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If someone over 21 is still working for min wage they have much bigger problems than who is running for president. The rich inherit? Give me a break. There isn't that much "old money" around. Again you made the choice to be an hourly autoworker just like I did so quit bitching about people who decided to do something with thier life. I made my choices just like you and now we have to live with them. Get a second job, go to school, just take personal reponsibility. You think the rich are overpaid? You better look into the mirror and see what you do daily for your 50-60K per year. Shit a monkey could do our work.


Monkeys are smart enough to quit after 5 minutes.


Also, try finding a job in Michigan. I have an advantage in that my wife doesn't work, so she has been looking for a part time job. Problem is, there is nothing out there.

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Monkeys are smart enough to quit after 5 minutes.


Also, try finding a job in Michigan. I have an advantage in that my wife doesn't work, so she has been looking for a part time job. Problem is, there is nothing out there.


I don't know what it's like up there, but I have read in other threads that there was allot of people wanting to follow work to KTP, and I know here at KCAP we have allot of Mi. vendors and engineers that would like to permanently transfer here. Our local unemployment rate is up as well, but our cost of living is a little cheaper.

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Are really a hero when your mission includes killing innocent civilians?Oh thats right they are not people they are collateral damage correct?The Iraqi people who had nothing to do with 911 have suffered casualties in excess of 6 to 700,000.How many Vietnamese people died? The U.S goverment sent our citizens to fight who?The communists?You mean the same people who are are now our biggest trade partner?So explain again why all those men and women perished or were wounded in Vietnam?How many in Iraq? And you want to defend the same party who wants more war and poverty? :banghead:

Keep believing that lie about 700K.

U can call me whatever u want but PLEASE DONT TALK TRASH ABOUT OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN WHO PROTECT US ALL!!!!!!! I guess if we had no military the world would be a safer place??

I guess we should of let Japan take over Hawaii and California also and let Germany take over all of Europe then the world would of been a better place!!!!!!

And FACT is DEMOCRAT PRESIDENTS started Vietnam and the draft,ever heard of JFK and Johnson) and Clinton's administration started the Balkins War which we still have military over there in Bosnia!! And BIDEN voted YES for this WAR!!

Biden Kerry Clinton all voted YES!!!!!And Carter did nothing and FACT is the very same hour Reagan was sworn in the hostages were released!!!! Y was that???

And we can both agree on this, yes its a damn shame the way our govt. both sides treat our wounded, its a disgrace to there honor they should all get full benefits for life as should there kids also!!

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I guess we should of let Japan take over Hawaii and California also and let Germany take over all of Europe then the world would of been a better place!!!!!!



Going to war to defend yourself after you are attacked, and illegally invading a sovereign nation because of what they did to your father, and for profit, are two totally separate things.

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Me too!!! how can you say you are interested in helping the auto companys when you put unrealistic goals for fuel milage on them?



If you look at all the facts, both parties want to raise mileage standards, and none of them are unrealistic (so far).

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Do you even know why Clinton fast tracked NAFTA.

NAFTA was going to be passed whether we wanted it or not, did or have you ever read the original draft of NAFTA from when Bush Sr. was in office, you better be glad that at that time we had a Democratic controlled congress to delay it because what we ended up with was far better than what we would have if Bush could have got it passed, when Clinton took office he knew that he possibly only had 2 years to pass something before midterm elections that was livable knowing that people working in the manufacturing sector did not want it.

And by the way I don't Vote Democrat because the UAW tells me to, I review both and vote my interests that being the welfare of my family because the local church or the NRA is not going to pay my bills and since I make less than $250K a year way less a tax increase will not effect me and I don't hear McCain offering to help the automotive industry with increasing fuel mileage and offer tax cuts to those that stay here in the U.S., but he did say he would reward them who knows what that means.


And how do you explain the Chinese trade agreement? That was all Clintons baby, I still remember him going on TV and saying how access to the Chinese market was going to open up all kinds of US jobs.


The democrats in Congress are largely responsible for the sub-prime loan problem we're having now.


The biggest deciding factor on whether or not we have a job in the short term is gas prices and the Democrats are out in left field on that one.

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Going to war to defend yourself after you are attacked, and illegally invading a sovereign nation because of what they did to your father, and for profit, are two totally separate things.


yu are a moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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So you're OK with overpriced gas, foreclosed houses, this state bleeding jobs? Unless you're in that top 1%, that money for the rainy day won't last.


