than abortion clinic bombers or those that fly airplanes into buildings. A fanatic is just a terrorist waiting for training or financing.

Edited by fxcomet
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Don't for get folks, this guy runs in the same pack as those who drive spikes into trees so that loggers out trying to support their families cut off their arms OR WORSE when the saw hits em and bounces back. No different than abortion clinic bombers or those that fly airplanes into buildings. A fanatic is just a terrorist waiting for training or financing.

hahahaha your a funny guy, now go dig your bunker to save yourself, and don't forget to warn others

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Warn others? I believe I JUST did. I don't hide in bunkers to fight my battles by the way. Nor do I fight them hiding behind politicians and anonymous message boards. Oh, and it's "you're" not "your" (a contraction of YOU ARE. YOUR is a possesive pronoun). Obviously you were too busy carrying picket signs and drooling over spotted owls to pay attention in engllish class. I'd prefer my planet saviors to at least be semi-literate. Try to keep up here, we're getting a little tired of stopping every five minutes and waiting for you.

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Don't for getfolks, this guy runs in the same pack as those who drive spikes into trees so that loggers out trying to support their families cut off their arms OR WORSE when the saw hits em and bounces back. No different than abortion clinic bombers or those that fly airplanes into buildings. A fanatic is just a terrorist waiting for training or financing.


So I am the same as the 9/11 terrorists? The pack I run with would probably haze you for being code W (wussie) at night time while we noodle for catfish. What's that? You don't know what noodling is? I probably hunt and fish more in one summer than you do in a lifetime. By the way you spelled forget wrong, not that I really care, just thought I would let you know since you are head of the grammar police.

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Nice try. I've known about noodling since you were just a glimmer in your pappy's eye. I am rather suprised you'd stoop to grappling for helpless catfish on a muddy river bank or hunting helpless widllife all the while blaming the rest of the world's environmental ills on someone else. You're a hypocrite of the highest order. Tell me, did it ever to occur to you that boat motors put out more pollutants in a day's fishing than my mustang does in a month? Of course not. What kind of vehicle do you drive to get to your prime hunting locations? Oh, let me guess: You take the bus or you bicycle? Do you feel any twinges of guilt knowing that your purchase of a firearm supports the "murderous industrial complex"? Pfft, I doubt any of your enviro wacko friends even know you have a gun. That's the beauty of telling everyone else how to live on line, you don't have to follow your own rules.


Yep, the forget mistake was a typo. I'm suprised you noticed the difference.

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Top Japanese Scientists: Warming Is Not Caused By Human Activity

A major scientific report by leading Japanese academics concludes that global warming is not man-made and that the overall warming trend from the mid-part of the 20th Century onwards has now stopped.


Unsurprisingly the report, which was released last month, has been completely ignored by the Western corporate media.


The report was undertaken by Japan Society of Energy and Resources (JSER), the academic society representing scientists from the energy and resource fields.

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There should be some sort of check list for environmentalists where one can be a pre-approved environmentalist.


Must live in a house of less than 200' sq per person.

Must live in a house where utilities cost less than $20 per month averaged for the year for each gas, electric, waste. Cap and trade.

Must live in a house where they put in solar or wind all at their own expense with no tax rebates, etc. No Fed or State assistance.

Must live within walking distance to work.

May not own a car but can rent time 'car share'.

May not smoke or do any illegal drugs.

Must commit 'organized' volunteer time at least 5 hours per month cleaning up the environment.

If they do not bake their own bread must reuse bread bags in place of zip locks and Tupperware.

May not use bleach in laundry and wear only natural fibers.


If your not doing these minimums your not an environmentalist.



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No I won't move on just because you say so, and please tell me when were you elected to to be speaker for everybody here at BON. There are actually quite a few people here at BON who agree with me. If you don't like what I have tyo say then you leave.


I'm speaking for everyone on BON because in my years here, I've never seen anyone ever agree with your whacked-out leftist agenda. Ever. If you can find anyone who agrees with you, I'll stop generalizing.

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Nice try. I've known about noodling since you were just a glimmer in your pappy's eye. I am rather suprised you'd stoop to grappling for helpless catfish on a muddy river bank or hunting helpless widllife all the while blaming the rest of the world's environmental ills on someone else. You're a hypocrite of the highest order. Tell me, did it ever to occur to you that boat motors put out more pollutants in a day's fishing than my mustang does in a month? Of course not. What kind of vehicle do you drive to get to your prime hunting locations? Oh, let me guess: You take the bus or you bicycle? Do you feel any twinges of guilt knowing that your purchase of a firearm supports the "murderous industrial complex"? Pfft, I doubt any of your enviro wacko friends even know you have a gun. That's the beauty of telling everyone else how to live on line, you don't have to follow your own rules.


Yep, the forget mistake was a typo. I'm suprised you noticed the difference.


The thread title is "proved:there is no climate crisis" not "STP must defend his lifestyle and his grammar mistakes" But hey, that's what some conservatives do when they can't articulate their case, they make ad hominem attacks or more often than not come up with some BS analogy.

I don't mind a little thread drift but. Peoples opinion on ACC and the environment in general comes down to where they stand on culture. It's more of a cultural thing than anything. If you guys were really worried about how much $$ you have to give up then you would be screaming about the $30 billion a year that tax payers pay to farm subsidies each year. You don't really care about the money, it's just a culture thing that you can thrive on. By the way, I don't use a boat to fish, I don't drive one single mile to hunt but when I do drive (seldom) I get 50 miles to the gallon. You see I live in the sierra's at 7,500 ft. in a community.

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The thread title is "proved:there is no climate crisis" not "STP must defend his lifestyle and his grammar mistakes" But hey, that's what some conservatives do when they can't articulate their case, they make ad hominem attacks or more often than not come up with some BS analogy.


Labeling all conservatives as such isn't an ad hominem attack?

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Must be a lotta catfish to noodle in a 7500ft community....


Arguments are not credible if the persons making them aren't. You aren't therefore neither are they.


As Nick has already said and I'll echo, I recycle, keep my thermostat turned down, keep my vehicles impeccably tuned. However, I do not condemn your points of view unless they're rammed them down the throats of others. You're passionate about your environmental beliefs and I have utmost respect for that believe it or not. If I were to espouse my religious beliefs on this board like you have attempted to do your environmental religion, I'd be condemned, drawn, quartered, and crucified.


Thus my comparing you to the Islamic fundamentalists. You're an intolerant, environmental, bigot. In your eyes, you're right, we're wrong and we're all going to environmental hell.

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