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Glenn Beck


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Rumors of the Republican Party's demise have been greatly exaggerated.


The same was said of the Democrat Party after the 2002 and 2004 elections. The Democrats have their Green Party, and the Republicans have their Christian conservatives.


As much as the Democrats would have you believe the "Christian Right" is killing the Republicans, they forget there are Christians in their midst, as well. It may be currently in fashion to belittle certain social values, but I can assure you that those who have them only put up with the ridicule for so long.


As far as the Republicans' future, their current exile may be enough to remind them what being a Republican is; a whole lot closer to Libertarianism than Socialism.

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"Only elitists believe shit like that": that's your opinion. You're good at that.


Anyway, a nice guy is dead, because some twisted moron hates the "Feds", and people like Glen and Limbaugh sure haven't helped, however much you want to deny it.


Did the Psychic Hotline tell you that he was killed by someone with a grudge against the federal government? Last time I checked, police had said nothing about any possible suspects or true motives. If you have solid information on a definite suspect, then please don't waste your time posting here; call the authorities investigating what happened.


It could very well be a suicide, or he could have stumbled upon a drug operation, and the people running it could have killed him to keep him quiet.


No, I mustn't. Where are the terrorists going to tune in to hear Glen or Rush or some other "loudmouth democrat"? On Al-Jazeera? :hysterical:


Or the Wahabist Weekly in Riadh?


I guess, based on your standards, we can blame the killing of a soldier in Arkansas earlier this year by a disgruntled Muslim on the rhetoric of antiwar protestors and Democrats? What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

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Of course the left hates Glen Beck. The scalps of their members are piling up around him.


The nutty Van Jones...


The corrupt group ACORN...


Yosi Sergant, the President Obama supporter who tried to turn the National Endowment of the Arts into a group shilling for the President...


They hate him because he keeps hitting his target. As with the response to the Rush Limbaugh satire - by those who claim that Limbaugh's listeners are too dumb to distinguish between a serious news story and satire, while taking Limbaugh's bait and completely missing his satire - their hysterical response is so amusing to watch.


So far, it's better than anything on television this fall.

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The Limbaugh clip about "Obama's America where black kids can beat up on white kids" is much the same thing. No grbeck, it isn't satire. It is incitement to violence. I don't know if Limbaugh is truly a racist of if he is just playing to his base, but there are people out there that he is scaring. and the left.


Nonsense. It was clearly satire.


An incitement to violence? Do actually KNOW any conservatives or Limbaugh listeners? You say this because you truly believe that Limbaugh listeners are incapable of understanding satire when they hear it.


Which, based on your reaction, is projection on your part. But some people didn't get Jonathan Swift in his day, too.


Which only proves that you need to get out more.


He is "scaring" people. Yes, and based on my experience, he is scaring provinicial, stupid people who need to get our more, because they don't know nearly as much as they think that they know.

Edited by grbeck
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"Fox has a race deck and plays the Ace of Spades everyday" Black Conservative takes on O'Reilly's defense of race baiting on Fox.




So based on that standard, it's okay to call liberals or leftists "socialists," and accuse them of supporting socialist ideas, because of the groups that they attract during THEIR protests.


For that matter, we can tar gay activists with the National Man Boy Love Association, because they have appeared at several gay pride parades.


Honesty, do you not think that these arguments can't be turned around and used against you? Do you have any idea of the wacky groups that inhabit the fringes of the left?

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I have typically found that those who quote Beck (people that I know personally) usually get their information from one source...Fox. That's not thinking for oneself.



and on the opposite side they are quoting and taking as gospel the likes of msnbc, Acorn, Apollo, the NEA, Hollywood Obaminites.


When you can't get the MSM to run a story on Acorn until the Feds get involved by pulling funds you have a problem. When you have Obama state that he wasn't aware that Acorn was getting Federal money. great googly moogly where are those liberal who are thinking for themselves. How much bull shit does one have to shovel before the truth is found.


and another damned thing, did you not notice that when Van Jones resigned, there was not one word from Obama nada, zilch. He doesn't say anything unless it's to the praises of himself. a Classic narcissist.

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I'm sorry, but racism is obviously a part of the opposition. Anyone who can't see that isn't really looking.


I never said it wasn't a part. I'm just saying it's a very SMALL part. And not a part I subscribe to. Anyone who thinks is any sort of majority, or even significant portion of the opposition is, frankly, an idiot.

Edited by NickF1011
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Nonsense. It was clearly satire.


