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St. Thomas Assembly Is Done in 2011


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If we have no product to build after 2011 what are we going to do . Stay open and sweep floors??? :reading:


Years ago I worked on a construction crew. Upon getting close to finishing up the job we were on, our boss told us he had nothing for us for the following week. I assumed that meant I was done working there. Then, as the Friday rolled around, he came back and told us he picked up another job, and we'd be headed to that as soon as the current job was done.


In other words, as of right now, there is no plans for the Panthers following 2011. But that doesn't mean plans can't change, or new product can't be allocated there. STAP is at the top in quality, productivity, profitability and safety. Remember that before you let some ass clown get you riled up because his life is so empty, he takes pleasure out of making up rumours just to get a rise out of people.

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"Pretty brave talk."


No. Oakville voted 57% no last time to concessions that wern't even in the neighbourhood to the ones being asked now. You post like Ford is the be all and all..it's simply a job.


"It seems to me that it is about time that the CAW and its members understood that Ford can move all its production out of Canada if it so chooses. Ford needs to be competitive; and sacrifices need to be made."


Yawn. You always try to play that card. It's like you're a newb to the company and think whipsawing is some kind of awesome new tactic. I'ts old it's tired nobody is buying it. You never have any facts just "bravado and BS"


"The CAW leadership should have been having ongoing discussions with Ford for the last year as to what it would take to keep St. Thomas going because as long as you're still working, there is a chance. But once it's gone...it's gone for good. But I haven't heard a whole lot other than bravado and BS."


Obviously the union has been trying forever to workout something for the future of STAP. Rather than treating workers with any kind of decency the company prefers to keep the hammer raised for barganing purposes.


"So this round of bargaining ought to give up exactly what GM and Chrysler did.....that is unavoidable. But Ford is - for sure - in far better shape than GM and Chrysler and so in return for the concessions, Ford should be asked to extend St. Thomas' life for at least one more year; and to agree to worthwhile severance packages."


It's not unavoidable, that's why the CAW walked away from the table. Yet another 1 year extension for STAP isn't going to cut it, because yet again STAP's future will be attempted to be the hammer in 2012 when the company is raking it in.


"The CAW is bargaining from a very very weak position. The concessions are a done deal....but getting something back just might be possible."


Wrong. We have a legally binding contract. We have opened it up of our own good will to try to help the company be competitive, And we get attitudes like yours that make members say FK them. You are doing more harm than good.



By all means continue posturing here on behalf of the corprate agenda, and I will be here posturing back without personal insults or flaming. Over to you Sir.



ok the multi quoting didn't take,responses in the quoted text. thanks.

Edited by OAC_Paint
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Hmmm, I wonder if National knew this before they recommended we accept the last set of concessions. :(



of course they did.


they are sacrificing STAP for OAC.


Don't believe them for a second if they claim ignorance.

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of course they did.


they are sacrificing STAP for OAC.


Don't believe them for a second if they claim ignorance.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that CAW National would sacrifice STAP to get the concessions for FOMOCO from Oakville.The Oakville leadership is fear mongering it's members like never before.However we at STAP have faith in our Local Leadership to stand up against the thugs at the CAW National level. Lewenza is a joke and most Ford workers realize that. If it wasn't for the Local 1520 leadership sticking up for OUR plant at this time,WE WOULD ALREADY BE VOTING on another shitty concessionary contract. Stick to your guns Scotty and Dennis...."this is far from over".

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that CAW National would sacrifice STAP to get the concessions for FOMOCO from Oakville.The Oakville leadership is fear mongering it's members like never before.However we at STAP have faith in our Local Leadership to stand up against the thugs at the CAW National level. Lewenza is a joke and most Ford workers realize that. If it wasn't for the Local 1520 leadership sticking up for OUR plant at this time,WE WOULD ALREADY BE VOTING on another shitty concessionary contract. Stick to your guns Scotty and Dennis...."this is far from over".


I would be willing to consider voting on concessions from the National union office. Let's see the National office take a hit. How many reps do we really need at the National? Do the companies still contribute to the Port Elgin coffers? Etc...

Anyway, lets hold the Nationals' feet to the fire this time. Do what a Union is required to do Kenny... Represent its members equally and to the best of its abilities.

We know Dennis and Scott are fighting the fight for their members at 1520.

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of course they did.


they are sacrificing STAP for OAC.


Don't believe them for a second if they claim ignorance.


Guys, Some of you seem to be falling for the company line a little here. Do you really believe the national union wants STAP closed down? OAC DOES NOT NEED TO BE SAVED at this time. STAP needs saving. They need a product extension or at the very least for the employees to be treated decently enough to at least know of the closing date. That's one of the many reasons I will be voting no to any concessions.


If and/or when STAP is closed, It's a company decesion. If and/or when OAC is closed in 4-5 years it's a company decision. If we lose our jobs at one point or another that call is made in Detroit. The last thing I will do is try and point the finger at a fellow working stiff at some other local for obvious reasons.

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As you may well imagine, rumours at STAP are running at an all time high.


1. the flex plant was originally slated for STAP but our local president at the time lobbied to have it go to OAC since they had no new product and STAP was running flat out to keep up with demand. Fact or fiction? I don't know but I would guess that even the STAP members on the floor would have voted in favour of this at the time.


