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OBAMA KNEW!!!!!! And did nothing but LIE

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Obama Knew



I typically write my own commentary and support my accusations with links to reliable sources. But this article is so well written, I stand by it's words as if they were my own.



By Neal Boortz



This is really serious stuff. At this point, unless you are a fool, you shouldn’t just be disappointed with Obama ... you should be completely disgusted with Obama. He is a vile, disgusting man. We know that now.

The ObamaMedia has quite a job today and over the next two weeks. Those people dedicated to the cause of re-electing Barack Obama will have to do their best to keep the latest news quiet about the true nature of the death of our ambassador and three other Americans. If the ObamaMedia runs with the story, they will have to put it on page 16, tucked in the left-hand corner. This way, they can say that they did indeed report it but hope that lazy readers won’t flip and scrutinize to find it hiding amongst the shadows of other stories the paper has deemed more worthy.

The latest revelations are simply this: Obama’s cover story of the Benghazi attack is completely falling apart. Obama has been exposed. Jay Carney has been exposed as someone who will tell us lies in order to protect Barack Obama. Susan Rice has been exposed, openly and overtly lying to protect Obama.

The emails are now in the hands of the media. These are the emails that the Senate Intelligence Committee has been requesting for weeks and the State Department wouldn’t turn them over.

Well, the emails are out. There are emails from our diplomats in Libya to the State Department, the FBI and EOP – more specifically, the Situation Room in the White House. Those emails plainly say the consulate in Benghazi is under armed attack:

4:05 p.m. Washington time - "U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack" and the notation "SBU" (Sensitive But Unclassified)

The text said the State Department's regional security office had reported that the diplomatic mission in Benghazi was "under attack. Embassy in Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well." The message continued: "Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four ... personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support."

4:54 p.m. "Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi"

The Embassy in Tripoli had reported that "the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi had stopped and the compound had been cleared." It said a "response team" was at the site attempting to locate missing personnel.

6:07 p.m. "Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack."

The message reported: "Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."

So by the time Barack Obama sat down for dinner that night, he knew that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. He knew!

And about that first email … who is the 17th of February militia? Their real name is the 17th of February Martyrs Brigade. Obama likes to talk about outsourcing … the 17th of February Martyrs Brigade are the people whom Obama outsourced for security for our consulate in Benghazi. And who are they? They are an offshoot of Ansar al-Sharia ... the group that was conducting the attack on the consulate!

Are you following this? Obama outsources security to our consulate to the 17th of February Martyrs Brigade, an offshoot of Ansar al-Sharia. And then we know that in the interim Chris Stevens asked for more security and Obama’s State Department says, “You don’t need it. You are fine!” And then the parent group launches an attack, brags about it on Facebook and Twitter, and then by the time Obama had finished dinner, he knew who launched this attack.

What he didn’t know by dinner is where our ambassador and personnel were. So he goes to bed.

When Obama wakes up, our ambassador is dead. And three more Americans are dead. So Obama has to make a statement. He makes a statement and slams mitt Romney and blames it on a video, and then flies to Las Vegas for a campaign fundraiser. Then he sends out his UN ambassador the next Sunday to the TV talk shows, “It’s all because of this video.” He sends Jay Carney out to say it was this video. Obama himself goes to the UN, knowing it was a planned attack by Ansar al-Sharia and says it was the video six times in that speech!

Bottom line: He knew, he lied and he covered up.

Obama lied because he was in a re-election fight and he had been running around the country boasting, “I killed bin Laden and I decimated al Qaeda. Osama is dead, GM is alive!” But the truth is that al Qaeda is not dead and al Qaeda in Libya is not dead. But our ambassador is dead … and three more Americans are dead.

All of Obama’s bravado and strutting looks pretty empty. How are we going to make this not our fault for failing to provide adequate security, for outsourcing security to the 17th of February Martyrs Brigade? How are we going to make this now our fault? We’ll blame it on this video. It’s all this guy in California … we are going to get him and we’re going to put him in jail and make him the scapegoat. He’ll do a perp walk. We’ll march him up and down the street in handcuffs … “Here he is! Here’s the responsible guy! And don’t you dare have a hearing until after the election. His hearing is scheduled for three days after the election.