Just because you keep saying that doesn't necessarily make it true. Accepting that it was meant as satire, it was IMO done very poorly and when viewed in the context of many of Limbaugh's past statements that were not meant as satire, (the Michael J. Fox bit, Barack the Magic Negro, etc. Limbaugh doesn't have a convincing history as a satirist.


An incitement to violence? Do actually KNOW any conservatives or Limbaugh listeners? You say this because you truly believe that Limbaugh listeners are incapable of understanding satire when they hear it.


Yes I do have friends and family who are regular Limbaugh listeners. I tune in myself when I'm on the road. Many don't see it as satire. Some who agree with Limbaugh on policy are embarrassed by this pandering to the lowest element of his audience.


Which, based on your reaction, is projection on your part. But some people didn't get Jonathan Swift in his day, too.


Your defense of him is projection on your part. Perhaps you are uncomfortable with Limbaugh stoking the coals of the racists. Swift's Modest Proposal works as satire because, even in Swift's time canabalism was an extreme taboo. Race isn't a taboo. Just look at the number of people willing to hold up clearly racist signs at the 9/12 rally.

Which only proves that you need to get out more.


He is "scaring" people. Yes, and based on my experience, he is scaring provinicial, stupid people who need to get our more, because they don't know nearly as much as they think that they know.


He certainly isn't helping them by telling them Obama's America will result in their kids getting beat up and giving voice to their fears on a national platform. The responsible thing to do is to call them out and disown the racists and nut jobs not to pretend to be one of them.



Colbert Knows Satire.



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Mark Morrow: Just because you keep saying that doesn't necessarily make it true. Accepting that it was meant as satire, it was IMO done very poorly and when viewed in the context of many of Limbaugh's past statements that were not meant as satire, (the Michael J. Fox bit, Barack the Magic Negro, etc. Limbaugh doesn't have a convincing history as a satirist.


Sorry, but you can deny it all you want, but it was satire, and the fact that people don't understand that says more about them than it does about him.


And please note that the segment, "Barack the Magic Negro," was ridiculing an editorial that had appeared in the Los Angeles Times. It was written by David Ehrenstein.


Here is what Limbaugh said about it:


On the March 19 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, host Rush Limbaugh highlighted a March 19 Los Angeles Times op-ed that described Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) as "running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination -- the 'Magic Negro'" -- a term used by critics of pop culture to describe certain benevolent African-American characters. Limbaugh stated: "The term 'Magic Negro' has been thrown into the political presidential race in the mix for 2008. And the term 'Magic Negro,' as applied to Barack Obama has been done by an L.A. Times columnist, David Ehrenstein." Limbaugh later asserted: "I'm going to keep referring to him as that because I want to make a bet that by the end of this week I will own that term," adding, "If I refer to Obama the rest of the day as the 'Magic Negro,' there will be a number of people in the drive-by media and on left-wing blogs who will credit me for coming up with it and ignore the L.A. Times did it, simply because they can't be critical of the L.A. Times, but they can, obviously, be critical of talk radio."


As usual, they fell for it. It would help if the left would stop being so predictable and so gullible. It is doing nothing for their credibility.


Mark Morrow: Yes I do have friends and family who are regular Limbaugh listeners. I tune in myself when I'm on the road. Many don't see it as satire. Some who agree with Limbaugh on policy are embarrassed by this pandering to the lowest element of his audience.


People who can discern satire tend not to be among the least intelligent members of society.


Mark Morrow: Your defense of him is projection on your part.


No, I understand satire when I see it. That generally helps.


Mark Morrow: Perhaps you are uncomfortable with Limbaugh stoking the coals of the racists.


Apparently it is now racism to use satire.


Mark Morrow: Swift's Modest Proposal works as satire because, even in Swift's time canabalism was an extreme taboo. Race isn't a taboo.


Saying that blacks can be racists, or a conservative using the tactics of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the mainstream media of pronouncing every action by a particular group as a reflection of racism in our time, IS taboo. But we are breaking down that barrier, thanks to the effective use of satire by turning those tactics against those who have used them in the past.


Mark Morrow: Just look at the number of people willing to hold up clearly racist signs at the 9/12 rally.


Just look at the amount of violence at that rally by conservatives. There were people attacking police; tear gas needed to be used...oh, wait, that was LEFTIST protestors at the G20 conference in Pittsburgh.


Here is what the Associated Press reported:


One banner read, "No borders, no thanks," another, "No hope in capitalism." A few minutes into the march, protesters unfurled a large banner reading "NO BAILOUT NO CAPITALISM" with an encircled "A," a recognized sign of anarchists.


The marchers did not have a permit and, after a few blocks, police declared it an unlawful assembly. They played an announcement over a loudspeaker telling people to leave or face arrest and then police in riot gear moved in to break it up.


