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Tyson dropping Labor Day!


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Another example of retarded union officials!


According to Wikipedia, Labor Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September in the United States since the 1880s. The form for the celebration of Labor Day was outlined in the first proposal of the holiday—a street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations", followed by a festival for the workers and their families.




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Another example of retarded union officials!


According to Wikipedia, Labor Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September in the United States since the 1880s. The form for the celebration of Labor Day was outlined in the first proposal of the holiday—a street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations", followed by a festival for the workers and their families.




What B.S. So now the muslims get a holiday & americans have one of the longest running holidays taken away unpaid? WHERE'S THEIR UNION?!?!?!? :censored:

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I know I'm growing VERY weary of our officials in all parts of government and in any elected capacity, bowing down and accomodating foreigners...legal or not...who wish to impose their countries customs, languages, flags, and holidays on America.


Our traditions, language, etc... should be held first and foremost. If they wanted to ADD that Muslim holiday then fine, but to DROP Labor Day is just B.S.


I suppose if they voted it in, then it's their business...but a copy of that article on a different website earlier this morning, had the plant listed with 700 Muslims out of 1200 members. If that's true, then I see how it got voted in.

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The government as well would sell out. Here in Indiana we had a company called I believe Magnaquench that made magnets. Not only did they make magnets but they supplied the magnetic assemblies and magnets for the smart bombs the military uses. Well the company decided to shut down their factory in Valparaiso IN. and start making the magnets in (can you guess?) China and the military as well as the government did not protest one bit. We called our senators and congressman but absolutely nothing was done and the factory is gone as well as the technology with it. So our own military, our own tax dollars go to China with every bomb our military buys.

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Another example of retarded union officials!


According to Wikipedia, Labor Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September in the United States since the 1880s. The form for the celebration of Labor Day was outlined in the first proposal of the holiday—a street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations", followed by a festival for the workers and their families.





It takes one to call one.


You should get all the facts before name-calling. Is this what the majority of the workers wanted? Did they vote on this?


I agree with Lou Dobbs on one point: I'm opposed to anything that divides us. That includes religious holidays---ALL religious holidays.

The only way to settle this to make it fair for everyone is to do away with ALL religious holidays---Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu---all of 'em.


This event proves the old saw, "religion is divisive."


Reinstate Labor Day holiday (b/c we're ALL laborers!) and get rid of religious holidays.

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It takes one to call one.


You should get all the facts before name-calling. Is this what the majority of the workers wanted? Did they vote on this?


I agree with Lou Dobbs on one point: I'm opposed to anything that divides us. That includes religious holidays---ALL religious holidays.

The only way to settle this to make it fair for everyone is to do away with ALL religious holidays---Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu---all of 'em.


This event proves the old saw, "religion is divisive."


Reinstate Labor Day holiday (b/c we're ALL laborers!) and get rid of religious holidays.


I cannot wait until Barack Hussein Obama is president.

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Another example of retarded union officials!


According to Wikipedia, Labor Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September in the United States since the 1880s. The form for the celebration of Labor Day was outlined in the first proposal of the holiday—a street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations", followed by a festival for the workers and their families.






As I have read the posts on here and the article, the one thing you have all ignored. THE MAJORITY OF THE WORKERS wanted the holiday change. The holiday per say wont change but the day off will. I personally dont agree it should be for religous reasons, but the 700 or so workers wont be at work that day, so the Union and company agreed to work labor day and take Oct 1 off. The only thing here you are witnessing is the majority rules part of a labor agreement. I'm sure the company agreed to this only because of the 700 or so wont be at work that day. And it doesnt matter if they have sick days or not. 700 not showing up in one day is a huge labor impact on production, so they are heading off a possible work day catastrophe. Its called labor-management relations.


here come the onslaught of "company suck up" "un-American" & "un-Union" name calling at me!


Just seeing what is really there and not the hot head responce!

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As I have read the posts on here and the article, the one thing you have all ignored. THE MAJORITY OF THE WORKERS wanted the holiday change. The holiday per say wont change but the day off will. I personally dont agree it should be for religous reasons, but the 700 or so workers wont be at work that day, so the Union and company agreed to work labor day and take Oct 1 off. The only thing here you are witnessing is the majority rules part of a labor agreement. I'm sure the company agreed to this only because of the 700 or so wont be at work that day. And it doesnt matter if they have sick days or not. 700 not showing up in one day is a huge labor impact on production, so they are heading off a possible work day catastrophe. Its called labor-management relations.


here come the onslaught of "company suck up" "un-American" & "un-Union" name calling at me!


Just seeing what is really there and not the hot head responce!

I hear you. But I don't think it's going to go over to well.

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As I have read the posts on here and the article, the one thing you have all ignored. THE MAJORITY OF THE WORKERS wanted the holiday change. The holiday per say wont change but the day off will. I personally dont agree it should be for religous reasons, but the 700 or so workers wont be at work that day, so the Union and company agreed to work labor day and take Oct 1 off. The only thing here you are witnessing is the majority rules part of a labor agreement. I'm sure the company agreed to this only because of the 700 or so wont be at work that day. And it doesnt matter if they have sick days or not. 700 not showing up in one day is a huge labor impact on production, so they are heading off a possible work day catastrophe. Its called labor-management relations.


here come the onslaught of "company suck up" "un-American" & "un-Union" name calling at me!


