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Proved: There is no climate crisis

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probably one of those fair and balanced things like FOX news, but I do think I have heard of, or read about that place before and I bet it was right here in this thread.


You are not a scientist, so you have never gone out and taken any measurements, yourself. All you know is what you read. Both sides have made arguments, so there is no way for you to actually know which side is correct. You believe in man made global warming based on this. That is religion. It is not science. As for myself, I never heard of global warming until I saw it being preached. Since I see no evidence of it around me, and I am very suspicious of the way it is being presented, noting the "usual suspects" who are in favor of it, to say that I am sceptical would be a huge understatement.

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You are not a scientist, so you have never gone out and taken any measurements, yourself. All you know is what you read. Both sides have made arguments, so there is no way for you to actually know which side is correct. You believe in man made global warming based on this. That is religion. It is not science. As for myself, I never heard of global warming until I saw it being preached. Since I see no evidence of it around me, and I am very suspicious of the way it is being presented, noting the "usual suspects" who are in favor of it, to say that I am sceptical would be a huge understatement.

back to you only more of it!

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back to you only more of it!


If you come up with a proposition, the onus is on you to prove it. I don't have to disprove it. It is impossible to disprove anything, so your statement "back to you only more of it" is childish and meaningless. That is why we have religions. Nobody can disprove them. Global warming is like a religion to believers. I am neither a believer or a non-believer, just a skeptic. I will not adopt something as being highly probable on the word of a fast talker.

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If you come up with a proposition, the onus is on you to prove it. I don't have to disprove it. It is impossible to disprove anything, so your statement "back to you only more of it" is childish and meaningless. That is why we have religions. Nobody can disprove them. Global warming is like a religion to believers. I am neither a believer or a non-believer, just a skeptic. I will not adopt something as being highly probable on the word of a fast talker.


I equate Global Warming to the Lock Ness Monster (or big foot, or sea monsters, or Santa Claus, or the tooth fairy or an intelligent liberal). No need to disprove it's existence because no one has proven it does in fact exist.

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I equate Global Warming to the Lock Ness Monster (or big foot, or sea monsters, or Santa Claus, or the tooth fairy or an intelligent liberal). No need to disprove it's existence because no one has proven it does in fact exist.


Intelligent liberal. That's an oxyMORON if I ever heard one.

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There are plenty of scientists that disagree with the man-made global warming. Not as many as the alarmists. But what are the reasons behind that?











This one is funny. It is written by the alarmists trying to debunk those that oppose them.


Same here. You can read the underlying tone of this article.




But lets speak about the scientists themselves. They have to eat as we do. So how to they get money? Grants and funding from governments, some corporations and our case the United Nations. There is a lot of competition for the dollars available and the funding pot is shrinking daily. Scientific study has a close analogy to the news. Sensationalism sells. New, bigger, better, faster, and DEATH headlines all sell. We are all going to die because the seas will rise 20 meters from the ice melting. That is some scary future. No wonder so many scientists have jumped on the global warming bandwagon. Fear mongering makes money! It is a feeding frenzy the multiplies upon itself. The worst the prediction of the future, more money becomes available.

And since I brought up the United Nations, just who receives all the tax money to prevent global warming? The United Nations, an organization that supports the destruction of sovereign states and the advancement of one world government.


Global Carbon Tax Urged at UN Climate Conference

BALI, Indonesia – A global tax on carbon dioxide emissions was urged to help save the Earth from catastrophic man-made global warming at the United Nations climate conference. A panel of UN participants on Thursday urged the adoption of a tax that would represent “a global burden sharing system, fair, with solidarity, and legally binding to all nations.”

“Finally someone will pay for these [climate related] costs,” Othmar Schwank, a global tax advocate, told Inhofe EPW Press Blog following the panel discussion titled “A Global CO2 Tax.” Schwank is a consultant with the Switzerland based Mauch Consulting firm


Schwank said at least “$10-$40 billion dollars per year” could be generated by the tax, and wealthy nations like the U.S. would bear the biggest burden based on the “polluters pay principle.”