Look, it's not about taking from the rich and giving to the poor, it's about not letting the rich take from the middle class. That's not capitalism, that's fiscal raping. The thing that's screwed up is that it's the necessities that are killing us: gasoline, utilities, insurance, mortgages, etc. I don't know about the rest of you, but my disposable income has gone way done. The price of gas alone is hitting my house for about an additionl $400 a month from 3 years ago.


Unfortunately, a little socialism would do this country some good.


The Democrats aren't even proposing doing anything that will lower gas prices, they think prices need to go higher... "we have a planet to save, you know" ( quote: Nancy Pelosi)


There is no such thing as a little socialism... it progresses in one direction.

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And how do you explain the Chinese trade agreement? That was all Clintons baby, I still remember him going on TV and saying how access to the Chinese market was going to open up all kinds of US jobs.


The democrats in Congress are largely responsible for the sub-prime loan problem we're having now.


The biggest deciding factor on whether or not we have a job in the short term is gas prices and the Democrats are out in left field on that one.


I never said Clinton was perfect, and actually this bill was a bipartisan deal that was singed in on October 10, 2000 but it has been Dubbya and his administration that has let them break every trade agreement that was made and for what reason Personal Gains!


The Democrats in Congress are largely responsible for the sub-prime loan problem we're having now, you have got to kidding there has been 10 times the amount of refi's since Jr. took office offering 120% the value and offering all the low rate ARM's with a 6 year run with a Republican led Congress.


Ok I guess it was Clinton's fault for Enron and every other scandal that has gone on under Bush's watch.


And fuel another joke if you adjust for inflation, gas is higher now than it was during the Great Depression so yeah the Republican's are taking care of us there to arent they.

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Lets see Obama is 47, has zero experience (except for the work for Bill Ayers) proposing 800 Billion in new taxes is Obama not McCain. Obama says we can fix our energy problems with a tire gauge and he's backed up by an asshole who's lifetime body of work consists of being the equivalent of a poltical Pit-bull. I'll take the experienced old guy over the one who has a nice speech he gave in 2002. On quality vs. quantity her(Palin's) experience is probably equal to his as far as "running a country" goes. Remember her name isn't on the top of the ticket. Palin is a relative novice. Further checking reveals some true accomplishments, plus the fact that she has been a governor for almost two years. But two years of experience as a governor, versus almost four years as a do-nothing absentee Senator that has spent most of his term promoting HIMSELF in his run up to the presidency. Any criticism of Palin as being 'inexperienced' can be easily countered by noting that Senator is AT LEAST as inexperienced. Both have similar resumes: Palin was a councilwoman, Obama was a community organizer ; Palin was a mayor, Obama was Senator in one of the most corrupt states in the nation; Palin is a governor, Obama is a Senator. At the same time, the McCain camp can respond by noting that, despite Palin's 'inexperience', she is only running as VP. Obama, on the other hand, is the inexperienced one, and he is running for the office of the Commander in Chief.

She looks good.

She's a NRA member

She speaks well

She's a reformer

She seems to have a record of no nonsense

She's pro-life

She killed that bridge-to-nowhere project

She has been in the union and her husband is a card carring union member.

When she was mayor of that little town, she cut her own salary, and cut property taxes 60%.

She also successfully took on the oil industry, leading to a tax increase on oil company profits that now has the state's treasury swelling.


But the UAW is SPENDING MY MONEY backing Obama, money NOT well spent.

I could of not said all that better myself, I totally agree. I have said many of the same things myself since the nomination of Palin, I find her record to be truly remarkable. All the things Obama talks about is well and good, but in the end of the health care, college funding exc. it all boils down to MORE TAXES ACROSS THE BOARD FOR ALL OF US.

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Wow, I am really amazed at all the Republicans on this forum. My beliefs run somewhere between the democrats and republicans but I feel I have to vote democrat for the sake of my job. The way the republicans have run this country the last 8 years is awful. The oil ties there are the reason gas prices are so high and the reason people aren't buying SUVs/trucks anymore and the reason a lot of us here are laid off. If you want to keep your jobs you better not vote for McCain because you are just getting another Bush with him. In my opinion the Republicans are all about benefiting the rich and screwing the poor. I'm not saying democrats don't have their own agenda, but if I have to choose my poison, it's them for sure.

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The Democrats aren't even proposing doing anything that will lower gas prices, they think prices need to go higher... "we have a planet to save, you know" ( quote: Nancy Pelosi)


There is no such thing as a little socialism... it progresses in one direction.