Protesters split into smaller groups. Some rolled large metal trash bins toward police, and a man in a black hooded sweat shirt threw rocks at a police car, breaking the front windshield. Protesters broke windows in a few businesses, including a bank branch and a Boston Market restaurant.


But I guess it's much worse to carry a suggestive sign than it is to actually attack the police and destroy private property.


It's amusing how people get their undies in a twist over what right-wing protestors MIGHT do ("innocent until proven guilty" doesn't apply, apparently), while ignoring what left-wing protestors have actually done, or are currently doing.


Mark Morrow: He certainly isn't helping them by telling them Obama's America will result in their kids getting beat up and giving voice to their fears on a national platform. The responsible thing to do is to call them out and disown the racists and nut jobs not to pretend to be one of them.


You mean like Democrats and the left have done with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? I'm still waiting for that one.

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Which Jimmy Carter? The dementing antisemitic one cruising into senility?


Peace and Blessings


Jimmy Carter? The next time I see him on TV blabbing about something incoherent. I swear, I'm gonna be just like Roy L. Fuchs( The late Jack Warden in "Used Cars") and kick the TV square in while Carter's on it. The man is the worst president of the 20th century. THE WORST!

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Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow are no better.


While people are being distracted by useless finger pointing, bickering and hung up on Republican vs Democrat crap, both parties are running this country deeper into the dirt. God forbid these ass holes do something for the good of our country and not put their party and buddies first. Both parties are playing us all for fools. Anyone that honestly believes one party is any better than the other is living in another world.


Beck comes up with some far out crap at times but he does make some good points.


Those two douchebags you mentioned above. I don't think you can tell what gender they are in the first place!


Glenn Beck reminds me of a talk radio host and ex-Marine named Mark Scott we had in Detroit for many years. Sadly, he passed away several years ago of a heart condition. And let me tell you... From a libertarian, objective viewpoint. Glenn reminds me of him not only philosophically but has that voice that needs to be heard and was missing. But unfortunately, a lot of people not just in Detroit, but in Michigan in general are just too stupid to differentiate any difference in thought whatsoever. That's why Michigan is in the shape it's in today. Not just economically but politically.

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Sorry, but you can deny it all you want, but it was ALL satire, and the fact that people don't understand that says more about them than it does about him.


And please note that the segment, "Barack the Magic Negro," was ridiculing an editorial that had appeared in the Los Angeles Times. It was written by David Ehrenstein.


Here is what Limbaugh said about it:


On the March 19 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, host Rush Limbaugh highlighted a March 19 Los Angeles Times op-ed that described Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) as "running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination -- the 'Magic Negro'" -- a term used by critics of pop culture to describe certain benevolent African-American characters. Limbaugh stated: "The term 'Magic Negro' has been thrown into the political presidential race in the mix for 2008. And the term 'Magic Negro,' as applied to Barack Obama has been done by an L.A. Times columnist, David Ehrenstein." Limbaugh later asserted: "I'm going to keep referring to him as that because I want to make a bet that by the end of this week I will own that term," adding, "If I refer to Obama the rest of the day as the 'Magic Negro,' there will be a number of people in the drive-by media and on left-wing blogs who will credit me for coming up with it and ignore the L.A. Times did it, simply because they can't be critical of the L.A. Times, but they can, obviously, be critical of talk radio."


The rest is good too grbeck. But I would like to see Mark's comments on the above.


Peace and Blessings

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At the very heart of this issue is disbelief on the part of the left that the country is opposed to the policies they propose. When ever there is an argument regarding the direction of health care reform, the left immediately personalizes the issue to being for or against Obama, and then reflexively plays the race card.


It's like a conditioned response: ring the bell with any criticism of the direction of government, and then expect the conditioned response: you oppose Obama because he's black.

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Come on people. Must we turn this into a partisan witch hunt. Republicans and Democrats both have serious problems with their constituency. There are nut jobs on both sides. Why, because followers of the parties can't see past... the parties. Of course most of these problems exist on the fringe. However, but sides claim that the radicals are really the mainstream of the other side, while insisting that radicals in their own party are fringe. Your hypocrisy only legitimize each others ridiculous arguments.


This topic was about a Libertarian personality... really?! Yeah it was.

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and here you are preaching to us about bigotry....what a hypocrite!


Yes, I'm a bigot. My father is white, I'm half-white, my girlfriend is white. I've had girlfriends of every race and creed, yet I'm the bigot. Gotcha.