The U.S. and other wealthy nations need to “contribute significantly more to this global fund,” Schwank explained. He also added, “It is very essential to tax coal.”


The UN was presented with a new report from the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment titled “Global Solidarity in Financing Adaptation.” The report stated there was an “urgent need” for a global tax in order for “damages [from climate change] to be kept from growing to truly catastrophic levels, especially in vulnerable countries of the developing world.”


The tens of billions of dollars per year generated by a global tax would “flow into a global Multilateral Adaptation Fund” to help nations cope with global warming, according to the report.


Schwank said a global carbon dioxide tax is an idea long overdue that is urgently needed to establish “a funding scheme which generates the resources required to address the dimension of challenge with regard to climate change costs.”


And just why are China and European Union not paying their share of this tax since they truly are the major polluters along with the United States according to the United Nations own information?


And what is the UN going to do with billions of dollars to prevent this?





“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself “

FDR 1933

And the fear generated by the global warming activists.




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scientists vs alarmists

conservatives, who arent conservative vs liberals who are alarmists


facts are that man has an impact on the earth, be it in the sand box, or in the air, it happens.

weather or not the earth has a fever, or is in a ice age is a matter of what you measure, or want to see.

Al Gore isn't a scientist, and neither is EXXONMOBILE.

It still looks like no one in the post has come up with any solid ground to stand on, except their own by their own judgment, which come up to the point we are at now.

no one can prove or disprove either one of the many sides of this argument, so every one is right, consquently every one is wrong also.

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scientists vs alarmists

conservatives, who arent conservative vs liberals who are alarmists


facts are that man has an impact on the earth, be it in the sand box, or in the air, it happens.

weather or not the earth has a fever, or is in a ice age is a matter of what you measure, or want to see.

Al Gore isn't a scientist, and neither is EXXONMOBILE.

It still looks like no one in the post has come up with any solid ground to stand on, except their own by their own judgment, which come up to the point we are at now.

no one can prove or disprove either one of the many sides of this argument, so every one is right, consquently every one is wrong also.



If you randomly pull some half-baked hypothesis out of thin air, it will 99.9999% of the time be wrong. There used to be farms in Greenland where there are now glaciers. There have been swings in climate much bigger than anything we will see, and long before we started using fossil fuels. The atmosphere is vast, and we are just a microscopic dot in comparison. The total volume of people is about 1/10th of a cubic mile. The volume of the atmosphere is about 20 billion cubic miles.

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scientists vs alarmists

conservatives, who arent conservative vs liberals who are alarmists


facts are that man has an impact on the earth, be it in the sand box, or in the air, it happens.

weather or not the earth has a fever, or is in a ice age is a matter of what you measure, or want to see.

Al Gore isn't a scientist, and neither is EXXONMOBILE.

It still looks like no one in the post has come up with any solid ground to stand on, except their own by their own judgment, which come up to the point we are at now.

no one can prove or disprove either one of the many sides of this argument, so every one is right, consquently every one is wrong also.


Neocons are not true conservatives. True

Mans impact on earth relating to climate change? Unknown

Does the earth go through warming and cooling periods? Absolutely true

Al Gore isn't a scientist. True However Exxon mobile employs many different scientists.


The bottom line is the alarmists want everyone to pay a TAX on their unprovable theory to a governing body perpetuating the nonsense eager to claim more tax money in turn creating more alarmists.

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For those of us the live and die by the words 'Peer Review'.


Peer review http://www.independent.org/newsroom/article.asp?id=1963


"...Reference to “peer-reviewed research” and to an alleged “scientific consensus” are regarded as veritable knock-out blows by many commentators. Yet many of those who make such references appear to me to be more or less ignorant of how science as a form of knowledge-seeking and scientists as individual professionals operate, especially nowadays, when national governments―most notably the U.S. government―play such an overwhelming role in financing scientific research and hence in determining which scientists rise to the top and which fall by the wayside."