And you already voted for him ... or you are going to? How incredibly stupid do you feel?

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White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails


(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.

The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the Benghazi assault, which President Barack Obama and other U.S. officials ultimately acknowledged was a "terrorist" attack carried out by militants with suspected links to al Qaeda affiliates or sympathizers.

Administration spokesmen, including White House spokesman Jay Carney, citing an unclassified assessment prepared by the CIA, maintained for days that the attacks likely were a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim film.

While officials did mention the possible involvement of "extremists," they did not lay blame on any specific militant groups or possible links to al Qaeda or its affiliates until intelligence officials publicly alleged that on September 28.

There were indications that extremists with possible al Qaeda connections were involved, but also evidence that the attacks could have erupted spontaneously, they said, adding that government experts wanted to be cautious about pointing fingers prematurely.

U.S. intelligence officials have emphasized since shortly after the attack that early intelligence reporting about the attack was mixed.

Spokesmen for the White House and State Department had no immediate response to requests for comments on the emails.


The records obtained by Reuters consist of three emails dispatched by the State Department's Operations Center to multiple government offices, including addresses at the White House, Pentagon, intelligence community and FBI, on the afternoon of September 11.

The first email, timed at 4:05 p.m. Washington time - or 10:05 p.m. Benghazi time, 20-30 minutes after the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission allegedly began - carried the subject line "U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack" and the notation "SBU", meaning "Sensitive But Unclassified."

The text said the State Department's regional security office had reported that the diplomatic mission in Benghazi was "under attack. Embassy in Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well."

The message continued: "Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four ... personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support."

A second email, headed "Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi" and timed 4:54 p.m. Washington time, said that the Embassy in Tripoli had reported that "the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi had stopped and the compound had been cleared." It said a "response team" was at the site attempting to locate missing personnel.

A third email, also marked SBU and sent at 6:07 p.m. Washington time, carried the subject line: "Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack."

The message reported: "Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."

While some information identifying recipients of this message was redacted from copies of the messages obtained by Reuters, a government source said that one of the addresses to which the message was sent was the White House Situation Room, the president's secure command post.

Other addressees included intelligence and military units as well as one used by the FBI command center, the source said.

It was not known what other messages were received by agencies in Washington from Libya that day about who might have been behind the attacks.

Intelligence experts caution that initial reports from the scene of any attack or disaster are often inaccurate.

By the morning of September 12, the day after the Benghazi attack, Reuters reported that there were indications that members of both Ansar al-Sharia, a militia based in the Benghazi area, and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the North African affiliate of al Qaeda's faltering central command, may have been involved in organizing the attacks.

One U.S. intelligence official said that during the first classified briefing about Benghazi given to members of Congress, officials "carefully laid out the full range of sparsely available information, relying on the best analysis available at the time."

The official added, however, that the initial analysis of the attack that was presented to legislators was mixed.

"Briefers said extremists were involved in attacks that appeared spontaneous, there may have been a variety of motivating factors, and possible links to groups such as (al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Ansar al-Sharia) were being looked at closely," the official said.

Edited by RangerM
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This action by Obama and this incompentent administration as far as I'm concerned is worse and I mean WORSE THAN ANY ACTION THAT NIXON DID TO COVER UP ANYTHING TO DO WITH WATERGATE!!!!!!

How many "bumps in the road" were there in Watergate?


The burgled a psychiatrists' office and LIED about it. NO ONE DIED!!!


Nixon resigned, only AFTER the election.


Are Obama supporters going to dare to say Obama deserves the same?


Anosognosics (link) suffering from the Dunning-Kruger Effect (link) will think it is insignificant.

Edited by FiredMotorCompany
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How many "bumps in the road" were there in Watergate?




The burgled a psychiatrists' office and LIED about it. NO ONE DIED!!!



Nixon resigned, only AFTER the election.