I can call someone a white guy. Or a Hispanic guy. I'm both. And the last time I checked, calling someone a white guy isn't a racial slur anyway. I also noted he is rotund, BTW.


And yes, I (and many others) would love to see a person of color (hell, any color) get the air-time Rush does crusading for the RP. And when less than what, 2% of your African American delegates show up to the RNC, you have an image problem. Rush doesn't help that image. Perception is everything in politics.


I guess you missed my conversations in the past when I asked where were all the young, educated, eloquent, able-bodied conservatives were? I think I mentioned at one point it would be great if they were even black (gasp! or another color.


The main problem I have with Rush is he is so vocal and proclaims he's the voice of the Republican Party. That's no big deal when you have a REAL voice of the RP. The problem, is the republicans DON'T have a real voice right now. I think this is the part that scares people.

Despite all his ramblings, I don't believe he is a racist. He'd probably any of his past wives for ratings, which may indeed have been the problem (aka: workaholic).


But hey, Naps..it's great how you were the only one to jump out there and toss the bigot card. I dig that. It just means all the universe is in alignment. :hysterical:


White folks that have issues with people of color are going to have a real tough time over the next 33 years as whites eventually become a minority. Just think, there may be AA for white people then. My, how times change. Please, lets not waste time adapting, let's just roll with the FEAR. We are good like that.


For the record, was it wrong to mention Rush's race, and does that mean I'm a bigot? Nope. Was it politically incorrect? Sure. Strange, most people here say how much they hate to be PC. Or does that only work from one side? Silly me, I'm on the internet. Sorry, forgot for a minute.

Edited by the_spaniard
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Yes, I'm a bigot. My father is white, I'm half-white, my girlfriend is white. I've had girlfriends of every race and creed, yet I'm the bigot. Gotcha.


I can call someone a white guy. Or a Hispanic guy. I'm both. And the last time I checked, calling someone a white guy isn't a racial slur anyway. I also noted he is rotund, BTW.


And yes, I (and many others) would love to see a person of color (hell, any color) get the air-time Rush does crusading for the RP. And when less than what, 2% of your African American delegates show up to the RNC, you have an image problem. Rush doesn't help that image. Perception is everything in politics.


I guess you missed my conversations in the past when I asked where were all the young, educated, eloquent, able-bodied conservatives were? I think I mentioned at one point it would be great if they were even black (gasp! or another color.


The main problem I have with Rush is he is so vocal and proclaims he's the voice of the Republican Party. That's no big deal when you have a REAL voice of the RP. The problem, is the republicans DON'T have a real voice right now. I think this is the part that scares people.

Despite all his ramblings, I don't believe he is a racist. He'd probably any of his past wives for ratings, which may indeed have been the problem (aka: workaholic).


But hey, Naps..it's great how you were the only one to jump out there and toss the bigot card. I dig that. It just means all the universe is in alignment. :hysterical:


White folks that have issues with people of color are going to have a real tough time over the next 33 years as whites eventually become a minority. Just think, there may be AA for white people then. My, how times change. Please, lets not waste time adapting, let's just roll with the FEAR. We are good like that.


For the record, was it wrong to mention Rush's race, and does that mean I'm a bigot? Nope. Was it politically incorrect? Sure. Strange, most people here say how much they hate to be PC. Or does that only work from one side? Silly me, I'm on the internet. Sorry, forgot for a minute.

Let me help you a little there.... you said:


But hey, Naps..it's great how you were the only one to jump out there and toss the bigot card. I dig that. It just means all the universe is in alignment



and back in post #35 you said:


And yeah, I believe there are plenty of people that would be opposed to anything Obama does because he is black. A few on this board as well, though like many bigots, don't have the guts to admit it.


Now you tell me you played the bigot card....I just called you on it... and tell me what this is all about?


White folks that have issues with people of color are going to have a real tough time over the next 33 years as whites eventually become a minority. Just think, there may be AA for white people then. My, how times change. Please, lets not waste time adapting, let's just roll with the FEAR. We are good like that.
Edited by napfirst
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Yes, I'm a bigot. My father is white, I'm half-white, my girlfriend is white. I've had girlfriends of every race and creed, yet I'm the bigot. Gotcha.


I can call someone a white guy. Or a Hispanic guy. I'm both. And the last time I checked, calling someone a white guy isn't a racial slur anyway. I also noted he is rotund, BTW.


And yes, I (and many others) would love to see a person of color (hell, any color) get the air-time Rush does crusading for the RP. And when less than what, 2% of your African American delegates show up to the RNC, you have an image problem. Rush doesn't help that image. Perception is everything in politics.


