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Obamacare : More navigators than people signingup


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Even if it isn't right by Jan 1 that doesn't mean the ACA is a failure.


Again we can go back to business where some product has horrible launches, is delayed and subject to initial problems that go on to be successful and popular.

What a dumb comparison.


The business cannot tax you for not purchasing their product by a deadline that is impossible to meet because the product is not available or purchasable because that portion is not available in the program.

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What a dumb comparison.


The business cannot tax you for not purchasing their product by a deadline that is impossible to meet because the product is not available or purchasable because that portion is not available in the program.


Did you really think someone with no common sense or objectivity could make a reasonable comparison ?

Perpetual motion is a physics dream, instead there is abundant perpetual stupidity and its too bad that can not be harnessed.



Besides falling horribly short on people enrolling the limited numbers guarantees failure because the math does not add up. Even the cherry picked Obama poster girl of success is now without insurance which is really laughable.

The poetic justice is she is / was a big Obama fan. Could not happen to a more fitting person.



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Even if it isn't right by Jan 1 that doesn't mean the ACA is a failure.


Again we can go back to business where some product has horrible launches, is delayed and subject to initial problems that go on to be successful and popular.


This isn't the launch of a "business product". This is about people's health care. You either get it right the first time or don't do it at all. Many of the people affected by this "failure" don't have time for the government to unfuck itself and get it right. As if the government has ever run anything effectively and efficiently. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people in this country who are well aware that everytime the government tries to do something that the process gets bogged down in the bureaucracy and ends up being a complete incompetent mess and yet they keep running back to them time after time to try it again.

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Did not see them vote against it so its shared blame unlike the Obamacare abortion the democrats own.

(They were all in favor then as was the president)


The actual vote tally :




Senate Roll Call: Iraq Resolution

Friday, October 11, 2002

Following is an alphabetical listing by state of how each senator voted on President Bush's Iraq resolution. A "yes" vote was a vote to grant President Bush the power to attack Iraq unilaterally. A "no" vote was a vote to defeat the measure. Voting "yes" were 29 Democrats and 48 Republicans. Voting "no" were 1 Republican, 21 Democrats, and 1 Independent.


Wait, I saw them vote against it.


21 Senators and 120 Reps voted against the war.


You were going to mention that weren't you?

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This isn't the launch of a "business product". This is about people's health care. You either get it right the first time or don't do it at all. Many of the people affected by this "failure" don't have time for the government to unfuck itself and get it right. As if the government has ever run anything effectively and efficiently. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people in this country who are well aware that everytime the government tries to do something that the process gets bogged down in the bureaucracy and ends up being a complete incompetent mess and yet they keep running back to them time after time to try it again.


But they don't always. Your making a statement that is untrue, although almost everything the Pentagon does fit's your statement and yet your not advocating that we get rid of it.


Balckhorse perhaps if you had ever worked in a fortune 500 company like Ford motor and seen the levels of inefficiency then you would understand that government doesn't run that badly.The conservatives here who work for Ford don't like to admit or talk about how badly it's managed and how inefficient the bureaucracy of the company is but privately they all bitch about it.

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There are small pockets of inefficiency, but they are cleared up eventually. The automotive assembly line is the most efficient invention in the history of mankind. In the ballpark of 700 cars get assembled in 10 hours by 1500 workers. It seems impossible. Government could never come near matching that kind of efficiency. It takes a crew half a day to fill a pothole. They still deliver mail on foot like they did 200 years ago. Why does the government deliver mail, anyway? Government gums up the works. It is an albatross on each of our necks. Reduce the size of government and you increase prosperity. Educate people to recognize government lies instead of believing them and you have a highly sophisticated and intelligent society.

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There are small pockets of inefficiency, but they are cleared up eventually. The automotive assembly line is the most efficient invention in the history of mankind. In the ballpark of 700 cars get assembled in 10 hours by 1500 workers. It seems impossible. Government could never come near matching that kind of efficiency. It takes a crew half a day to fill a pothole. They still deliver mail on foot like they did 200 years ago. Why does the government deliver mail, anyway? Government gums up the works. It is an albatross on each of our necks. Reduce the size of government and you increase prosperity. Educate people to recognize government lies instead of believing them and you have a highly sophisticated and intelligent society.


The assembly line is efficient but everything around it is completely inefficient. Ford management is as bad or worse than the Federal government.

