Agree on the consumer front. Too many people just want the lowest price and don’t care about anything else.
However, there are major issues with both Wal-Mart and Chinese companies on the business side.
WalMart bullies suppliers. They almost put Vlasic out of business by selling gallon jars of pickles as a loss leader. When Vlasic complained they couldn’t keep up with demand and it was hurting their regular business WalMart threatened to stop selling all their products. They finally gave in right before the company went bankrupt. Another time 3 guys showed up to bid on tube socks. Walmart put them all in a room and told them to fight it out to be the lowest bidder. That’s why I refuse to shop there.
The problem with Chinese companies is in addition to cheap labor they are hugely subsidized by the government, so nobody can compete with that head to head. Thats why Tariffs and other restrictions are needed to simply level the playing field.