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So why are Republicans trying to destroy America?


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Does the republican attack on democracy alarm anyone else?




"South Carolina and Texas estimate that between them they have more than 800,000 registered voters who may not have acceptable forms of photo identification. While both states will offer free identification cards that would be acceptable at the polls, critics of the new laws worry that the added barrier to voting could discourage people from going to the polls. South Carolina estimates that 8 percent of its voters — 216,596 people — do not currently have the proper identification.


Texas calculated that at least 95 percent of its registered voters have a driver’s license or valid identification card, but could not say for sure whether the 605,576 names on its voter list that do not appear on its lists of people with driver’s licenses or state-issued identification cards have them or not. The Department of Justice, which must approve the changes in Texas and South Carolina, recently asked both states for more information to make sure the changes do not violate the Voting Rights Act.


Representative Terri A. Sewell, Democrat of Alabama, said her state’s new voter identification law, which is set to take effect in 2014, would strike close to home. Her father, who uses a wheelchair, has let his driver’s license lapse, she said, and used his Social Security card as identification when he voted for her — something that will no longer be allowed.


“My mom will find a way to get my dad a photo ID, but a lot of my constituents don’t have the same capability,” Ms. Sewell said. “Given the relatively low turnout that we see in modern-day elections, we should be encouraging people to go to the polls to exercise their rights, and not discouraging them.”"


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Edited by Aces
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Does the republican attack on democracy alarm anyone else?




"South Carolina and Texas estimate that between them they have more than 800,000 registered voters who may not have acceptable forms of photo identification. While both states will offer free identification cards that would be acceptable at the polls, critics of the new laws worry that the added barrier to voting could discourage people from going to the polls. South Carolina estimates that 8 percent of its voters — 216,596 people — do not currently have the proper identification.


Texas calculated that at least 95 percent of its registered voters have a driver’s license or valid identification card, but could not say for sure whether the 605,576 names on its voter list that do not appear on its lists of people with driver’s licenses or state-issued identification cards have them or not. The Department of Justice, which must approve the changes in Texas and South Carolina, recently asked both states for more information to make sure the changes do not violate the Voting Rights Act.


Representative Terri A. Sewell, Democrat of Alabama, said her state’s new voter identification law, which is set to take effect in 2014, would strike close to home. Her father, who uses a wheelchair, has let his driver’s license lapse, she said, and used his Social Security card as identification when he voted for her — something that will no longer be allowed.


“My mom will find a way to get my dad a photo ID, but a lot of my constituents don’t have the same capability,” Ms. Sewell said. “Given the relatively low turnout that we see in modern-day elections, we should be encouraging people to go to the polls to exercise their rights, and not discouraging them.”"


video here




Absolute BS. If you're able to vote then you can get a picture ID. And if not then you shouldn't be voting. It's that simple.


Anyone who doesn't support this might as well say they support voter fraud.

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:hysterical2: This from the guy that called a Moderator "scum" and got the thread closed down?


Link to Aces "Scum" Name Calling


Link to Moderator Shutting Down Thread


How about "man-ing up" and apologizing?


Not likely.



I stand by my statements.


It is interesting that, rather than reply to the posts the right wing apologists are the first to attack the poster.


Very shallow.

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Does the republican attack on democracy alarm anyone else?




"South Carolina and Texas estimate that between them they have more than 800,000 registered voters who may not have acceptable forms of photo identification. While both states will offer free identification cards that would be acceptable at the polls, critics of the new laws worry that the added barrier to voting could discourage people from going to the polls. South Carolina estimates that 8 percent of its voters — 216,596 people — do not currently have the proper identification.


Texas calculated that at least 95 percent of its registered voters have a driver’s license or valid identification card, but could not say for sure whether the 605,576 names on its voter list that do not appear on its lists of people with driver’s licenses or state-issued identification cards have them or not. The Department of Justice, which must approve the changes in Texas and South Carolina, recently asked both states for more information to make sure the changes do not violate the Voting Rights Act.


Representative Terri A. Sewell, Democrat of Alabama, said her state’s new voter identification law, which is set to take effect in 2014, would strike close to home. Her father, who uses a wheelchair, has let his driver’s license lapse, she said, and used his Social Security card as identification when he voted for her — something that will no longer be allowed.