Are Obama supporters going to dare to say Obama deserves the same?



Anosognosics (link) will think it is insignificant.

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The various agencies provide data or intel to the president and the WH.


The WH writes and or approves all public release of information.


Its clear that everyone else knew what was really going on early on as did the WH yet the misinformation was routed through the WH and promoted as being the truth but clearly was not the case.


Obama is a liar and or incompetent. Its playing pure politics with the situation for their own personal benefit or gain.

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The various agencies provide data or intel to the president and the WH.


The WH writes and or approves all public release of information.


Its clear that everyone else knew what was really going on early on as did the WH yet the misinformation was routed through the WH and promoted as being the truth but clearly was not the case.


Obama is a liar and or incompetent. Its playing pure politics with the situation for their own personal benefit or gain.

I've noticed over the last several weeks that our liberal friends here are reluctant to comment on the whole libyian debacle......and now as details come out that 2 of the security people could have been recused if the obama state dept/DOD had acted instead of sitting on their hands... it's time for heads to roll...all the while the MSM runs around covering for the POS so he can get re elected....politics are more important to him than the lives of American citizens.....

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I've noticed over the last several weeks that our liberal friends here are reluctant to comment on the whole libyian debacle......and now as details come out that 2 of the security people could have been recused if the obama state dept/DOD had acted instead of sitting on their hands... it's time for heads to roll...all the while the MSM runs around covering for the POS so he can get re elected....politics are more important to him than the lives of American citizens.....


Friend Nap, do you know what the liberals on here are doing now? Let me tell you-------->after they read this topic, they are sitting in front of their computers doing some HOPEIUM, looking up the spin that their heroes have posted to keep status quo for 2 more weeks.


While the only President worse in growth has been Herbert Hoover proving Obama really sucks, we can't say that about the Obama election team. Eventhough his policys resemble a stinky turd, they have painted that turd, and sprayed Febreeze into the air while telling America------>you didn't see what you seen, you didn't hear what you think you heard, and we will tell you what is actually going on as soon as we figure out the best lie to tell you.


Is America that stupid?


The answer you will be happy to hear from someone who has seen the polls the politicians get is a RESOUNDING NO!


If we all vote as we intended, Obama is gone. The interior polls for politicians show this.


Just go to your poll, pull the lever and smile!


Trust me on this one. Unless something comes up in the next 2 weeks that is totally unforseen in foreign policy or revalation that Romney is actually the son of Adolf Hitler, the Obama nightmare is over!


Even if you reside in a blue state, make sure you vote for other positions within your sphere of influence. This is just as important. Remember, we can't repeal Obamacare without it, although we can defund it temporarily.



See ya at the polls.




Rich, lololololololol AKA Newt, Rick, Paul, and any other conservative these libs want to call me

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As real information comes in ( not the stuff released from the WH) it show a series of events and a time line that is much different. Case in point were the two former SEALS that were killed at the CIA "safe" house around 7 hours later. Its this large window of time that its hard to claim nothing could have been done to support or evacuate those men.


If other reports are true that other countries abandoned or left their embassies well prior to 9/11 and the USA was the only ones remaining with a reduced security force as well and no plans for action to support that reduced force its shows total incompetence on the behalf of the current people running the state department as well as the white house.


Unfortunately a real terrorist attack does not fit the Obama game plan or narrative of all is well. Its just a few more bodies (1 ambassador, 3 state department staff added to the federal agents in the BATFE fast & furious deaths) considered bumps in the road for someone that is more concerned about their own skin than dead skin and a trail of bodies with no answers.

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Any way we can get some information on this from anyone other than this Boortz guy?


I can't exactly get worked up about a radio personality that wrote "The terrible truth about liberals." Even if he does support abortion and gay rights.



All this talk reminds I have to go vote for Obama tomorrow. Ah well.

Edited by the_spaniard
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Any way we can get some information on this from anyone other than this Boortz guy?


I can't exactly get worked up about a radio personality that wrote "The terrible truth about liberals." Even if he does support abortion and gay rights.



