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Because I'm sure you'd be able to memorize all of the speeches he has to make, right?



uhmm most public speaker will have a hard copy in front of them. And yes they do memorize or at least familiarize themselves witht the speech before hand. Obama, is a puppet his strings are being pulled from behind the curtain.


stand by for the NEW WORLD ORDER

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uhmm most public speaker will have a hard copy in front of them.


So what's the difference? If he does better with a teleprompter, so what? He realized his mistake so he must have been familiar with the speech...but there is no way he could do everything that he has to do any memorize all of his speeches.

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So what's the difference? If he does better with a teleprompter, so what?


Here's the difference: I've seen many great public speakers who came to the podium with a few notes or a few PowerPoint bullet points. I've seen some great speakers who didn't need any notes or visual aids at all. But what separates them from Obama is that they didn't need to read verbatim what they wanted to say, because they knew - they had already digested and internalized - what they wanted to share. And when they were speaking off the cuff or answering questions afterward, they weren't afraid of mis-speaking, because they were confident of what they knew.


By contrast, you can be sure that every word that Obama reads off his TelePrompter has been parsed and dissected by others in his administration in order to gain maximum positive effect for mass political consumption. In his defense, Obama can't possibly have internalized and gained an understanding of every aspect of every problem in our country and the world during his first 100 days in office. But it's disingenuous of him to pretend he has attained such understanding by merely reading off a TelePrompter.


When left to talk for himself, Obama sounded either stupid or like an aloof political elitist when he said last summer in a response to a question about high has prices, that people need to get their cars tuned up and inflate their tires to proper pressures. And then, later, there was the Joe-the-Plumber episode, in which he revealed his intentions to redistribute income, causing a minor bit of political discomfort. In the end, these gaffes didn't hurt him, but they caught the attention of his handlers. Thus, the TelePrompter.

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Or, he prefers the teleprompter over notes. I hate to tell you, but every political speech is vetted. Obama is no different...except he prefers a teleprompter. This is simply an attempt to make something out of nothing.

Edited by suv_guy_19
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Or, he prefers the teleprompter over notes. I hate to tell you, but every political speech is vetted. Obama is no different...except he prefers a teleprompter. This is simply an attempt to make something out of nothing.


BULLSHIT. Maybe we should go find more dumb quotes from his speeches, especially at all his campaign rallies from last year.

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Every Brit that l know talk to whether it be friend, family or workmate hate loathed Bushie not for what political party he came from but by his actions, and just about every Brit you talk to today absolutely loves Obama to bits.


Bushie help create a very unstable world, most of the world looked in and was viewing the US in the same light as a 1939 Nazi Gestapo Germany in shock and horror as place like Guantanmo Bay were set up. Britain & the USA has always viewed in treating prisoners of war with the utmost respect no matter what evil thing they had one. Most of the world looked in at an America we had not known seen before.


Gotta say l have never lived through such an Anti-American as the Bush period of time and l am very strongly Pro-American l found myself getting slated for being so.


Obama has been left the biggest mess ever known in the entire history of the planet to sort out left by the Bush administration that can't be fixed overnight.


I have gotta say never seen such a turnaround as Obamamania sweeps the globe, even my father-in-law that thought Bush/bLiar were the biggest dickheads ever to walk on planet earth and who has always been is a bit luke warm towards all things Americans even though he has owned some Classic Fords in the past now is a very big fan of Obama. He is always ranting on about the Obama family, the new dog, he even mentioned how much he liked Michelle's new sophisticated new Diana Ross bob.


Gotta say l hope he can sort out George Bushes mess because most of the world want to see him make a success of doing it and turn America and the world around to become a more peaceful world to live in, God bless America.

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Every Brit that l know talk to whether it be friend, family or workmate hate loathed Bushie not for what political party he came from but by his actions, and just about every Brit you talk to today absolutely loves Obama to bits.


Bushie help create a very unstable world, most of the world looked in and was viewing the US in the same light as a 1939 Nazi Gestapo Germany in shock and horror as place like Guantanmo Bay were set up. Britain & the USA has always viewed in treating prisoners of war with the utmost respect no matter what evil thing they had one. Most of the world looked in at an America we had not known seen before.


Gotta say l have never lived through such an Anti-American as the Bush period of time and l am very strongly Pro-American l found myself getting slated for being so.


Obama has been left the biggest mess ever known in the entire history of the planet to sort out left by the Bush administration that can't be fixed overnight.


I have gotta say never seen such a turnaround as Obamamania sweeps the globe, even my father-in-law that thought Bush/bLiar were the biggest dickheads ever to walk on planet earth and who has always been is a bit luke warm towards all things Americans even though he has owned some Classic Fords in the past now is a very big fan of Obama. He is always ranting on about the Obama family, the new dog, he even mentioned how much he liked Michelle's new sophisticated new Diana Ross bob.


Gotta say l hope he can sort out George Bushes mess because most of the world want to see him make a success of doing it and turn America and the world around to become a more peaceful world to live in, God bless America.


First of all the so-called mess by "Bushie" is preception - no? If being anti-American prevents another 911 I am cool. So the French (Iraq side deals) and Germans (what would they gain?) were not on our side...Britain, Japan, Italy, Poland etc where.


He did what was necessary IMO following a devestating attack, something that Tony Blair seemed to understand. Beyond the politising of anti-terrorist measures, extreme action is sometimes necessary. Think of it this way, Obama proposes what would otherwise be considered extreme measures to correct our US economy. Huge spending and unpresidented growth in the size of governenment in relationship to the GNP.