Just seeing what is really there and not the hot head responce!

Labor Day is part of our American Heritage

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I know I'm growing VERY weary of our officials in all parts of government and in any elected capacity, bowing down and accomodating foreigners...legal or not...who wish to impose their countries customs, languages, flags, and holidays on America.Our traditions, language, etc... should be held first and foremost. If they wanted to ADD that Muslim holiday then fine, but to DROP Labor Day is just B.S.


I suppose if they voted it in, then it's their business...but a copy of that article on a different website earlier this morning, had the plant listed with 700 Muslims out of 1200 members. If that's true, then I see how it got voted in.



Like the Caucasians did to the Native Americans? :shades:


The USA is an evolving nation. As new cultures expand, new customs will bring about change.

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Like the Caucasians did to the Native Americans? :shades:


The USA is an evolving nation. As new cultures expand, new customs will bring about change.

Nonsense We as Americans should keep our time honored traditions,like Labor Day and respect our own culture and history.Billionaires will betray us,they are loyal to their own selfish interests and they love to divide ands conquer the masses and unlike the Native Americans we should be strong and fight those who will destroy our culture.The 'Balkanization' of the United States of America would be a total lack of respect for all those brave Americans who came before us and sacrificed to give us this land and way of life.ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE.WAKE UP SUBURBIA.Tyson Foods was at one time during the Clinton Administration our nations largest employer of 'illegal immigrants'.Circle the wagons!

Edited by Fatso
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I'm getting sick of seeing this, too. If I went to some of their countries and said I want you to change this and change that for me so it's more like my country, not only would I get a resounding NO, I'd probably get my head cut off. What b.s. Why does our country have to be so damn giving to everyone? It's causing divisions here. I say if you want to live here, then live with the traditions that we've established since the beginning of this country. If you don't like it, go back to your own country and it will be just the way you want it! Does all this seem insane to anyone else besides me? It's like the gay marriage thing. What the hell happened to this country????

Edited by fordguy61mi
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I love Labor Day and I believe it should be a part of us but all these people are doing is taking the same paid day on another day. If we in Louisville were asked to do this for Derby Day or Oaks it would pass in a short minute.We are already off because of the 4days but if we weren't. Whats the difference between that and what is going on in Tenn? Or if a plant in NYC,DC or Penn wanted off Sept 11 every year instead of Labor Day. As long as the employees of each plant gets to vote then who cares. Its there plant so let them decide what they want. Also, last time I checked not all Muslims hate the USA or the people that live here just like not all white people are racist or all black people steal or that all FORD employees are Lazy. We would not want people from outside our plant tell us how to run our union or tell us want to do. Just a thought ..

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I'm getting sick of seeing this, too. If I went to some of their countries and said I want you to change this and change that for me so it's more like my country, not only would I get a resounding NO, I'd probably get my head cut off. What b.s. Why does our country have to be so damn giving to everyone? It's causing divisions here. I say if you want to live here, then live with the traditions that we've established since the beginning of this country. If you don't like it, go back to your own country and it will be just the way you want it! Does all this seem insane to anyone else besides me? It's like the gay marriage thing. What the hell happened to this country????



Should we only celebrate the "White guy" holidays? :finger:


We are the "melting pot" of the world. As our demographics change, so should (...and they will) our customs need to change.


Only the ignorant are afraid of change.. :hysterical: Diversity is the spice of life. :happy feet:


"...I say if you want to live here, then live with the traditions that we've established since the beginning of this country. If you don't like it, go back to your own country and it will be just the way you want it! Does all this seem insane to anyone else besides me?..."


The Native Indians couldn't have said it better... :shades:

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Should we only celebrate the "White guy" holidays? :finger:


We are the "melting pot" of the world. As our demographics change, so should (...and they will) our customs need to change.


Only the ignorant are afraid of change.. :hysterical: Diversity is the spice of life. :happy feet:


"...I say if you want to live here, then live with the traditions that we've established since the beginning of this country. If you don't like it, go back to your own country and it will be just the way you want it! Does all this seem insane to anyone else besides me?..."


The Native Indians couldn't have said it better... :shades:



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This forum is for Ford employees only! Non-Ford employees must use the other forums. Failure to comply will result in account suspension.

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Should we only celebrate the "White guy" holidays? :finger:


We are the "melting pot" of the world. As our demographics change, so should (...and they will) our customs need to change.


Only the ignorant are afraid of change.. :hysterical: Diversity is the spice of life. :happy feet:


"...I say if you want to live here, then live with the traditions that we've established since the beginning of this country. If you don't like it, go back to your own country and it will be just the way you want it! Does all this seem insane to anyone else besides me?..."


The Native Indians couldn't have said it better... :shades:

Stand up for what you believe in no mater what it is. It mite be ignorant but so what. The first amendment gives this.

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