All this talk reminds I have to go vote for Obama tomorrow. Ah well.

I'll give you points for at least commenting but I have to deduct most of them for being lazy...this story is in other places...even Reuters has a story out there...you don't want to know the truth...makes your guy look bad...there are a trail of emails from the WH...and if you can just dismiss something this serious off-hand, where 4 Americans lost their lives, that says volumes about you..."there are none so blind, as those who will not see"
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Any way we can get some information on this from anyone other than this Boortz guy?


I can't exactly get worked up about a radio personality that wrote "The terrible truth about liberals." Even if he does support abortion and gay rights.



All this talk reminds I have to go vote for Obama tomorrow. Ah well.


Did he hurt your feelings?


Can you not find a point he made to object to or respond to?

Or can you only dismissively just go walk the dog? You just shampooed and have to dry your hair? You just painted your nails and don't want to chip the polish?


If not, then why bother visiting the forum? Just an instigator? Or an alternative identity to amplify your voice via ventriloquism?

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I'll give you points for at least commenting but I have to deduct most of them for being lazy...this story is in other places...even Reuters has a story out there...you don't want to know the truth...makes your guy look bad...there are a trail of emails from the WH...and if you can just dismiss something this serious off-hand, where 4 Americans lost their lives, that says volumes about you..."there are none so blind, as those who will not see"


Wow Naps, your wheels are really coming off these days.


"I don't want to know the truth". You can definitely infer that because I don't want to get my information from another bloated radio personality (which conservatives seem fine to do).


I didn't dismiss it off-hand. I just don't trust the source. If you can't see why, then you are blind. But then again you may get your info from Rush or this clown.


4 Americans lost their lives, that says volumes about you..


And my, you are on the attack. Why are those panties in a bind?

14 US personnel have been killed in Afghanistan this month. You never seem to mention them. Is it because you can't get political play out of them for "your guy"? Their lives not worth as much? Gotcha. That says volumes about you.


But hey, don't sweat it. You just need a hug. Group hug! :grouphug:

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Did he hurt your feelings?


Can you not find a point he made to object to or respond to?

Or can you only dismissively just go walk the dog? You just shampooed and have to dry your hair? You just painted your nails and don't want to chip the polish?


If not, then why bother visiting the forum? Just an instigator? Or an alternative identity to amplify your voice via ventriloquism?


Oh, fired you are just the ants at the picnic.


Here you are being the "little buddy" to Naps post. Then you attack me with a stream of insults designed to insult what, my manhood? It's like you are trying to e-bully me. I love it. A classic sign of your low self-esteem. It's fascinating how someone will attempt to jump all over, establish dominance or control, try to belittle you because they don't have any real control in their own life. So they try to do it online, the only control they have left. Online forums like these are their only way to overcome their own sense of inadequacy. The best part is after making such statements they feel secure. They can breathe easier. That is sooo cute. :hysterical:



All this for asking about the source and saying I am going to vote for Obama. The wheels are really coming off the wagon around here. Yes, having a different opinion is instigating. How very Christian of you !




OK buddy. You get a group hug too! Now turn that little frown upside down! :grouphug:

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Oh, fired you are just the ants at the picnic.

(Just stirrin' the puddin'.)


Here you are being the "little buddy" to Naps post.

(Actually, my comment was unrelated to anyone else but your comment.)


Then you attack me with a stream of insults designed to insult what, my manhood?

(Manhood, no. Feigned indifference to the discussion, yes.)


It's like you are trying to e-bully me. I love it. A classic sign of your low self-esteem.

(I am feeling good enough to travel to Obama's election night group hug-fest with a case of Kleenex for the staff.)