You do realize we are in the position we're in because capitalism is going to far, don't you? Everyone wants to make a buck, but that money has to come from somewhere. When companies cut wages and benefits to make profit, the employees (consumers) have less to spend. Companies make less money, so they cut more. Consumers have even less. Someone has to step in a bring back balance, and right now it is the democrats. There will come a time when we need republicans to tip the scales back to right, but we are so far to the right right now that we are in danger of capsizing this country.


The President has destroyed the reputation of this nation. He has destroyed the economy of this nation. Hell, his actions are impacting the global economy. He is arguably the worst President ever and McCain will just further Bush's failed policies.

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Lol if you so called union workers that voted for Bush and now want to vote for Mclame. Name one thing that Bush did that was right in 8 years. And Mclame going to do the same stuff that Bush is doing. The rich get richer and the middle class which is you guys get poorer and dont be surprise if Ford opens up the contract and reduces your pay and its not a damn thing you can do about it. LOL go ahead and say strike there are so many people that are laid off that will take your jobs before you can say what happen. 8 years of Bush and his party and you guys still want to give them 4 more????????? Damn! Well to each his own dont bitch if you lose your job to outsourcing or if gas goes up again which in turn will kill car and truck sells big time. So think who would better serve you in the long run. :redcard:

What kills me is the people who think if a republican gets in that Ford will open up the contract and we will all lose our jobs, and we won't get any bailout loans, bla bla bla!!! Stretch P said that they would have a common sense approach to the high cost of energy, and 2 years later we are paying almost twice for gas than before they took control! Her common sense approach is to deny more off shore drilling, and click her red heels 3 times and hope an alternative energy suddenly falls out of someones ass. Better yet, because she is the queen bee, she decided to take the high road and challange the prez to come up with an alternative energy plan. After the house and senate dems pull thier heads out off thier asses and decide to listen to the american public and start more drilling, they should send Murtha up to Stretch's office so he can drill her. Talk about dumb drilling dumber! These idiots have set the big 3's chances of competing in our own back yard 20 years back!

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I never said Clinton was perfect, and actually this bill was a bipartisan deal that was singed in on October 10, 2000 but it has been Dubbya and his administration that has let them break every trade agreement that was made and for what reason Personal Gains!


The Democrats in Congress are largely responsible for the sub-prime loan problem we're having now, you have got to kidding there has been 10 times the amount of refi's since Jr. took office offering 120% the value and offering all the low rate ARM's with a 6 year run with a Republican led Congress.


Ok I guess it was Clinton's fault for Enron and every other scandal that has gone on under Bush's watch.




And fuel another joke if you adjust for inflation, gas is higher now than it was during the Great Depression so yeah the Republican's are taking care of us there to arent they.


The Chinese trade agreement was Billy boys baby.


You conveniently forgot about the congressional hearings about why the lenders weren't giving enough loans out to poor districts. So they eased resrictions and the lenders started giving out loans to folks who wouldn't have normally qualified. They then sold these loans to Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, of course the lenders made bad loans, they weren't going to suffer the consequences of it.


Gas and all energy prices are going up because the Democrats have refused to allow any new drilling for oil, any new nuclear plants, any new refineries ....for over 30 years.

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Gas and all energy prices are going up because the Democrats have refused to allow any new drilling for oil, any new nuclear plants, any new refineries ....for over 30 years.

So there has been a Democratic President and Democratic majority in Congress for thirty years ?

In what country ?

If the Republicans really cared like you insinuate Bush's first 2 years was a prime time to get things done, while he was in office and congress had a majority republicans.



Bottom line besides a few issues both parties are pretty much the same, Want Real CHANGE ? Vote Third Party !!!

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You do realize we are in the position we're in because capitalism is going to far, don't you? Everyone wants to make a buck, but that money has to come from somewhere. When companies cut wages and benefits to make profit, the employees (consumers) have less to spend. Companies make less money, so they cut more. Consumers have even less. Someone has to step in a bring back balance, and right now it is the democrats. There will come a time when we need republicans to tip the scales back to right, but we are so far to the right right now that we are in danger of capsizing this country.


The President has destroyed the reputation of this nation. He has destroyed the economy of this nation. Hell, his actions are impacting the global economy. He is arguably the worst President ever and McCain will just further Bush's failed policies.


