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DTP employees vandalize NAP vehicles ?


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Kind of like YOU should apologize to the fine folks at DTP for blatantly accusing them of vandalizing someone else's cars.


Do you even know the definition of the word blatantly ? Or did you just Google your own name,and come with the word "dumbass" ? I did not blatantly blame anyone from DTP. Wipe the nut mustard off your 9 inch computer screen ,.and stop randomly choosing sections of posts that are to long for your crumpled up brain to comprehend.


Here is the watered down version that maybe you can read all by yourself.


And I quote "I think it has to be more than a coincidence that this "just happened" on the same day NAP'ers arrive. Im not accusing DTP employees with 100% certainty ,but with all the rivalry between the 2 plants and all the shit talking ,I dont know what to believe. Though I do believe that the majority are probably decent people."


"I hope that DTP people had nothing to do with this.And in my heart I believe that they dont. "


Im sure the people at DTP will take in our brothers/sisters with the same kindness and compassion as we at NAP have done with all the people that came here from various plants. We are all in the same boat, and we all can relate to how tough these times are.





P.S.- HardDriver ,I hope to God that one day when you have a serious problem,that someone in a position of authority discounts what you are saying before they even know what the hell is going on. I hope one day if you ever need help and call 911, the operator says to you " naw ,I think your full of shit,Im not sending help" . You fucking punk. If you also DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS ,as you put it,then dont chime your punk ass in the conversation.Take your own advice.


Sorry,they dont have a emoticon for a dick in your mouth ,or I would add it.

Edited by NorfolkBuilt
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Do you even know the definition of the word blatantly ? Or did you just Google your own name,and come with the word "dumbass" ? I did not blatantly blame anyone from DTP. Wipe the nut mustard off your 9 inch computer screen ,.and stop randomly choosing sections of posts that are to long for your crumpled up brain to comprehend.


Here is the watered down version that maybe you can read all by yourself.


And I quote "I think it has to be more than a coincidence that this "just happened" on the same day NAP'ers arrive. Im not accusing DTP employees with 100% certainty ,but with all the rivalry between the 2 plants and all the shit talking ,I dont know what to believe. Though I do believe that the majority are probably decent people."


"I hope that DTP people had nothing to do with this.And in my heart I believe that they dont. "


Im sure the people at DTP will take in our brothers/sisters with the same kindness and compassion as we at NAP have done with all the people that came here from various plants. We are all in the same boat, and we all can relate to how tough these times are.

P.S.- HardDriver ,I hope to God that one day when you have a serious problem,that someone in a position of authority discounts what you are saying before they even know what the hell is going on. I hope one day if you ever need help and call 911, the operator says to you " naw ,I think your full of shit,Im not sending help" . You fucking punk. If you also DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS ,as you put it,then dont chime your punk ass in the conversation.Take your own advice.


Sorry,they dont have a emoticon for a dick in your mouth ,or I would add it.


I must agree with your post script, NorfolkBuilt. Well put. :hysterical:

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Do you even know the definition of the word blatantly ? Or did you just Google your own name,and come with the word "dumbass" ? I did not blatantly blame anyone from DTP. Wipe the nut mustard off your 9 inch computer screen ,.and stop randomly choosing sections of posts that are to long for your crumpled up brain to comprehend.


Here is the watered down version that maybe you can read all by yourself.


And I quote "I think it has to be more than a coincidence that this "just happened" on the same day NAP'ers arrive. Im not accusing DTP employees with 100% certainty ,but with all the rivalry between the 2 plants and all the shit talking ,I dont know what to believe. Though I do believe that the majority are probably decent people."


"I hope that DTP people had nothing to do with this.And in my heart I believe that they dont. "


Im sure the people at DTP will take in our brothers/sisters with the same kindness and compassion as we at NAP have done with all the people that came here from various plants. We are all in the same boat, and we all can relate to how tough these times are.

P.S.- HardDriver ,I hope to God that one day when you have a serious problem,that someone in a position of authority discounts what you are saying before they even know what the hell is going on. I hope one day if you ever need help and call 911, the operator says to you " naw ,I think your full of shit,Im not sending help" . You fucking punk. If you also DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS ,as you put it,then dont chime your punk ass in the conversation.Take your own advice.


Sorry,they dont have a emoticon for a dick in your mouth ,or I would add it.


Man don't let these low life pieces of shit get you all worked up. Most of them are like a small pimple on you ass, not worth the time to pop it, just let it sit there and it will go away. The truth came out and now all the naysayers are back pedaling and eating crow. Maybe next time it will be their vehicles and when they come out her crying about it I'll be the FIRST mother fucker to call them a liar!!! fing26.gif Bring it, I can take it!!!

