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NAP's union representation is over


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LOLOLOLOL, you try and make the USA and the UAW one and the same.



The UAW was born of communism; look it up if you don't believe me, and while I will not call you a cummunist, your attempts to make the UAW and the USA brothers in arms sounds very familiar!


It resembles what Stalin did when he proclaimed that the the "USA and Mother Russia fight a common enemy." He tried to construe that since we were on the same team, we believed in the same things, so as there would be less resistance from the Eastern Block as he expanded his "socialist agenda."


I believe in Ford, GM, the USA, and in fact am from the USA. I do not know where you are from, but the agenda I recognize-------------->communistic socializm, and you and many of the reps can keep it!!!!!! We have wizened up, and your words are ludicrous in the realm of reality.

to funny. but in case you didn't know unions are socialist organizations, and the usa is a republic. when I reference them together its because I believe even with their faults they both work well for society. In a union every member has a voice. And while not perfect by any means I do believe Gettlefinger and his crew are doing the best they can do given what they have to work with. I have been to washington, and have talked to many of our reps. I even know a republican who votes for labor more than some democrats, crazy isn't it. but I support my country USA and my UAW 100%, and I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion. Thats one of the things that make this country so great. But right now I believe our govt is out to take our rights away. That sounds more like communists to me. And the UAW doesn't tell us what to do, they interview who is running for office, then recommend who supports labor. YOUR JOB. UAW and USA ROCKS :rockon::rockon:

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to funny. but in case you didn't know unions are socialist organizations, and the usa is a republic. when I reference them together its because I believe even with their faults they both work well for society. In a union every member has a voice. And while not perfect by any means I do believe Gettlefinger and his crew are doing the best they can do given what they have to work with. I have been to washington, and have talked to many of our reps. I even know a republican who votes for labor more than some democrats, crazy isn't it. but I support my country USA and my UAW 100%, and I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion. Thats one of the things that make this country so great. But right now I believe our govt is out to take our rights away. That sounds more like communists to me. And the UAW doesn't tell us what to do, they interview who is running for office, then recommend who supports labor. YOUR JOB. UAW and USA ROCKS :rockon::rockon:



So then, we agree on a few things; who woulda thunk it, lolol!


The union is born of socialism; and everywhere socialism has been tried it has failed miserably. It destroys business, hands down.


Now then, it MIGHT be sustainable IF all the auto companys labor was run by socialists,(union) but they are not. This is one of the main reasons we are having our lunch handed to us; and yes big business like Ford and GM didn't help their own cause either, and that I will admit.


Gettlefinger is doing the best he can? I happen to agree; with a caveat-------------->he can't really fix it, or most people like myself who seem to be in the majority will ask------------>why even have a union! As it is, I will soon go to a non-union company very soon as my retirement buyout will be put in force.


When I went there originally on weekends, they were very skeptical because I was UAW. They were afraid I would begin talking to my co-workers about union affiliations, lolol! I made it perfectly clear that I had no desire to help destroy the work ethic of their bluecollar people or another company, by forcing them to accept DEADBEATS by a unions protection. They took me at my word, and so it began.


Wanna know the kicker, lolol? I have known these people for over 5yrs, and are more than just acquaintances. They know how I DESPISE deadbeats, union featherbedding, ridiculously outdated rules devised in the 50s which cause us to be less than we could be, along with the fact I never miss a day of work.


And yet, as they told me, "were it not for knowing you personally, as soon as we seen Ford Motor, your application woulda become recycled paper." You see, on their door, they have a sign that says, "no applications being accepted at this time!"




Cause they will not TOLERATE the type of garbage that goes on inside our walls when it is obvious the worker has crossed the line. Wanna know what is also funny? They need help; help for 20 bucks an hr, a more than decent benefits package, and a 401K with some matching funds. They only hire by word of mouth, to KEEP UNIONS AWAY!!!!!!!


As they also told me, "we will not bid on more work until we fill our slots keeping the company this size, because unions destroy in todays economy, especially since our competitors have no union."


That last sentence tells it all Mr. Time!!!! Unions are wonderful if they control the workforce for a whole industry. But if they control only some, they will put the SOME out of business through their idiotic socialist agenda, while their competitors play CAPITALISM.


You see how the USSR did against us, Cuba, and China until it opened up. But of course, being of sound mind and body, you try and convince my peers to "continue on" with the same-old, same-old. All this, while our fearless leaders can not convince our competitors to join.