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The assembly line is efficient but everything around it is completely inefficient. Ford management is as bad or worse than the Federal government.

But Ford doesn't have the power of taxation to force you to buy their product or comply with their demands.


The government, by definition, can and does.


The comparisson ends there.

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Wait, I saw them vote against it.


21 Senators and 120 Reps voted against the war.


You were going to mention that weren't you?


Ummm he did. (At least the Senators)



Voting "yes" were 29 Democrats and 48 Republicans. Voting "no" were 1 Republican, 21 Democrats, and 1 Independent.

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Ford management is as bad or worse than the Federal government.




Ford is 17 trillion in debt?

Ford faced bankruptcy and took painful, risky steps with THEIR OWN PROPERTY to raise credit to weather the foreseen calamity.

If Obama hadn't interfered, GM and Chrysler would have ended up the same way as the US is headed. In default and overburdened with debt.

Making the Ford/Federal Government comparison doesn't help LH's case.

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Any company or business that spends more than it takes in ceases to exist or goes out of business.

Ford being in business for over 100 years has seen a lot of ups and downs and is still profitable, sometimes more than others.


When government spends more than it takes in the burden is passed around to taxpayers and business to cover its expenditures.

When the economy is weak and less tax dollars are generated is accelerates the widening debt and deficit along with clueless politicians.


What Obama has done and it has not fully kicked in is add another huge tax on all of the working and business with his ACA which is far from affordable for anyone. When even more money is extracted from peoples pockets or business payroll it doe not help anyone.


Ford is far from perfect but they are doing far more things right tan wrong, unlike our current administration with Obama in the drivers seat.

Obama care is a failure from the start and the numbers are nothing close to projections to make it work by any metric you want to use.



Millions more paying people had their insurance policies cancelled than people "flocking" to sign up for Obamacare = FAIL.

Obama should work on signing up his navigator's , there is another 50,000 people to sign up.

Its funny and sad at the same time.

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The assembly line is efficient but everything around it is completely inefficient. Ford management is as bad or worse than the Federal government.

Well they must be doing something right causing them to make billions.


If you had the government manage Ford as they do it would be put out of business. Unless of course they force you to buy.

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Ford faced bankruptcy and took painful, risky steps with THEIR OWN PROPERTY to raise credit to weather the foreseen calamity.

If Obama hadn't interfered, GM and Chrysler would have ended up the same way as the US is headed. In default and overburdened with debt.

Making the Ford/Federal Government comparison doesn't help LH's case.

It's actually starting to look like GM is headed right back where they were.

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Here is a take on it.





Had the government not made those loans (now converted to equity), GM would have gone bankrupt just as it did. GM would likely be producing cars just as it is now, taxpayers would not be out $45 billion, and GM would not be Government Motors.

The bailout was a total and complete failure.
Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2010/04/gm-repays-government-debt-its-still.html#fq4ifcEOdmtmMmuD.99
Edited by fmccap
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Any company or business that spends more than it takes in ceases to exist or goes out of business.

Ford being in business for over 100 years has seen a lot of ups and downs and is still profitable, sometimes more than others.


When government spends more than it takes in the burden is passed around to taxpayers and business to cover its expenditures.

When the economy is weak and less tax dollars are generated is accelerates the widening debt and deficit along with clueless politicians.


What Obama has done and it has not fully kicked in is add another huge tax on all of the working and business with his ACA which is far from affordable for anyone. When even more money is extracted from peoples pockets or business payroll it doe not help anyone.


Ford is far from perfect but they are doing far more things right tan wrong, unlike our current administration with Obama in the drivers seat.

Obama care is a failure from the start and the numbers are nothing close to projections to make it work by any metric you want to use.



Millions more paying people had their insurance policies cancelled than people "flocking" to sign up for Obamacare = FAIL.

Obama should work on signing up his navigator's , there is another 50,000 people to sign up.

Its funny and sad at the same time.

And Ford can't print money to pay for it's debts.

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No doubt Ford has been very poorly managed at times during its long history. But bad management was soon "rewarded" with slipping sales and market share, and huge losses (and near bankruptcy in 1980-81). So Ford was ultimately disciplined by customers (the market).


You really can't compare Ford to the federal government, which has no real competition. It's not as though we can set up a competing federal government in Tulsa or Dallas and have it do the same things the current government does for less, or even have that competing government managed differently.

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