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BUSH the EVIL hypocrite!


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Correction #1. There never was a war. Congress is needed to declare war, and they never did.


Correction #2. If we had victory, there wouldn't be insurgents, and there certainly wouldn't be any more dead American soldiers.



Who were they supposed to declare it against, "Terroristan"? The "War" Against Terror continues. The "Battle" for Iraq is won. Saddam is out of power, and Iraq is a democracy. The war will be fought on many fronts, including Iraq. Unfortunately there will be more casualties. We could have just bombed them to hell, and you would have seen endless lines of refugees fleeing, as I am sure you remember from WWII films. We are trying to be more humane now and win their friendship. This is not another Viet Nam, it is WWIII.

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I agree. There are many countries led by tyrants. Their people want to be free, like us. Sooner or later these tyrants will cross us and give us an excuse to give them what's coming to them. I say why wait?



but you forget....we didn't go to war because of saddam!!! we went over there because of WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! ahhhh but you never hear that anymore!!!??? why ??? because they aren't any!!!! lol


if we were just going to go over there and get saddam it would have been a different story.....BUT BUSH LIED as did our intelligence!! etc etc...... that is why (part of the reason) i do not support the war or bush!

now we got bombed sept 11 and retaliation needs to be done....but we must first prove exactly who did it ...prolly osama..... and if that is true why is he still loose???




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(Just in case you don't know, I am a Canadian, but to me, America is AMERICA. )



And no better friends could we have than the Canadians and British.


We may not always agree on everything, but if the poop really hits the fan, if one of us is there, the odds are, all 3 will be there.


There is absolutely no doubt that if a terrorist attack was to hit Canada and reasonable proof was available of the offending country or group was available, Britain and the US would be right there doing the same thing it is doing now. We all know you can't pick your family members, but you do pick your friends!! In this instance we have chosen well, and all should be thankful that our Northern border has such a staunch ally helping us watch it, while also helping control one of the largest shared economic zones in the world.

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You are splitting hairs. I am looking at the big picture. You cannot prove a negative; therefore you cannot prove that there are no WMDs. Whether there are or not is irrelevant. "Truth is the first casualty of war". If you are going to stop the war every time our side is accused of playing unfair, we will lose. This is not a game. I believe that we have to have faith in the Pentagon. I do. War is lot like Perry Mason. We do not have to prove anything, just win. Before this is over we all may have some of our rights trampled on, but after our victory, we will have them all back, as we did after WWII. That is what our troops are fighting for.


(Just in case you don't know, I am a Canadian, but to me, America is AMERICA. )



so you are saying there are WMD's ??? and our GREAT president and military CANT find them ??


LOL they have the BEST technology out there...they would have found them if they were there..EVEN if another country took them! so no i dont believe that shit!! it is amazing the old bush has requested more money for iraq...and the economy over here could always use that money....and another thing...this fighting in the middle east ....just started right ?? those are just PEACE loving arabs...right ?? look they have been fighting for 1000 YEARS or more....and the US is going to come in and dictate what should be done and be out in a couple of years ?? nope it is vietnam part II


Don't forget 9/11/01 as WE WERE ATTACKED! Because if I were president. I would see to it that the Middle East became a parking lot and a new place for low-rent housing. I could care less how many of them are gone. I don't care what religion or god they worship either.



bettermake sure who did it....as he is still running around! and i think daddy bush was mad at saddam

so the is why junior went in....

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Don't forget 9/11/01 as WE WERE ATTACKED! Because if I were president. I would see to it that the Middle East became a parking lot and a new place for low-rent housing. I could care less how many of them are gone. I don't care what religion or god they worship either.


15 of the 19 plane hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi. The other 4 were not from Afghanistan or Iraq.


So why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia?


And why aren't YOU in Afghanistan or Iraq, "defending your country?"


Chickenshit chickenhawks Sheesh. :rolleyes:

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15 of the 19 plane hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi. The other 4 were not from Afghanistan or Iraq.


So why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia?


And why aren't YOU in Afghanistan or Iraq, "defending your country?"


Chickenshit chickenhawks Sheesh. :rolleyes:


Like I said, The middle east includes Saudi Arabia. I don't care about them either. By the way. The only reason I'm not over there is I'm already stuck in a P.O.W. camp at Ford that's why.


Big mouth, why don't you run for something if you think you know politics... OR IS THAT RUNNING FROM SOMETHING? Typical liberal, always polluting the internet web site chats with propaganda. Just where were you when 500,000 Rwandans got murdered in the mid 90's and Clinton did what?


The only chickenshits here are you people who try to paint Bush as a evildoer when he is trying to do the right thing for this country. Who else would you have have to lead in these times after 9/11/01. Certainly no Democrat has the fucking balls to take on these towelheaded scum of the earth devils. The only 2 Democrats I ever have respect for are Truman and Kennedy because they faced the enemy head on. The rest of them are nothing but sewer rats and parasites.

