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Everything posted by fuzzymoomoo

  1. That’s what they did with Mustang and Ranger too. In the Ranger’s case the inner door was changed but the outer is the same.
  2. Thats been a standard thing in every contract since I hired in. Whenever your plant loses production you get first rights to “follow your work.”
  3. I was under the impression its more like our setup at MAP where they share a body shop but have 2 distinct lines within that building then combine at paint.
  4. I haven’t heard anything one way or the other but there’s nothing directly stopping BOC (or the SK j/v battery plants) from joining the union as far as I know. I think they have to vote on it. It was a big issue during the 2023 negotiations, and I think Ford ultimately agreed to let them be part of the master agreement if the workforce there votes to join the union.
  5. You guys are reading too much into this. It’s supplemental production because KTP and OHAP are both at capacity and can’t keep up, plus with the added benefit of being a blank slate to add the electrified bits without having to shoehorn it into an existing process. It’s a lot like when FRAP was building Fusions because Hermosillo couldn’t keep up.
  6. That’s what I was thinking as well. Seems like the Mach-E is a 1 Gen and done program.
  7. Ford hasn’t really cared about NASCAR since the heyday of Roush.
  8. GM has been importing from South Korea for a while now, and I think that’s more of a product of them wanting to keep that plant running and the Korean union happy (it’s the Daewoo plant) vs. it’s the profitable option. There’s zero chance they ever made money on the Aveo (remember that shitbox? Lol) and I can’t imagine the Trex/Trailblazer imports are coming out much more ahead either.
  9. Wont ever happen. Don’t have anywhere to build it that would net them that 10% margin they demand.
  10. Again with the square steering wheel, eh?
  11. Or it’s because Rangers were unavailable for the last 8 months
  12. No, but I haven’t gotten a warm and fuzzy feeling from him either. There’s always been something about him that’s really bothered me.
  13. It’s not just media presentation. He’s been the most vocal UAW president I can remember in my lifetime
  14. That’s some quality propaganda there, even if it’s all well researched and factual. Still doesn’t mean I have to like it. This is what I mean when I say it’s being forced on people.
  15. If I were in charge it would have never started. Wait, so you want me to partner with a Chinese company to be able to sell in your market, share all my knowledge and methods and get nothing in return? Yeah that’s a horrible deal.
  16. Which is one of the reasons why there’s investors/analysts that are starting to think Ford should get out of China
  17. That’s the way this company operates. A fresh mind comes in up top and makes a bunch of changes then as soon as that group is gone it’s back to the status quo. The time between Mullaly leaving and now is a great example of this. It’s about a 10 year cycle.
  18. It was after the order bank for 2023 closed and I didn’t want a 24.
  19. That’s a small part on why I didn’t get a truck when my lease expired couldn’t find what I wanted (XLT powerboost Lux max tow package). The only 3 powerboost f-150s the dealer had at the time were already sold and none of them were really what I wanted. Didn’t matter anyway, the sales guy kept trying to upsell the hell out of me and I wasn’t about to double my monthly payment for a bunch of stuff I didn’t want. I’ll keep driving my “commodity” product until either the wheels fall off or the transmission needs a second rebuild
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