It's fascinating how someone will attempt to jump all over, establish dominance or control, try to belittle you because they don't have any real control in their own life. So they try to do it online, the only control they have left. Online forums like these are their only way to overcome their own sense of inadequacy. The best part is after making such statements they feel secure. They can breathe easier. That is sooo cute. :hysterical:

(Just as you are doing in that comment???? I responded in kind, or so I thought I was. In backtracking your comments, you have presented reasonable points and generally been respectful. And therefore, I would like to apologize if your intent was not to be derisive. I do think you could point out where you disagree with the post, as opposed to dismissing the points made offhand. That IS the reason for coming here, is it not? I read the article and, in an effort to avoid paraphrasing the entire article, I offered it as if it was my position. Question the points. Debate the source. Argue the validity of the points made. That was what I expected. And if you had no comment, then why respond? Why not lurk in the periphery and watch as others engage in the debate?)


All this for asking about the source and saying I am going to vote for Obama.

(The source is well reported in the link from Reuters in the post. Do you need me to point it out? As I said above, you have generally presented you views in a reasonable manner worthy, in my opinion, of respect for your position. And my "attack" was not related to your stated intention to vote for Obama. I truly respect any person who has given due effort to come to an informed decision. Not one based on "celebrity endorsement" or "group peer pressure" or blindly out of a refusal to give at most three hours per election cycle to considering where to mark the ballot.)


The wheels are really coming off the wagon around here.

(Where do you see that? Obama's spin team is far more troubled than I am. In fact, I have stated that I would not be surprised if Romney's electoral college results exceeded Obama's 2008 levels. Not predicting it will happen, just suggesting it is not out of the realm of real possibilities. Better tighten your own axle nuts.)



Yes, having a different opinion is instigating. How very Christian of you !

(Christian? Not practicing, though raised Methodist. If anything I do try to love the man, but not the sin. And regardless of your attempt at guilt-tripping me, I believe the tenets of the Christian faith offer a model to live by. Love one another. Forgiveness of sins. Respect your elders. Do not kill. Do not covet your neighbors house....... I lost my first wife to cancer after twenty years together and I have too little time for dwelling on hate.)




OK buddy. You get a group hug too! Now turn that little frown upside down! :grouphug:

(That's ok. I do think you seem to need one with as many calls as you have put out for one.)

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This action by Obama and this incompentent administration as far as I'm concerned is worse and I mean WORSE THAN ANY ACTION THAT NIXON DID TO COVER UP ANYTHING TO DO WITH WATERGATE!!!!!!


And nowhere near as bad as the lies used by Bush to get us involved in Iraq and 4,000 men and women in US armed services killed and tens of thousands injured.


Once again spare us these.



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Now Fired, you are full of surprises.


If you would just treat me with some amount of respect like you did in this second post, I will respond in kind. There is a big difference in someone asking to participate in a debate or discussion like this:


I do think you could point out where you disagree with the post, as opposed to dismissing the points made offhand. That IS the reason for coming here, is it not? I read the article and, in an effort to avoid paraphrasing the entire article, I offered it as if it was my position. Question the points. Debate the source. Argue the validity of the points made. That was what I expected.


As opposed to attacking him personally like this:


Did he hurt your feelings?

Can you not find a point he made to object to or respond to?

Or can you only dismissively just go walk the dog? You just shampooed and have to dry your hair? You just painted your nails and don't want to chip the polish?

If not, then why bother visiting the forum? Just an instigator? Or an alternative identity to amplify your voice via ventriloquism?



-Did I deserve that level of disrespect? Thats why I responded that way above.

-The link I was responding to was from that blowhard Boortz, was the original link. He is known for having an axe to grind against Obama.

- For the record, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians, for they are so unlike your Christ" - sums up the way I feel.

- My group hugs are to chill people out. I don't need them, but look at the hate and venom on this board for Obama.Many people here do not show share your understanding for people voting for Obama. They label democrats or even independents like me "idiots" etc. Some people here are just plain closet racists. (Those who liked that bigot T099's posts fall into that group).


Now to the meat of the matter:


These emails do not tell the whole story. I'm not saying Obama didnt choke on this. He may have. he may have not. I'm saying I will wait for the whole picture, investigation, fact checking, etc before I make a decision. I'm not going to make a snap judgement. The details are just beginning to surface, and you have Bored ridiculously posting it is worse than Watergate. Sensationalism at it's finest. A prime example of problems with some conservatives. They rush to judgement so quickly to attack the president, they don't wait for facts and don't care about facts or in some cases the country...just get rid of the president.


