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Everything posted by CoolScoop

  1. Most people can't understand the concept of buying a Lincoln over a European or Japanese luxury brand, most people (including me) haven't driven a Lincoln... but I ordered my Aviator sight unseen. Since the GTs aren't in production yet I've had plenty of time to second guess my decision but the thought never crosses my mind. I can't wait to drive it off the lot and have no doubt that I'll be saying I've driven a Lincoln and it's the best car I ever owned.
  2. https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2019/07/12/volkswagen-ford-argo-ai-partnership-autonomous-vehicles/ I see these AI Fusion Hybrids navigating through the complicated and congested streets in and around Pittsburgh every day... Ubers autonomous devision is based here also, but while they were here first I rarely see their cars anymore.
  3. I'll throw in my prediction here for what it's worth... the Navigator, Aviator and Corsair will be the top selling luxury SUVs in their segments in record time. Not sure about Nautilus since it just had a facelift and an all new model is still a year or two away. As I understand it, the Aviator and Explorer had completely different design teams, who worked at different locations and had very little collaboration. Yes the teams started with the same basic "flexible platform", but the Lincoln team had the most influence on the platforms design because it had to accommodate Aviators superior suspension and much larger PHEV battery. Unlike years past the two models actually have very little in common now and it's no longer accurate to say the Aviator is just a dressed up Explorer... if anything, it's the other way around. The same applies to the Corsair and Escape and future products. Ford owned Austin Martin, Jaguar, Range Rover, and Volvo and they gained valuable institutional knowledge from each of them. They correctly decided to sell those acquired brands off to concentrate on Ford and now Lincoln. They are also much further along on their path to EV and Autonomous Vehicle development than most may think.
  4. Completely different... far less likely to run out of gas on a long trip because of the abundance of gas stations and 5 minute fill ups. I did run out of gas once... AAA came in 10 minutes and gave me plenty of gas to drive to a gas station. My boss and a his wife both had Teslas (S and X) for a while... but they had several bad experiences on long trips. Now they have a F150 Limited and Jeep Wrangler Rubicon and are much happier... they went all in for EVs but dropped out due to all the inconveniences.
  5. What happens when you misscalculate your EV range to the next available charging station (that's not even on your best route) and run out of juice on a stretch of road with many gas stations (but none have a charging station)... can you call AAA for a quick charge or do you need to get it towed to the charging station? How inconvenient and worrisome is that. And when you do stop for charges on long trip with a well planned but indirect route for charging stations, what do you do each time while its charging... take a long nap; have a four course meal with appetizer and desert; try to make friends and party with the others charging their cars; play a game with the kids seeing who can guess how many hundreds of cars (including Hybrids and PHEVs) fill up with gas before you get a full charge; all of the above?
  6. +1... I'll have no trouble buying an EV, but not until: they have a 300 to 400 high performance mile range; they can be fully recharged in the same amount of time as filling a gas tank; they can be recharged at as many places as filling a gas tank; they can make fake engine sounds when I long for the good old days!! These are the real things holding EVs back and Hybrids/PHEVs offer the best and only solutions right now for those not willing or able to accept the compromises imposed by every current EV available. Blaming hybrids for the slow adoption of EVs and Ford for not flooding the country with charging stations are absolutely rediculous statements.
  7. https://www.autonews.com/article/20180514/RETAIL03/180519980/lincoln-s-unlikely-comeback-journey Here's some detailed insight into Lincoln's comprehensive comeback efforts...
  8. Guess it's finally time to figure out how to go all digital and cut the cords!!
  9. That's disappointing, it's getting harder to find Bluray/DVD sets for new movie releases... plus they cost more than single discs. Getting tired of separate discs for home and car.
  10. My order lists the entertainment system option as: Lincoln Play with DVD. So it appears that it will include a DVD player now. The order guide implies that it was available at Job 2... but I haven't found any details on it yet and it's not covered in the current online owners manual (May Rev.).
  11. Thanks... it's not listed as late availability in the order guide and it didn't get flagged on my order, so I was wondering about the total lack of information.
  12. My dealer didn't get its first load of Aviators in until August 16th because of all the delays and "sent off site" stuff. Needless to say I ran right over to check them out after being told they finally got some in to see in person. I spent quite a while checking them out and the panel gaps were impressively tight and the door, hood and hatch alignments were perfect on all of them.
  13. Does anyone have info or photos on the Lincoln Play Rear Seat Entertainment for the Aviator? It's option code 59C in the order guide, but I haven't seen any info/details on it. I assume it will be similar to the system in the Navigator.
  14. I guess there is a good reason to use EV mode... sneaking home after boys night out!
  15. But 80.6 MPGe is fine with me... plus I'll have that Instant electric torque and that ICE power working together instead of having one system lugging the other system around for no reason. Just the battery already weighs 300 pounds... nearly half of what the EV system adds. I wouldn't want it to be any heavier.
  16. https://www.jdpower.com/cars/expert-reviews/2020-lincoln-aviator-review I could care less about EV only range. Driving it ANYWHERE with that wonderful ecoboost disabled seems like a total waist of availble resources to me! Especially when "the Aviator Grand Touring averaged 80.6 MPGe through full battery depletion" and then it still gets better milage than the gas only models after battery depletion. PLUS, all that power is ready and waiting whenever you get the urge... so why neuter it to go 18 miles as an EV when you can do 80.6 MPGe as a PHEV while having a lot more fun!!
  17. Kind of amazing the door fits that flush with even gap being that far out of alignment... even more surprising is the door latch has that much adjustment range, LOL!!!
  18. This shows the 2nd row seat options for each model and trim level. The order guide rules so no special orders. I wanted the bench seat also, but couldn't order it on the GT II. So I'm getting the deluxe console because its much nicer than the step over console and at no extra cost. I was hesitant because I thought it would stick up above the seats when they're folded down like in the Navigator... but one of the reviews has a photo showing that its actually a little lower than the folded seats. I can live with 6 passenger seating and now I'm happy the deluxe console still allows a flat floor when all the seats are down!!!
  19. Don't forget that the new assembly line at the MOD Center, where final assembly of the GT and Explorer Hybrid will be done, isn't going to be up and running until the fourth quarter. So all of the GTs used for the Napa Valley test drives had to be preproduction units. I imagine production models, espically after "OK to buy" for the new assembly line, will be more refined and have more consistent performance between units.
  20. Why didn't they just put a manual emergency release in the passenger doors like the one in the drivers door?
  21. Just hours away for GT reviews to start popping up... hopefully they'll shed some light on the actual range and milage!
  22. So for the Motor1 review, they should have praised the Aviator saying "and the speaker grilles are nice plastic just like the Audi Q7, no cheap laser etched metal in this suv!"
  23. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://q4live.s22.clientfiles.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/983951170/files/pdf/Revel-and-Revel-Ultima-3D-in-Aviator_Fact-Sheet.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiZ27CA7pLkAhVCnFkKHY14A7YQFjALegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw3uJrdGicPbJu57kI4RWW60 The Motor1 review bashes the speaker grilles, saying "unlike MB and BMW the speaker grilles are cheap plastic". But the speaker grilles for the Revel Ultima 3D system are actually "laser etched aluminum" and the grilles for the standard Revel system are "expanded metal". How do you mistake laser etched aluminum and expanded metal for cheap plastic unless your really looking for something to bash??
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