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Flex no crank and battery good


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Anyone know why my 09 Flex LTD has intermittent starting problems. Had to have it towed yesterday and it was -25... no fun.  Once on the tow truck platform it started but reverse lights were on in park!  Plus couldn’t move the stick shift out of park.  Any ideas?

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These modern vehicles and batteries behave very strangely.   They can crank the vehicle but cause all sorts of strange problems, and the older style testers think they're good.


My rule of thumb is if the battery is more than 2-3 years old just replace it before you go chasing other stuff.  Or get a Solar BA-7 digital tester - it works great checking the CCAs.

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Well you are right akirby.. The battery was ok but I found verdigrri on both terminals... so I cleaned, brushed thoroughly and it starts like a charm now.  Those were   Really weird symptoms but you nailed it square on the head.  

Being an old mechanic I am still a user of sliding sticks and laser lights to align tow in.  Would you know off hand how many degrees I should adjust the front wheel in at please?  Its so hard to get appointments around here and besides my system does work.  






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Thanks again.  Akirby and friends for alignment specs.  

Going back to my initial no crank no start issue, well the problem persists.  This ign starting system has a feature where you simply flick the key and the starter keeps turning till engine starts.  Well that feature definitely is out snd often times by turning the key and holding it may turn over or just engage very shortly but not enough to start. I jumped battery to starter direct and starter is fine. Now apart from the ignition switch and the relay am I missing something to check ?

Yours truly



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Well well well!  It seems I’m nit out of the woods yet..  No start issue occurred again.. reappeared.  So I fumbled about with the automatic shifter and got partial clicks at the neutral position.  Then by insisting got it started and made it home.  Did some research and now the switch inside the tranny shows every symptom of failure I have been experiencing. Shift regulator. The good news is I dont have to remove the trans.  Bad is it takes a manual to change this part the correct way.  Anybody have this for 09 Flex ltd please?  

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