I guess you missed my conversations in the past when I asked where were all the young, educated, eloquent, able-bodied conservatives were? I think I mentioned at one point it would be great if they were even black (gasp! or another color.


The main problem I have with Rush is he is so vocal and proclaims he's the voice of the Republican Party. That's no big deal when you have a REAL voice of the RP. The problem, is the republicans DON'T have a real voice right now. I think this is the part that scares people.

Despite all his ramblings, I don't believe he is a racist. He'd probably any of his past wives for ratings, which may indeed have been the problem (aka: workaholic).


But hey, Naps..it's great how you were the only one to jump out there and toss the bigot card. I dig that. It just means all the universe is in alignment. :hysterical:


White folks that have issues with people of color are going to have a real tough time over the next 33 years as whites eventually become a minority. Just think, there may be AA for white people then. My, how times change. Please, lets not waste time adapting, let's just roll with the FEAR. We are good like that.


For the record, was it wrong to mention Rush's race, and does that mean I'm a bigot? Nope. Was it politically incorrect? Sure. Strange, most people here say how much they hate to be PC. Or does that only work from one side? Silly me, I'm on the internet. Sorry, forgot for a minute.


Too funny. I just figured out you were probably Mexican? Never put it together.


Sure is strange how you talk about the white folk and their issues and how they will have a difficult time coming to terms. But that was only odd. Your 33 year time line till take over? That clues me in a lot better as to your thinking. Glad you were able to bring your 'thoughts' into the conversation.


Peace and Blessings

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and back in post #35 you said:


Now you tell me you played the bigot card....I just called you on it... and tell me what this is all about?


Thanks nap. Good catch. Sounds like Spaniard is a little loose around the haters area. Not sure what that means. But I hate to label him even if he is OK labeling others even if it is anonymously.


Peace and Blessings

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Let me help you a little there.... you said:





and back in post #35 you said:




Now you tell me you played the bigot card....I just called you on it... and tell me what this is all about?


I'm no bigot. Period. If I threw out every racial slur for white folks and certain Hispanics (which I still havn't mind you), I could do both...I am both.


You just disagree with the situation. That's fine. You think you called me out for racism...against well, me? I don't exactly qualify for self-hating.


You are intolerant. It's why you jumped. Intolerant of anyone's opinion that is different than yours. That's why I was riding you. If you want to jump back to another of my responses to insinuate I called you a racist? (I guess that's where you are going) then please do. If I ever think you are a bigot Naps, you'll be the first to know and I will gladly tell you. I'm good like that. I'm not known for leaving much to question.

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Too funny. I just figured out you were probably Mexican? Never put it together.


Sure is strange how you talk about the white folk and their issues and how they will have a difficult time coming to terms. But that was only odd. Your 33 year time line till take over? That clues me in a lot better as to your thinking. Glad you were able to bring your 'thoughts' into the conversation.


Peace and Blessings


I had to un-iggy you to respond to this. I was thinking to myself, that after all this time, perhaps you have something to contribute to intelligent conversation not tainted by hypocrisy of biblical proportions.


BTW, it's not my 33 year time-line. It was published by the U.S. Census Bureau. And it is a possibility, given the projected Hispanic counts in this country. Nice to see your wishful thinking it was just "my thoughts", though.


I don't have a problem with it. You described it as a "take over." I didn't. That kinda says it all about your view, doesn't it?


Lastly you assume I'm a Mexican. I'd ask why, but if you want to assume someone is Mexican when their screen name is "the_spaniard", somehow I feel future communication with you would prove fruitless.


Back to iggy with you, then.

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I'm no bigot. Period. If I threw out every racial slur for white folks and certain Hispanics (which I still havn't mind you), I could do both...I am both.


You just disagree with the situation. That's fine. You think you called me out for racism...against well, me? I don't exactly qualify for self-hating.


You are intolerant. It's why you jumped. Intolerant of anyone's opinion that is different than yours. That's why I was riding you. If you want to jump back to another of my responses to insinuate I called you a racist? (I guess that's where you are going) then please do. If I ever think you are a bigot Naps, you'll be the first to know and I will gladly tell you. I'm good like that. I'm not known for leaving much to question.

Nice try...........you are just a bit self absorbed........I'll give you that.

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Is Glen Beck a patriot or a fear monger?



Yes. :hysterical:


Not that either of those is a bad thing.


It's because black people are considered first class citizens, they can say whatever they want without penalty.


Other minorities are only second class, so they can say anything as long as it's not in disagreement with a black man.


White people are third class citizens, anything we say or due is racist unless it involves accusing another white man of racism.


Wow....never heard it put that way, I agree and well said! :beerchug:

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