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Everything posted by fuzzymoomoo

  1. I don't think so. I'm pretty sure every Fusion built in both Mexico and Flat Rock is strictly for the North American market
  2. That would make sense. Concepts always seem to me like they sit lower than a car probably should of they want to keep the fenders and quarter panels intact.
  3. That's good news, I'm not freaking out so much now, since I'm in the bottom 30. Any idea where?
  4. The C-Max humiliates itself by looking like a rolling jellybean.
  5. Yes they're 2 new Diesel engines, but we don't know what they are and if they are for North America or not.
  6. Right, that's why I said the rest of us (meaning tier 2) are out of a job
  7. Hahaha I know, that's been a big gripe of mine. I really don't talk to many who don't show up. Mostly because they don't show up
  8. I can't either, I'm just worried about those that are on C-Crew like myself and my friends.
  9. I'm not super informed on the situation, but I think the reason they don't build more at MAP is because of a lack of space for parts. There's not much room to spare as it is.
  10. The old Continental concept from 2002
  11. They can, I'm just worried about me and all my friends who are on C-crew that are about to lose our jobs
  12. I had it confirmed, C-crew is going away June 22nd. MAP will go down to a 2 crew schedule.
  13. The more I think about it, the more I realize I might be reading more into the whole "no recall or transfer rights thing" than I probably should
  14. That would be how I would want to go out
  15. What do you mean displaced? I didn't know they moved LTS employees and I can't imagine they would give them an ILO this close to summer.
  16. Anyone who isn't tier 2 I would imagine would wind up in Flat Rock. Word is they are opening up a third shift soon to help meet international demand for the mustang. The rest of us are probably out of a job
  17. well then i guess my time at ford will be ending since tier 2 doesnt have recall rights
  18. I just heard from a friend of mine who was told by his team leader that C-crew is getting shit-canned and our last day is June-28th. Anyone else heard this?
  19. It's for the driveshaft for the AWD models. The hump up near the gear selector is not nearly big enough for a transmission
  20. I wonder how many diesels Volkswagen sells. They've been pushing their so called "clean" diesels for a while
  21. My guess is MY2016 is the last for MKT/Flex
  22. The flaw with your hypothetical is the Taurus is supposed to be moving with the continental That and we all know that Flex/MKT are both pretty much dead in the water at this point
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