I believe history will prove that George Bush was correct in his foreign policy at the time, while Obama may bankrupt our nation, or turn us into a mediocre power such as France with stagnent growth, high taxes and liberal benefits for immagrents (legal or otherwise)...but you will like us more :happy feet:

Edited by Project-Fairmont
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So just when will the positive effects of the of the stimulus bill kick in?


WASHINGTON (AP) -- The pace of layoffs slowed in April when employers cut 539,000 jobs, the fewest in six months. But the unemployment rate climbed to 8.9 percent, the highest since late 1983, as many businesses remain wary of hiring given all the economic uncertainties.
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So just when will the positive effects of the of the stimulus bill kick in?



It has been less than 90 days since the bill was signed. I wouldn't expect much to have happened as of yet. 4-5 months for the projects to start and money to get moving seems about right.


As for unemployment numbers, employment is a lagging indicator on the way down and on the way back up.

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It has been less than 90 days since the bill was signed. I wouldn't expect much to have happened as of yet. 4-5 months for the projects to start and money to get moving seems about right.


As for unemployment numbers, employment is a lagging indicator on the way down and on the way back up.

So after 4-5 months and things haven't changed, what will be your excuse?

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So after 4-5 months and things haven't changed, what will be your excuse?



I don't expect I'll need one. No one with any sense expects the whole mess we are in to be cleared up in a matter of months. A lot can happen in an economy, much of it unexpected and beyond control. Do you think Bush expected or planned for the September meltdown? Do you think McCain would be doing any better right now?


Like recessions, the start of recoveries are only known months after they happen. I do think we are on the right track now. If things work out well, will you be giving credit to Obama's plan or will you have an excuse to deny him credit?

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First of all the so-called mess by "Bushie" is preception - no? If being anti-American prevents another 911 I am cool. So the French (Iraq side deals) and Germans (what would they gain?) were not on our side...Britain, Japan, Italy, Poland etc where.


He did what was necessary IMO following a devestating attack, something that Tony Blair seemed to understand. Beyond the politising of anti-terrorist measures, extreme action is sometimes necessary. Think of it this way, Obama proposes what would otherwise be considered extreme measures to correct our US economy. Huge spending and unpresidented growth in the size of governenment in relationship to the GNP.


I believe history will prove that George Bush was correct in his foreign policy at the time, while Obama may bankrupt our nation, or turn us into a mediocre power such as France with stagnent growth, high taxes and liberal benefits for immagrents (legal or otherwise)...but you will like us more :happy feet:


Gotta say l had CNBC on and was watching it as the news flashes started to come in live the wife said the first one was an accident, when the second one went in it was obvious what was happening gotta say l have never been so upset in my entire life at the senseless loss of innocent civillian life including some Muslims working in the tower as well. Afterwards l asked myself why could any scumbag stoop so low.


At first thought why could anybody commit such an evil act? What was the the motive was it Iraqi retribution for warmonger Bush seniors first Gulf War? No, it later turned out that most of the 911 bombers that flew the planes into the towers came from Saudi Arabia, so why did warmonger Bush invade the wrong country to get the bombers? Warmonger bLair also based the whole invasion of Iraq on there being "weapons of mass destruction" intelligence report that was written by a kid at university. No Weopons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq.


Folk from Europe inluding France & Germany donate millions to the 911 fund, gotta say l was lost for words when l added message to the floating candles on river at the 911 donation website.


Gotta say the whole world does like the US A LOT more now warmonger Bush has gone, Obama is trying to build bridges in the same ways as your other great US Presidents did like Ronald Reagan who killed Russia with kindness not bombs, loss of life & creation of Bushie hating martyrs.


Gotta say l am not very happy at the way the banks have been bailed out and they just keep paying themselves bigger & bigger bonuses that is just very sick and they are still looking like they will becoming back for more after the latest stress tests. Obama has been handed all this mess on a plate to sort, gotta say l would not know where to start. It must be the biggest mess handed down to somebody ever in the entire history of the planet by the most incompetent US President of all time - Bushie, he has completely buggered the whole world up.


Edited by Ford Jellymoulds
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Where is the stimulus $$ going?





and if you haven't seen it yet for every dollar the US borrows we are paying 50 cents in interest. Go Bama.


3.4 trillion budget borrowed God help us if the borrowers call in the loan.

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When inflation hits, you might as well take all the worn out dollar bills and use them for toilet paper.


I still have the pictures in my mind of the German factory workers with wheel barrows taking 4 hours of pay home at noon. Fiat money you gotta love it. I know the Gov does.

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Obama is trying to build bridges in the same ways as your other great US Presidents did like Ronald Reagan who killed Russia with kindness not bombs, loss of life & creation of Bushie hating martyrs.


Kindness and spending so much on the military that the Soviet economy couldn't keep up. That's only part of it though. Realistically, the Soviet Union was doomed to collapse under the weight of its own bureaucracy. A centrally planned economy for over a quarter billion people belonging to dozens of different ethnicities across eight and a half million square miles of territory? It was a matter of time. The Soviet economy was already in a steady decline before Reagan even took office. Reagan just helped push it over the edge.

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Gorby had a lot to do with it - he envisioned doing what China ended up doing - but there were too many hard-liners to allow that to happen and the corruption squashed it. The Chinese kept it (corruption) under control - enough to get the job started and on its way. Whether they can hold it together is another story.

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