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And I quote "I think it has to be more than a coincidence that this "just happened" on the same day NAP'ers arrive. Im not accusing DTP employees with 100% certainty ,but with all the rivalry between the 2 plants and all the shit talking ,I dont know what to believe. Though I do believe that the majority are probably decent people."


The above statement could not be farther from the truth. There is no rivalry and nobody is bashing anyone. I actually talked to a few people that came from NAP (which are now DTP employees) and they did not seem like they had issues or even thought that people disliked them at all. The way I look at it is these people that came here from other plants are glad to be working and with the announcement today places DTP as the lead plant that should make them feel better about the transfer.


It was a nice suprise to see some working on the floor already today and only after a day in the complex. Like it or not we are all one team now and just so everyone understands on this board that the only problem any of the plants have is the people that make up the problem on here.

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Oh my Mr. NorfolkBuilt. Did I upset you?

Some people sure get mouthy when they don't have to speak to you face to face :slap: . You make me laugh.

I'm a very busy person and don't have time to play these games.


If you would like, I'll be glad to send you some novocain to kill that nerve that I hit!

Edited by Hard Driver
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The above statement could not be farther from the truth. There is no rivalry and nobody is bashing anyone.


Then I guess you missed this (and others like it in the past)




If we NAPers could of transfered to KCAP there would be a rush to your plant. Most folks would of loved to have that chance to go to a great plant with people that have mid-west values all determined to make a great quality product. All that and Big 12 football. WOW!!

I would of transfered in a heart beat.


Remember KCAP. the burden is now upon you alone to keep the quality up. Good luck.

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Do you even know the definition of the word blatantly ? Or did you just Google your own name,and come with the word "dumbass" ? I did not blatantly blame anyone from DTP. Wipe the nut mustard off your 9 inch computer screen ,.and stop randomly choosing sections of posts that are to long for your crumpled up brain to comprehend.


Here is the watered down version that maybe you can read all by yourself.


And I quote "I think it has to be more than a coincidence that this "just happened" on the same day NAP'ers arrive. Im not accusing DTP employees with 100% certainty ,but with all the rivalry between the 2 plants and all the shit talking ,I dont know what to believe. Though I do believe that the majority are probably decent people."


"I hope that DTP people had nothing to do with this.And in my heart I believe that they dont. "


Im sure the people at DTP will take in our brothers/sisters with the same kindness and compassion as we at NAP have done with all the people that came here from various plants. We are all in the same boat, and we all can relate to how tough these times are.

P.S.- HardDriver ,I hope to God that one day when you have a serious problem,that someone in a position of authority discounts what you are saying before they even know what the hell is going on. I hope one day if you ever need help and call 911, the operator says to you " naw ,I think your full of shit,Im not sending help" . You fucking punk. If you also DO NOT KNOW THE FACTS ,as you put it,then dont chime your punk ass in the conversation.Take your own advice.


Sorry,they dont have a emoticon for a dick in your mouth ,or I would add it.



My dear crash helmet wearing friend, at any point in your moronic ramblings did you ever stop to think of this. YOU started a post on this message board with the title “DTP employees vandalize NAP vehicles ?” So yes in essence you did blatantly accuse the employees at DTP of just such a thing.

Now as to why the over the top personal attack on me, it’s ok you’re forgiven. I just figured that chin strap on your crash helmet is overly tight today. But can you please do the rest of humanity a favor and don’t procreate, further pollution of the gene pool by your ilk could be detrimental to the rest of society.

That is all now, you’re dismissed. Further posts from you on this subject are futile. But if you must then continue on, I enjoy getting my entertainment at your expense.


P.S. Don’t forget to have your mother loosen that chin strap, it tends to make you cranky. :ohsnap:

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I have worked at 4 other ford plants and cars have been broken into or stolen at all of them. When they did catch the crooks they were NEVER Ford employees. So even though they may never catch these guys I say its sad that many people want to point at our fellow union members. Most workers are either working or at home taking care of their family. They do not have time for such sillyness. :finger:

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DTP Body Door Hang. I like how you get ripped on then all the sudden you dig into your brand new dictionary to try and attempt a comeback. Typical and predictable . Shux ,all those big ol words and what not. You were even clever enough to quote me ... "DTP employees vandalize NAP vehicles ?"


Uh gee,I wonder what that little squiggly line with the dot under it means ? Hmmmmm.. Oh it must be a ancient Japanese symbol for the word blatantly ? Oh,there it is again. I could of sworn it was a QUESTION mark , and not one of these other ancient symbols ... ! . Man the English language sure is tricky . But you must be correct,for you wield the power of the mighty Websters dictionary ! That shit just makes you look like an pompous prick , not a vocabulary gangsta. The crash helmet shit was lame BTW. Furthermore ,that "futile" attempt at reverse psychology may work with your kid's , but Im gonna post whatever the hell I want . And you know what ? Your gonna read it and respond to it like a good lil bitch.. :hysterical:


And Mr. Hard Driver ,or as you say "I'm a very busy person and don't have time to play these games." Your just a tool on all levels. I know how so so busy you are,but I got $5 bucks that says you respond.