"It does not work as outsiders seem to think."


Peer review, on which lay people place great weight, varies from being an important control, where the editors and the referees are competent and responsible, to being a complete farce..."


I do not believe 'that word means what you think it does'. :hysterical:




Peace and Blessings

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Oh man. It just gets better.


"As recently as the mid-1970s, for example, a scientific consensus existed among climatologists and scientists in related fields that the earth was about to enter a new ice age. Drastic proposals were made, such as exploding hydrogen bombs over the polar icecaps (to melt them) or damming the Bering Strait (to prevent cold Arctic water from entering the Pacific Ocean), to avert this impending disaster. Well-reputed scientists, not just uninformed wackos, made such proposals. How quickly we forget."


Which begs the question. Does Russia really care about "Peer Reviewed" MMGW? Probably and they can't wait for it to get here!


Peace and Blessings

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Neocons are not true conservatives. True

Mans impact on earth relating to climate change? Unknown

Does the earth go through warming and cooling periods? Absolutely true

Al Gore isn't a scientist. True However Exxon mobile employs many different scientists.


The bottom line is the alarmists want everyone to pay a TAX on their unprovable theory to a governing body perpetuating the nonsense eager to claim more tax money in turn creating more alarmists.

where did this alarmist making people pay TAX come from?

taxes are here to stay dont you remember the Ben Franklin quote "Death and taxes"?

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If you randomly pull some half-baked hypothesis out of thin air, it will 99.9999% of the time be wrong. There used to be farms in Greenland where there are now glaciers. There have been swings in climate much bigger than anything we will see, and long before we started using fossil fuels. The atmosphere is vast, and we are just a microscopic dot in comparison. The total volume of people is about 1/10th of a cubic mile. The volume of the atmosphere is about 20 billion cubic miles.

yeah but how much hot air have you been spewing out? probably less since the invention of the internet where you just type virtual hot air.

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yeah but how much hot air have you been spewing out? probably less since the invention of the internet where you just type virtual hot air.


I am just trying to be logical. It is hard to point out logic to someone who is indoctrinated to the illogical. Al Gore needs only to utter the word and post-hypnotic suggestion kicks in.

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Science stops being science once it enters the realm of activism.


Plan B: scientists get radical in bid to halt global warming ‘catastrophe’

THE director of a Nasa space laboratory will this week lead thousands of climate change campaigners through Coventry in an extraordinary intervention in British politics.


James Hansen plans to use Thursday’s Climate Change Day of Action to put pressure on Gordon Brown to wake up to the threat of climate change - by halting the construction of new power stations and the expansion of airports, with schemes such as the third runway at Heathrow..........{more at link}

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well maybe when you stop talking about Al Gore and commie feminsts you'll start being logical.


Al Gore is the main proponent of MMGW. I think he is a fraud. If you do not think that the feminist movement was leftist and riddled with Communists, you are not only illogical, but deluded. Women are not communist any more than men, so the movement has died. They tried though, and they are trying again with this man-made-global-warming. Religion has worked to dupe people all over the world, so they are using the same techniques. They want you to believe without providing proof, and they are condemning anyone who does not believe. That is just like religion.

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Al Gore is the main proponent of MMGW. I think he is a fraud. If you do not think that the feminist movement was leftist and riddled with Communists, you are not only illogical, but deluded. Women are not communist any more than men, so the movement has died. They tried though, and they are trying again with this man-made-global-warming. Religion has worked to dupe people all over the world, so they are using the same techniques. They want you to believe without providing proof, and they are condemning anyone who does not believe. That is just like religion.

