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Everything posted by AH-HA

  1. That's a big negatory. CD6 has been abandoned and only left for Explorer/Aviator. Mustang soldiers on staying on the current platform next go around. D5 is the new Fox body.
  2. They send them to Mexico again?!?! $900 million for OHAP! What in the world are they getting?
  3. Here's the weeks I've heard: 6/30, 8/18, 8/25, 9/8, 9/29, 10/20, 10/27. What's the deal with the updated Focus launch? Not until early 2015 now?!?!?
  4. P415 balance out on 12/8/14 with P552 Job 1 on 11/17/14. Is this even possible?
  5. Yep, 4 weeks. Weeks of 1/20, 2/24, 3/3 and 3/10.
  6. 4 weeks beginning March 10.
  7. Good news for sure. Bad news is that I've heard that Ford is having second thoughts on restartign Expy/Navi at KTP. Anyone hear this?
  8. AH-HA

    OAC News

    Funny. scheduling still calls out start of 3rd shift pushed back to Sept. 22nd. What gives?!?!?
  9. I've been hearing the International is taking a boat load of downtime on engine side, that can't be good for us.
  10. No way are orders that high, we'll be lucky to see half that.
  11. Blame your local politicians for the "blend" situation. With each state requiring different blends for different seasons throughout the year and for supposed environmental reasons, refinery capacity is strecthed thin leaving us, the good old American consumer, getting the shaft. It should be simple, pick the best blend for everyone and use that one nationwide. The capacity issue has much less to do with the octane levels than this "blend" issue.
  12. Wrong on two fronts. Production doesn't start until March 2008 and it does not, repeat does not, have suicide doors like the concept.
  13. AH-HA


    From what I have heard, August this year is the timetable to end production.
  14. I'm hearing TCAP may close in August! Any truth to this, sounds liek they're trying to cut everything to the bone.
  15. Unfortunately, it doesn't look anything like that. It looks like a lame refresh of the current model. Don't buy into the hype, the P415 is NOT all-new. The new code and all-new statements are legal requirements so Ford could break existing supplier contracts to re-source components at a lower price. Frankly, I was very disappointed with the revised F-Seires.
  16. This story has spread like a California wildfire and to put it to rest, there is NO 4-door Mustang in the works. That said though, a Mustang platform based 4-door sound like a good idea.
  17. They did and the analyst community as well. Learn, then speak.
  18. First off, the original Countach was a master piece of design and an icon. More importantly, it was designed by Marcello Gandini of Bertone fame. Learn then speak.
  19. The only one in their right minds that would buy Ford would be a Chinese manufacturer. With government backing from China, one of the larger companies could gain an instant global footprint and recognition. You think the Japanese are long term planners, the Chinese think even further out. Kiss the Blue Oval goodbye and say hello to the Red Oval.
  20. 6 months is way too long for retooling for the Escape that is still going to be built in the existing platform. Any idea when Tribute comes back online? I see it's done on April 12.
  21. So far, no down week next week. But two more are planned for March.
  22. What a waste of money the Zephyr launch was then. Ford should just change its name to FUBAR.
  23. LS ending a month earlier than expected, now set for mid-May. Town Car build out in mid-May, but is that it then? :blink:
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