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Everything posted by All-Or-Nothing

  1. Sweet Mustang Shannon. Very nice. These Ring Bros are damn good. Gotta make a trip out to their shop this coming summer and do some price checking on a few things.
  2. I wish FORD or GM or anybody would call a press conference and demand CR release their Data or face a law suit. These CR Bozos would disclose the data if they was really concerned about "helping" people make the right decision.
  3. Didn't FORD announce they were going back to buttons a few months ago.
  4. Why did you even buy it when you saw the sticker???? Can't be mad at them when you KNEW what you were getting into.
  5. Ha Ha.....he was in the audience with a pink Oprah shirt on.
  6. Ha Ha...what a LAME rant. He must be one of those "if you say it enough times it must be true" idiots.
  7. I tell you they need to get rid of everyone involved with this "Hello Again" crap. It really isn't this complicated to get people interested in Lincoln again and this Artsy crap ain't gonna cut it. Seriously......Homemade Jam...Organic Cereals. Fire this Agency and move on.
  8. Ha Ha.....this thread is Still going. Just can't let it die can you.
  9. In his mind you are black therefore the enemy. Racism has a funny way of blinding people that way.
  10. Ha Ha....yep you are definately TOO concerned about his race. I will go out on a limb (pretty strong limb I might add) and say you are racist.
  11. Stay out of it. Even if we help the fighting will still continue when we pull out. Sometimes you need to let countries handle affairs themselves no matter how bad a leader they have.
  12. LMAO...why does he need to be vetted. Face it....you wanted to know his race because you want to use it during one of your crazy rants. Says a lot about you really.
  13. You made a thread just for this......yes you ARE concerned with what color he is.
  14. You idiots LOVE to argue about Race and Racism. Very telling about yourselves.
  15. Meh.....traffic rules are not meant for BMW owners. When I'm in my BMW I dare you mere mortals to say a word to me.
  16. Sorry.....but I don't believe this at all. No MKC becaue they can't build it. Thanks for the laugh.
  17. Fail.......link not working and you fail again thinking you can see "cheap" thru Camo. How do you even know that's the real grill.....LMAO
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