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Everything posted by CSMJ

  1. Your full of shit!!!! Bush wants to preserve his legacy he will not allow them to go under... And he only did it at last resort. The new Congress comes in Jan 6 and will pass a bill then with Veto proof majorities if not then come jan 21 they will pass it with ease and Obama will sign it either way no one is going bankrupt!!!!!!!! Dems will have a veto proof majority in the House and 58 senate seats. 7 new dems are coming in to replace 7 REPUBS that voted no on this bill so right there is 59 votes plus obama's seat and bidens seat =61 add on the other 10 repubs who voted yes and we get over 70 votes. GOP is finished they better look what happened between 1954-1994 cause its gonna happen again!!
  2. We all heard it from Rons mouth. Alabama Hyundai workers are calling the UAW. NO SHIT When card check passes they will be unionized and so will alot of other plants and the GOP cannot stop a damn thing!! :happy feet: And WAL MART will be the union's top priority!! Obama strongly supports caed check. I see foreign auto maker revolt coming, or at least a import revolt coming for sure. Remember the 80's and early 90's it happened then and will again.... :happy feet:
  3. I told u its all about the CARD CHECK BILL thats coming..... even ron G. said that The GOP knows this is there last cnance to get the unions. Its Custers last stand!!!!!!!!
  4. Read some articles and watch some news bro. Last might more than 1 said the vote was coming and it was gonna pass. more than 1 said they had a deal and it would pass by a wide margin. Reid thought he had a deal And you either dont watch politics or you dont pay attention to the so called christian right. Most of these REPUBLICANS are members of the christian coalition. the christian right. They use religion to beat their democrat rivals ie. abortion, gay rights, home school choice. Bush said 2 days ago that QUOTE "the BIBLE is a good story and the creation story is not literal" He even told the reporter that he thinks the New Teasament is better then the old because quote "God sent a son" dont believe me go to......... world net daily com And Im sure Most of those southern churchs were praying sunday that this would not pass and that they would get more jobs down there in Gods country!! Dony think they didn't!!They did! They think God will punish us northerners for our sins like electing Obama and democrat senators. Watch and listen to some right wing radio they really believe this stuff I know for I was a member of the christian right years ago and once I saw first hand how it worked I left!! Tell me would a true christian sell out his own country all in the name of getting rid of unions??We got our answer didnt we!!!!!
  5. Bush will use the TARP is what his aid said on CNN. He said Bush WARNED the GOP senators that he would tap the TARP funds if they voted no. Now lets see if he was just blowing smoke or if he cares about the US economy!!!!! No doubt if GM goes under Hannity and Linbaugh will some how blame the massive unemployment on Obama as they have already been doing!!!!!1 Its your call Mr. Bush u bailed outIRAQ now bailout the USA economy!!!!!!!TARP or the FED
  6. voting for closure does not mean the same 10 GOP would have voted yes on the actual bill my friend there separate things. get yo facts straight
  7. The unions need to ban together now.ALL UNIONS school teachers,city state fed workers, UAW AFLCIO,STEEL,AIRLINE,BOEING and they need to educate the workers on whats going on here and vote NO on GOP candidates from now on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 GOP wants charter schools to get rid of the teacher unions the teachers who buy jap cars need to understand this as FACT because there next. And state and city workers need to know there gonna get laidoff and take big pay cuts now!!!!!!!!!!! Police,fire also, whose gonna pay there salaries now in mich. ohio,illinois and indiana, missouri???? NEVER AGAIN should be the motto NEVER AGAIN will we put ourselves in this perdicament again NO TO the GOP!!!!!....period end of story!!!!!!!!!!
  8. FUCK FUCK FUCK I was told it was a fuckin lock!! The GOP senators wanted the farm and the dems and union said FYou. These GOP aholes cant be serious. Drop our pay package to $48 an hour including the legacy cost!! FUCK THAT legacy cost are $17 an hour so we'd be workin for $10 an hour. Its obvious whats going on the GOP wont agree to NO BILL.. I said it before I'll say it again this is there last chance to get the UAW. This all has to do with the card check bill and the FACT that OBAMA is BIG onlabor unions and the GOP is affraid of that.. I say FUCK all them so called christian bastards. And for DeMint to say theres gonna be riots if they PASS this bill is crazy its the other way around. U throw 1 million people out of a job in 2 states and theres gonna be major problems.. All that so they can hide behind their FUCKING BIBLE'S!!!!!!Look at the stock futures there way down and after the dow drops down close to 7,000 tomorrow Bush will have to use the TARP or he will go down as the pres. that led us into the GREATEST DEPRESSION!!!! Trust me he WILL protect his LEGACY!!and use the TARP or the FED or he will executive order a bank to loan them the CASH!!!!!!!!!! If not he will go on TV and tell the GOP haters to pass it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any more GOP lovers out there this is serious shit and there playing games with our lives!!!!!!
  9. Pay is not gonna be the only cut! equal work rules is what the bill says. So since Toyota does not get a 2 week summer shutdown or a 2 week XMAS shutdown or as much vacation time as we get. They dont get as many holidays off either. And they get 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. Does this mean we get the same?? That will be in the fine print. all I know is all of the ones who play the unnecessary MEDICALS GAME and the RESTRICTION GAME and the I need to go to medical card or the I cant do this job YOUR TIME is just about UP!! You will work on the line like everyone else does from now on!!
