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Mad as hell...please advise...

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I'm from KTP with 7 years. I have been off this past week as the first of our down weeks. I went today to pick up my check with my 6 year old child. What does my wandering eye spy....a low down dirty son-of-a-bitch parking in a HANDICAPPED space in a brand new freaking kia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with temp tag) Is it just me? I felt like going postal on this persons car! If it hadn't been daytime????? Do you old guys who know you have a job , just not care about us. Does this make you mad? Next year when I loose my job, this SOB will still have one. Any ideas?

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I'm from KTP with 7 years. I have been off this past week as the first of our down weeks. I went today to pick up my check with my 6 year old child. What does my wandering eye spy....a low down dirty son-of-a-bitch parking in a HANDICAPPED space in a brand new freaking kia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with temp tag) Is it just me? I felt like going postal on this persons car! If it hadn't been daytime????? Do you old guys who know you have a job , just not care about us. Does this make you mad? Next year when I loose my job, this SOB will still have one. Any ideas?


Contact security... They'll sticker the car, if after so many times they fail to park it where it should be park. They can tow it!


It's about time that this policy should be enforced. YOU STILL GOT ASSHOLES AT MY PLANT THAT DO IT AND THE RENT-A-COPS DON'T DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT! :rant::rant:


They're more concerned about taking your information down when you're leaving for the day. I tell them I'M GOING HOME! :speedie::lol2: :burnout:

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In addition to buying the freaking kia, they con'd a doctor into thinking they are handicapped! They had a tag. Let me ask you, can you be handicapped and work on your feet 8-10 hours a day? Phoney SOB's! It's bad karma. Before you jump my stuff,listen... Kentucky pop. 2000 cen. just at 4 million, how many under age to drive and frail and old, 1 million we'll say. How many handicapped tags in the state....700,000!!!! For the love of Peter,Paul and Ringo, that's almost 25% of the state!!! Some of you people are just fat/lazy pieces of $hit! Like this person at Ford in the kia (who's gonna take my job). Damn right I'm mad!!!!

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At WEP there is a couple that both work at Ford. The guy in his infinite wisdom bought a 2004 Kia Sedona minivan, and bragged about the "Great Deal" he got on it!!




They make a combine minimum pay of $140'000 (Canadian), yet they can even afford to buy the Freestar that Oakville builds, the Foundry casts the blocks for, Essex Aluminum casts the heads for, that Essex Engine builds the motors for..............


Even if they bought a Windsor built Caravan, or a GM product with a Windsor built tranny that would be acceptable. I might even forgive a domestically built Toyota or Handa, but c'mon a Korean built POS!!! Talk about spitting in the faces of those who support your job.




It's truely mindboggling how people can continue to justify it with all of the jobs being lost, they can't seem to make the intellectual connection.

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I work at NMPDC (Pilot Plant) in Allen Park, MI, and I really can't believe all the foriegn cars that Ford workers drive. When I first hired in I drove Chrysler products. I will admit to leasing one Durango while I worked for Ford, the deal was too good to pass up. But with my company in such dire straits, I will not even consider another vehicle unless it is a Ford, Lincoln or Mercury. And with only 5 years, who knows if this time next year if I will even be here. The mouse driving the Kia is exactly that, a mouse. Tuff when we can't even get our most senior employees to drive our products. What does it tell people when a Ford employee won't even drive one of the products thier own company builds. And if I see one more salery punk driving a damn Volvo or Jag, :finger:

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There are a few jackasses inour plant two just bought kia's even the rent-a-cops got a couple of them. I feel if you drive them with our company in such dire straights they sould be fired that simple. Ask the people at nap,aap,stap,ect... how they fell about these people i am sure you will get the same answer.

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Don't forget about the Fords that are NOT American made...(Mexico). When I hired in I had a Kia,


got an F-150 within 6 months. Still have an F-150!!!!! :D

I think it is about supporting the company. Buying any of it's products, regardless of build origin, does a little to help!

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Sandusky ACH......

New toyota's

New kia's

New honda's


Burns my F@#KING ASS

These S.O.B's will be crying about they lost their job, or they lost wages and benefits, well f#$ckin' Duh!

How can we compete with the foreign car companies when our own members are supporting them?

Some woman at our plant just took the buy out, bought a new foreign car, drove it to the hall to get tickets for the up coming picnic. I suppose she'll drive it there too?

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At ktp the 'parking plan' exempts foreign cars in Handicapped spaces. Something to do with the ADA.


I'm totally against the parking plan, it shows all kinds of ignorance.


At KTP they park all the non-fords under the big Ford sign down by gate zero, by the fence. The first glance anyone has at the plant is a parking lot crammed with non-fords.


I've bought two new Fords since I've been there. Mediocre at best, but I've driven them and have had a Ford for the past ten years of the eleven+ I've worked here. For about a year I had a slightly used Porsche I was finally able to buy but still had a used F250.


Another kid on the way, they came out with this plan, and I'm in an old Volvo Turbo.