“My mom will find a way to get my dad a photo ID, but a lot of my constituents don’t have the same capability,” Ms. Sewell said. “Given the relatively low turnout that we see in modern-day elections, we should be encouraging people to go to the polls to exercise their rights, and not discouraging them.”"


video here





Absolute BS. If you're able to vote then you can get a picture ID. And if not then you shouldn't be voting. It's that simple.


Anyone who doesn't support this might as well say they support voter fraud.



This is the Republican excuse for disenfranchising the poor and especially the poor black voter.


After all they mostly vote Democrat.


Where is the fraud that this is supposed to combat?


If you can't see that this movement of voter disenfranchisement is orchestrated by the Republicans for political advantage, then you are being willfully blind.


I think I'll go with the New York Times article instead of a recitation of Republican excuses.

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I stand by my statements.


It is interesting that, rather than reply to the posts the right wing apologists are the first to attack the poster.


Very shallow.



Doubling down? Hmmmmm.:glare:

More Hypocrisy from Aces.

And unapologetic as well.


Hey, Mods, clean up the forums and boot this "scum" and maybe you will not have to spend so much time and effort shutting threads or moving them.


Give em time, give em time.

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This is the Republican excuse for disenfranchising the poor and especially the poor black voter.


After all they mostly vote Democrat.


Bullshit. Why would this disenfranchise the poor? Most should already have a driver's license and if not then the ID card is free.


You can't buy alcohol or board a plane without proper ID but it's ok to vote without it?


Why allow the opportunity for voter fraud if it can be easily avoided?


This is nothing more than an attempt by the left to galvanize the poor against the big, bad Republicans and gain voter support.


And for the record, I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat.

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Why allow the opportunity for voter fraud if it can be easily avoided?


And that I beleive covers the problem, these and othere states/areas are having due to the number of illegal immigrants.


I'm a regstered Democrat that will quite often vote Repulican and on occasion Independant depending on the candidates views and track record.

And I have posted before that I would support a law that requires a valid picture ID AND a valid Social Security card be shown at the voting station before a person is allowed to vote.

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No personal attacks please.


Do the terms "scum" and "scab" count?


Does the republican attack on democracy alarm anyone else?




"South Carolina and Texas estimate that between them they have more than 800,000 registered voters who may not have acceptable forms of photo identification. While both states will offer free identification cards that would be acceptable at the polls, critics of the new laws worry that the added barrier to voting could discourage people from going to the polls. South Carolina estimates that 8 percent of its voters — 216,596 people — do not currently have the proper identification.


Texas calculated that at least 95 percent of its registered voters have a driver’s license or valid identification card, but could not say for sure whether the 605,576 names on its voter list that do not appear on its lists of people with driver’s licenses or state-issued identification cards have them or not. The Department of Justice, which must approve the changes in Texas and South Carolina, recently asked both states for more information to make sure the changes do not violate the Voting Rights Act.


Representative Terri A. Sewell, Democrat of Alabama, said her state’s new voter identification law, which is set to take effect in 2014, would strike close to home. Her father, who uses a wheelchair, has let his driver’s license lapse, she said, and used his Social Security card as identification when he voted for her — something that will no longer be allowed.


“My mom will find a way to get my dad a photo ID, but a lot of my constituents don’t have the same capability,” Ms. Sewell said. “Given the relatively low turnout that we see in modern-day elections, we should be encouraging people to go to the polls to exercise their rights, and not discouraging them.”"


video here



Please, in your own words, supported by actual quotation from the article, give us your opinion on why you agree with this article. As well, please answer the questions others have posed to you. If you are incapable, because you are neither intelligent or articulate enough to, then remove the post. Thank you

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Do the terms "scum" and "scab" count?




Please, in your own words, supported by actual quotation from the article, give us your opinion on why you agree with this article. As well, please answer the questions others have posed to you. If you are incapable, because you are neither intelligent or articulate enough to, then remove the post. Thank you



Why post when you have nothing to say?


if you think that you are showing your cleverness then I suggest you go back to grade school where this type of oneupmanship was normal.


If you have nothing to add to the discussion then please stop insulting me.

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Interesting new poll.