You say you respect anyone that wants to make an informed decision. I agree, but jumping into this without all the facts is not an informed decision. Yet that is exactly what people here are doing. They have emails out of context, they weren't there, and once again they think they know more than intelligence officials. Look at the titles of the posts of the Off-topic forums section. This a forum dominated by partisan sensationalist claims.


If Obama was negligent in some way, then he deserves to get reamed for it. Reaming him over a chain of emails without having all the facts because you are fiercely partisan is just silly. Yet it happens here all the time. Until it is properly investigated, know one has any idea what went down. Thats what I want to wait for. Will it effect my vote tomorrow morning? No.


For the record, I think he had some culpability in "Fast and Furious". Thats why he buried it. In my mind it was a low spot in his presidency. He should have come clean.


Also for the record, I'm not thrilled with the guy. I'm not enamored with him. But in my view he is a better choice than Romney. Honestly though I am not too worried about who will win the election. I am really worried about congressional gridlock. Republican congressmen/women have lost a lot of my respect over the last four years for their partisan antics. We definitely don't need four more years of that if Obama wins, and we don't need the opposite from democrats if Romney wins. That is the real threat to this country, not who sits in the oval office.

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How should i say this? I think that conservatives are getting tripped up by the need to have things labeled for their own comfort not that of the country, nor for operational impact. Is this really the worst thing that ever happened? Not the attacks but not coddling conservatives with their need for enemies to point there finger at? No, it wasn't. All these stupid, whining little posts are solely for the benefit of election year politics, although almost no one here hasn't already decided so it's preaching to the choir as you can tell by the number of conservatives with hankies and tissues.


So I'll ask all of you what has happened since the Consulate attack? Do you know what happened or are you only worried what words are being said. I would suggest that your not interested in actions but words and anything Obama does will be deemed inconsequential because he didn't call it terrorism or suggest the Islam is our enemy. But I will give you a little bit of reality.


Muslims in Libya have forcefully removed Ansar al-Sharia militia in Benghazi on their own and the US has intensified drone attacks on the Salafi group all over the middle east. The government and civilians have cracked down on other militias still in the area. I don't think it's going out on a limb here to suggest that most of you have no idea of who or what is our enemy in the middle east. You'll probably say Islam, Muslim or something else but you'll be pissed when Muslims do that to us. When they say "Americans" are there enemy you'll act out suggesting they are ignorant and hateful but you'll never look in the mirror and see yourself doing the same.


So here I'm going to give you a little lesson. Islam is much deeper and more complicated than you think. It has a violent history similar to Europe's in that wars were waged and people brutalized over sects and dogma. some of those battles still rage today among the poor tribes and in the more civilized areas it's turned into a long simmering teachings battle among Muslim teachers. But in Northern Africa as Libya was attempting to regain solid control of it's land Salafi's saw their opportunity to attack sects they did not agree with. Thus Sufi site, burial grounds, Mosques and even the people were attacked and destroyed. So when the consulate attack came Obama labeled it terrorism and set about handling the problem. Did they jump through flaming hoops to gather your attention? No, they handled things is a much more precise diplomatic matter attempting to limit the ignorant anger to those Americans who would stir up trouble and not all of us.


This ultimately will help us and has helped us. The Libyan people and their government got on the problem as we did too. So instead of the usual all Islam is bad game the republicans like to play we played the "We have our idiots too" card creating a less antagonistic attitude. You can't kill enough Muslims to make the problem go away while enacting policies and attitudes that continue to ensure there will be future terrorists. It won't happen. What you have to do is stop worrying about these broad labels and get down into the depths of what is going on. Worry about the solution not the blame.