I know you are smarter than that, and you must be pulling a Halloween "trick or treat" on all of them. Continuing on in the same manner as before, will probably make our brothers and sisters lose what most seem to want to lose the least------------>their jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bravo . Some people just don't get what the whole idea is behind what I have been saying. Some want to continue on with this UAW rocks crap , instead of reading between the lines. America is not number one anymore in many areas .Its sad but true. We are in the middle of the pack when it comes to education, healthcare , poverty , medical technology ,manufacturing , resource development and exploration etc. So you need to do some research before you wave your confederate flag and show off your NRA bumper sticker.


Mr. Time and others like himself need to step back and look at the bigger picture .And that is in todays UAW things are changing at a head spinning rate. It has nothing to do with how great the union is when you are at a plant that is closing forever . The UAW has been a great asset to us for many years,but when your union officials are losing their jobs just like you,the quality level of representation tends to decline drastically .


They know that they are going to finish out there positions in a office instead of on the assembly line ,so they just wanna ride it out instead of trying to be the best they can be to the very end. Does this mean all reps are bastards ? No ,of course not . But in your haste to lay blame and call everyone crybabies ,you would never consider any other opinion or fact for that matter.


Its not a matter of opinion to say your rep is a piece of shit when your union official REFUSES to see his members after REPEATED phone calls, beeper pages , and on top of that sending several group leaders to the union hall to find him,only discovering that you have NO officials in the plant ! That cannot be defended by any means. Even throwing out the cliche argument about all the sorry ass crybabies wont justify it.


Because guess what ? The union has had decades to weed out the POS members everytime they negotiated a new contract . And Ford would have been more than willing to assist in firing those assholes. But you know what ? They decided that the more members you have on the rolls ,the more revenue the UAW has for trips to Vegas and custom made pen's and jackets.


No one has said that the UAW is horrible as a whole. So dont make that argument when no one else has .So carry that weak shit somewhere else EndofTime . :slap:

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Can you believe this person?????


If we did our jobs like MOST union reps do theirs, we woulda been out of business long ago.


He is correct about the tranfers, buyouts, etc though. But guess what-------------->if you want a better chance to get more of these things, GET RID OF THE IDIOTS in the locals, and get intelligent business minded people of which obviously this person is not!!!!!


Always remember---------->the international is the best of the WORST. Get the best of the best, and the international will be turned over too.


Let us suppose this guy is a union rep!!!!!!


Now lets see, with his/her attitude, would YOU vote for them?


I say, NO!!!!!! And if enough of us say no to the rest of the self serving imbeciles who hold many of these positions, we will be a whole lot better off!

has anybody seen the union guy for the body shop on days i think he's under kimmons desk

our union aint worth shit.

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Yep.All week people have been calling the union hall and paging their bodyshop union rep,and not a single peep back. Dozens of people have tried everything to find a single rep and they are nowhere to be found for nightshift.


We had to send someone over to labor relations and try and get them to page our rep.He wont even call them back . Finally,Thursday night he called back a supervisors desk,and asked what the problem was. Someone explained to him that people need to talk to him and his response was "about what" . But no suprise really. You never saw him even before the 6 week shutdown.


Someone said that their family was out to dinner the other night,and saw some of our rep's there AT THE restaurant ,and they are supposed to be at the plant ! I miss the good ole days when our union has steel balls and we ran this plant . Now its a joke .


Management has been jerking our breaks all around and doing whatever they want to,cuz no one is there to stop them


Local 919 has jumped ship for sure. :titanic:


you sure you dont work at KTP? our union is fucking worthless as well. i had a personal day a few weeks ago for a childs school event and afterwards went to outback steakhouse, just so happenend it was two hours into the shift but i seen 3 committemen, and 2 bargaining reps there. so i called the union office and asked for one of the ones that was eating and the phone duty person told me..."hes out on the floor" yeah fucking right....this union is fucking pathetic and i wish we could do something about it. been to union meetings, raised hell, called international and raised hell there too....they are all FUCKING WORTHLESS...i wish the union would just go away. let me take the chance on working for ford without them. not like they can fucking do anything anyways



Your rep is not required to come visit you or walk through the department. His job is to represent you when needed. Do you get a lunch and other breaks? So do they. If they want to take all there allotted break all at one time they should be able to do that. One of the benefits putting up with the entire BS associated in their "babysitting" job. Management can move your breaks and lunch period, they have for years. You know where the union hall is, go over there if you have a real problem, not a perceived problem. Go ahead and flame me-got my fire proof suit on...


you must be one of the worthless reps.


if its not thier fucking job to walk thier areas everday.....WTF are they doing? they sure the fuck aint in the union office, no one ever answers the phone there.


why should the company be allowed to make you take all 3 breaks at one time? we have a little thing called a contract book....you know, the thing that dues paying members voted on and passed? how about using it? how about standing up to these sorry bastards in mgmt? that wont happen cuz if a comedian(commiteman) ruffles any feathers at labor relations, labor will cut back on thier hours that they are getting everyday.


i could bash on and on but it just gets me pissed off and sends my bloodpressure thru the roof...so all im gonna say is FUCK THE UAW :kissass:

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Can you believe this person?????