Republicans don't know what G.O.P. stands for!




"Just a tick under half of the people who spend their days telling the rest of us how it really is, and giving us “the facts” have no idea what the abbreviation for their own party means.


Having a political party where a premium is placed on ignorance can be a good thing for party leaders and conservative media, because once they trust you, these people will believe almost anything that you tell them. The downside is that having too many intellect hating party members can lead to the party becoming untethered from reality and existing on a fringe outside of the American political mainstream.


Faith based anti-intellectualism has invaded the GOP (Grand Old Party) to such a degree that it is risking literally not knowing what it stands for anymore. Beyond giving us a chuckle at GOP (Grand Old Party) ignorance, these results highlight one of the problems in our current political system. How can the two parties come together when one party is distrustful of facts and promoting ignorance as a virtue? Without agreement on the facts, there can be no consensus on issues and solutions.


The problem isn’t that these people are politically ignorant. It is that they consider their ignorance to be a good, pure, and virtuous trait that makes them fit to lead the country."





This kinda explains some posters here , doesn't it?

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Interesting new poll.


Republicans don't know what G.O.P. stands for!

And here's what Aces didn't include.......(Link to the poll, not an article) (and no. I'm not shouting; merely trying to match the font size with the font in the picture)





Anyone care to posit why more dems got it wrong (and why do they believe it means "Government of the People")? Aces? Bueller?


This kinda explains some posters here , doesn't it?

If you're referring to making fun of others based on a particular poll result without considering what else might be revealed by the same poll, I couldn't agree more.





Same poll. (Link) Different question..... (Pay particular attention to the question of China)


Edited by RangerM
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Why post when you have nothing to say?


if you think that you are showing your cleverness then I suggest you go back to grade school where this type of oneupmanship was normal.


If you have nothing to add to the discussion then please stop insulting me.


I have plenty to say. I would just like to hear what you have to say with your own words so that I can properly respond. If you can not provide your own opinion on matters, whether it is your lack of intelligence, or for some other reason, then I am wondering why you continue to link bomb the site. Especially after the Mods have ruled against you time after time


Furthermore, isn't your suggestion that my antics are "childish" a personal attack? Are you being a hypocrite again son?


Interesting new poll.


Republicans don't know what G.O.P. stands for!




"Just a tick under half of the people who spend their days telling the rest of us how it really is, and giving us “the facts” have no idea what the abbreviation for their own party means.


Having a political party where a premium is placed on ignorance can be a good thing for party leaders and conservative media, because once they trust you, these people will believe almost anything that you tell them. The downside is that having too many intellect hating party members can lead to the party becoming untethered from reality and existing on a fringe outside of the American political mainstream.


Faith based anti-intellectualism has invaded the GOP (Grand Old Party) to such a degree that it is risking literally not knowing what it stands for anymore. Beyond giving us a chuckle at GOP (Grand Old Party) ignorance, these results highlight one of the problems in our current political system. How can the two parties come together when one party is distrustful of facts and promoting ignorance as a virtue? Without agreement on the facts, there can be no consensus on issues and solutions.


The problem isn’t that these people are politically ignorant. It is that they consider their ignorance to be a good, pure, and virtuous trait that makes them fit to lead the country."





This kinda explains some posters here , doesn't it?


Text book example of a personal attack from the guy who called the Mods "scum" and left his country at the same time the draft was taking place.

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"The problem isn’t that these people are politically ignorant. It is that they consider their ignorance to be a good, pure, and virtuous trait that makes them fit to lead the country."


Well, the right-side around here ain't gonna like that. Yet just look at the GOP front runners, like Palin and and the Texas Troglodyte: these people are proud of their ignorance, and resent intellectuals as commie egg-heads. Archie Bunker is eternal, it's just depressing to see ignorance pandered to in such a cynical fashion. :)


And yea, it came to pass that a great wail did arise from the assembled multitude: "But these noogies are tough!"






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Can't leave well enough alone? The personal attacks are getting out of hand. Cocheese? Enough of the draft dodging crap. I'll delete it from any post I see it in from you from here out. Aces? Blanket insults are just as personal as singling out individuals. Can it with these "Republicans are evil" crap threads. They will all be closed from here on out.

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