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Everything posted by rc38

  1. Exxon had a 8% profit,the Federal Government had a 35% corporate tax on the same earnings. Do the math and see who the real robbers are.
  2. Will not be the Escape platform,the Kuga will be the replacement for the Escape. They say its a little smaller and have better fuel mileage than the current Escape,also the C-max and Transit connect. The Kuga and C-max have been the ones rumoured to be built at Louisville. Not sure what the plans are for KCAP for future product. But as we have seen,things can change quickly.
  3. I don't think they will merger,you might see some use of existing product getting swapped. Such as the cummins in the GM trucks to be matted with that allison trans,that would be an unbelievable combo for Ford to compete with. Could also see some of those Dodge trucks matted with the allison trans for those heavy duty dually combos. Could also see Chrysler using some of the hybrid and electric technology from GM in there cars. Also could see hemi's in GM's cars and trucks. I see more of this type of shared technology,than a merger. They could also merge and get rid of everything that cross market compete's with each other. And sell one product line like i used as and example above. But they would have heavy losses from discontinued product and dealers being closed.
  4. In U.S. dollars the car would be $49,000+. :shades: Don't think it would have much of a market.
  5. Well fmccap,you will love this news. I'm writing in Ron Paul as president,McCain had in the past brought up about the problems with Frannie and Freddie in 2006. Sen. Dodd and others wouldn't have anything to do with regulating these to firms. McCain had his chance to stand up with others and fix this with the natural forces of the market. Since he choose not to,he has lost my support. This Bailout will actually be in the 2.0 trillion to 2.4 trillion range. If the Dems get the deal included to help individuals,the price tag will be even higher.
  6. So you think its safer for people to last minute plow the brakes,because of short intervals on the yellow signals. People are forced into making bad decisions to avoid a possible traffic light violation.
  7. Because the enviromental groups have been able block several coal fired power plants from getting approved for clean coal permits. These plants change over to NG and there hasn't been enough new drilling to mantain the supply needed.
  8. The reason they won't bring it here is the market targeted for this car will not buy a diesel. They are big city commuters that think all diesel smoke and smell awful. Until that perception is changed,the diesel is a niche player in the small car market currently. They need a hybrid version as soon as possible,thats what will sell and command a premiun price tag. The hybrid market is just starting and will only get bigger in time with the price of gas.
  9. The original mortgage bailout bill had language in it for Fannie and Freddie to take on more mortgages. Think it was is the 500 to 600 million range,and this was language written by the democratic leadership. Barron's is figuring this current bailout will cost between 1.6 to 2.4 trillion dollars If you notice that the democratic leadership in congress is holding up spending bills,my guess is to see if they can win the presidency and more seats in congress. Then they will send through all the bailout bills. National Healthcare,Big3,Fannie and Freddie and the airlines. My guess the way this is shaping up,the government nationalize some of these companies. We will be like Europe in the 70's,were the government does bailouts for the sick companies and heavily taxes the healthy ones.
  10. Hey Timmm55 Instead of posting something from blog,do some research. Sarah Palin's husband is a Eskimo,so much for be racist towards Eskimo's. Charley James has been around for qutie awhile,he always post radical liberal comments. Much along the lines of the Dailykos and Moveon.org.
  11. Hey IMA Really looking foward to the things that about to come out on the Anneberg papers that have been held by the college library of the Illinois of Chicago. There is like 90 linear feet of paperwork,but it shows how well Ayers and Obama as Co-chairs gave out money to schools. Many with radical idealogies that the media will not cover,like the Acorn Group. Also money was funneled to schools that Ayers had started himself,to be able to teach his hippie radical anti-america crap. The fund was run so poorly that it ran out of funds and was disolved. You have 50 million to start with and you can't manage it,and you expect me to vote for him. Also go and look up Public Allies,my brother-n-law who lives in Chicago told me about this group and he is a diehard liberal. And he has seen this group in action,and they are very aggressive in there idealogies. They are involved in organizing alot of the public protests,or help other groups.
