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Everything posted by kcipgirl

  1. They probably borrowed the money and line of credit to make sure they could pay for all the buy outs and retirees. And bankruptcy is a really bad idea. Anyone remember United airlines restructuring deal under bankruptcy? The first thing they did was dump their pension plan on the government. Those retirees are making like $0.25 on the dollar of what they were supposed to collect. I thinks the loan was a good idea. Pour some money back into the company to fix things or go down swinging.
  2. I'm at KCAP. This is the first I am hearing about it. Happy for you guys and hope it pans out. We haven't been offered anything like that here.
  3. KCAP has a family center up the road but it only offers day care. But they usually have a list of local sitters that may do nights. If not, don't be shy about asking around, honey, because you are not alone. I'm a single mother of 2 teenages. I moved my mom in to keep track of them while I work the night shift. I get no child support. Doing it all on my own. And if i met Mr. MNM, i would pick up one of my IP's and beat him with it. Girls have to stick together. :devil2:
  4. STRIKE?!? Are you fucking serious? Striking only works if they actually need the production, if they actually need YOU which they fucking don't since they are trying to get us all to buy out. DUH!! We don't have anything to negociate with genius. We'll be lucky to come out of the next contract with our collectives asses in tact. And seriously, enough with the gloom and doom crap. All it does is freak people out that aren't smart enough to realize that half the crap on these posts is just someone trying to feel like they are in the loop so they aren't so scared themselves.
  5. Know of 2 people brought back in time to sign up and take the last buyout. And the first round of buyouts here at KCAP were only a limited number of packages. This happened on the first round so it could very well have screwed 2 low seniority people out of their buyouts.
  6. Don't bet the farm or your buy out check on that promise there, jm. GEN pool will be the FIRST thing on the chopping block. Ford can no longer afford a paying a bunch of people for that just in case crap. It is way cheaper to bring in TPT's or hire new people in on a 2-tier pay scale for like 13 bucks an hour. GEN is a thing of the 70's and 80's. like shag carpet and mullets (nice hair markie!!) :happy feet:
  7. We are still going through the first round of buy outs here at KCAP. It went by seniority but you didn't get to pick your out date. As groups from SLAP came in they put them on the jobs of the people buying out/retiring. They were cutting loose like 30 people a week. We were told last night that they are going to try and finish off that list by OCT 1 but I don't see how since they are running out of bodies for the jobs. There was even talk of TPT's.
  8. Because by adding a 3rd shift at DTP they aren't going to have to pay any overtime. And they way it sound, that would also put their maintainence on a 7-day schedule which would screw them out of OT as well.
  9. Oh and if you haven't got the hand out on the buy outs here is a PDF that lists them. Came off the UAW web site. uaw_deal_0914.pdf
  10. If you haven't got the hand out on it yet, go to www.uaw.com and look for the info on the buy outs. There is a link in the article.
  11. 35 years old, 5 1/2 years, FPS coordinator at KCAP. Sticking it out until the bitter end but going back to school for a back up plan.
  12. It is kinda funny how the union waited until tuesday to pass out the info on the new buyout packages, although we didn't see our guy last night. It has been on the UAW sight since Friday. Why are they so paranoid about handing out information? What is wrong with "this is what we know so far"? And why can't they anticipate questions people are going to ask? The paper only covers what we already know. What about if you signed up for the last round of buyouts? Are you still on the list or do you have to sign up all over again? If they continue going down the list, are you eligible for the packages onthe new list instead of the old ones? If you have to sign up again, will you be on the top of the list, or back at the bottom of the seniority pile? If you signed up for the last buyout and turned it down, can you sign up again? Knowledge is power. Why are we having to dig for our own information?
  13. Ok. Ready for some information? We are all screwed. There are no safe plants ANYWHERE. At any point in the game, they can change their minds and do whatever the fuck they want. That is how I am looking at things. Grabbed my bra staps, pulled my own shoulders up and refused to cry about any of this crap. You would have to live with your head up your ass to not see the writing on the wall. Is the all mighty glass house giving us any real information? No. Is your union walking around giving you any real information? No. It is time to look at the big picture, dig for whatever information you can get your hands on YOURSELF, and stop waiting for someone to come around and tell you what you need to do for your family. Does your wife love you or the house? Do your kids love you or the money you shell out on crap? Did you walk up to your boss, kick him in the balls and get fired? We are being downsized through no fault of our own. .I grew up with a father who went through 2 plant closings. He did whatever he had to do to make sure there was a roof over our heads and food on the table. He didn't complain or cry "poor me". He was a man about it and did whatever it took to provide for his family. I am extremely proud of him and hope that I can show even half of his strength and perservence through all this to take care of my own family. Is it a little scary? Yes. Look at your life. Figure out what really matters (FYI: As a woman: the house doesn't matter. A healthy family and a good husband outweigh the money). And you will be able to figure out what to do.
  14. My father and I have argued about whether or not they should change the leveling transfer date when they started bringing in the people from St. Louis in. I think they should have changed it. It currently gives someone like 22 years of seniority. It was originally set up to give people a chance at preferential bids and whatnot over transfers. That was after Mawah, edison and Michigan truck shut down, late 70's, early 80's. It is a little outdated
  15. I realy don't think that there are any "safe" plants anymore. Unless you work at Hermacillo Mexico?
  16. It is called a "leveling transfer date" and i think the actual date was like March of 1984.
  17. We have already been through a round of buy outs here in Kansas City. A lot of people signed up but didn't get it because they were only offering like 350 packages. Now with the flood gates open, I know a lot of people are ready to hit the road.
  18. I think there is actually language on the letters of understanding about that. I know they gave the SLAP people who transfered in dates to come and then asked for volunteers to come sooner after they decided to speed up the number of people leaving under the buy outs.
  19. KCAP 5 1/2 years. Going to stay put and ride out the storm. :tequila:
  20. But they don't want to do that either. They want people gone. No recall rights. No GEN pool. Just gone. The only people they want to pay are the people actually doing something. I am sure that part of thir intent with these buyouts is to trim some dead weight. But what happens if they get a whole bunch of people to buy out from the same plant? Are they going to cut deep and reshuffle those of us that hang on?
  21. That is the same impression I am getting. That is a pretty bold statement to put out there. How much weight will it carry if they don't get the buy out numbers they want. Is that really some small piece of news to hold onto? :shrug:
  22. I agree. I also think anyone out on medical right now should be called back in and have their case reviewed by a Ford doctor, a UAW doctor and an independent doctor as to whether they can actually work or not. Actually work, not just the bullshit of it being "too hot". And it isn't just the company that perpetuates this crap. The union is the one getting them back on. No is no and fired is fired unless you really got shafted. We have people that tampered with doctors notes and FMLA forms several times, got fired after warnings, and then got their jobs back months later. They sit at the picnic tables laughing about it with some of the yonger kids and the next thing you know, they have bred a new breed of medical POS. Where does it end? There was a special department meeting a week or so ago with the union where the question was asked about what we want done with the medicals and in the same breath we were told not to harrass them. So now what?
  23. We haven't heard anything at KCAP either.
  24. A real weiner roast. There hasn't been any word of openning the local contract for concessions or anything else yet here at KCAP. But we are keeping our ears open. I was told by someone from DTP that they were looking to open the 600 contract under the guise of changing the language to accomodate the running of three shifts. All they need is a foot in the door. Sucks
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