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Layoff letter


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This would be poetic justice....


Best Layoff Letter Ever


No wonder this guy is the boss, he is sharp! You can't be any fairer than this guy...


Dear Employees:


As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But, since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me since I believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who would have to go. So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found sixty 'Obama' bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change......I gave it to them. I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.


LOL . . . King Solomon couldn't have reached a better decision.

Edited by cal50
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This would be poetic justice....


Best Layoff Letter Ever


No wonder this guy is the boss, he is sharp! You can't be any fairer than this guy...


Dear Employees:


As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barrack Obama is our President and that our taxes and government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%. But, since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees instead. This has really been bothering me since I believe we are family here and I didn't know how to choose who would have to go. So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found sixty 'Obama' bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change......I gave it to them. I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.


LOL . . . King Solomon couldn't have reached a better decision.


If it's the dismal economy that has him down, maybe he should fire everyone who voted for W. Of course, he might have to fire himself.

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Man, these political threads kill me.


I do not approve of the way Obama has handled many items during his time in office. But freely admit, the bad economy situation was created by his predecessors. It was impossible for him to fix the many issues he faced and appease all parties. And McCain wouldn't have fared any better/worse IMHO. Not an Obama supporter/hater, just telling it how I see it.


And now we have to deal with Romney or Obama, talk about picking your poison.

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Man, these political threads kill me.


I do not approve of the way Obama has handled many items during his time in office. But freely admit, the bad economy situation was created by his predecessors. It was impossible for him to fix the many issues he faced and appease all parties. And McCain wouldn't have fared any better/worse IMHO. Not an Obama supporter/hater, just telling it how I see it.


And now we have to deal with Romney or Obama, talk about picking your poison.

He ran and was elected saying he could fix the economy.....he didn't...time to go......simple!
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Its an easy choice but I am not thrilled about either pick and it still does not address the problems with the congress. Yes, Obama did start in a hole but being honest he has made the hole deeper and still has not a clue how to get out of it. For the last several years he has tried / attempted various failed attempts with no clear path or direction he is following.


Since making any reference to McCain or some other mythical alternative that never was or playing "what if" you have to look at real world numbers and those are not pretty for Obama. No one knows if Romney will be better or worse but he does deserve the chance simply because Obama has not a clue, has no positive performance record to speak of and in no closer to making things better now than almost 4 years ago. I know many wanted to tar & feather the former WH occupant when unemployment was at a much lower rate. A true double standard and selective vision by many on both sides for sure.


When the economy is good the president usually gets the credit, when its bad he take the heat. Obama cheerleaders blame someone or something else.

On the up side maybe Obama can blame the mess he inherited from himself this time but fat chance.

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Nice try,....now try spinning this one.





What our AAA credit rating couldn't survive was the election of Republican idiots who were willing to trash our credit by threatening to default on our debt. The same Republican Party that had no problem raising the debt ceiling numerous times under Reagan Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43.

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What our AAA credit rating couldn't survive was the election of Republican idiots who were willing to trash our credit by threatening to default on our debt. The same Republican Party that had no problem raising the debt ceiling numerous times under Reagan Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43.

Mark the American people just aren't buying the "blame Bush" anymore......nice try.....your man's got to grow a sack, stand up like an adult and take the blame for his total failure.....reminders: 42 months of unemployment above 8%, record deficits, 1000 days without a budget, record number of people on food assistance, promised to close gitmo, solyndra.......2010 elections....and the list just keeps growing....
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Mark the American people just aren't buying the "blame Bush" anymore......nice try.....your man's got to grow a sack, stand up like an adult and take the blame for his total failure.....reminders: 42 months of unemployment above 8%, record deficits, 1000 days without a budget, record number of people on food assistance, promised to close gitmo, solyndra.......2010 elections....and the list just keeps growing....


And who caused the record number of filibusters? We didn't elect a King. The Republicans in Congress were determined to thwart Obama from Day 1. They didn't care if America failed as long as Obama couldn't get credit for succeeding.

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What our AAA credit rating couldn't survive was the election of Republican idiots who were willing to trash our credit by threatening to default on our debt. The same Republican Party that had no problem raising the debt ceiling numerous times under Reagan Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43.


You mean it had nothing to do with being in debt up to our eyeballs and CONTINUING to spend like drunken sailors? You act as if raising the debt ceiling was the only possible solution. If your credit card is maxed out does the bank just keep raising your limit indeftinitely or do you stop spending? You're blaming the people who were trying to act rationally and frugally when you should have been blaming the ones who can't balance their checkbooks.


The Republicans in Congress were determined to thwart Obama from Day 1. They didn't care if America failed as long as Obama couldn't get credit for succeeding.


And the Democrats did EXACTLY the same thing when the Republicans were in power. Everything you accuse the Republicans of doing is also done by the Democrats and sometimes they're worse.


We're never going to get anywhere as long as both sides only care about defeating the other side.

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And who caused the record number of filibusters? We didn't elect a King. The Republicans in Congress were determined to thwart Obama from Day 1. They didn't care if America failed as long as Obama couldn't get credit for succeeding.