Edited by Bored of Pisteon
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15 of the 19 plane hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi. The other 4 were not from Afghanistan or Iraq.


So why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia?


And why aren't YOU in Afghanistan or Iraq, "defending your country?"


Chickenshit chickenhawks Sheesh. :rolleyes:



LOL......very true!!!!


Like I said, The middle east includes Saudi Arabia. I don't care about them either. By the way. The only reason I'm not over there is I'm already stuck in a P.O.W. camp at Ford that's why.


Big mouth, why don't you run for something if you think you know politics... OR IS THAT RUNNING FROM SOMETHING? Typical liberal, always polluting the internet web site chats with propaganda. Just where were you when 500,000 Rwandans got murdered in the mid 90's and Clinton did what?


The only chickenshits here are you people who try to paint Bush as a evildoer when he is trying to do the right thing for this country. Who else would you have have to lead in these times after 9/11/01. Certainly no Democrat has the fucking balls to take on these towelheaded scum of the earth devils. The only 2 Democrats I ever have respect for are Truman and Kennedy because they faced the enemy head on. The rest of them are nothing but sewer rats and parasites.



bullshit...how are you stuck at ford??? it is law (federal) that if you sign up and go in the reserves(n.guard too)

that ford has to guarentee your job when you come back!!!.....your not stuck...your just making excuses......


Like I said, The middle east includes Saudi Arabia. I don't care about them either. By the way. The only reason I'm not over there is I'm already stuck in a P.O.W. camp at Ford that's why.


Big mouth, why don't you run for something if you think you know politics... OR IS THAT RUNNING FROM SOMETHING? Typical liberal, always polluting the internet web site chats with propaganda. Just where were you when 500,000 Rwandans got murdered in the mid 90's and Clinton did what?


The only chickenshits here are you people who try to paint Bush as a evildoer when he is trying to do the right thing for this country. Who else would you have have to lead in these times after 9/11/01. Certainly no Democrat has the fucking balls to take on these towelheaded scum of the earth devils. The only 2 Democrats I ever have respect for are Truman and Kennedy because they faced the enemy head on. The rest of them are nothing but sewer rats and parasites.



another thing who ..JUST who made us the world POLICE man??? if they want to kill let them......just not us...LOL


who died and made you king ???

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Like I said, The middle east includes Saudi Arabia. I don't care about them either. By the way. The only reason I'm not over there is I'm already stuck in a P.O.W. camp at Ford that's why.


Big mouth, why don't you run for something if you think you know politics... OR IS THAT RUNNING FROM SOMETHING? Typical liberal, always polluting the internet web site chats with propaganda. Just where were you when 500,000 Rwandans got murdered in the mid 90's and Clinton did what?


The only chickenshits here are you people who try to paint Bush as a evildoer when he is trying to do the right thing for this country. Who else would you have have to lead in these times after 9/11/01. Certainly no Democrat has the fucking balls to take on these towelheaded scum of the earth devils. The only 2 Democrats I ever have respect for are Truman and Kennedy because they faced the enemy head on. The rest of them are nothing but sewer rats and parasites.



"Like I said, The middle east includes Saudi Arabia"


That seems to be one of the problems with the right and in general, supporters of Bush, in that they are not able to differentiate our attack in Iraq and the fact the terrorist's were from other countries in the region. I always get the impression, and I think rightfully so, that they view the attack on Iraq as an attack on the middle east as a whole. So, perhaps, there were no terrorists there but we are in the region and they are/will come to us, hence, we are fighting them over there instead of them coming here.


I find that odd, afterall, it only took 19 men to start this mess when they took down the towers, pentagon, and crashed the plane in Pennsylvania. The right always seem to suggest that we are winning the war on terror, yet, what has changed for them to draw that conclusion? I think all would agree that our standing in the middle east has gone down even further due to incidents such as Abu Ghraib. Al-Queda only seems to benefit from the growing chaos in the middle east, particularly Iraq. With the region growing ever more skeptical of us, it seems recruiting another 20 for the next mission shouldn't be all that difficult. Then we have the low grade given to Homeland Security "C" by members of the former 9/11 commission. Even after all this time little has been done to make our country more secure.


In the end, what is a "war on terror" how can someone fight an idea? There are several hundred million muslims, and like any other religion or race some are good while others are bad. It seems we have gone to the region with a sledge hammer while in my opinion instead of large stationary operations this kind of fight calls for smaller bands such as special ops. Much like what Kerry and many others proposed earlier. You can't fight ideas with weapons. You have to win their hearts and minds - win them over. Saving your resources for al queda and his rag-tag band of nuts.


"Typical liberal, always polluting the internet web site chats with propaganda. Just where were you when 500,000 Rwandans got murdered in the mid 90's and Clinton did what?"