We now know that this shit happened to NAP vehicles, so quit with the nit picking and let this thread be for the purpose of sharing information.

Edited by NorfolkBuilt
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Just so you know I looked into the matter this morning and word is it was 8 total. And I hope you guys realize that AAP and NAP were at the classes. Yes AAP so it seems that it has happend but all things point to random.


I do hope its random. Its just that it would take a mathematician to figure the odd's on this . As I said,and Ill say it again for the pickers and choosers ,I dont blame anyone from DTP with all certainty. Im sure the people are great ,and that the UAW spirit is alive and strong.


I posed the possibility of DTP'ers being potential culprits ( maybe 1-3 peeps at the most),cuz that was some of the reports coming outta Dearborn when this happened. Nothing more ,nothing less.


p.s.- Does anyone know the facts on the guy who supposedly lost like $7k to the break in's ?

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I do hope its random. Its just that it would take a mathematician to figure the odd's on this . As I said,and Ill say it again for the pickers and choosers ,I dont blame anyone from DTP with all certainty. Im sure the people are great ,and that the UAW spirit is alive and strong.


I posed the possibility of DTP'ers being potential culprits ( maybe 1-3 peeps at the most),cuz that was some of the reports coming outta Dearborn when this happened. Nothing more ,nothing less.


p.s.- Does anyone know the facts on the guy who supposedly lost like $7k to the break in's ?


My new supervisor craig...I keep forgetting his last name...came from NAP and said someone he knows lost $2k and a laptop.

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My new supervisor craig...I keep forgetting his last name...came from NAP and said someone he knows lost $2k and a laptop.


Damn that blows .I cant think of any Craigs off the top of my head.


Hey Dearborn guys,dont feel bad about the crime thing. Norfolk is almost like Detroit ,except the population is a lil smaller. We have plenty of crime and shit. Plus its a major metro area. So none of you should feel embarrassed ,cuz trust me we know how it is . You have your good parts and your bad ,and you know what areas to stay away from.

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BINGO!!! yes that is him. Seems cool so far, actually cares about us being able to our jobs......not use to that from a supervisor.



He seemed to be one of the better one I worked for when he was at NAP. This biggest thing was he actually didn't mind you cutting the line off for a serious quality concern, unlike most other supervisors, who would tell you "ship it!! they'll fix it in the front end!"

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He seemed to be one of the better one I worked for when he was at NAP. This biggest thing was he actually didn't mind you cutting the line off for a serious quality concern, unlike most other supervisors, who would tell you "ship it!! they'll fix it in the front end!"


Yeah, he went out of his way to get us a gun to shoot the riv-nuts for the mass damper...he would rather us have the line down for 3-5 seconnds and shoot it ourself than "ship it" to have it fixed in heavy repair (since they have to remove the bed to fix it).

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Damn that blows .I cant think of any Craigs off the top of my head.


Hey Dearborn guys,dont feel bad about the crime thing. Norfolk is almost like Detroit ,except the population is a lil smaller. We have plenty of crime and shit. Plus its a major metro area. So none of you should feel embarrassed ,cuz trust me we know how it is . You have your good parts and your bad ,and you know what areas to stay away from.

What city did you grew up in? I grew up in Norfolk and It's nothing like what I'm hearing about the City of Detroit, I have a lot of family and friends who still live in Norfolk and I can't tell you anything bad that has happened to them or their properties. Only the people I've worked with at NAP had their vehicles vandalized while parked in the parking lot. They have started years ago rebuilding the city, I am very familiar with all of Norfolk and never been afraid to go there for anything. It does have more crime them the other cities but not like what is being described in Detroit. I visit my older friends that live in the projects day and nighttime and never had any problems. You are misleading the people when you say Norfolk is almost like Detroit. Just in case you ask, my house is in Va Beach But I have Lived in Five different VA cities and never has a problem. Cheapeake VA is the best city to live in, Va Beach is not listed any more but it's still a great city. All cities have crime, some are just worst then others
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What city did you grew up in? I grew up in Norfolk and It's nothing like what I'm hearing about the City of Detroit, I have a lot of family and friends who still live in Norfolk and I can't tell you anything bad that has happened to them or their properties. Only the people I've worked with at NAP had their vehicles vandalized while parked in the parking lot. They have started years ago rebuilding the city, I am very familiar with all of Norfolk and never been afraid to go there for anything. It does have more crime them the other cities but not like what is being described in Detroit. I visit my older friends that live in the projects day and nighttime and never had any problems. You are misleading the people when you say Norfolk is almost like Detroit. Just in case you ask, my house is in Va Beach But I have Lived in Five different VA cities and never has a problem. Cheapeake VA is the best city to live in, Va Beach is not listed any more but it's still a great city. All cities have crime, some are just worst then others