You have so called 'loyal employees' in nothing but used Fords who are OK, but the guy who drives a beater Japanese car to work so his family can drive a new Windstar is punished (True story).


It was similar w/ me. I wasn't going to drive a F250, empty, just to prove to a bunch of rednecks I was a Ford man.


Then there are the people w/ new foreign cars that are keyed up in the lots. You may not like their decisions, but it's their property.


There are a bunch of reasons I'll never drive any new car again, but the above things make me consider Ford products even less.


Bottom line: We need to make cars people want. Browbeating others into driving something they don't want or need isn't going to help Ford long term.



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In addition to buying the freaking kia, they con'd a doctor into thinking they are handicapped! They had a tag. Let me ask you, can you be handicapped and work on your feet 8-10 hours a day? Phoney SOB's! It's bad karma. Before you jump my stuff,listen... Kentucky pop. 2000 cen. just at 4 million, how many under age to drive and frail and old, 1 million we'll say. How many handicapped tags in the state....700,000!!!! For the love of Peter,Paul and Ringo, that's almost 25% of the state!!! Some of you people are just fat/lazy pieces of $hit! Like this person at Ford in the kia (who's gonna take my job). Damn right I'm mad!!!!


C'mon Soon2B, take it easy!


At least Hyundais and KIAs are built by union employees!!!! Take some cold comfort from the fact that KIA was built by a member of the global brotherhood!


Btw, I think their annual July strike netted them a 5% increase this year. Something to consider perhaps?








Edited by Ovaltine
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I have been trying to get people at KCAP to start going to the union meeting and compain about just that foriegn cars, absentism, playing the medical game and just not wanting to do a job. The union will not do anything until enough people start showing up and complaining. When the masses start telling them that we are not going to put up with this stuff. The union says it is the companies fault for not enforcing the rules. I think that when a person gets fired from ford that if there is an appeal it should be heard by a group of 13 union members that are not members of any union commitee, committeeman or have any relative that is a union official. If the majority of the panel looks at all the infomation as why the person was fired and in their judgement the employee was at fault then they will not be able to return to Ford. After all they say at the Union Hall that we are the union. It is time that people start doing the right thing instead of trying to get a free ride. Our polititions have passed some bad laws that have hurt our industry and the UAW's elected officials needs to reform how it operates.

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:kuko::kuko: here is one everybody here will love. We have this :censored: jerk that transfered here after edison closed. He drives a :censored: toyota. Maybe if he bought a ford edison would still be open. :doh::finger: :shrug:


Wow......what a moron. You should call the tow company and have that sh:censored:t towed.


Remember---ignorance is a learned behavior.


There is a woman that drives a Kia at our plant that parks in one of the handicapped spots. She has no problem walking around the plant, so what her disability is is a mystery. Funny thing is, when asked about it, she brags she bought it because of the warranty, and the superb quality of it. Then she will blast Ford for having sub par quality.


Her job is a quality control inspector. ;)


"Accidentally" lean on her car. LMAO. That piece of :censored: will dent before you can even put your hand on it! Quality my @ss.

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There is a woman that drives a Kia at our plant that parks in one of the handicapped spots. She has no problem walking around the plant, so what her disability is is a mystery. Funny thing is, when asked about it, she brags she bought it because of the warranty, and the superb quality of it. Then she will blast Ford for having sub par quality.


Her job is a quality control inspector. ;)

its a long walk from the parking lot to the floor, if they can walk almost a mile to

their job what difference does parking 50 feet closer make

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Yep as long as it has a handicapped sticker in it, you might just as well grin and bear it.


and thank ol' Slick Willie for his "Americans with Disablilities" Act! :censored:

Hey ignorant "ktpjoe" the ADA was signed July 26,1990 when George Bush was president! So take your ill informed ass back to where ever your Clinton haters club meets! Stupidity is a crime! Retards like you make me sick! Did you complain when your tesphe went up 100% under "slick willie". Probably not, you're just a stupid ill-informed fool, like most republicans.

Vive' bush...vive' stupid people.....Power to the ill-informed....Git-r-done...you know the rest!

Edited by soon2bformeremployee
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Hey ignorant "ktpjoe" the ADA was signed July 26,1990 when George Bush was president! So take your ill informed ass back to where ever your Clinton haters club meets! Stupidity is a crime! Retards like you make me sick! Did you complain when your tesphe went up 100% under "slick willie". Probably not, you're just a stupid ill-informed fool, like most republicans.

Vive' bush...vive' stupid people.....Power to the ill-informed....Git-r-done...you know the rest!

great post to bad most Bush lovers can't read.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I think it is about supporting the company. Buying any of it's products, regardless of build origin, does a little to help!



Dude your are full of :censored: , Support the company and get :fan: on. NO thanks. When you are out of a job and Fomo Credit comes a nocking it will not matter how much you supported ford in the past. Your car will be repoed and the only thing you will be doing is walking. Walk long enough and you will beg for the KIA. :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

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