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This administration broke Libya last year. IT HAPPENED UNDER THEIR POLICIES AND UNDER THEIR WATCH. Yes, we know Qadaffi had to go, but in that current realm of time. He didn't pose an immediate threat to this nation's security because sanctions were lifted, and wasn't acting nowhere militantly toward anyone. Same thing with Egypt and Mubarak. But look at all the chaos, violence and deaths afterward of it's citizens. And you tell me who ultimately is responsible for undermining our security over there in that region.



Edited by Bored of Pisteon
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Wow Naps, your wheels are really coming off these days.


"I don't want to know the truth". You can definitely infer that because I don't want to get my information from another bloated radio personality (which conservatives seem fine to do).


I didn't dismiss it off-hand. I just don't trust the source. If you can't see why, then you are blind. But then again you may get your info from Rush or this clown.




And my, you are on the attack. Why are those panties in a bind?

14 US personnel have been killed in Afghanistan this month. You never seem to mention them. Is it because you can't get political play out of them for "your guy"? Their lives not worth as much? Gotcha. That says volumes about you.


But hey, don't sweat it. You just need a hug. Group hug! :grouphug:

Reading comprenhension issues?....I told you that there was a Reuters article out there....and we all know that Reuters is far from being conservative...but it's much easier (you're lazy) for you to dismiss the it and take issue with the writer of this particular article than to look it up.........


I know exactly how many people die each day in the service to their counrty...it gets posted at my local VFW chapter.....but I'll bet my pension that you had to look it up on the web in order to make a point with me.....as if you give two sh*ts


and yeah losing the lives of 2 people because this administration sat on its hands does make the wheels come off my wagon and gets my shivvies in a bunch (if wear panties, that you're business)......and it should bother you also

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How should i say this? I think that conservatives are getting tripped up by the need to have things labeled for their own comfort not that of the country, nor for operational impact. Is this really the worst thing that ever happened? Not the attacks but not coddling conservatives with their need for enemies to point there finger at? No, it wasn't. All these stupid, whining little posts are solely for the benefit of election year politics, although almost no one here hasn't already decided so it's preaching to the choir as you can tell by the number of conservatives with hankies and tissues.


So I'll ask all of you what has happened since the Consulate attack? Do you know what happened or are you only worried what words are being said. I would suggest that your not interested in actions but words and anything Obama does will be deemed inconsequential because he didn't call it terrorism or suggest the Islam is our enemy. But I will give you a little bit of reality.


Muslims in Libya have forcefully removed Ansar al-Sharia militia in Benghazi on their own and the US has intensified drone attacks on the Salafi group all over the middle east. The government and civilians have cracked down on other militias still in the area. I don't think it's going out on a limb here to suggest that most of you have no idea of who or what is our enemy in the middle east. You'll probably say Islam, Muslim or something else but you'll be pissed when Muslims do that to us. When they say "Americans" are there enemy you'll act out suggesting they are ignorant and hateful but you'll never look in the mirror and see yourself doing the same.


So here I'm going to give you a little lesson. Islam is much deeper and more complicated than you think. It has a violent history similar to Europe's in that wars were waged and people brutalized over sects and dogma. some of those battles still rage today among the poor tribes and in the more civilized areas it's turned into a long simmering teachings battle among Muslim teachers. But in Northern Africa as Libya was attempting to regain solid control of it's land Salafi's saw their opportunity to attack sects they did not agree with. Thus Sufi site, burial grounds, Mosques and even the people were attacked and destroyed. So when the consulate attack came Obama labeled it terrorism and set about handling the problem. Did they jump through flaming hoops to gather your attention? No, they handled things is a much more precise diplomatic matter attempting to limit the ignorant anger to those Americans who would stir up trouble and not all of us.


This ultimately will help us and has helped us. The Libyan people and their government got on the problem as we did too. So instead of the usual all Islam is bad game the republicans like to play we played the "We have our idiots too" card creating a less antagonistic attitude. You can't kill enough Muslims to make the problem go away while enacting policies and attitudes that continue to ensure there will be future terrorists. It won't happen. What you have to do is stop worrying about these broad labels and get down into the depths of what is going on. Worry about the solution not the blame.

So many words yet, so little said!
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