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Dear Negative Rep Dude

Negative Rep Dude. Why does he give negative rep?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Why does Negative Rep Dude like giving Negative Rep?

    • Makes him feel important
    • Compensation for living in mom's basement
    • Genuinely disagrees with others, but can't form sentences
    • He considers it acceptable conduct
    • He likes the color red
    • He thinks he's actually giving positive rep
    • He thinks this is one of those boards where you can gain 'power' by giving lots of rep points.
    • He's got nothing better to do.

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I started at the top and voted (-) on every post I could until I ran out of my number for the day. I only skipped the few because I have that person ignored.


Why? Because I felt like it.


Grow up, people. If you're not pissing people off, you're not expressing your opinion correctly.

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I don't know if I'm "the negative rep dude" but I have given people dings. When people are being a pompous arse, or making arguments for arguments sake, or declaring personal opinion as universal fact. I could just write a response to each and every one of those instances, but I'd rather just ding them. If the poster sees it and re-examines their post, they didn't need to be told to do so in a full response. If they start foaming at the mouth because they got a little red mark on a web forum it's exceedingly likely they'd have the same response had I written them a paragraph, so I just saved myself some time and effort. It's a like/dislike button, not a report post button.

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That's hilarious, Pioneer, given how sensitive you are about union matters.


Someone pisses you off, you should be patting them on the back for 'expressing one's opinion correctly'.


Opinions are like a$$holes. Everybody has one, and most of them stink.


I've never voted anyone down because of their expressed views on Union employees. They are entitled to their opinion, and this site has suffered the consequences of them being expressed. This site was built on true insider information. Not the kind of information that people think is insider, like what was given out by a few certain people that migrated over to GMI, but true insider stuff from the people that did test builds and worked on the floor. A few even lost their jobs because they shared what they knew here, yet a few people around here continue to piss on us. They don't come here and share anymore and neither do I.


Well, jokes on you guys. From what I can tell, the only section that generates a lot of new user traffic is the guy that tracks the customers orders. Guess what, he is an hourly guy. Make him mad and you will lose that too. I used to go into the subsections and track some orders to try to help people. To try to alleviate the stress of ordering a new car and not knowing if it was built or not, and when it was going to show up. Then I took a hard look at what was being said here and gave up. I don't visit everyday like I used to. Post far less than that too. I went four months in the summer without visiting this site, and didn't miss anything. It's the same old people arguing the same point.


But at least you guys have your positive voted reputation. Congrats for that.

Edited by Pioneer
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Maybe it wouldn't be so stinging if it wasn't shown in bright red. It looks like you would only have to override two CSS rules:


.reputation.negative, .members li.negative


background: #ccc,

color: black;


Actually, what irritates me about it is that there's no apparent thought behind it. It's like dragging a stick along a picket fence. Thok-thok-thok-thok-thok.


It is a sort of anti-discourse. A way of 'contributing' to the discussion without actually contributing anything at all. Like some guy sitting next to you blowing on a kazoo whenever you try to speak. A weak attempt at a heckler's veto.


I mean, shoot, form an opinion or a theory, and express it with reference to some solid defensible starting point. It's not hard, good grief, it should be taught in school!

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I'll admit, I've given out some negatives, but have given out far more positives. I've even offset some peoples negative posts with positives. But on those I do mark down, I quote the post and provide my rebuttal. Funny part is when the Explorer details were coming out, I saw red everywhere on my posts knocking it.


Personally, you can mark me up or down, I could care less. My experience and opinion matters much more to me than someone I don't know and will never meet giving me positive/negative rep points on the web. As others stated, you see it quite a bit on the political posts. To me, I see it more as a way of knowing how many agree/disagree with the post, not an indictment of the poster.


EDIT: Oh, and I have 44pts (positive). That's a shocker with as many times as I've been marked down.


EDIT: Well, must have received someone's negative reg point. Cause I'm now down to 43pts. OUCH!

Edited by V8-X
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