2. the national knew that STAP was done prior to the last set of concessions but glided over this issue by focusing everyones attention on the bigger issue of keeping FORD alive so we could live to fight another day. Fact or fiction? Again I don't know, but at STAP many now believe it was a missed opprotunity to save our plant.


3. Bill Russo toured the plant and and stated there was no new product for STAP and no surplus new product that needed a plant. Fact or fiction? once again I don't know but for the last 2 years there has been overwhelming news, inuendo and rumours of Stap closing and to date nothing to suggest we have any hope past 2011.


I, like many at STAP, are not pointing fingers at any of our union brothers and wish you all the best. I am however demanding that STAP's future be determined now, one way or the other so we can reconcile our personal futures. We need to know now! This upcoming round of concession talks may force both the National and Ford to address this issue if 1520 stands strong in its opposition to give backs without some guarantee of of a new product. It goes without saying that any support from other locals will be very much appreciated.

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1. Fiction

2. Fact

3. Fact


No fear mongering here, just the truth. Ford wants to be down to 8 assembly plants in North America (that includes Mexico and Canada) in the near future. Now, I wonder if there will be two in Canada after Ford restructures? Any bets?




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1. Fiction

2. Fact

3. Fact


No fear mongering here, just the truth. Ford wants to be down to 8 assembly plants in North America (that includes Mexico and Canada) in the near future. Now, I wonder if there will be two in Canada after Ford restructures? Any bets?





And how in the world would lowly Edsel no shit if any of these are fact or fiction?Got a scoop?Let's hear it....you knew Russo even visited Stap?Bullshit to all,another rumor monger like the rest.

As for #1 never heard that one before,IMO(see not fact or fiction Ed)Whitey didn't have the power to tell Ford where to put their flex plant so that seems silly.

#2 I thought this was a known,we were told no new product and our product was ending in 11.

#3 Could have happened,once again these are negotiations and there are alot of serve and volleys going on with the company and union.The company wants a better deal so why would they say anything is going to continue anywhere in Canada,that's how they put pressure on us and our union to get a better deal.


Once again only my opinion...I can't states facts or fiction like our full of shit pal Edsel.

Edited by GuyfromSTAP
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In STAPS current position, it drives me crazy that so many people at STAP are still working voluntary overtime. Am I wrong to feel this way? Am I alone, or does anyone else feel the same?

We are scheduled 10 hr's. body paint and final. Who's working OT?

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As you may well imagine, rumours at STAP are running at an all time high.


1. the flex plant was originally slated for STAP but our local president at the time lobbied to have it go to OAC since they had no new product and STAP was running flat out to keep up with demand. Fact or fiction? I don't know but I would guess that even the STAP members on the floor would have voted in favour of this at the time.


2. the national knew that STAP was done prior to the last set of concessions but glided over this issue by focusing everyones attention on the bigger issue of keeping FORD alive so we could live to fight another day. Fact or fiction? Again I don't know, but at STAP many now believe it was a missed opprotunity to save our plant.


3. Bill Russo toured the plant and and stated there was no new product for STAP and no surplus new product that needed a plant. Fact or fiction? once again I don't know but for the last 2 years there has been overwhelming news, inuendo and rumours of Stap closing and to date nothing to suggest we have any hope past 2011.


I, like many at STAP, are not pointing fingers at any of our union brothers and wish you all the best. I am however demanding that STAP's future be determined now, one way or the other so we can reconcile our personal futures. We need to know now! This upcoming round of concession talks may force both the National and Ford to address this issue if 1520 stands strong in its opposition to give backs without some guarantee of of a new product. It goes without saying that any support from other locals will be very much appreciated.




Ok numb nuts, (are you a farmer?) just in case you are, I'll go slow, see if you get this,


1. Fiction, the flex plant was NEVER originally slated for STAP. You've been on one shift, your product is dead. OTP was top quality, closed that, figure that out Einstein!


2. Fact, EVERYBODY knew STAP was done, the nail in the coffin was New York City banning the Crown Vic. ( Am I going to fast for you?)


3. Fact, there was no new product for STAP and no surplus new product that needed being built at the plant.


Something I just found out today, Ford only wants 7 plants running production in North America. Flex plants, 3 shift operations.


Call it BS, call it butter or corn. Hope when the Ford Motor Company comes a knock'in, your bargaining committee gets preferential hiring at Oakville or at least a good package. NO BULLSHIT!!!!




Oh, blow me dickwad.

Edited by Edsel
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There is no doubt you are a turd burgler Ed...that I'm sure we agree on.

#1 I've read a few times...think you need another edit pal "OTP was top quality, closed that, figure that out Einstein!"Atta boy the english as a 2nd language is paying off!


Closed that?WTF are you trying to say?The question was that our plant chair made the flex plant goto Oakville,so not sure your answer makes any sense but no surprise coming from the source.


#2 So we don't build for NYC anymore?There was no challenges to the NYC wants?You must know the answer to this pole smoker?


#3 was based on Bill Russo's visit,so once again cum guzzler you are trying to speak to questions that weren't asked.

I like the "call it butter or corn".What in hell does that mean?Does Trim have two accounts now?Ya we are the farmer here...LMAO I'm sure Corn holing was on your mind and lord knows you'd use butter for lube.


Go away now Knob Jockey...stick with trim in your exciting OAC thread.

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