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Everything posted by Tico

  1. I don't know. When I stand on the brakes and floor my mustang at the same time I just sit there in a cloud of smoke!!! :shades:
  2. I only used the paddle shifters for 10 minutes while test driving a fusion sport but I agree 100% with your complaint. It seemed awkward to be moving the shifter to a special position to enable the paddle shifters and then having to quickly reach down and put it back when you were done. I simple button on the side like my Mustang has to turn overdrive on / off would be nicer.
  3. I say smaller outer dimensions. Lighter. Better MPG. Whatever it takes to keep this car selling under new CAFE. Must still have V8 option no matter what. But that V8 could get better mileage than the 2010 does! Turbo 4 might be OK if it is around 250 HP as an option (high MPG trim level). A little less Retro. Other ideas? Please lay off the IRS thing though! I say offer IRS on something just above the GT like a Mach I or Boss trim level to satisfy those who want it. But for the average John Q Public the current axle is great. Lastly "keep it, RWD, V8 option, fun, cheap and fast". This is what sells Mustang GTs. Ok have it!
  4. Is it just me or are others wondering why someone would crash if the accelerator was stuck under the floor mat. Why would you not either 1. reach down and pull the floor mat back. 2. Turn the key to the off position. or 3. put the car in neutral. All seem better than running off the road at 100+ MPH. OF course most who buys these cars are not exactly "mechanically inclined".
  5. They forgot Tundra and Tacoma trucks that rust so bad the spare tire and brake lines fall off while you drive down the road. Also Lexus cars where the accelerator sticks wide open and you have to hold the start button down for 3 seconds to get the engine to shut off.
  6. Yeah come on Mulally cancel the Mustang for 8 years! I bet when you bring it back it will out sell the Camaro by 3 or 4 times easy.
  7. I would be looking at an SEL not even limited or SHO. I have and will always have a Mustang if I want to go fast and corner hard. Taurus is my family hauler, trailer puller, going away for the weekend car. If I wanted an Asian car I would not be posting on the "blue oval" anything web site.
  8. Ah yes! That is the one other car that does catch my eye. I wonder if I can get it for the same price as a Taurus? Also isn't the back seat and trunk much smaller? But yes you are correct I would like to test drive a Buick before I bought a Taurus.
  9. IF you want a LAGRE SEDAN I don't see that there is any other choice. Impalla sucks, 300 is getting old and is a gas hog, the Asians don't make anything that big do they? Germans might but you can't afford them. I really would not even know what to cross shop if I was looking at at Taurus.
  10. 2004 GT coup, atx 55K miles. Drive it year round even in the snow (snow tires). No probelms. Oil, Tires and wiper blades. That is all. Yes I beat on it sometimes. I don't need a survey. In 2014 I will buy another Mustang....
  11. Thanks for all the comments. But a little redirect here on the conversation: 1. Forget the IRS / Live Axel discussion. That topic has been beat to death. There are dozens of threads already about this argument. We will not settle anything by rehashing it. 2. Forget the engine speculations. I think it is hard to guess what the 2014 or 15 models will have under the hood, but we all have an idea what engines Ford will have in the stable by then. Guessing which ones will be offered on the 2014 or 15 Stang is futile. Even Ford will change it's mind 10 times between now and then. 3. FOCUS ON THE SHEET METAL DIMENSIONS AND POSSIBLE PLATFORMS. I think this is the area that is hardest to predict. If they change platforms what options does for have? Someone mentioned Falcon? If the car gets smaller what platform will it be on? If it looks more modern what will it look like? FOCUS ON THE SHEET METAL, DIMENSIONS AND POSSIBLE PLATFORMS!!! Photo shops would be cool. Ideas?
  12. Two questions: 1. So how much will the car cost? How long will I have to drive it get the Cost of Ownership to equal just buying a Cobalt or Focus for 17K? 2. What is Ford working on? Yes there are many problems with the number Chevy released today but no one can deny this technology will be a game changer if it works and can eventually be offered in the 25K price range. You can bet Toyota is working feverishly on their answer to the Volt. So any rummors on what Ford might have in the works?
  13. Ford should offer the ecoboost V6 and v8 both as an either or option on the GT and let the public deciede. As long as both sell well why does either have to be elminated? Are we that ridged of thinkers that if we offer the ecoboost V6 it has to mean the V8 is no lnoger available? Offer both! Don't choose for me! Case closed as far as I am concerned!!! And yes I own a v8 stang.