Well if you think Al Gore in the Main man in regard to global climate change your spectrum of information uptake isn't reaching very far past blockbuster, as for being a fraud you may be right especially whne you consider how green his house is, and how much of a scientist he is. As for the femminist movement, i dont equate it with communism, more like pissed off house wives that ran out of places to be put in. As for the religion, i am not a member of any as you would like to believe i am a minister in the church of AL/femmi/commies. SO now that i have debunked your assumptions about me, and probably a lot of people, can you explain how CO2, methane, nitrous oxoide, or nay other poly hydrocarbon doens't affect the air we breath, assuming you breath, the waters we drink, and the soils around us?

have you not heard of acid rain?

ozone action days?

tailpipe emissions?

the world might not flood tomorrow as you and Al gore fear, but i'd be willing to bet that there will be some ozone action days this summer when many children across the globe will suffer from via asthma through no action of their own, unless you count going outside to play. now if that is their own fault i guess i am illogical because I believe that they should be left with a planet that isn't poison to them, but I am almost certain you can come up with some way to dismiss this reasoning, with out Al Gore, Feminism, religion, FOX news, or the commies I am earger to see the tale you can weave.

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can you site any in particular besides TRIM's favorite scientist al gore?







Low lying areas of the UK are under threat because the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are melting faster than previously thought.


And climate change is also likely to lead to super storms which will batter the coastlines of Britain.


New security threats caused by climate changeCities including London, Hull and Portsmouth are all likely to need new defences to prevent devastating flooding.


The dire warning will be made at a climate change conference in Copenhagen this week.


Dr David Vaughan of the British Antarctic Survey told the Observer: "It is now clear that there are going to be massive flooding disasters around the globe.


"Populations are shifting to the coast, which means that more and more people are going to be threatened by sea level rises."


Original predictions suggested sea-level was likely to rise between 20 and 60cm by 2100, but failed to take into account the impact of melting ice-sheets because the data was not understood.


Revised estimates suggest sea-level rises could top one meter by 2100, a figure backed up by the US Geological Survey who said it could reach up to 1.5m.


And storms caused by climate change could see super tidal surges hitting the UK coastline. East Anglia, the Thames Estuary and low-lying cities are all at risk without huge investment.


Dr Colin Brown, of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers said: "Climate change shows there will be significant increases in storms as global temperatures rise. These will produce much more intense gales and hurricanes and these, in turn, will produce massive storm surges as they pass over the sea."


In a report published last month, the IMechE warned that the country will face massive disruption to its transport and energy systems. Many rail lines run along valleys which will be flooded.


The IMechE has warned that many areas of the country may have to be abandoned because they are too expensive to protect.


more can be found here



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Well if you think Al Gore in the Main man in regard to global climate change your spectrum of information uptake isn't reaching very far past blockbuster, as for being a fraud you may be right especially whne you consider how green his house is, and how much of a scientist he is. As for the femminist movement, i dont equate it with communism, more like pissed off house wives that ran out of places to be put in. As for the religion, i am not a member of any as you would like to believe i am a minister in the church of AL/femmi/commies. SO now that i have debunked your assumptions about me, and probably a lot of people, can you explain how CO2, methane, nitrous oxoide, or nay other poly hydrocarbon doens't affect the air we breath, assuming you breath, the waters we drink, and the soils around us?

have you not heard of acid rain?

ozone action days?

tailpipe emissions?

the world might not flood tomorrow as you and Al gore fear, but i'd be willing to bet that there will be some ozone action days this summer when many children across the globe will suffer from via asthma through no action of their own, unless you count going outside to play. now if that is their own fault i guess i am illogical because I believe that they should be left with a planet that isn't poison to them, but I am almost certain you can come up with some way to dismiss this reasoning, with out Al Gore, Feminism, religion, FOX news, or the commies I am earger to see the tale you can weave.



We are not affecting the ozone. If anything, we are adding to it with all of the electrical discharging we have been doing for the last 100 years. If the ozone layer is depleting, we are not causing it. The biggest suspect would be the sun, the same one that would be causing global warming, if that is occuring. Political agitators are trying to alarm the people by spreading false information. They also got women all stirred up. Women may have had it hard before the washing machine and vacuum cleaner, but now they have it worse working in factories, not seeing and raising their children, which is their natural instinct.

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