Actually we can agree on some things, not the socialism nonsense, the founding fathers must be turning over in their graves right now but I do agree we need balance. You don't get balance by giving one party control of both houses of Congress and the White House. The Democrats did a horrible job in 1992 when they controlled everything, the Republicans did a horrible job for the first six years of the Bush administration when they controlled everything. If the Democrats get complete control again it will be "Katie bar the door"

on taxes, wacky programs that only a left coaster could love and uncontrolled spending.


People don't realize that a big part of Bushes deficit spending comes from allowing the Democrats to tack on all kinds of nonsense to the bills he's needed to fund the war. He doesn't know how to use the veto pen.

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Wow, I am really amazed at all the Republicans on this forum. My beliefs run somewhere between the democrats and republicans but I feel I have to vote democrat for the sake of my job. The way the republicans have run this country the last 8 years is awful. The oil ties there are the reason gas prices are so high and the reason people aren't buying SUVs/trucks anymore and the reason a lot of us here are laid off. If you want to keep your jobs you better not vote for McCain because you are just getting another Bush with him. In my opinion the Republicans are all about benefiting the rich and screwing the poor. I'm not saying democrats don't have their own agenda, but if I have to choose my poison, it's them for sure.


Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have spoken out in favor of higher gas prices... they control the House and the Senate so a vote for Obama is a vote for higher gas prices. BTW if you build trucks they want to see your job disappear.

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I could of not said all that better myself, I totally agree. I have said many of the same things myself since the nomination of Palin, I find her record to be truly remarkable. All the things Obama talks about is well and good, but in the end of the health care, college funding exc. it all boils down to MORE TAXES ACROSS THE BOARD FOR ALL OF US.


I agree 06stang is right on the money. Today I was watching Obama/Biden doing a speech in Ohio. Halftruths, lies and exaggerations. I actually feel like they insulted my intelligence today.

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Unfortunately, a little socialism would do this country some good.


I can honestly say this is the dumbest thing I have ever read!


Spoken like a true republican. Spewing hate without anything to back your statement. Why don't you explain why that is the dumbest thing you have ever read.

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The Chinese trade agreement was Billy boys baby.


You conveniently forgot about the congressional hearings about why the lenders weren't giving enough loans out to poor districts. So they eased resrictions and the lenders started giving out loans to folks who wouldn't have normally qualified. They then sold these loans to Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, of course the lenders made bad loans, they weren't going to suffer the consequences of it.


Gas and all energy prices are going up because the Democrats have refused to allow any new drilling for oil, any new nuclear plants, any new refineries ....for over 30 years.


You are the man with all the answers, your starting to sound allot like McCain "Pull your self up by boot strap's and go to work! Just get back to work! and quit being a nation of whiners!" well don't forget in 1994 when the sub-prime problems began, that is the year that Republican's took control of congress so yeah those congressional hearings were held by your pal's and gas and energy, I don't know where I've been, I did not realize that the Democrat's have been in control for the last 30 years, but I do know through the 80's the big 3 were closing plants all over then through the 90's we all prospered now in the 2000's were repeating the 80's seems to be a trend wonder why?


I guess I shouldn't have asked because I know your going to tell me its the Democrat's fault.


You need to get your information from somewhere besides Fox News.

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You are the man with all the answers, your starting to sound allot like McCain "Pull your self up by boot strap's and go to work! Just get back to work! and quit being a nation of whiners!" well don't forget in 1994 when the sub-prime problems began, that is the year that Republican's took control of congress so yeah those congressional hearings were held by your pal's and gas and energy, I don't know where I've been, I did not realize that the Democrat's have been in control for the last 30 years, but I do know through the 80's the big 3 were closing plants all over then through the 90's we all prospered now in the 2000's were repeating the 80's seems to be a trend wonder why?


I guess I shouldn't have asked because I know your going to tell me its the Democrat's fault.


You need to get your information from somewhere besides Fox News.


The Republicans haven't had a veto proof majority to pass energy legislation and when Clinton was in office , he wouldn't have signed it anyway. ( this in fact happened with the drilling in ANWR ) the Dems have blocked nukes and refineries for 30 years, drilling for a little less.


Yes, the wonderful nineties... the dot-com bubble where even a complete idiot could run things and look good. The problem was just as Bush was taking office the country was already in a recession from the burst of the dot-com bubble. Dubya and Greenspan decided to replace the dotcom bubble with the home ownership boom. Using low interest rates and lax rules stemming back to the 80's and loosened up even more lots of people got loans, home prices shot up then crashed.


BTW thank Jimmy Carter for the recession in the late 70's / early eighties

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