  12. He will owe the liberal media,hollywierd,enviro-nazis and Nancy Pelosi led socialist/marxist led regime. But most of all the George Soros led Daily Kos,Move On regime. Thats a start anyway
  13. I really haven't had alot of time to go over my issues with the current election ,so here it goes. I own small businesses. So taxes and energy are top priorties. Healthcare isn't a major headache because of my own personal lifestyle of eating extremely healthy. Which has been contagious with the people that work with me. No presidential selection is going to answer to everyones needs,nor should they be expected too either. Why i'm going to vote for McCain/Palin is based on my priorities,energy and taxes. McCain has said that he will get nuclear power plants built during his presidency,Obama opposes nuclear power.Even though other countries are building dozens of new plants. The new technology makes these plants a must for our energy future. Go do some research that these new plants provide with safe,clean and affordable energy. McCain was against tax cuts at first because there wasn't any meaningful spending cuts in the bill. Obama is for raising taxes,even if there back to levels before the tax cuts. Cost of living has went up,so you will be taxed more in the future based on percentage of taxable income. McCain is for offshore drilling,Obama is against this. Now he recently said he is for some,but remember the politico article where House speaker Nancy Pelosi told her fellow Democrats if it would help them win there race to say you are for offshore drilling. Soon after that Obama stance changed to ok i some offshore drilling. Nancy Pelosi said there will never be a vote on offshore drilling bill before they left for the current recess(even though it would pass with a major magority in both the house and senate). McCain is for clean coal technology,Obama is against it. Even though MIT has developed a carbon trapping system for power plants,so they could trap 95% of there carbon emissions.They use large tubes of water to trap the carbon and grow algae,which in turn can be used as a bio-fuel for the plant. McCain is for natural gas used in transportation,Obama i don't know what his current thoughts are on this. Obama says he will appoint Al Gore to take care of the enviromental and energy issues.This alone scares the hell out me. AL Gore says we will be off all fossil fuel in a decade. That leaves only wind and Solar :shades: Plus the enviromental groups are against transmission lines from these sources. They are against building Geotheromal plants. What we going to use in the future to make the enviromental groups happy,magical fairy dust. I have a very good friend that currently has a business that builds and installs solar and wind power systems,both residential and commercial. He has done this for about 12 years now. He even says we are 15 to 20 years away from true off the grid systems for residential. That is where the true energy conservation for electricity will come from,when this technology finally comes and is priced right for the average person. I know there more,but this is the highlights that i can think of write now. Got to get back to some paperwork.
  14. I really haven't had alot of time to go over my issues with the current election ,so here it goes. I own two small businesses. So taxes and energy are top priorties. Healthcare isn't a major headache because of my own personal lifestyle of eating extremely healthy. Which has been contagious with the people that work with me. No presidential selection is going to answer to everyones needs,nor should they be expected too either. Why i'm going to vote for McCain/Palin is based on my priorities,energy and taxes. McCain has said that he will get nuclear power plants built during his presidency,Obama opposes nuclear power. McCain was against tax cuts at first because there wasn't any meaningful spending cuts in the bill. Obama is for raising taxes,even if there back to levels before the tax cuts. Cost of living has went up,so you will be taxed more in the future based on percentage of taxable income. McCain is for offshore drilling,Obama is against this. Now he recently said he is for some,but remember the politico article where House speaker Nancy Pelosi told her fellow Democrats if it would help them win there race to say you are for offshore drilling. Soon after that Obama stance changed to ok i some offshore drilling. Nancy Pelosi said there will never be a vote on offshore drilling bill before they left for the current recess(even though it would pass with a major magority in both the house and senate). McCain is for clean coal technology,Obama is against it. Even though MIT has developed a carbon trapping system for power plants,so they could trap 95% of there carbon emissions.They use large tubes of water to trap the carbon and grow algae,which in turn can be used as a bio-fuel for the plant. McCain is for natural gas used in transportation,Obama i don't know what his current thoughts are on this. Obama says he will appoint Al Gore to take care of the enviromental and energy issues.This alone scares the hell out me. AL Gore says we will be off all fossil fuel in a decade. That leaves only wind and Solar :shades: I have a very good friend that currently has a business that builds and installs solar and wind power systems,both residential and commercial. He has done this for about 12 years now. He even says we are 15 to 20 years away from true off the grid systems for residential. That is where the true energy conservation for electricity will come from,when this technology finally comes and is priced right for the average person. I know there more,but his is the highlights that i can think of write now. Got to get back to some paperwork.