Unfortunately, this happened right after Somalia, "Black Hawk Down". No one was eager to go back in right after that disaster. Plus, it happened rather quickly, roughly in two weeks.


While we are on the subject, the Darfur crisis occured about the same time as Iraq, why didn't Bush go in and prevent that slaughter?

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"Like I said, The middle east includes Saudi Arabia"


That seems to be one of the problems with the right and in general, supporters of Bush, in that they are not able to differentiate our attack in Iraq and the fact the terrorist's were from other countries in the region. I always get the impression, and I think rightfully so, that they view the attack on Iraq as an attack on the middle east as a whole. So, perhaps, there were no terrorists there but we are in the region and they are/will come to us, hence, we are fighting them over there instead of them coming here.


I find that odd, afterall, it only took 19 men to start this mess when they took down the towers, pentagon, and crashed the plane in Pennsylvania. The right always seem to suggest that we are winning the war on terror, yet, what has changed for them to draw that conclusion? I think all would agree that our standing in the middle east has gone down even further due to incidents such as Abu Ghraib. Al-Queda only seems to benefit from the growing chaos in the middle east, particularly Iraq. With the region growing ever more skeptical of us, it seems recruiting another 20 for the next mission shouldn't be all that difficult. Then we have the low grade given to Homeland Security "C" by members of the former 9/11 commission. Even after all this time little has been done to make our country more secure.


In the end, what is a "war on terror" how can someone fight an idea? There are several hundred million muslims, and like any other religion or race some are good while others are bad. It seems we have gone to the region with a sledge hammer while in my opinion instead of large stationary operations this kind of fight calls for smaller bands such as special ops. Much like what Kerry and many others proposed earlier. You can't fight ideas with weapons. You have to win their hearts and minds - win them over. Saving your resources for al queda and his rag-tag band of nuts.



You sound like Al Gore. Win their hearts and minds? The people that want to be free of a dictator already want the same things we all do and already have here. It's the armed minority trying to control the unarmed majority that is the problem. These are the ones that need to be removed (killed). Give them their own freedom and let them control their own future. How we got in Iraq is public record yet some people refuse to believe it or accept it. Sadam got his all right. He DID use mustard gas on the Kurds in Iraq. This will be repeated at his trial for war crimes. Point being is he did have chemical weapons at one time. He wanted (and got) everyone to believe he had more and would use them again. He got his wish. Everyone believed this and deemed him a credible threat. Combine this with him kicking the weapons inspectors out and it's clear Sadam made a bad decision. Like bringing a knife to a gun fight Sadam lost.

You forget the violation of U.N. sanctions that advanced the use of force against Iraq. Since Russia and France had business deals for weapons with Sadam and they stonewalled at the U.N. we went in with a few close allies. The rest is history. It's not smart to bluff or threaten the U.S. if the current president will take action. Not lip action like some of your liberal heroes. The biggest plus besides giving the Iraqi people freedom from Sadam is shutting down the "oil for food" program that was building Sadams arsenal.

Sadam was and is still an idiot. I bet he is a Kerry / Gore supporter also!

Liberals just do not have any credibility when it comes to taking action when needed.

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dark, as I'm sure you're aware by now, arguing with Americans who are on the right side of the political spectrum is hopeless. People like cal50 are in love with death and destruction. It's evident that facts don't matter to these people; reality is whatever they say it is.

I wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. military is bombing Iran right now. And when that happens, American chickenhawks like cal, Bush, Cheney, Hilary Clinton, and the rest will be cheering on from the safety of their homes and their keyboards. It's pitiful. <_<





I agree completely. They are lacking and tend to absorb and believe as fact whatever their leaders in the "right" say. They're like some new-age version of the stepford wives.


:o :o

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How hard would it be to hide an object the size of a car inside a whole country, above or below ground? Nobody could ever find it. The peaceniks are still trying to grasp a straw made available to them by a slip of the tongue. Saddam has used WMDs before. They are there.


The World Trade Center was destroyed. An attempt was made to disable the Pentagon. An attempt was made on The White House to take out the government. Who knows what else may have been planned that day, but aborted. Some one may have been waiting in the wings to score the knock-out punch if all these attacks had been succesful. We have Achilles heels. If they were able to shut down the power grid for two weeks, it would be the equivalent of a seige; likewise with the internet. They could use germ warfare. This is not a game. These oil rich rogue regimes have to be dealt with. It is either us or them.

get over it, THERE WERE NO W.M.D. AND THERE NEVER WERE . not counting mustard gas years before. so all you rush limbaugh wannabees follow the far right just like the sheep that you are. get a life and quit listening to that bullshit on the radio quite so much. THINK, i know it is a hard concept for some of you. we are not at war in iraq, we overthrew the government, no matter how bad it was, illegally. we had no business to go there LEGALLY.

