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Democrats are the new "Party of NO!"

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I can recall a few years ago, Ford employees passed up a dollar raise only to give it to the retirees to help offset their benefits! This has to stop their not driving to work everyday and burning gas. Gas is too damn high to be giving our money away. I'm sick and tired of paying for a service that i'm not using. We cannot continue to nurse those that squandered their opportunity. I would rather assist someone who didn't have the chance than those who had the chance and blew it. Why do we(current workers) still have to pay for you(retirees). When will it end? I'm so sick of hearing "WELL IF IT WASN'T FOR US"!(RETIREES). If i'm not claiming you(retirees) on my taxes than I shouldn't have to Carry you..

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I can recall a few years ago, Ford employees passed up a dollar raise only to give it to the retirees to help offset their benefits! This has to stop their not driving to work everyday and burning gas. Gas is too damn high to be giving our money away. I'm sick and tired of paying for a service that i'm not using. We cannot continue to nurse those that squandered their opportunity. I would rather assist someone who didn't have the chance than those who had the chance and blew it. Why do we(current workers) still have to pay for you(retirees). When will it end? I'm so sick of hearing "WELL IF IT WASN'T FOR US"!(RETIREES). If i'm not claiming you(retirees) on my taxes than I shouldn't have to Carry you..


You are free to refuse the retirement benefits negotiated through the UAW CBAs. Ask the company what you can expect them to "give" you from the goodness of their heart.


I guess you have no plans to ever let go of the teat on Ford you are suckling. 40-50 years-60? Till you drop dead on the plant floor?


Have you thought your plan through? Please tell me, "no".


I smell a rat, but let's let him try to sneak past me. Purrrrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Edited by FiredMotorCompany
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I can recall a few years ago, Ford employees passed up a dollar raise only to give it to the retirees to help offset their benefits! This has to stop their not driving to work everyday and burning gas. Gas is too damn high to be giving our money away. I'm sick and tired of paying for a service that i'm not using. We cannot continue to nurse those that squandered their opportunity. I would rather assist someone who didn't have the chance than those who had the chance and blew it. Why do we(current workers) still have to pay for you(retirees). When will it end? I'm so sick of hearing "WELL IF IT WASN'T FOR US"!(RETIREES). If i'm not claiming you(retirees) on my taxes than I shouldn't have to Carry you..


Again you are clueless. Retirees are on a fixed income. They paid there dues and paved the way for your current wages and benefits. But using you own theory again because its been done before, can I claim all the people on welfare and the illegals on my taxes? Then why do I have to carry them. A lot of these retirees left making a lot less per hour than you do. I can't believe you want to take money from people who worked 30 years or more, yet have no problem giving your money away(taxes), to people who just collect checks and contribute nothing at all. Talk about hypocrite. So you lost 40bucks a week to someone who got you to the wage you at. Let it go.

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Will we pay higher prices for goods and services if a majority of illegals were caught? From what i understand the Dept of Ag in both the Reagan and the current Administration felt/feel so. You may remember that Reagan singed an amnesty bill in his second term on behest of the Agriculture industry. And just food for thought, many of the smaller cash driven business like lawn maintenance and landscaping, housing painting and the like are employing low wage illegals so would those prices go up if they had to higher people who wouldn't work for 4 or dollars under the table.





In know illegals that do these type of jobs, And they make WAY more then 4 dollars an hour. Minimum is $9 and thats just the starting rate. The difference is most "americans" do not want to "work" in those fields. And thats a good reason why illegals occupy them.

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Ljcdad, I have zero problem with going after the people who hire illegals. None what soever. However they are called illegals for a reason. It's criminal to sneak into our country. Charge the people hiring them with aiding and abetting a criminal. Just because they are willing to work for peanuts does not mean we should let them. As far as not willing to do the work, if someone on unemployment for a year turns Down a job that pays to little, cut them off government money and ask them again. Make these people pay atleast minimum wage. If you snuck into Mexico, they toss you out with quickness. Their policy is worse than ours, but their president will lecture us on our policy. If they enter here legally, they will be welcomed by me with open arms. If the sneak in and walk into a hospital and use my tax money for treatment, then show them back home. Plenty of people are here legally and prosper. We should not reward those that did not come here in the same manner. Is a dis-service to the legal aliens who followed the rules. If we are going to treat them all the same, why have borders or an immigration policy at all.

