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medical people being forced out ???


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Hi Inspect96,

This is something I've thought about. I read about part of it somewhere. When the company really refines COA to the tightest standards, and they are going to, just as soon as they can slowly, and hopefully for them unwittingly, ease everyone in over an extended period of time, anyone on a team who is injured and ends up with a restriction will be put out if the restriction is contrary to any job within the team they are assigned.

This will become more problematic as younger workers become older. They will be spending many more years on the assembly line. Their bodies will wear out sooner due to this. Unfortunately, they will no longer

be able to "escape" to jobs such as clean up operations since new COA language will have all this outsourced.





Here is the thing though-------------->you make an excellent point, with that I must agree.


Buttttttttttttt, were it not for the union allowing the deadbeats to be protected, along with Ford cutting the deal to make this happen in the first place, this would NOT be happening.


With the current financial situation at Ford, I seriously doubt there is a satisfactory answer to this problem.


Buttttttttttttttt, the members need to know WHY this will happen, and it is NOT because people were hurt, as much as it is people PRETENDED to be hurt, and it cost loads of cash to Ford. The UAW sanctioned this by not protecting the hard workers they had, and just like everything that happens at Ford, the good workers will be punished for it.


EXAMPLE OF UAW FORCED POLICY DUE TO HOW CONTRACT IS WRITTEN----------------->I will not give my brothers and sisters the answers to these questions, I will let them answer it themselves to PROVE that the UAWs protect everyones attitude puts THEM behind the eight ball.


1. What kind of worker gets work added more than likeley, good or bad worker?


2. Who ends up getting easier jobs by UAW overlooking BID process, good or bad worker?


3. When wanting day off, who is given first choice unless you pay attention and force issue, good or bad worker????


4. If for some reason you are free person on any particular day, who is put on hard job that is open, you the good, or they the bad??????


5. Who gets more ATTENTION from union when they are called, (if you the good ever actually called them for that matter) the good, or the bad????


I agree with many people that to survive, the union hierarchy MUST be changed. To many people are getting screwed by their own union in the name of FAIRNESS, along with the very imfamous statement that "you are not a doctor," eventhough these people laugh at you while they sweep the floor for 28 bucks an hr.


It is obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!


Remember--------------->if YOU decide to ride this horse, you have given up 35 to 140,000 bucks to do it. People have been executed for far less than even the lowest number, so if I was anyone deciding to stay, at the very least I would get together with like minded individuals to INSIST these practices MUST end from union and company.


You nave cast your dice with Ford, do everything you can to insure you succeed!!!!! You made a huge decision to give up a reasonably large sum of cash. While you can not control Fords designs, at least insure that your own lawyers known as the UAW, do NOT cause you to fail through their same-old, same-old approach.


The UAW is one of the reasons many of us old timers decided to leave. We do NOT believe they will ever stop playing politics with jobs and deadbeats.


Politics ladies and gentlemen, is not about making money, it is about spending yours!!!! Don't believe me? Ask the leaders in Washington, lololol. Unfortunately, Ford doesn't have taxpayers to fleece, or IOUs they can write, when politics help cause a deficit.


I urge you to remember the money you gave up to try to make it work, the next time you insist the UAW do the right thing, and make some deadbeat do something for the moral of everyone who can see them lean on a broom, while laughing at you and your fellow co-workers!!!!!!!!

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Here at KTP a guy i know is on life long restictions. He cant work on the line or use guns. He said Ford asked him to take the buyout and if he didnt theyd see him in court. He was in court yesterday. A girl that has been out or over 6 months got a call and ford said the same thing so she took the buyout. she is my best friends sister so I know that is a fact and not rumor. Is this going on in your plants?

Fact is if you can't do the job then Ford should force you out or you can stay out without pay until you can work. Factory work is not for everyone!!!!

Really think about it you either WORK at FORD or you don't, NO WORK NO PAY it's that simple!!!!!!!!

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You folks are some bitter ass mother F**Kers, Man I thought the moral on the line was low, but reading you guys talk about people is something else. You must remember that not all people are fakers, and not all thoose once you are on medical it is hard as hell to get back to a line job. Ford does not want to put you back to work for fear that you will get hurt again and that they will be liable. I know cause 15 yrs ago I got my foot pinched by a fork lift while I was putting fenders on the VX54. It messed up me being able to walk right for almost 2 yrs. I now have joint pain all the time when it gets cold. And I remember all the Doctors working the line, kept telling me how I was faking it and shit. That was all bull shit. When you get a medical degree then you can start telling people that they are faking it. I agree there are people in the system who need the boot, but to sit here and call all people that are out on medical fakers and that they should be fired is bull shit, and it is not the union protecting them it is the LAW giving them the few rights that they have. I have a good friend that I moved down from ohio with. She has been out on no work avaliavble for about 3 yrs now, she draws SSD, she has had her neck fused together. She can not afford to just quit. But ford will not let her come back to work. So a buyout is her only way out. She signed up for the educational buyout, and now hopes to get a office job. One thing on here that is right, is that not everyone is cut out to do this kind of work. It is hard and is only going to get harder. I hope none of you "DOCTORS" here never get hurt and never have to fill out medical forms, cause after the next contract maybe Ford will FIRE YOU for fakeing it!!!!!!!

