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  1. This is a pretty sweet car with awesome specs. I saw an article where they were estimating this car would go for around $200k. That seems like a steal to me if true. I would much rather have this than a GTD, based on looks alone. The power is a huge bonus.
  2. The Tundra has been making progress. I see ALOT of them on the road now.
  3. Looks good, nevertheless.
  4. Throwing this out there for discussion. Farley wasn’t painted in positive light in this article. https://247wallst.com/investing/2024/07/25/ford-falls-apart-under-ceo-farley/
  5. For me it’s more about the positive response and control offered by the physical controls. You may have to look but in my experience you don’t have to look as long.
  6. It’s just more difficult to touch the controls on the touch screen without the tactile feel. I can see how the ledge would help though.
  7. Welcome back! Looks like a nice ride. Why didn’t you get another color if white wasn’t your thing?
  8. I concur with your assessment regarding the Mountaineer. We had a 2002, which was similar, that we really liked. It certainly did not blend in back then.
  9. Hasn’t there been a number of polls that suggest customers prefer physical controls? I hope they start listening to their customers. I understand it is likely these types of changes were set in motion and have to be carried out but moving forward I hope they return to a balance of the two types.
  10. This is effectively my position. The F Series is the leader of its segment, so it does not need to take big chances. Ford comes out with the Expy in 2018 and it is a very competitive product, and makes some headway but then sputters for lack of timely change. This new generation could have continued to move the needle, but based on what I see it’s a relatively conservative change. If they were the segment leader I could understand this but they are not. Now if this is the reason, I can understand it to a certain extent, but wouldn’t you want to have a vehicle that could exceed demand, which not only benefits Ford by helping prevent incentives, but also the dealer being able to sell the vehicles at MSRP or above as is the case with the Maverick?
  11. True, however, two years too late. We are at a point where this should’ve been a next generation model or at least a year from a next gen model, which means we will basically be seeing this explorer for at least another two years. From a refresh standpoint, it’s solid though. IMO, Ford needs to get back on track to the 5 to 6 year product cycle. Gen 5 ran from 2011–2019 and Gen 6 seems to be trending in that direction as well. These are very long from a generational perspective.
  12. Funny, I had the same reaction to it. I thought I would like it more. Apparently the Santa Fe is a lot more expensive than I recall. That isn’t cheap.
  13. Looks good. Probably the best looking Cadillac model I’ve seen in a while.
  14. Funny how it is all in the eye of the beholder, as I would put the 20-24 at the top. Our 22 ST will likely be our last for a variety of reasons, a few of those are as follows: - The exterior didn’t significantly change enough for what is considered to be a new generation and no change to the powertrain. - I hate the style and magnetic color of the new ST wheels (Yes I know they can be changed but I didn’t want to have to do that) - My wife wouldn’t mind going down to a two row SUV versus three, since the major kid hauling days are behind us. Both our 2020 and 2022 have been good vehicles for us, so it has nothing to do with the quality of the vehicles.
  15. I’m of the opposite opinion, as I liked the previous gen’s grill, however I don’t mind the new one on the ST. I also agree with your point about the shape of the new grill.
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