Ive lived in Norfolk my whole life .Norview to be exact. Im not mis-leading anyone,I just think you either lived in some nicer areas of the city,or your living in a bubble. A few years back ,Norfolk led the nation in homicides. Shit happens,that doesnt mean its a dump. Im bet if you ask victims of crimes like murder robbery,sexual assault,poverty etc . they would disagree with you . Im glad nothing has never happened to you or your family,as most families do not become victims. Tell a Norfolk cop what you think ,and he's gonna tell you differently . How do I know ? My closest friend is a NPD cop.


There are plenty of neighborhoods that you better avoid at night,or thats your ass. And if you deny that ,then your not as familiar as you think. Sounds to me like you have never been on the wrong side of the tracks. I have seen and heard my fair share of shooting and robberies. Detroit is bigger than Norfolk,so the crime to person ratio is gonna be higher. Detroit is also an older city,so there has been more deterioration , and like Norfolk they are rebuilding from what I have been told from Michigan natives.


Norfolk is also a great city,and its the economic and cultural hub of our region .It is a important national city,as well as a city of great diversity. There is a huge list of positive things I could say about Norfolk ,cuz this is MY city as I see it.I love it,and Im proud of it. But the discussion was about crime not the beauty of these cities.


p.s.- People of Michigan ,dont get offended please by the deterioration comment ,thats what happens to all major cities that have been around for a long time ,including Norfolk. You gotta refurbish and rebuild.

Edited by NorfolkBuilt
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Norfolkbuilt, thank you for your kind words about Michigan and welcome to all from VA.

Drive through Detroit...go play in Detroit (casinos, red wings, concerts, tiger games) I would't live there though. I grew up north of Detroit... in a city that last year was in the top 10 cities to live in the country..what happened at the rouge site is sad and embarrassing to me...and I'm sorry that had to happen to them on their orentation day...horrible....good luck to you...

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What city did you grew up in? I grew up in Norfolk and It's nothing like what I'm hearing about the City of Detroit, I have a lot of family and friends who still live in Norfolk and I can't tell you anything bad that has happened to them or their properties. Only the people I've worked with at NAP had their vehicles vandalized while parked in the parking lot. They have started years ago rebuilding the city, I am very familiar with all of Norfolk and never been afraid to go there for anything. It does have more crime them the other cities but not like what is being described in Detroit. I visit my older friends that live in the projects day and nighttime and never had any problems. You are misleading the people when you say Norfolk is almost like Detroit. Just in case you ask, my house is in Va Beach But I have Lived in Five different VA cities and never has a problem. Cheapeake VA is the best city to live in, Va Beach is not listed any more but it's still a great city. All cities have crime, some are just worst then others
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Ive lived in Norfolk my whole life .Norview to be exact. Im not mis-leading anyone,I just think you either lived in some nicer areas of the city,or your living in a bubble. A few years back ,Norfolk led the nation in homicides. Shit happens,that doesnt mean its a dump. Im bet if you ask victims of crimes like murder robbery,sexual assault,poverty etc . they would disagree with you . Im glad nothing has never happened to you or your family,as most families do not become victims. Tell a Norfolk cop what you think ,and he's gonna tell you differently . How do I know ? My closest friend is a NPD cop.


There are plenty of neighborhoods that you better avoid at night,or thats your ass. And if you deny that ,then your not as familiar as you think. Sounds to me like you have never been on the wrong side of the tracks. I have seen and heard my fair share of shooting and robberies. Detroit is bigger than Norfolk,so the crime to person ratio is gonna be higher. Detroit is also an older city,so there has been more deterioration , and like Norfolk they are rebuilding from what I have been told from Michigan natives.


Norfolk is also a great city,and its the economic and cultural hub of our region .It is a important national city,as well as a city of great diversity. There is a huge list of positive things I could say about Norfolk ,cuz this is MY city as I see it.I love it,and Im proud of it. But the discussion was about crime not the beauty of these cities.


p.s.- People of Michigan ,dont get offended please by the deterioration comment ,thats what happens to all major cities that have been around for a long time ,including Norfolk. You gotta refurbish and rebuild.

Why would the people in Michigan get offended? they are the ones telling me not to go to Detroit, don't shop east go west, don't buy a house here, buy one over there, I'm so confused, I don't know what to do. Sorry! I thought you were tring to compare the two Cities, if you go back and read my post, you would see that I did mention Norfolk having more crime then any other city. I grew up in the projects of Norfolk but I had some good time "back in the day" in the Norview area.
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