If we did our jobs like MOST union reps do theirs, we woulda been out of business long ago.


He is correct about the tranfers, buyouts, etc though. But guess what-------------->if you want a better chance to get more of these things, GET RID OF THE IDIOTS in the locals, and get intelligent business minded people of which obviously this person is not!!!!!


Always remember---------->the international is the best of the WORST. Get the best of the best, and the international will be turned over too.


Let us suppose this guy is a union rep!!!!!!


Now lets see, with his/her attitude, would YOU vote for them?


I say, NO!!!!!! And if enough of us say no to the rest of the self serving imbeciles who hold many of these positions, we will be a whole lot better off!

the uaw should mean U .ARE.WORLESS



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to funny. I am the guy who when the going gets tuff, I get it done. not a sorry ass as I run any job I am put on but I do know the real deal and am sick and tired of you sorry asses picking on the union, or the united states. although we (union, or usa) are not perfect were the best in the world. and I for one will not stand by and see you sorry asses try and drag us down. you my friend are just a lost soul. Gettlefinger is up against a monster (bush and big business) but instead of fighting for what is right you want to kill the goose that really does lay the golden egg. I may not be the brightest star in the sky, but I have never been a fool. (whose fool are you???) God bless AMERICA and the UAW.


you sound like a hellof a guy......why dont you run for union rep?? we have 2, count them... too, reps that are worth a shit and both have told me thier hands are tied by labor relations.(thats who pays them by the way) they said labor has told them not to stir up any shit. this union is PATHETIC no 2 ways around it. i cant even get paid a personal day, that i had off (approved) 4 weeks ago! i took the copy of my request form to the union and he said hed get it fixed. he came back top me and said it will be on next weeks check. then they said the next week, then the next week, then they said this week....i guess i'll see thursday huh? if you cant even get a man paid for an approved personal day.....what fucking good are you???? if our brothers and sisters that fought years ago for these benefits and pay, seen what was happening today....they would roll over in thier grave. and on a last note.....what exactly is it that bush has done to hurt union labor?? correct me if im wrong, but didnt BILL CLINTON pass NAFTA into a law......that really shows me that democrats are for the working man. fuck the UAW and the democrats, but GOD bless america :rockon:

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you sure you dont work at KTP? our union is fucking worthless as well. i had a personal day a few weeks ago for a childs school event and afterwards went to outback steakhouse, just so happenend it was two hours into the shift but i seen 3 committemen, and 2 bargaining reps there. so i called the union office and asked for one of the ones that was eating and the phone duty person told me..."hes out on the floor" yeah fucking right....this union is fucking pathetic and i wish we could do something about it. been to union meetings, raised hell, called international and raised hell there too....they are all FUCKING WORTHLESS...i wish the union would just go away. let me take the chance on working for ford without them. not like they can fucking do anything anyways


It's at every plant that has a union. They are just like politicians. They promise you the world when they are running for office, then when the get elected, it business as usual. I've been thru 6 elections at my plant and just about every time most of the positions changed hands and when the new ones took office, it was SSDD.



you must be one of the worthless reps.


He probably is or is connected to them in some way. I mean for him to think it is OK for a Union rep to be out to dinner for 2 or 3 hour, while he suppose to be on the floor, in times such as these, has gotta be connected to the union in some way. The only time he posts out here is to defend the union. He's thinks they are a bunch of angel.gif and the NEVER do anything wrong, and what ever they say is the gospel. God help anybody that disagrees with them.


Let me go get my flame suit on I'm sure the flame thrower will be turned up to MAXIMUM!!! flamethrower.gif

Edited by uRfk9AcDfo9Wui
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well im not at nap so i cant comment on their rep. but we had a few reps at tcap that wanted the job just to get off the line. and a couple won. the next election they were replaced. our new rep in the body shop is on the floor a few times a day. and he always has time for my questions. and gets ansewers usually the same day. if not the same day an apology comes with the answer the next day. and our local in general has been doing a terrific job. and being honest as far as i can tell. and from what i see their jobs are hell right now.

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Just ignore that endoftime bitch. He either doesnt work at Ford,and wishes he did,or hes a union rep and knows what we say is true or he works at Ford and is just a internet warrior , pickle puffer .