  10. When u wake up tomorrow u will read about how corker and Ron G met several times today and discussed this. This aint no joke our jobs are on the line here. The bill will state all consessions will be done by march 15 or 31 or its bankruptcy. If we vote no then its over the public will NEVER buy our cars again just remember that. GM/Ford may file bankruptcy but they will be back as a company with or without the UAW. When joe public sees us take these hits they will think twice about voting for a republican again. This is about politics also and the GOP will loose in public opinion down the road on this issue. Theres a poll on bloomberg that says more favor these loans then oppose also msnbc says the same thing. The foxnews poll is full of shit. All union workers will revolt against the GOP be it school teachers,state,federal and city workers. The AFLCIO will have a field day with the GOP now. And I think its safe to say the REPUBLICAN party is through in the upper midwest for decades!!!!! Mich,Ohio,Indiana,Minnesota,Wisconsin,Illinois,Missouri,and parts of Kentucky will not elect many if any republicans any time in the next decade. That goes for federal,state and local elections and definently the presidential elections will go for the democrats. And the PAY PACKAGE is all hourly rates and benefits. GM?Ford is at $55 an hour minus the retirees insurance according to the UAW the Toyota scale is closer to $46-48 an hour. So a $9-11 cut in pay package. Expect more co pays like I outlined several months ago on another thread. Cutting the bond holdings will allow GM to keep paying the retirees there pensions and as for the insurance part it will not be the same it will change. VEBA will be at 50% maybe lower the rest is stock. I think its a win/win when we turn Ford around and start making boat loads of cash we will see a much higher profit sharing percentage and huge checks. With a bankruptcy we would see deeper cuts in pay and no retirement at all just consider that. And once again thanks to all of the UAW members who voted for the REPUBLICAN PARTY I hope your all happy now!!!!!!!!!
  11. According to my internatl rep connection the vote will pass with ruffly 70 votes tonite! Corkers amendment will get it through. Of course the companies love this bill it makes the bond holders take 30% and cuts the unions pay to match the transplants. It will match the top paying transplant which is Toyota in Kentucky. Pay and benefits will be about the same as theres now. NO SUB,limited JSP(with a couple of exceptions I was told) No pension just a 401K from now on depending on your years of service. All this or its bankruptcy!!
  12. Ya 1 letter!!!!! :happy feet: :happy feet:
  13. He is full of shit...... Hyundai pays $12 to start and up to $17 an hour over many years, top pay after many more years is $22 an hour. . Nissan is no more then $17 an hour....
  14. Mitch will not even support Corkers plan!!WTF Mitch said he wants even tougher cuts!! What does mitch want us to cut too $10 an hour????? Mitch CANNOT except any plan! He is the head republican if he accepts any plan except bankruptcy then he will be replaced as the Republican leader in the Senate, thats why he wont except any bill..period
  15. straight cut if u think theres gonna be a buydown you are on crack the union should have taken the buydown that they turned down down last year...........
  16. If it passes the car czar CANNOT be J welch!!!! He hates unions.... nor can it be Romney.... appointing them would be like appointing Walter Reutheur. Appoint a judge instead to oversee the concessions on all sides. and yes we are gonna have concessions in pay,benefits and the retirees will take a cut in pay and a big cut in insurance. Like it or not it will happen or it will be a bankruptcy and then we will get railroaded big time and there will be NO retiree insurance and pensions will be cut as bank. judges always cut that first. Afterall if the company cannot make a profit then there is no need for it to be a company. I expect the workers will get a pay package like Toyota has with a 401K also. $23-25 an hour with bigger copays and NO JSP at all..... We have no choice a bankruptcy will be far worse and will cut our pay alot more..
  17. Engine going to made at Cleve plant #1 in brook park Ford has put this engine off since may 07 that was a TERRIBLE DECISION!!
  18. You are a total FOOL democrats PASSED the bill!! u jackass!!!!!!!!! REPUBLICANS are going to KILL IT..period ENOUGH SAID Republicans are going to DESTROY AMERICAS manufacturing base....period They just dont get it!! When GM and Ford lower the workers wages to a $48 pay package to match Toyota Toyoat and Honda/KIA will lower there workers pay!! It will never end...
  19. boycott all u want facts are he's winning. He and the other union hating republicans won and the big loosers in this are gonna be the UAW. Ford and GM will still be making cars after a bankruptcy but the UAW will never be the same if there successful in stopping the autoaid bill I hope all u GOP lovers are happy now!!!!!!!
  20. I will pony up some $$ to help the union elect a democrat to defeat shelby and sessions...We all should pony up
  21. its the bush white house that is fucking the injured vets.. its thee bush wh that did not clean up that dirty military hospital. Its the bush wh that got them injured in an unjust war................... Now Bush admits that Obama had no alliance with Saddam
  22. if GM goes under there WILL be alot of retirees that will have heart attachs and lots of GM workers will have them also!!! The media is not reporting the increase already across the US of the suicide rate for laidoff people its way up also wife beating is skyrocketing also. U think the GOP gives a shit about any of our lives? HELL NO
  23. I hate to say it but I told u so!! GOP will attempt to block it!!! Only thing that can save it is if Bush can convince his party to support it. Bush has to go on TV and strongly endorse this billl as I suggested would happen last week or it will not pass, its as simple as that. will he do it? yes he will Bush does not want to go down as the president that lost GM...period........... this is all about the Bush legacy
  24. The guy that wrote that is a big time REPUBLICAN LOVER who favore more TAX CUTS for the top 2%. He hates unions ..period Instead of toyota raising there workers pay he wants us to cut our pay by 50%.. FUCK HIM When Ford is making big profits the public will buy our trucks and cars. There are still alot of union workers in this country.
  25. 6 speed transmission and hybrid is Fords future. They will update both using the fuel efficiency $ so they wont sell neither.
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