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You folks are some bitter ass mother F**Kers, Man I thought the moral on the line was low, but reading you guys talk about people is something else. You must remember that not all people are fakers, and not all thoose once you are on medical it is hard as hell to get back to a line job. Ford does not want to put you back to work for fear that you will get hurt again and that they will be liable. I know cause 15 yrs ago I got my foot pinched by a fork lift while I was putting fenders on the VX54. It messed up me being able to walk right for almost 2 yrs. I now have joint pain all the time when it gets cold. And I remember all the Doctors working the line, kept telling me how I was faking it and shit. That was all bull shit. When you get a medical degree then you can start telling people that they are faking it. I agree there are people in the system who need the boot, but to sit here and call all people that are out on medical fakers and that they should be fired is bull shit, and it is not the union protecting them it is the LAW giving them the few rights that they have. I have a good friend that I moved down from ohio with. She has been out on no work avaliavble for about 3 yrs now, she draws SSD, she has had her neck fused together. She can not afford to just quit. But ford will not let her come back to work. So a buyout is her only way out. She signed up for the educational buyout, and now hopes to get a office job. One thing on here that is right, is that not everyone is cut out to do this kind of work. It is hard and is only going to get harder. I hope none of you "DOCTORS" here never get hurt and never have to fill out medical forms, cause after the next contract maybe Ford will FIRE YOU for fakeing it!!!!!!!


I agree with you, to a point. There are viable medical restrictions that are needed. I believe the majority of us on this thread are talking about the same worthless people doing the same medical bit. I respect the one who gets hurt, mends, and comes back to the workforce. But to the ones who sweep because they don't want to do a particular job, or the ones who laugh about going out on FMLA because they did not get a day off, I could care less. This in no way reflects how I feel about you or what you think we are talking about. I see it to many times day in and day out. It can be sickening.

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Some of you people are just cold hearted assholes!I know of several people that are fighting for their lives.They are taking chemo and have diseases that just might end up terminal!Do you propose that these people quit their jobs because they have to be off work for extended periods of time?If they did that they would be without insurance and that could be a death warrant!I know that we have a serious problem with people faking their illness.But you should at least try to understand that their are some that aren't faking.You people should watch what you wish for because you might find yourselves in the same boat someday!!!!!And if that were to happen would you just quit your job because you had to be off from work?You know damn well that you wouldn't!!!!!!!And another thing,just because one of your brothers or sisters doesn't blab to everyone that they are seriously ill doesn't mean that they don't exist.I know that I willl probably get shit for this post but facts are facts.


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Some of you people are just cold hearted assholes!I know of several people that are fighting for their lives.They are taking chemo and have diseases that just might end up terminal!Do you propose that these people quit their jobs because they have to be off work for extended periods of time?If they did that they would be without insurance and that could be a death warrant!I know that we have a serious problem with people faking their illness.But you should at least try to understand that their are some that aren't faking.You people should watch what you wish for because you might find yourselves in the same boat someday!!!!!And if that were to happen would you just quit your job because you had to be off from work?You know damn well that you wouldn't!!!!!!!And another thing,just because one of your brothers or sisters doesn't blab to everyone that they are seriously ill doesn't mean that they don't exist.I know that I willl probably get shit for this post but facts are facts.

You are misunderstanding. Thats totally legit. There are fakers and deadbeats. We know who most of them are.


True story, I have 30+ others on my line to back me up.


There was a person on our line that we watched walk around for almost 2 years. Very rarely would get on a job doubled up doing probably 25% of it. Then went out for surgery for both hands. I could almost count on two hands how many times we seen this person on a job. If it was caused by anything from Ford it should of been on there feet from so much walking. They stayed gone for about 6 months and came back on restriction for a few more months. A few months later was bragging about the settlement check they recieved.


There is alot of pure BS out there!

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There are both lazy piece of shit deadbeats with medical restrictions and lazy piece of shit deadbeats without medical restrictions. I used to rehab injured workers, people from car accidents, etc and it all boils down to the person's attitude and IF they want to get better. Same logic applies here, IF someone is motivated to want to work, as long as you match up their permanent impairment to an appropriate job, they should be able to perform it, they will be happy and you shouldn't have any more problems.


Most of the time it is not the physical impairment that is the limitation, but the mental attitude of the person.

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oh that's funny,, not that management or product didn't have anything to do with it ?


Do you understand the word "contributed"? Medical excuses/restrictions definitely contributed to the downfall of Ford, along with poor upper management and product and the UAW. There is plenty of blame to go around.

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Do you understand the word "contributed"? Medical excuses/restrictions definitely contributed to the downfall of Ford, along with poor upper management and product and the UAW. There is plenty of blame to go around.




but 90% is product and management !!!!!

Edited by dark270
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People who are ill always proclaim how we who want the deadbeats to go have to look at their particular circumstance cause they are really ill.