Tell us about the 2 years when obama had the entire gov....sat on his hands and let the economy go in the crapper.....Mark...get it through your head...the American people no longer buy this BS.....of course you do because you are naive.......and would believe anything and everything this idiot says.....
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Tell us about the 2 years when obama had the entire gov....sat on his hands and let the economy go in the crapper.....Mark...get it through your head...the American people no longer buy this BS.....of course you do because you are naive.......and would believe anything and everything this idiot says.....


Come on son, the economy was in the crapper before he even got elected. We met the economic definition of a recession prior to his taking office, so it's hard to say he let it happen when it was clearly on it's way long before he got nominated. The GDP for 2007 was 1.9% and 2008 was .3% so lets not act like the economy was rolling along until Obama got elected.

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And who caused the record number of filibusters? We didn't elect a King. The Republicans in Congress were determined to thwart Obama from Day 1. They didn't care if America failed as long as Obama couldn't get credit for succeeding.



And exactly what does any filibuster have to do with one party in complete control that could pass ANYTHING with a simple party vote ?

The answer is there was more in-fighting and opposition among the democrats own ranks and now some want to blame the opposite party for "blocking" progress?


That collection of dip shits could not agree on anything and pass it among themselves let alone bringing it to the floor for a vote.

I think a missing budget is another proof of concept along those lines.


For a couple YEARS all the dems had to do was vote together and pass what they wanted. Obama got blocked more from his own party for two years.

Nice attempt to blame someone or something else and side stepping the simple fact that his own party did more to block him early on than the last two years.


A lot of people were optimistic that Obama would somehow make things better but sadly that has not happened.

What's up with the congress for not having a budget for several years? They cant agree on a budget but the taxpayers are supposed to trust them for other spending issues?


Maybe that's another filibuster issue???


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And who caused the record number of filibusters? We didn't elect a King. The Republicans in Congress were determined to thwart Obama from Day 1. They didn't care if America failed as long as Obama couldn't get credit for succeeding.

Standard and Poor's all but said as much in their explanation of why they did the downgrade:


"The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed. The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips [bolds mine] in the debate over fiscal policy. Despite this year's wide-ranging debate, in our view, the differences between political parties have proven to be extraordinarily difficult to bridge, and, as we see it, the resulting agreement fell well short of the comprehensive fiscal consolidation program that some proponents had envisaged until quite recently. Republicans and Democrats have only been able to agree to relatively modest savings on discretionary spending while delegating to the Select Committee decisions on more comprehensive measures. It appears that for now, new revenues have dropped down on the menu of policy options. [bolds mine] In addition, the plan envisions only minor policy changes on Medicare and little change in other entitlements, the containment of which we and most other independent observers regard as key to long-term fiscal sustainability."


"Compared with previous projections, our revised base case scenario now assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act."


Republicans want you to forget this. Just to cement the thought - I offer once again this timeless classic from Mitch McConnell:

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Come on son, the economy was in the crapper before he even got elected. We met the economic definition of a recession prior to his taking office, so it's hard to say he let it happen when it was clearly on it's way long before he got nominated. The GDP for 2007 was 1.9% and 2008 was .3% so lets not act like the economy was rolling along until Obama got elected.

Hello Mcfly anyone home......he campaigned on the premise that he was the guy to fix the economy......he didn't...he has failed...really not that hard to understand......try to keep up
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Will somebody please explain to me when, exactly, are we supposed to stop overspending? Or do you think it's ok that we just keep extending the debt ceiling ad infinitum?


Don't we have to put a stake in the ground at some point and cut spending rather than raise the debt higher and higher?

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Hello Mcfly anyone home......he campaigned on the premise that he was the guy to fix the economy......he didn't...he has failed...really not that hard to understand......try to keep up


He campaigned at a time when nobody knew just how bad things really were. It was far worse than than even Right leaning economists believed.


A premise which presupposed a "Loyal Opposition" that was committed to making things better. What he got was an opposition committed to making things worse. That shouldn't be too hard for you to understand.


Private sector jobs steadily, but too slowly, increasing while government jobs decreased. Don't let FACTS get in your way Nap.

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"All but said"?..

Well, all right, they actually did say it. Read the parts I bolded. Here, I'll recap them for you:


- The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips

- It appears that for now, new revenues have dropped down on the menu of policy options. and

- We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues.


Those were S&P's own words about why they downgraded the US credit rating.

Who made the debt ceiling into a political bargaining chip - after raising it repeatedly for previous Presidents without a whimper?

Who caused "new revenues" to drop down on the menu of policy options?

Who resisted any measures that would raise revenues?

Failure to control spending can be blamed on both sides of the aisle - but those 3 are right on the Republicans.

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Well, all right, they actually did say it. Read the parts I bolded. Here, I'll recap them for you:


- The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips

- It appears that for now, new revenues have dropped down on the menu of policy options. and

- We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues.


Those were S&P's own words about why they downgraded the US credit rating.

Who made the debt ceiling into a political bargaining chip - after raising it repeatedly for previous Presidents without a whimper?

Who caused "new revenues" to drop down on the menu of policy options?

Who resisted any measures that would raise revenues?

Failure to control spending can be blamed on both sides of the aisle - but those 3 are right on the Republicans.


Why is the problem always "not enough revenue" as opposed to "we need to spend less"?


If we were spending less then we would not have approached the debt ceiling in the first place and it would not have been an issue.


Tell me when we're supposed to cut spending - or do you still think it's ok to keep going the way we're going even with increased tax revenue?

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