  14. My first thought was exactly the same!!! Accord MAXX? What about that new Toyota thing? Camry MAXX? Don't forget the Taurus MAXX, oh I mean Taurus X! I think Accord X sounds better than MAXX. When will we just start calling these what they are are, Station Wagons!?
  15. How do we go from "Rivals' woes give Ford a clear field" to "it's all the UAW's fault" to "wearing a seatbelt on a bus" ?!?!?!? wow!
  16. As the world economy recovers gas prices will go up (have you been to the gas station this week yet?). $4 a gallon is not unthinkable a year or two from now. I think I could consider an all electric for my wife to run the kids to school, run to the store etc. or for me to run back and forth to work (~ 12 miles each way). The real questions are: 1. Will the gas savings make up for the price premium fast enough? 2. Will the batteries last me 150K like a gasoline drive train would? 3. Will the cost of maintanence be lower than a gasoline engine? If the answer is yes to all three then there will be a market for these cars I think.
  17. Chrylser only has two things of value to anyone: 1. Jeep 2. Minivans It would be nice to see number 1 stay american owned.
  18. I have to say Griffin Ford in Waukesha WI has been just the opposite of what has been said here. I bought two cars in the last 5 years and have been window shopping again in the last 6 months. I have shopped Chevy, Chrylser/Dodge and Ford deals. Griffin was the only one that knew there product and the competitions. They allowed us to drive several cars and never pressured us to buy now. And service after the sale has always been good there. The GM and MOPAR guys either we too pushy or didn't care that we were even there. Also Ford always bested the competition on price. Just wanted to let you know they are not all bad.
  19. First of all the Mustang was never meant to be a "large car". See Mustang 1964, 1973, 1983, 1993, etc. For comparison: Hyudai Genesis I4 RWD Coupe cofiguration wieghs about 3400, same as V6 Mustang and puts out about 210 HP same as V6 Mustang. So if the Asians can do it why can't Ford have 200+ HP I4? Finally the I4 Genesis costs about $21K same as V6 Mustang. So.... If we start out with words like "don't", "can't" "doubt" then the Asians will continue to eat our lunch! Come on Ford!!!
  20. In 1974 and 1979 and 2005 Ford surprised the industry with big changes to it best known nameplate. I hope Ford has similar things in the works for 2014 or 2015. If you read the forums on the many enthusiast sites and watch the news you know what must be done. The Mustang must get smaller, lighter, more modern, and offer better mileage even in the V8. Yes you must still offer a V8! But that V8 can be smaller and offer 21st century technology. Also you must offer an I4. Especially in a lighter car an I4 could be a best seller! Failure to make these changes will doom the Mustang to the same fate thats seems inevitable for the Challenger and Camaro, to be discontinued yet again. The Mustang must go back to its 1964 roots but in 2015 sheet metal. Small, fast, 2 door RWD with V8 option at a good price! I hope these types of plans are being executed as I type. An warmed over remake of the 2010 won't do. I hope Ford will respond to the changing times with Mustang as it always has done.
  21. dont' need a car for at least 3 to 4 years. My current Fords are aging to well. But if I had to buy two cars today it would be a new Tauras and a new Mustang again!
  22. Any ad campaign must emphasize a these main points: 1. Quality is now on par with Toyota! Many people I talk to still think "Ford = American Car = Junk". The new stories from JD Powers and Consumer reports can't be emphasized enough! I saw a story that said something like " people don't think the Fusion is more reliable than the Camry, but it is!". Why is this quote not plastered in every Ford ad I see?!!?!?!!??!?! 2. MPG. Many of Fords vehicles are near the top in their class for MPG. This also needs to be highlighted. Again people think "Taurus = big American car = crappy mpg". 3. Safety. From F150 to Taurus to Focus, Ford makes some the safest cars out there. With Families this is a HUGE selling point. Play it up! 4. Technology and Fun. The new Taurus, new Fusion and someday new Focus off lots of both. Point this out too. Quality, MPG, safe, high tech and fun to drive. Say all of that in a one page ad or 30 second spot. Hard to do but hey that is what they get the big bucks for at the ad agency. Ford has a lot going for it, especially with the models coming in '10 and '11 and '12. But yes the advertising has sucked the last few years. Maybe tag line should be "Have you driven a Ford latley? No we really mean it? Have you?"
  23. As a current V8 Mustang owner I say YES! I would be very interested. Becuase of the toruque of electric motors it could actually be quicker 0-60 than a V8 and get better mileage when driving around town. Who wouldn't consider this?! How is this that much differnt than the hybrid SUVs GM sells now?!
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