No I don't, and neither do you. You see, people who are honestly sick are worried we want to change rules and they will lose protection, and thusly their jobs. For some reason, they equate themselves with the deadbeats because they are unable to perform.


Nothing could be further from the truth!!!!!


You see, 95% of the time the union, the company, and WE know who is faking it. We need to get smart as a group of individuals who will no longer tolerate largess.


Inside a contract, anything LEGAL can be written to over ride how state law works. When you sign the contract, you accept the agreement. This is the basis for why........for the most part......we can't bring suit against the UAW.


Now then, being highly intelligent people, I am sure you could devise a way to add a board, a work group, an elected amount of officials to decide------------>who should lose employment, and for what reasons!!!!!!!!!


It is much easier to police ourselves, than it is to have Ford police us. You see, Ford CAN get a suit against them, the Union.........it is highly difficult to do as long as it is IN THE CONTRACT.


By the way---------------->do you notice the amount of posts on this thread, not to mention the amount of reads?


Maybe the deadbeats are getting nervous, lolol. Couldn't happen to a more worthy group of people.


Finally, I am here to tell ya that the strangulation of your freedom at Ford is due almost exclusively to them. Ford must do something, and this is their way of doing it!

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People who are ill always proclaim how we who want the deadbeats to go have to look at their particular circumstance cause they are really ill.


No I don't, and neither do you. You see, people who are honestly sick are worried we want to change rules and they will lose protection, and thusly their jobs. For some reason, they equate themselves with the deadbeats because they are unable to perform.


Nothing could be further from the truth!!!!!


You see, 95% of the time the union, the company, and WE know who is faking it. We need to get smart as a group of individuals who will no longer tolerate largess.


Inside a contract, anything LEGAL can be written to over ride how state law works. When you sign the contract, you accept the agreement. This is the basis for why........for the most part......we can't bring suit against the UAW.


Now then, being highly intelligent people, I am sure you could devise a way to add a board, a work group, an elected amount of officials to decide------------>who should lose employment, and for what reasons!!!!!!!!!


It is much easier to police ourselves, than it is to have Ford police us. You see, Ford CAN get a suit against them, the Union.........it is highly difficult to do as long as it is IN THE CONTRACT.


By the way---------------->do you notice the amount of posts on this thread, not to mention the amount of reads?


Maybe the deadbeats are getting nervous, lolol. Couldn't happen to a more worthy group of people.


Finally, I am here to tell ya that the strangulation of your freedom at Ford is due almost exclusively to them. Ford must do something, and this is their way of doing it!


Almost like a sports team. If you owned a sports team and had a player just sit on the bench what would you do with him?


I'd cut him because were all supposed to be in this together, not me in the field and you just sitting on the bench.

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People who are ill always proclaim how we who want the deadbeats to go have to look at their particular circumstance cause they are really ill.


No I don't, and neither do you. You see, people who are honestly sick are worried we want to change rules and they will lose protection, and thusly their jobs. For some reason, they equate themselves with the deadbeats because they are unable to perform.


Nothing could be further from the truth!!!!!


You see, 95% of the time the union, the company, and WE know who is faking it. We need to get smart as a group of individuals who will no longer tolerate largess.


Inside a contract, anything LEGAL can be written to over ride how state law works. When you sign the contract, you accept the agreement. This is the basis for why........for the most part......we can't bring suit against the UAW.


Now then, being highly intelligent people, I am sure you could devise a way to add a board, a work group, an elected amount of officials to decide------------>who should lose employment, and for what reasons!!!!!!!!!


It is much easier to police ourselves, than it is to have Ford police us. You see, Ford CAN get a suit against them, the Union.........it is highly difficult to do as long as it is IN THE CONTRACT.


By the way---------------->do you notice the amount of posts on this thread, not to mention the amount of reads?


Maybe the deadbeats are getting nervous, lolol. Couldn't happen to a more worthy group of people.


Finally, I am here to tell ya that the strangulation of your freedom at Ford is due almost exclusively to them. Ford must do something, and this is their way of doing it!


Great post. I've recently had this argument with my union rep, and a handful of people that stood still long enough for me to spout off. I asked the union rep when something like this would be done, and he laughed his ass off. My thinking was that at the constitutional (sp?) Las Vegas meeting that something like this could be worked into the guiding documents, or whatever governs the UAW; and what did they do, voted themselves the raise we didn't get, hit up the strike fund for organizing and operational expenses. Thats it. Nothing about policing the orginization from the inside, just sit back, watch us tear ourselves apart, and cry that the company isn't fair. :banghead:

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I would like to agree with the fact there are people who abuse the system. I have had 2 work related surgeries :rant: and they fixed my problem shoot i was back on the line before it had fully healed. i had carple tunnel and now i do not i was away from work like 2 weeks then back sweeping for 2 more than i was back on a job. what i am saying is if you dont get your problem fixed than get out.carple tunnel is fixable if you dont wait 20 years to fix it just to stay on restriction ugh it makes me mad to see these people and its true the better the worker you are the more work you get and if you are lazy or related to someone high up you get to have it made seen it one too many times :stirpot:

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