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How hard would it be to hide an object the size of a car inside a whole country, above or below ground? Nobody could ever find it. The peaceniks are still trying to grasp a straw made available to them by a slip of the tongue. Saddam has used WMDs before. They are there.


The World Trade Center was destroyed. An attempt was made to disable the Pentagon. An attempt was made on The White House to take out the government. Who knows what else may have been planned that day, but aborted. Some one may have been waiting in the wings to score the knock-out punch if all these attacks had been succesful. We have Achilles heels. If they were able to shut down the power grid for two weeks, it would be the equivalent of a seige; likewise with the internet. They could use germ warfare. This is not a game. These oil rich rogue regimes have to be dealt with. It is either us or them.



NOW you are slighting our military.....trust me if old bush can spy on americans...and see with satellites all the shit on the GROUND..they know and are not telling or there are no WMD's..period...our military is the best in the world.....alot of stuff they dont tell you about..


GUESS what there is no WMD's BUSH!


get over it, THERE WERE NO W.M.D. AND THERE NEVER WERE . not counting mustard gas years before. so all you rush limbaugh wannabees follow the far right just like the sheep that you are. get a life and quit listening to that bullshit on the radio quite so much. THINK, i know it is a hard concept for some of you. we are not at war in iraq, we overthrew the government, no matter how bad it was, illegally. we had no business to go there LEGALLY.



i aggree totally!


I think I see a pattern. According to you and your group, George Bush has never done anything right. No matter what he does, it is always wrong. He is a Harvard graduate, billionaire, and President of the United States. Either he had had a lot of luck, or else you and your group are full of shit. Hmmmmmm :P



name something that he did right for america and her citizens?



hmmm ??

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Our civilization is at stake. My ancesters came over on the Mayflower, so I have a 386 year stake. If we let those whackos use their oil profits for the next 20 years to acquire the weapons to do to us what they have promised they will do to us, that may be all right for you, but not for me. I am not going to ask the UN if I am legally allowed to defend myself.

grow up and get a life. moron. go join the military, i can tell you have never been in the service. when you get your gut full of killing and have had enough come back and tell us how you feel chickenhawk. IT WAS STILL AN ILLEGAL INVASION OF ANOTHER COUNTRY. GO ON NOW THE SHEEP HERDER IS CALLING YOU.MORON

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I am nearly 60 years old. If they would take me, I would go. My father fought for two years in the front lines in the infantry in World War Two. He was wounded twice, plus had his ear drums ruptured. He once killed an enemy German soldier way bigger than himself in a bayonet fight in Sicily. He was at Ortono and Monte Casino, helped liberate the Netherlands, France, and conquer Germany. He always told me that he fought so that I would not have to. I am Canadian, so I missed Viet Nam, but I admire all the brave troops who fought there.


It is true that I have never been in the service, but I was raised under the fallout of one who was. At age 63, he blew his brains out with a shot gun.

sorry about your dad, however, NO government has the right to illegally invade another country unless international law has been broken. which in the case of iraq it WASNT. granted saddam wasnt a nice guy, but he DIDNT BREAK INTERNATIONAL LAW. therefore illegal invasion. as far as vietnam there was another so called war that the u.s. did not have any business in. it was a civil war between the north and south, sound familiar? kinda like the u.s. had. the government of the u.s. ought to pay a little more attention to what is going on at home and quit trying to be the worlds policemen. its easy to have someone else do your killing for you. but up close and personal it gets kind of ugly. PEACE and have a good weekend.

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sorry about your dad, however, NO government has the right to illegally invade another country unless international law has been broken. which in the case of iraq it WASNT. granted saddam wasnt a nice guy, but he DIDNT BREAK INTERNATIONAL LAW. therefore illegal invasion. as far as vietnam there was another so called war that the u.s. did not have any business in. it was a civil war between the north and south, sound familiar? kinda like the u.s. had. the government of the u.s. ought to pay a little more attention to what is going on at home and quit trying to be the worlds policemen. its easy to have someone else do your killing for you. but up close and personal it gets kind of ugly. PEACE and have a good weekend.



hmmm.... very interesting how this illegal war started....bet history looks back and frowns on BUSH.....

gosh, he is such an idiot.....wish we could impeach him..... and then get our troops home before any more die......then let those guys do what they want to their OWN people...instead of ours!!

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Here's a guy...I assume...(dark270) ...who's livelihood depends on another person...Ford...allowing him to come to work only sometimes...(layoff)... Now you want the good people on this board to actually think that what you say about politics is revelant...I think you should get more education especially in history ...or maybe just listen or read more...but with an open mind...not with predetermined opinions and outcomes. If you are as "all over it " as you write...you should focus you future on public service. Myself...I'll leave the leading to the elected leaders...I believe they have MUCH more info at their disposal than you. Opinions are like assholes and you are one

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