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M/R, you know who Spence Abraham (R-Mi) is? He was a US Senator and Sec. of Energy or something like that under W. But his claim to fame for us liberals is that he tried mulitple times to increase the amount of skilled immigrants and to fund some recruitment to take the tech related jobs in America while claiming Americans on welfare were lazy and didn't want jobs.


His solutions were not to train and recruit those on unemployment and welfare to do the jobs but to increase those trained by other countries. Does that sound like something you'd support? Leave Americans untrained and incapable of getting these jobs while we bring more immigrants in to do the high paying jobs. Then bitch that people are dependent on welfare and will never get off it.

No I would not support that. Train the people out of work. Help them off the system. Basically we are all being double dipped. We support the illegals and the people unwilling to do the dirty work. I think I read it on here or somewhere else but it was a good idea. If an illegal is caught here, give them 2 choices. Go home or join the military and help defend and protect what made this country so great you had to sneak in. After their service, they should then be granted full citizenship without question. I would even be willing to add some sort of public service as an alternative to the military. Something should be done. We can't just roll over say oh well your here, take some tax money. I'm sure that idea is a total answer, but its a start. I'm willing to grant them citizenship, but it should be earned and not just granted.

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Biden slanders the American people? That's toning down the vitriol and leading the country?




His office "claims" he didn't use the word. Others were using it. But, bugle lips Biden sat quietly by and let those words stand unchallenged.



Leadership for America! One heartbeat away.


Sources: Joe Biden likened tea partiers to terrorists Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html#ixzz1TtLd4gQh


Vice President Joe Biden joined House Democrats in lashing tea party Republicans Monday, accusing them of having “acted like terrorists” in the fight over raising the nation’s debt limit, according to several sources in the room.


Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.



Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html#ixzz1TtLlTtVZ

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Biden slanders the American people? That's toning down the vitriol and leading the country?




His office "claims" he didn't use the word. Others were using it. But, bugle lips Biden sat quietly by and let those words stand unchallenged.



Leadership for America! One heartbeat away.


Sources: Joe Biden likened tea partiers to terrorists Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html#ixzz1TtLd4gQh


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First, take the caps lock off.


Second, re-do your research. Fired joined on June 10, 2006. Not June 6, 2010.


Having said that, Fired does have over 1600 posts in that time. However, your buddy Aces joined about 2 weeks before Fired did, and has about 100 posts less. So if you are going to demand that someone "find a fuckin' hobby", you should make that suggestion to others.


Of course, one could make the valid argument that at least Fired adds something positive to this board, since he is willing to have discussions in his posts. Unlike Aces who is completely afraid, as well as being incapable of discussions.


Not to mention Fired has a "Excellent" rating of 930, while Aces has a "Bad" reputation of -2161.


I do find it funny that you've decided that your 4th post in the last 14 months would be this.

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I was commenting on your post...that is on topic.

So you were trying to attack me?

Or were you disparaging those who support an elected official that not only ran on a platform and promises, but stood up in congress and shamed the remaining members for their political pandering and who also kept to his campaign promises. That's what it looks like for those of you who were wondering.


Take that weak-as* argument elsewhere.

Edited by FiredMotorCompany
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So you were trying to attack me?

Or were you disparaging those who support an elected official that not only ran on a platform and promises, but stood up in congress and shamed the remaining members for their political pandering and who also kept to his campaign promises. That's what it looks like for those of you who were wondering.


Take that weak-as* argument elsewhere.

Still trying to figure out this post



Yes I was disparaging the long winded delivery of the Koch brothers paid for politician.


All he said could have been said in one sentence....like this.....I am wholly owned by my campaign contributors and will not think for myself, therefore I'm delivering All of the standard talking points.

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Yes I was disparaging the long winded delivery of the Koch brothers paid for politician.


All he said could have been said in one sentence....like this.....I am wholly owned by my campaign contributors and will not think for myself, therefore I'm delivering All of the standard talking points.



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Just had to post this somewhere.



Which is worse? He did it...or he didn't even realize he did it?




There's something a little too ironic when Barney "Fart" Frank rips a few on Rachel Maddow's show.

Edited by FiredMotorCompany
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Just had to post this somewhere.



Which is worse? He did it...or he didn't even realize he did it?




There's something a little too ironic when Barney "Fart" Frank rips a few on Rachel Maddow's show.



Poor Barney.....a hero of the libs and gays. I doubt any of the 12 viewers of that show noticed.



Some of the comments are great BTW.

A favorite~


"Reminds me of the old joke; What's the difference between Barney Frank & a refrigerator?

A refrigerator doesn't fart when you take your meat out."

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