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Everything posted by ray101988

  1. Yeah. I kind of like that shade of blue too.
  2. That was a dumb response. Are you trying to say that the truck looks ugly because of a little chrome on the taillights? The only grill that looks bling bling is the Platinum grill. So that kind of kills your is that what truck buyers want since real truck buyers won't really be buying the Platinum since its main purpose seems to be luxary. My point is real truck buyers don't care about that little bit of chrome on the taillights, they care about how functional of a vehicle they are driving. BTW I use my truck for hauling ATVs around also. The Raptor is looking pretty sweet for something like that, it'll probably be too expensive though lol. IMPORTANT= little bit of chrome does not equal ricer tailights Also I'm not saying that your not allowed to like it, but your acting like its ridiculous that anyone else would like it. I'm pointing out that a lot of people either think its fine or they actually like it better. I'm pretty sure there will be a complete redesign in 2012 anyway. So by the time I have money it'll be different anyway. The grill on the FX4, XLT, and even the Lariet look pretty nice.
  3. Regular Gas = $3.09 near me Diesel= $3.30-$3.50 ish Premium gas= around $3.30ish (not sure of exact number bc I usually get regular, premium only every month or so) There isnt really a big diff between premium and diesel, plus doesn't diesel go down during the summer? I know a lot of people with newer Ford diesels...none of them have had problems with their trucks. Also I think most people will agree that diesel engines DO last longer than gasoline engines. Another thing you need to consider is that diesels have other benefits over gasoline (ie they have torque that some people need). What kind of mpg do you think a gasoline v8 would get if it had around 500+ lbs/tq? So you need to think of the mpg difference that it would have over a similar gasoline engine (hp and tq numbers).
  4. The numbers rumored to come from people on the line were: 350hp and 515 lbs/tq So I don't think that the numbers theyre saying in that atricle are accurate. They're lower than everything I've heard from anyone on any forum or in any article up to this point.
  5. I believe that Ford is considering the use of the 4.4L TD as the base diesel in the F250 as well as the other applications you mentioned.
  6. ...I have one question... have you or are u ever going to own a truck? (ie going to = anytime soon) If not...trucks aren't supposed to look like cars. Also it seems that most people that own trucks (myself included) like the new design. To me that means that Ford did a good job because there is no point in designing a truck based off what people who dont own or plan on owning a truck want the truck to look like.
  7. Idk if anyone has considered this, but in terms of aftermarket parts, diesels usually have more possibile increases when it comes to horsepower, torque, and gas mileage. So if your willing to put some money into aftermarket parts, you may see it work out a bit better(as long as your smart with what parts you buy, ie dont buy stuff that's cost doesn't make sense to the mpg you'll gain).
  8. I've never owned a diesel can someone explain what urea is and does? Also how often would it need to be filled? There seem to be very different answers concerning fillups in this thread. Thanks.
  9. I'm pretty sure they're saying the outside of the panel is more detailed (therefore, slightly different) and that the interior of the side panels was changed (maybe for improved safety/ weight reduction?, just an idea).
  10. I saw 2-3 commercials since yesterday. 2 of them were on within an hour of each other today. They were good. I like them. I think it'll get the message across and start changing people's perceptions of Ford.
  11. Is it going to be any different then what the mustang uses or will it be the same?
  12. Stupid question---What does GRWD stand for? Thanks
  13. This article is dumb. Im a democrat, I drive an F150, and I will never own anything other than a Ford. Dream cars- F150, Mustang
  14. They probably think that Tundras are a "green" truck since toyota is considered to be so environmentally friendly... lmao Toyota should change their Prius ad to "We're so Patriotic we let NASA test dune buggies for the moon at the site where we mine the NIMH for our Prius batteries!"
  15. My truck (F150 XLT 4.2l) is 11 years old and its running great...
  16. Igor said this is fake on another site... This rumor is now :rip:
  17. I don't think I can come up with a reply intelligent enough to match this. He must be a super genious... *head shake* P.S. My favorite part was when he ignored my MLA cited evidence that clearly states hes wrong...
  18. Well I guess that kills that one person FWD theory. Anyway thanks for replying.
  19. I don' think so. There would be no reason to redo the mustang and introduce a new rwd car if rwd would be gone by 2012-2015. Also a FWD truck is not a truck at all. PS I was under the impression that it was a fleet wide 35mpg average and not a 35mpg requirement for each vehicle? Can anyone confirm this?
  20. ... What about the new focus, fusion, taurus, new rwd car, and fiesta that are coming out? You complain too much. What was the point of your post? If you don't like what Ford is offering now, either wait till the new models come out within the next year or two, or buy from a different auto maker.
  21. Hey moron. Your the one whos brainwashed. You are almost as bad as mhl5 or w/e his name is. Yes they do kidknapp women in China. My friends family is from China and that is a problem there. So you should probably stop spraying that bs out of your mouth. Also improve your reading skills. I didn't say we "gave" China anything. I said that we are a major trading partner with China and thier economy relies on ours just as much as our does on theirs. No China is no self-sufficient in food. Thats why people are starving (thats what people do when there no food BTW). China “will continue to need American capital, advanced technology, and certain consumer goods” (Roy 4). This reliance on trade strongly links China to the United States economically. Trade between the two countries has led to Chinese economical growth and prosperity. This economic growth has lead to many changes in Chinese society. It has led to an increase in the standard of living and consequently to a decrease in the number of Chinese farmers. This decrease in farmers occurred because foreign competition increased and more people relocated to urban areas. This has led to an increased demand for American agricultural products in China (4). The United States plays a huge role in China’s economy. Roy, Denny. "Rising China and U.S. Interests: Inevitable Vs. Contingent Hazards." Orbis 47 (2003): 125-137. Science Direct. 4 Dec. 2007 <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6W5V-478YXKC-3&_user=687429&_coverDate=03%2F31%2F2003&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000038298&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=687429&md5=f0b9f66b474b40917113905b56f4076c>. Wow facts that back up claims sure are tastey aren't they? Reason you can't explain point by point is because your making up. You don't know what your talking about so you CAN'T explain anything else. Plus theres the fact that every point I mentioned is VALID and RECENT. PS. If you want more links to information on CHINA PM me and I'll send you a nice long list. HAVE A NICE DAY!!
  22. Ford is saying over 100hp a liter I think. Someone else was saying they don't think that ford will be able to do it. Wasn't the Ecoboost I4 supposed to get like 275hp or something like that?
  23. Latest news on Ranger is that it won't be axed. A new Ranger is supposed to be in the works in Austrailia. It is rumored to be the new global Ranger for when Ford changes its vehicles to all global. If its true look for a new Ranger around 2010-2012.
  24. Tell that to the people that actually live in China and see what they have to say about how "strong" China is going. lol
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