  15. You have to understand Savetheplanet and his selective idealogy. He came on here bragging about the two big porkchops that he had at a resturant in Chicago. And that small cities and towns could not provide the same quality of food. First came to mind was why would a person that is so worried about the enviroment and wants gas prices to go even higher so as to force everyone to sell ther cars and homes. So they will be forced to live in the city and be dependent on public transportation. Would eat such a vile meat for dinner. I wouldn't feed my worst enemy any pork product. They could close every fast food resturant,that would solve the healthcare and pollution problem. Yes i'm conservative,and i eat very healthy. I figure that is why he wants universal healthcare,since he doen't want to be accountable for his food selections
  16. When US weekly puts out a front page picture of Sarah Palin holding a baby and "Lies,babies,scandals" over the picture. While when they had Obama family displayed in grand style in there magazine,saying there America's super couple. Thats over the top media bias. When people in Obama's camp say her mayor office looked like a bait shop,shows how out of touch the liberal elites are with the majority of America. Small towns don't have budgets like Chicago to be able to build huge government complexes. They also don't have multiple sales tax areas.Chicago has the highest sales tax in the country at 10.25%,but there are also certain streets that charge 11% and 12% in the downtown shopping district. Just depends on what street you are on as to what sales tax they charge. Media statements about her being a bad mother because she is running for the V.P. Nobody questioned Joe Biden when he had just lost his wife and sons were still in the hospital. He was actually sworn in at the hospital. They said it was a honorable person to run for the senate at that time. Sarah Palin has been attacked on a personal level,along with her family like no other V.P. selection.
  17. IMA As you have heard by now,McCain picked Sarah Palin Governor of Alaska for his VP choice. Bobby Jindal was my first choice,but he removed himself from the list to concentrate on the issues facing the state of Louisiana. Brings the conservative base and some of those undecided independents and women over to McCain.
  18. This scares me that i'm agreeing with you on something. (just don't tell anyone) :shades: My first choice for McCain was Bobby Jindal,but he is concentrated on getting Louisiana back on its feet. There's alot of new technology coming online in Alaska that didn't exist a decade ago,that will help drill for natural gas and oil in a enviromentally safe way. McCain/Palin '08
  19. They put more than that in KTP's flex bodyshop this year.
  20. Lap isn't going to be building the Escape,they will be retooled for the new global C-Platform. There are 8 different vehicles off that one platform. Now what vehicles they will build, is anybodys guess for now. Ktp's Super Duty is scheduled for new sheetmetal in MY2011,not sure about the NAV/EXPY updates that will take place in the future at KTP.
  21. They say in the article that it would cost 25,000. Of course thats in british pounds,converted to U.S. dollars it comes out to @49,715.00 We won't see that here,no market for that price when you can get a 263 HP Mazdaspeed 3 for around $25,000 here right now.
  22. This wasn't a hybrid in the way your thinking by your response. It was installed in the driveline for launch a vehicle from a stop. It built up hydraulic pressure and was stored. When the truck left from a stop,it releases the stored energy to help move the truck forward. The fuel savings is in the launch assistance,where most trucks use the most fuel to move loads or just the weight if the truck itself. It was suppose to be used in the super duty,was even listed as a future option. I heard they couldn't get the unit to hold up to the torque,well have to see in the future if they get the bugs worked out.
  23. Sales tax is only a small percentage of the problem when it comes to what a gallon of gasoline cost. Its starts at the federal level with a 35% corporate tax,and then goes on down through to the local level. All along the way we pay tax from the time its only crude oil, till its in your vehicle. What ceases to amaze me is how people continue to blame the oil companies for make between 7% and 8% profit on earnings. When the government on the fedaeral,state,and local level is over 50%(depending on the state).
  24. Ktp's was scheduled for downweeks was through the second week in August,until the last day before shutdown. Then they extended it through the month of September. Lap was going to lose a shift until Detroit decided to rotate shifts off. If they had planned on idling LAP indefinitely,they would have kept the current planned shift cut in August.There also wouldn't be articles or talk about new product for LAP. Once oil prices stabilize and the housing comes back around,KTP will pick back up.
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