Anyways I dont really care what the pot stirrer's have to say,because they are biased for one reason or another. What is important is that our union reps in the UAW ran entire campaign's before they were elected promising "a change" ,renewing solidarity ASKING FOR OUR HELP TO GET ELECTED etc etc ,and now they have to live up to that promise ,because now it's game time .. Now more than ever we need the people who we put our faith in when we went to that voting booth.


And for them to have that "what do you want me to do about it " attitude is traitoress .They promised change,solidarity and to protect our rights,and they need to stand and deliver .I dont like busting my ass knowing that Im losing my job either. But you know what ? Im there everyday ,and on time as I agreed to do.


Because when I signed that application to work at Ford,I made them a promise that I would come to work everyday and do my damn job. And in return they agreed to pay me for a fair day's work . The same go's for our union. When they ran for office and were elected,they made a promise also . Now I dont blame them for being tired of the sorry ass workers who just wanna cry and sit on their ass,but they choose to keep defending them everytime,so that one's on them.


When you are a American citizen , a UAW member or anyone who has a vote to give ,you deserve what was promised to you. I dont need anyone to wipe my ass , though it would be nice. Anyone who has ever been tied to an assembly line knows that your union rep is your link to the " outside world" .And you depend on them for help when needed.


Anyone who says " well just quit if you don't like it " does'nt have a grip on reality and lives in another world. Because there actually are not a whole lot of people out there that want their plant to close. Future's are being crushed right now ,and we need all the help we can get .The last thing we need is our union jumping ship before it's even takin on water. -_-



That is one of the best Post Ive read on this site...........

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correct me if im wrong, but didnt BILL CLINTON pass NAFTA into a law......that really shows me that democrats are for the working man. fuck the UAW and the democrats, but GOD bless america :rockon:

Why don't you check your facts before posting some bullshit like this. Was Clinton a key player? Hell yes he was! Would it have mattered who was president at the time? Hell no it wouldn't!







It's an honor for me today to be joined by my

predecessor, President Bush, who took the major steps in negotiating

this North American Free Trade Agreement; President Jimmy Carter,

whose vision of hemispherical development gives great energy to our

efforts and has been a consistent theme of his for many, many years

now; and President Ford who has argued as fiercely for expanded trade

and for this agreement as any American citizen and whose counsel I

continue to value.





Under NAFTA, the Big Three automakers expect to ship 60,000 cars to Mexico in the first year alone, and that is one reason why one of the automakers recently announced moving 1,000 jobs from

Mexico back to Michigan.





That's because this fight is not a traditional fight between Democrats and Republicans, and

liberals and conservatives. It is right at the center of the effort that we're making in America to define what the future is going to be about.




PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you very much. I thought that was

a very eloquent statement by President Clinton, and now I understand

why he's inside looking out and I'm outside looking in. (Laughter and




But this is an outstanding statement that really covered

all the bases, and I'm just delighted to be here to speak for NAFTA.




And I certainly salute former Presidents Carter and

Ford for their speaking out so strongly. My predecessor, Ronald

Reagan had a beautiful piece, op-ed piece in the paper the other day

spelling out why we must pass this. So it is a bipartisan agreement.

You heard an eloquent statement by the President about jobs, and let

me just say a word on another facet of this, which he also touched on.




PRESIDENT CARTER: President Bush obviously started the NAFTA agreement, a

very superb achievement for him.




PRESIDENT FORD: It's a very, very high honor and a very

great privilege for me to have the opportunity to follow each of the

former Presidents and President Clinton to indicate my very strong

affirmative endorsement of the NAFTA Agreement.





This shit would have passed no matter who was president - Republican or Democrat....Got it!

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Why don't you check your facts before posting some bullshit like this. Was Clinton a key player? Hell yes he was! Would it have mattered who was president at the time? Hell no it wouldn't!



This shit would have passed no matter who was president - Republican or Democrat....Got it!


:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: out of all those presidents you listed, i see only one republican. im not sure about pres. ford cuz im not old enough, but i know the rest are dems except bush, so :kissass:

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That is one of the best Post Ive read on this site...........



Thanks brotha . I know Im speaking for a lot of people when I say that . Its just the truth. Whats sad is the in about a week,most of us will be voting for our Senators ,and the same people defending the behavior will be lead like sheep by many of these crooked politicians as well.


They will defend their traitoress actions in the future also,all because they dont wanna admit they made a voting mistake. Oh well. B)

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Thank you for your brilliant contribution to this discussion. Stay up all night writing that, lmao ? :happy feet:


It took just as long for me to write that as it did for you to write that narrowminded, hatred spewing trash that you wrote, so......:kissass:

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So which one of them is your relative ? Or are you one of them ? And be honest. :happy feet:


To be honest, I'm the one on the left. You should recognize the other... or is this a better picture of you doing your best work?


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