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Everything posted by sullynd

  1. There would be a larger difference in size than there will be between the MKuga and the MKX. Soon Ford will have Escape, which will be close in size to the Edge, which will be close in size to the Explorer, which will be close in size to the Flex, which will be close in size to the Expedition, which is slightly smaller than the Expedition EL. The MKT is a large vehicle, and not very SUV looking. I think Lincoln would be better served by offering a three row option of the MKX as well.
  2. But the Explorer isn't for Ford? The MKT is much bigger than a CX-9.
  3. I'm worried about how Ford will differentiate the Kuga and Edge and MKuga and MKX. There isn't that big of a difference size-wize and looks wise the Kuga loses the trucklet appearance of the current Escape (Which is part of it's appeal IMHO) I would have preferred to see Kuga as a Mercury vehicle, and a Next Gen Escape built on the same platform. The KugaR could then be a stepping point between the trucky Escape and Lux MKX. With Lincoln not getting an Explorer variant, any chance for an MKXL with the third row like the CX-9?
  4. That has to be the worst color it is available in. Would look pretty sweet in black I would think.
  5. The LM dealer near my house has a pristeen Aerostar for $4k. I've been very tempted. With an infant and a dog a minivan would be great, but the wife won't drive one. I could see myself in an Aerostar or Astro, but not a Sienna/oddyssey/caravan. While I'd love a Flex the money just isn't there right now. A consumer version of the TC would be awesome (ESP if/when they fix the powertrain). I'd snap one up in a heartbeat.
  6. My parents have a place in SW Michigan and during the summers I make it a point to watch for interesting cars on my drive up from Chicagoland. This weekend I saw numerous Flex and MKS (Much more than I would normally see) and a Black 2010 Taurus (Very, very, sharp in that color), but most interesting was I passed a semi full of white Transit Connects on it's way in to Illinois. I look forward to seeing them on the road, and am keeping my fingers crossed that we will see a family version eventually.
  7. My wife's beetle has this (It's a vert, I'm not sure if the hard top does)
  8. I've always seen the benefit of sliding doors being while kids are in car seats. Are your young, thin, fit, door opening kids still in car seats? My 8 month old hasn't figured out opening the door yet.
  9. Huh? EUCD is essentially a stretched C1 right? If EUCD is dead what hits the mid-size C/D market (Fusion, Edge, etc)? Doesn't the Flex have Class III hitches as well? I thought Class II dropped out at 3,500#
  10. As I said over on GMI - I own an Escape. If I needed to replace it tomorrow I would get another Escape. If the Escape looks like a Kuga I will buy a different vehicle - If I wanted a CX-7 or RAV4 that's what I would have bought. Ford risks alienating it's current small SUV buyers. I wish the new Explorer were closer in size to the first gen Explorer, which would make it a logical step up for someone who wants SUV styling. There is nothing indicating Everest is coming here, nor is that a logical vehicle for someone to buy in lieu of an Escape.
  11. Saw an MKT on the road in Oak Brook, Illinois on Thursday. Had MI manufacturer plates on it. Unfortunately it was in the right-turn lane and I was in the left-turn lane so I wasn't able to see much of it.
  12. "2009 FOCUS SEDAN BROADENS APPEAL WITH NEW HIGH-END SERIES AND AVAILABLE ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL" I guess no one at Ford has bothered to take a picture of the sedan, or PR is unaware of the difference between a sedan and a coupe.
  13. How is the Fusion 2.5 going to get such better fuel economy than the Mazda6 2.5? Is the one extra gear a miracle gear?
  14. Given their generally higher acceptance of small cars, I wonder... Will Ford reintroduce Mercury in Canada?
  15. Transit Connect? Kuga? C-max? S-max? Ka? (Come on Ford, bring on the Ka)
  16. With the overlap of production of the C1/2 and current focus I wonder if the C1 will initially be available only as a Mercury until production ramps up. Why hasn't there been any product in the pipes for Mercury? Because they'll be FOE vehicles. I just hope it doesn't end up like Saturn.
  17. I agree they are a gimmick, but the Fiesta competition does offer them on some models (see fit)
  18. I don't see many buyers of a $65k+ RWD hardtop convertible flocking to the Taurus.
  19. Lately most new taxis I see in Chicago are GMs I assume it's a direct result of the CV going fleet.
  20. As much as I despise the CRV (It's a hideous ugly PIG) It should be noted that that is not the North American radio.
  21. I was passed by a black FLEX on 94 in Michigan on Sunday - it was quite a catching on the road and I think Ford is going to have a big hit with it.
  22. Here's a more recent attempt, still some tweaking I'd like to do but ran out of time at lunch.
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